Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael"/ Excerpt @pg151/New Interview Post 3743

Re: Frank Cascio to write memoir of his friend Michael Jackson / press release at pg12 / Nov 15 ,201

J. Randy Taraborelli (book largely from tabloid sources, as listed in the back of the book.) Jermaine Jackson, Schmuley Boteach (allegedly robbed Michael, with the "Heal the Kids" Foundation. I see he's at it again?), the body-guards, and now, of course, Frank, and who's to be next? Karen Faye? The rest of the Jackson siblings? Deepak Chopra? Gotham Chopra? Hey, how about Dr. Drew? I hear that Frank DiLeo had a book manuscript ready before he died? Wonder if Michael will be mentioned (ya THINK?) How about Arnold Klein? Yuri Gellar? Oh, yeah, Kai Chase, "Fit for a King?" Right. Oh, and I forgot Ian Halperin (doubt he ever met Michael, did he?)

Michael had his staff sign confidentiality agreements for just this reason. (But, he couldn't do that with friends, or his family) Guess that doesn't apply to hairdressers and body-guards?

Of course, this library varies in quality -- but I'm buying none of it, regardless. Michael once said "My medical history is private," so of course the trial revealed intimate details -- and he would have been appalled, and embarrassed. But now, the line forms to the left. Who's next, inventing things, and revealing things, about this private, private man, who already gave us SO much?
Re: Frank Cascio to write memoir of his friend Michael Jackson / press release at pg12 / Nov 15 ,201

Why this back and forth over Frank's stupid book?

Best thing is NOT TO BUY THE BOOK... and within a week or two, just like Jermaine & Latoya, he will eventually go away. THEN..ON TO THE NEXT ONE...

Wasting time on these leeches is exhausting.
Re: Frank Cascio to write memoir of his friend Michael Jackson / press release at pg12 / Nov 15 ,201

Why this back and forth over Frank's stupid book?

Best thing is NOT TO BUY THE BOOK... and within a week or two, just like Jermaine & Latoya, he will eventually go away. THEN..ON TO THE NEXT ONE...

Wasting time on these leeches is exhausting.

Yes, it is. I don't fault anyone for buying and reading this. I mean, people are going to do what they are going to do, anyway? I guess the question to ask is, about any of this LIBRARY of books, "would Michael have wanted this? Would he approve of this?" Seems like the "setting the record straight" books are appallingly invasive of someone who tried to keep his private life. . .PRIVATE. I just find it very discouraging, and I'm sure there's a long line of this stuff to come. Probably, an endless supply of it.

Sometimes, I think "they" will NEVER "go away."
Re: Frank Cascio to write memoir of his friend Michael Jackson / press release at pg12 / Nov 15 ,201

At this point in time, Michael's use of medications have been made an issue from trial testimony and defense theory. To discuss defense theory and its affect on reasonable doubt, etc., then one is going to have to discuss Michael's use of medications; to discuss the bigger question of who has the most responsibility--the doctor or the patient, then at times you may have to discuss Michael's use of medications; and to defend Michael against the addict term, then you will have to discuss his use of medications. At this time, those are discussions going on and some people will be able to discuss such based on first-hand knowledge and others based on guesses and hearsay, and others based on partial knowledge. That is going to happen right now whether we like it or not because of the trial. That does not mean that will be his legacy because his legacy is what will outlast everything else. I have no idea that this will for the general public; perhaps for the media but time and time again, it has been proved that what the general public thinks and feels towards Michael does not go with the media's theories.

My problem with many who spoke before the trial even started and most importantly immediately after Michael's death was that there was no cause of death announced and there was no official theories from a defense team that Michael was an addict. The initial reactions were consistently how could a doctor do this; the initial focus even in the media was on Murray. Then, Joe Jackson, Leonard Rowe, Janet Jackson, Deepak Chopra, etc. decided that it was more important to discuss whether or not Michael was in need of interventions and rehab. And then, there was no turning back. At that time, there should have been no discussion of such coming from these people because at that time, it wasn't an issue. Their wordings were making it seem as if they felt an on-going, current problem contributed to his death. It is exactly how we went from Michael "still had it" when clips began emerging from TII to Michael was too frail and stressed to do 50 shows. And the comments had no motivation to explain anything other than gossip, self-glorification, and lawsuits.

And we also need to stop acting as if only things authorized or directly put out by Michael himself are things that we as fans have read or discussed concerning him. We have talked about lawsuit filings (that he did not release to us) or listened to interviews of other people discussing him versus only dealing with interviews that he gave. It really comes down to more than are they talking about Michael after his death and giving some private insight. That is what will happen concerning his craft and his personal life. That is how people will continue to get to know Michael know that he is not here. It is looking at who and why the information is put out there.
Re: Frank Cascio to write memoir of his friend Michael Jackson / press release at pg12 / Nov 15 ,201

At this point in time, Michael's use of medications have been made an issue from trial testimony and defense theory. To discuss defense theory and its affect on reasonable doubt, etc., then one is going to have to discuss Michael's use of medications; to discuss the bigger question of who has the most responsibility--the doctor or the patient, then at times you may have to discuss Michael's use of medications; and to defend Michael against the addict term, then you will have to discuss his use of medications. At this time, those are discussions going on and some people will be able to discuss such based on first-hand knowledge and others based on guesses and hearsay, and others based on partial knowledge. That is going to happen right now whether we like it or not because of the trial. That does not mean that will be his legacy because his legacy is what will outlast everything else. I have no idea that this will for the general public; perhaps for the media but time and time again, it has been proved that what the general public thinks and feels towards Michael does not go with the media's theories.

My problem with many who spoke before the trial even started and most importantly immediately after Michael's death was that there was no cause of death announced and there was no official theories from a defense team that Michael was an addict. The initial reactions were consistently how could a doctor do this; the initial focus even in the media was on Murray. Then, Joe Jackson, Leonard Rowe, Janet Jackson, Deepak Chopra, etc. decided that it was more important to discuss whether or not Michael was in need of interventions and rehab. And then, there was no turning back. At that time, there should have been no discussion of such coming from these people because at that time, it wasn't an issue. Their wordings were making it seem as if they felt an on-going, current problem contributed to his death. It is exactly how we went from Michael "still had it" when clips began emerging from TII to Michael was too frail and stressed to do 50 shows. And the comments had no motivation to explain anything other than gossip, self-glorification, and lawsuits.

A question would be, WHO "has to discuss Michael's use of medications?" Really? Michael tried so hard to separate his private and public lives. He would go in disguise to movies, and so on, and then he would also make public appearances. He tried to separate the two, but there was little or no respect for that. He tried SO hard to have a personal life, and that included peaceful time spent with friends. That was different! There is no mystery that he felt that he deserved some sort of private life. Does anyone think Michael would have approved of this book? REALLY?

Evidence presented at trial is one thing. The jury will decide. But since "use of medications" has been so graphically discussed in the trial, now the general public thinks there is some sort of RIGHT to know. And, I think there is not. I happen to think that the public does NOT have a RIGHT to know about Michael's private life, including medications. There is no "need to know," and no reason, except prurient interest. It just is whatever it is, and has nothing to do with his artistry, and his humanitarian work, or his character. We "need to know" about politics, and various types of "news." This is not "news." It's simply invasive. INVASIVE.

There apparently was no hair-tox screen done. I think that was a blunder, actually. That would have revealed extent of use of medications, over time. But, that did not happen, and now we have people crawling out of the woodwork -- discussing "drug-use." Not, his incredible artistry, his kind nature, his parenting, but the focus is overwhelmingly on DRUGS. Even if that isnt' the PRIMARY focus of Frank's book, surely he had to know that would be what was picked up on by media? What we DO know, is that Michael had no demerol in his system when he died. We do know that his family had little contact with him, and would not know if there was a "drug problem," or not. We know that to sell, a book needs "a hook" that will attract public interest (In Jerm's book, part of that was the "secret escape plan," that Michael apparently knew nothing about. But then, that part was omitted in talking head discussions, so it appeared to some people that Michael DID plan to escape. Oh, Jerm, just STFU.)

Because of the trial, and because of his so-called "friends," the "drug use" theme is overshadowing everything else. I really hope that eventually, this will balance out with discussions of his ARTISTRY. I'm not hopeful about that, though. (and what happened to privacy and HIPPA? Has not Klein violated that, terribly? His book is coming up? Probably.)

And about Frank? I think that NO, we do NOT "have a right to know." The only one who could have set the record straight is Michael, and he's not here anymore.

Enough, already. Just. . . ENOUGH. Hey, why don't these instant authors and media talking-heads just form a line at Forest Lawn, and piss on his grave? One by one? Michael didn't get much privacy in life, and apparently he won't now, either.
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Re: Frank Cascio to write memoir of his friend Michael Jackson / press release at pg12 / Nov 15 ,201

I'm gonna get bashed for this, but having read the last few pages....

You CANNOT have it both ways (and that's exactly what I've seen some do...again SOME)

You can't have disdain for the Jacksons, but in the same breath defend Frank and/or give him the benefit of the doubt. Especially when BOTH have essentially said the same thing. Mike had an issue and they tried to intervene.

I despise them equally. I think it's good that it has come out before the book is out.

So now those who do support this crap, have themselves to blame. Pathetic.

So I see Frank finally provided you guys with the hook for his book. Are those of you who were super excited about buying the still excited and cannot wait to get it into your hands.


I have been on the I am squarely against this trash.

I agree, as I said on another board it would be hypocritical of me to be mad about what Tito and Rebbie said this week, but give Frank a pass when he said pretty much the same thing. Honestly, I think that they should all be quiet at least until after the verdict.

MJ fans are nothing if not inconsistent and hypocritical.

I never intended to buy it either. I thought those who were buying it would enjoy it, because some members were contacting Frank and saying he was going to do a job fans would like. Well I am not disappointed, because it shows what we have said all along--that Michael had few true friends.

To me, if Frank knew all the pain Michael went through because of others, he should know how the media and people will twist this information to suit their purpose. Now we see that some members of Michael's family and Frank have some things in common. I wonder how much Frank has made from using Michael throughout his life?

Has fans tweeted Frank yet about this bit of betrayal.

We knew that. I believe that Cascios did all they good to stay in MJ's entourage. Many not the parents, but I believe the kids , Eddie & Frank, did all they could to break in the industry and MJ was their golden ticket.

There is a reason Frank is still chummy with MJ's enemies. Brent rather to Schmuley... He's been having it both ways for years.

He's not the first one to have fooled MJ.

Again, you are making it about terminology when in fact they have said the same thing.

BOTH have basically called him an addict, BOTH have stated or insinuated he was in denial, BOTH have stated or insinuated he had enablers, and BOTH have claimed to attempt intervening with out giving specific dates.

You CANNOT have it both ways.


J. Randy Taraborelli (book largely from tabloid sources, as listed in the back of the book.) Jermaine Jackson, Schmuley Boteach (allegedly robbed Michael, with the "Heal the Kids" Foundation. I see he's at it again?), the body-guards, and now, of course, Frank, and who's to be next? Karen Faye? The rest of the Jackson siblings? Deepak Chopra? Gotham Chopra? Hey, how about Dr. Drew? I hear that Frank DiLeo had a book manuscript ready before he died? Wonder if Michael will be mentioned (ya THINK?) How about Arnold Klein? Yuri Gellar? Oh, yeah, Kai Chase, "Fit for a King?" Right. Oh, and I forgot Ian Halperin (doubt he ever met Michael, did he?)

Michael had his staff sign confidentiality agreements for just this reason. (But, he couldn't do that with friends, or his family) Guess that doesn't apply to hairdressers and body-guards?

Of course, this library varies in quality -- but I'm buying none of it, regardless. Michael once said "My medical history is private," so of course the trial revealed intimate details -- and he would have been appalled, and embarrassed. But now, the line forms to the left. Who's next, inventing things, and revealing things, about this private, private man, who already gave us SO much?

The estate needs to step up and deal with these ex-employees. Be it Frank Cascio. Karen Faye. Bodyguards. And same for arnold klein and the doctor-patient right to privacy.
Re: Frank Cascio to write memoir of his friend Michael Jackson / press release at pg12 / Nov 15 ,201

Well said autumn. and yes its time the estate did something
Re: Frank Cascio to write memoir of his friend Michael Jackson / press release at pg12 / Nov 15 ,201

The estate needs to step up and deal with these ex-employees. Be it Frank Cascio. Karen Faye. Bodyguards. And same for arnold klein and the doctor-patient right to privacy.

SOMEBODY should! Nothing to be done about so-called "friends," but surely confidentiality agreements have been violated in terms of Karen Faye and the body-guards, and maybe Kai Chase (her cookbook?), and others to come?

Don't know who, exactly, can file a complaint for a HIPPA violation, but clearly Klein has crossed the line, badly. It's not the same for the doctors who testified in court, but Klein did NOT testify, and should shut his mouth. Just SHUT it. Patient-confidentiality is supposed to be protected by HIPPA. Why is this happening?????
Re: Frank Cascio to write memoir of his friend Michael Jackson / press release at pg12 / Nov 15 ,201

As far as I see those confidentiality agreements never prevented anybody from talking to the media - whether in Michael's lifetime or after his death.
Re: Frank Cascio to write memoir of his friend Michael Jackson / press release at pg12 / Nov 15 ,201

simple answer : Bashir interview. Michael finished his sentences as well. and we all saw what the editing did when we watched what Michael's own cameras recorded.

I have to agree with many other people's comment on this one. I don't think these two can be compared together. In Bashir's interview, if you cut out all the Bashir disgusting comment and only listen to MJ's words, I don't see any problems. The take 2 only show how sneaky Bashir is saying one things to Michael and saying different words in the documentary. I don't see too much different in MJ's parts. However, in Frank's interview, if you cut out all the media commentary and just focus on Frank's words, he did back up the Jacksons' story.
As far as I see those confidentiality agreements never prevented anybody from talking to the media - whether in Michael's lifetime or after his death.
Yeah no point having agreements if they arent sued when they break them
Re: Frank Cascio to write memoir of his friend Michael Jackson / press release at pg12 / Nov 15 ,201

some confidentiality agreements end with death of one party. there might not be grounds to sue.
Re: Frank Cascio to write memoir of his friend Michael Jackson / press release at pg12 / Nov 15 ,201

A question would be, WHO "has to discuss Michael's use of medications?" Really? Michael tried so hard to separate his private and public lives. He would go in disguise to movies, and so on, and then he would also make public appearances. He tried to separate the two, but there was little or no respect for that. He tried SO hard to have a personal life, and that included peaceful time spent with friends. That was different! There is no mystery that he felt that he deserved some sort of private life. Does anyone think Michael would have approved of this book? REALLY?

Evidence presented at trial is one thing. The jury will decide. But since "use of medications" has been so graphically discussed in the trial, now the general public thinks there is some sort of RIGHT to know. And, I think there is not. I happen to think that the public does NOT have a RIGHT to know about Michael's private life, including medications. There is no "need to know," and no reason, except prurient interest. It just is whatever it is, and has nothing to do with his artistry, and his humanitarian work, or his character. We "need to know" about politics, and various types of "news." This is not "news." It's simply invasive. INVASIVE.

There apparently was no hair-tox screen done. I think that was a blunder, actually. That would have revealed extent of use of medications, over time. But, that did not happen, and now we have people crawling out of the woodwork -- discussing "drug-use." Not, his incredible artistry, his kind nature, his parenting, but the focus is overwhelmingly on DRUGS. Even if that isnt' the PRIMARY focus of Frank's book, surely he had to know that would be what was picked up on by media? What we DO know, is that Michael had no demerol in his system when he died. We do know that his family had little contact with him, and would not know if there was a "drug problem," or not. We know that to sell, a book needs "a hook" that will attract public interest (In Jerm's book, part of that was the "secret escape plan," that Michael apparently knew nothing about. But then, that part was omitted in talking head discussions, so it appeared to some people that Michael DID plan to escape. Oh, Jerm, just STFU.)

Because of the trial, and because of his so-called "friends," the "drug use" theme is overshadowing everything else. I really hope that eventually, this will balance out with discussions of his ARTISTRY. I'm not hopeful about that, though. (and what happened to privacy and HIPPA? Has not Klein violated that, terribly? His book is coming up? Probably.)

And about Frank? I think that NO, we do NOT "have a right to know." The only one who could have set the record straight is Michael, and he's not here anymore.

Enough, already. Just. . . ENOUGH. Hey, why don't these instant authors and media talking-heads just form a line at Forest Lawn, and piss on his grave? One by one? Michael didn't get much privacy in life, and apparently he won't now, either.

Thank you.:cry:
Re: Frank Cascio to write memoir of his friend Michael Jackson / press release at pg12 / Nov 15 ,201

I did not say anyone had a right to know this or that about Michael's private business. But, if we are truly going to get to the point that all things private are off limits--then we have a lot of purging to do on this board as well as asking Michael's forgiveness for our own actions at times.

There was mention of Michael's use of disguises to help with privacy. I can recall people notifying others when Michael was spotted out in disguise. Where was the concern at that moment for his privacy. Some have been great in taking the time to read court documents about various lawsuits and keeping us updated; is she infringing upon his privacy? No. People are curious about what occurred in certain situations and look for information about it. We can't say there should have been hair tox reports released and then say there should be absolute privacy on the matter. We can't be part of the group that says it is okay when it is us doing it but not when someone else does.

Does anyone have the right to know everything about Michael Jackson. Of course not. Do I want to know anything from people who didn't know him or was hardly around him? Not really--no. But, if someone takes an issue that is now out there being bounced around with no regards to what was true or not and attempts to address it, then I am not going to get on my soapbox. Take issue with Frank's wording with the use of addict all anyone wants to do. I don't see that he was an addict in the "popular" sense of the word or any use of it at all based on factual information that we have thus far. But, I also don't think that Frank does either considering that he claims he viewed him as one of the strongest role models and influences in his life; someone doesn't get that way being an addict. Also, why not give Frank the chance to actually explain what he experienced, just as Mesereau has done when he explained what he saw (which was no indication) but states how he could understand if he was taking something? If he says this was every blue moon, doesn't that combat all the crap being put out there now.
Re: Frank Cascio to write memoir of his friend Michael Jackson / press release at pg12 / Nov 15 ,201

Memefan that siggy is oh so clever. I love it!!! Keep that marker because we will need it again and again and again!!!

Something I just thought about--it is often said that Michael had poor choices in friends or he surrounded himself with the wrong people. However, if some of us were fooled by the intentions of the same people example Frank, we can see how difficult it can be at times to find out the true intention of others. Maybe now some of us will not be so hard on Michael.

Let's face it, a family agrees to be the guest of Michael all over the world and allow Michael to visit them, does anyone think they were not getting something out of it. Please, Frank's dad was a manager and ended up with a restaurant, the children got to go all over the world and met VIP's; some of them found connections in the industry. I am sure Michael had a hand in these things and it does not always have to be money. Now that we heard the "hook" for the book I hope every one understands why this book had to be written after Michael died.

I see Frank wrote he made a promise to Michael, but didn't the rabbi say Michael wanted him to write his book too--sounds like the same kind of self-serving explanation to cover one's exploitation of another's private moments.
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Re: Frank Cascio to write memoir of his friend Michael Jackson / press release at pg12 / Nov 15 ,201

Let's face it, a family agrees to be the guest of Michael all over the world and allow Michael to visit them, does anyone think they were not getting something out of it. Please, Frank's dad was a manager and ended up with a restaurant

family's first restaurant was opened in 1983, they didn't met Michael till 1984.

also if I'm not mistaken frank's grandfather was a chef. so is his uncle and one of his brothers. It's a family business.
Re: Frank Cascio to write memoir of his friend Michael Jackson / press release at pg12 / Nov 15 ,201

. . . Let's face it, a family agrees to be the guest of Michael all over the world and allow Michael to visit them, does anyone think they were not getting something out of it. Please, Frank's dad was a manager and ended up with a restaurant, the children got to go all over the world and met VIP's; some of them found connections in the industry. I am sure Michael had a hand in these things and it does not always have to be money. Now that we heard the "hook" for the book I hope every one understands why this book had to be written after Michael died.
. . .

I'm sure they were getting something out of it--Michael's friendship. Don't you think that was enough. I think that Michael was capable of having friends that were just that--his friends. There are people who have without a doubt betrayed Michael. Why the need to get into a ranking of everyone in his life. They had that friendship with him--not us. They have a right to decide if they now want to discuss that friendship. That doesn't make their friendship fake.
Re: Frank Cascio to write memoir of his friend Michael Jackson / press release at pg12 / Nov 15 ,201

family's first restaurant was opened in 1983, they didn't met Michael till 1984.

Ivy, we all love and appreciate your hard work.

But one favour ...Next time you talk with frank, please tell him to shove his book down his throat and disappear.

We all know, only fans are likely to purchase this self-serving book. I think we (fans, bloggers) should get an information campaign going, asking fans not to support his book.
Re: Frank Cascio to write memoir of his friend Michael Jackson / press release at pg12 / Nov 15 ,201

I'm sure they were getting something out of it--Michael's friendship. Don't you think that was enough. I think that Michael was capable of having friends that were just that--his friends. There are people who have without a doubt betrayed Michael. Why the need to get into a ranking of everyone in his life. They had that friendship with him--not us. They have a right to decide if they now want to discuss that friendship. That doesn't make their friendship fake.

There aren't only rights. There are also obligations. In this case we are not discussing anyone's right, but ethical obligation for Michael's dignity.
Re: Frank Cascio to write memoir of his friend Michael Jackson / press release at pg12 / Nov 15 ,201

Ivy, we all love and appreciate your hard work.

But one favour ...Next time you talk with frank, please tell him to shove his book down his throat and disappear.

We all know, only fans are likely to purchase this self-serving book. I think we (fans, bloggers) should get an information campaign going, asking fans not to support his book.

Sorry I won't. I read Jermaine's book even though I don't like him, I read Latoya's book even though she literally drives me crazy. I watched Gest's documentary even though I can't stand him. I gave everyone a chance to explain themselves.

I will give Frank the benefit of the doubt and buy and read his book. I really do not want to be a part of this premature hate and lynching. and honestly I hate when people rush to judge people and even continue to hang them without listening to them and trying to learn more and evaluate them fairly. How is that any different than how any media treated Michael?

I reserve my opinion. It can be good , it can be bad. But at least when I form my opinion good or bad I would be able to say, "I waited, I listened to him and I read what he had to say". I won't be a part of any campaign that starts before the book release. I will not promote it until I read it, I will not be against it until I read it. I believe this to be the right thing to do.
Re: Frank Cascio to write memoir of his friend Michael Jackson / press release at pg12 / Nov 15 ,201

Bumper thank you. No one is talking about "fake" but the "intentions" of some people.

Ivy I saw your comment, but when Michael met daddy Cascio, he was a manager in the hotel Michael was staying in. If that is incorrect, then it is my mistake, and I still say they got something out of this great "friendship" including private information that can be used to write a book my friend Michael Jackson.

PS: Ivy you interest me. This is the first time I see you go all out about a person's product. Do you think it has something to do with the fact that you befriended Frank and you do not want to feel let down that he did not use his best judgment in giving that interview at this time?

I know you have read a bunch of trash material in order to give us the information out there, and I always admire you for that and will continue to admire you. It is just curious that when some members were being critical of other music/books you did not go all out batting for the owner of the product like you are doing now. What do you think?
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Re: Frank Cascio to write memoir of his friend Michael Jackson / press release at pg12 / Nov 15 ,201

REAL TRUE and HONEST FRIENDS of Michael WOULDN'T write a book. The REAL one's dont feel the need to put their friendship that they had with Michael in print for the world to read. The REAL one's will just cherish the friendship that they DID have with Michael and let it go at that, If they feel the need to write it all down someplace just to get it out,,,,,then let them write it in a damn diary,..with a lock and key, REAL friends of Michael dont need to profit off of him.
Re: Frank Cascio to write memoir of his friend Michael Jackson / press release at pg12 / Nov 15 ,201

Sorry I won't. I read Jermaine's book even though I don't like him, I read Latoya's book even though she literally drives me crazy. I watched Gest's documentary even though I can't stand him. I gave everyone a chance to explain themselves.

I will give Frank the benefit of the doubt and buy and read his book. I really do not want to be a part of this premature hate and lynching. and honestly I hate when people rush to judge people and even continue to hang them without listening to them and trying to learn more and evaluate them fairly. How is that any different than how any media treated Michael?

I reserve my opinion. It can be good , it can be bad. But at least when I form my opinion good or bad I would be able to say, "I waited, I listened to him and I read what he had to say". I won't be a part of any campaign that starts before the book release. I will not promote it until I read it, I will not be against it until I read it. I believe this to be the right thing to do.

^^^^But the line must be drawn somewhere.........

But you gotta understand why fans are angry.........
......Michael endured so many insults and accusations but only very few came to his defence.......
......And now everybody comes forward to defend him.....but it's just too late......

This book might be the best book written about Michael.........but what's the point?......we already know how brilliant Michael was/is/will always be!!!
Re: Frank Cascio to write memoir of his friend Michael Jackson / press release at pg12 / Nov 15 ,201

Sorry I won't. I read Jermaine's book even though I don't like him, I read Latoya's book even though she literally drives me crazy. I watched Gest's documentary even though I can't stand him. I gave everyone a chance to explain themselves.

I will give Frank the benefit of the doubt and buy and read his book. I really do not want to be a part of this premature hate and lynching. and honestly I hate when people rush to judge people and even continue to hang them without listening to them and trying to learn more and evaluate them fairly. How is that any different than how any media treated Michael?

I reserve my opinion. It can be good , it can be bad. But at least when I form my opinion good or bad I would be able to say, "I waited, I listened to him and I read what he had to say". I won't be a part of any campaign that starts before the book release. I will not promote it until I read it, I will not be against it until I read it. I believe this to be the right thing to do.

Very true.

i didn't mean you should't get it... you are our resident reviewer, so yes, fair enough for you to get this latest book.

But i don't think other fans should get it... out of respect for MJ.

I feel so dirty right now..because i've defended the Cascios, many times, against attacks. But they are the rest of them.
Re: Frank Cascio to write memoir of his friend Michael Jackson / press release at pg12 / Nov 15 ,201

Krishna I agree. What people tend to forget, including authors, is that when you have a book with a purpose, if you put in one distracting element that the media could run with, the book then looses that purpose. It becomes the book that shows whatever the distracting element is. This happened to Jermaine, for example, with "the plan." The media forgot all the other good things about Michael he wanted to address, and ran with the distracting element. Sometimes these elements are intentional and Frank's hook, to me, was an intentional piece of information to gain popularity for the book. Of course this is geared toward those who like scandalous information, and are motivated to buy books with this type of hook.
Re: Frank Cascio to write memoir of his friend Michael Jackson / press release at pg12 / Nov 15 ,201

Ivy I saw your comment, but when Michael met daddy Cascio, he was a manager in the hotel Michael was staying in. If that is incorrect, then it is my mistake, and I still say they got something out of this great "friendship" including private information that can be used to write a book my friend Michael Jackson.

you are correct that he was a manager in the hotel. What I'm saying is that their family had chefs and working in other people's restaurants before Michael and they started their own restaurant before Michael as well. It's not like Michael bought them a restaurant and they turned into entrepreneurs. They had been doing this for generations and worked for decades in other people's restaurants before they started their own. They kinda deserve credit for that. Not everything is a product of Michael's money.

PS: Ivy you interest me. This is the first time I see you go all out about a person's product. Do you think it has something to do with the fact that you befriended Frank and you do not want to feel let down that he did not use his best judgment in giving that interview at this time?

how do you define friendship? Yes I have the ability to communicate with Frank but I don't think that classifies as a friendship. I already wrote down that I didn't agree with the word "addict" so it's not like I agree with everything without questioning. If I like something I'll say it, If I don't I'll say it as well. Actually I even told Frank that I don't agree with the use of the word "addict".

I know you have read a bunch of trash material in order to give us the information out there, and I always admire you for that and will continue to admire you. It is just curious that when some members were being critical of other music/books you did not go all out batting for the owner of the product like you are doing now. What do you think?

Actually I would disagree with this. If you go to JRT threads I have posts that's against the common opinion and that states that I believe him to be in communications with Michael - and I surely didn't befriend JRT. Although reactions to Jermaine's book has been initially negative as seen as a money grab , and even though I had personal interactions with Jermaine and his wife Halima on twitter which wasn't that friendly I gave the book okay to above average reviews. I have posts on this board about Vogel's Earth song during the argument about JWs and that was supportive of Joe as well.

I'm not saying I'm perfect or I'm not biased but I'm sure trying my best to be as objective as possible and give everyone a chance.

What perhaps affects my behavior is not my "friendship" with Frank or such , it's a personal thing. I came to US as an immigrant and after 9/11 I was judged, condemned and hanged due to my religion and nationality. Seeing people play judge, jury , hangman before listening to everything is what I cannot wrap my head around.

I can hate the book when I read it and you can be sure that I'll openly say it if that's the case. And I'm okay with people equally hating the book and/or not buying it. What I'm saying is that this listening to only a 3 minute interview, without asking him what he meant, without giving him chance to explain himself seems like premature lynching to me. and I'm personally not comfortable with it.
Re: Frank Cascio to write memoir of his friend Michael Jackson / press release at pg12 / Nov 15 ,201

Very true.

i didn't mean you should't get it... you are our resident reviewer, so yes, fair enough for you to get this latest book.

But i don't think other fans should get it... out of respect for MJ.

I feel so dirty right now..because i've defended the Cascios, many times, against attacks. But they are the rest of them.

But, if the book is wrong to be out there, why would anyone here want a review of it and to know what is in it? People are calling this family "rats" or not true friends because of what? If we learn that Michael really disappointed someone and truly let them down, would he then become a rat also and never really valued that friendship either. So, was Whitney Houston and Gladys Knight rats because they talked about conversations they had with Michael or time spent with Michael during the accusation/trial period? Are people on this board ready to say they no longer want to hear anything information about Michael that is not already available prior to his death? It sounds like that is what people want.
Re: Frank Cascio to write memoir of his friend Michael Jackson / press release at pg12 / Nov 15 ,201

Sorry I won't. I read Jermaine's book even though I don't like him, I read Latoya's book even though she literally drives me crazy. I watched Gest's documentary even though I can't stand him. I gave everyone a chance to explain themselves.

I will give Frank the benefit of the doubt and buy and read his book. I really do not want to be a part of this premature hate and lynching. and honestly I hate when people rush to judge people and even continue to hang them without listening to them and trying to learn more and evaluate them fairly. How is that any different than how any media treated Michael?

I reserve my opinion. It can be good , it can be bad. But at least when I form my opinion good or bad I would be able to say, "I waited, I listened to him and I read what he had to say". I won't be a part of any campaign that starts before the book release. I will not promote it until I read it, I will not be against it until I read it. I believe this to be the right thing to do.

You know we're humans, not robots. It IS ok to change one's opinion. In French we say "only idiots don't change their opinions".
Re: Frank Cascio to write memoir of his friend Michael Jackson / press release at pg12 / Nov 15 ,201

You know we're humans, not robots. It IS ok to change one's opinion. In French we say "only idiots don't change their opinions".

and I didn't say anything to the contrary. I even wrote that my opinion can change after I read the book. It's only natural.

I just say that judging (and even hanging) a 300+ pages book by looking to a 3 minute TV interview is premature.

and if we are valuing objectivity we should give that chance to everyone. It's no different than me having 2 public disagreements with Jermaine on Twitter yet still buy his book and give it a positive review. That's what an objective fair review should be like in my book.
Re: Frank Cascio to write memoir of his friend Michael Jackson / press release at pg12 / Nov 15 ,201

Sorry I won't. I read Jermaine's book even though I don't like him, I read Latoya's book even though she literally drives me crazy. I watched Gest's documentary even though I can't stand him. I gave everyone a chance to explain themselves.

I will give Frank the benefit of the doubt and buy and read his book. I really do not want to be a part of this premature hate and lynching. and honestly I hate when people rush to judge people and even continue to hang them without listening to them and trying to learn more and evaluate them fairly. How is that any different than how any media treated Michael?

I reserve my opinion. It can be good , it can be bad. But at least when I form my opinion good or bad I would be able to say, "I waited, I listened to him and I read what he had to say". I won't be a part of any campaign that starts before the book release. I will not promote it until I read it, I will not be against it until I read it. I believe this to be the right thing to do.
Agreed! I'm upset with Frank about this 'drug addict' crap just like with the Jacksons. But like you said, I'll have to wait for Frank to explain himself first before I start attacking him.