The verdict thread .. GUILTY.. Murray remanded without bail

  • Thread starter elusive moonwalker
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Over the moon with the verdict, bet Dr cocky is not feeling so cocky tonight. On the phone yesterday to my son he told me it will work out OK, he sent me a text after the verdict just three words........Guilty, Cuffed and Inside, That said it all for me.
To Mr Walgren and Ms Brazil.....Mission Accomplished....'Thank You Both so much.'
Dr. Alon Steinberg was just on HLN in his first exclusive interview.

Oh man, I just caught that at the very last, but I so wished he did'nt chose that witch to speak to as his first interview. This is all some entertainment saga for Jane Velez-Mitchell, can't stand her, especially her shrieking voice!

Did you all see the footage of Murray coming from church yesterday? man oh man, his prayers surely went unanswered!lol
He was in church yesterday? Thx God I ddidn't see that, but guys do u remember when he went to his Houstonn church, a year or so? That was something.
Has it been said if the jurrors are gonna talk at all or just not today?

it's their individual decision from now on.

Just heard that at the sentencing hearing on 29 Nov Joe and Katherine get a chance to address the court AND his children also...

what does that mean?

It's called a victim impact statement. They will tell how they were affected by Michael's death and probably ask for the highest sentence.

and just because I wanna see Walgren's smile:

Ooh, I am so happy to say that creepo, arrogant defense "expert" guy Richard Herman from HLN was WRONG about his not guilty verdict. :D
Erin Jacobs from Justice4MJ was also on HLN fighting on air with a Murray supporter. The CRAZY Murray supporter was saying someone else was hiding in the house that killed MJ. Erin called him an "IDIOT" lol
Dr Murray taped an interview for NBC today show. He said MJ was begging, pleading for the milk. Sorry if this is old news.
someone just pointed this out on another board

I just realized this is the first time ever someone is behind bars for doing Michael wrong.
So many got away with committing crimes against him.

this is really true
Dr Murray taped an interview for NBC today show. He said MJ was begging, pleading for the milk. Sorry if this is old news.
I hope that constant smirk and arrogance on his face will be gone, when we see him again on Nov 29, after three weeks of jail and maybe some 'Bubba love''
I hope Pastor sees this interview of Murray, and gives him the maximum sentence
DR. MURRAY 1st Meal Behind Bars -- Super Cheeeesy

He's barely been locked up a couple hours -- but TMZ has learned, Dr. Conrad Murray has already been offered a delicious sacked lunch behind bars ... including jailhouse-baked cookies.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, Murray's first meal contained a cheese sandwich, some fruit punch, a few carrot sticks, and some homemade Oreo-knockoff cookies ... baked in the jail's own bakery.

No word on whether Murray actually ate any of it, but we're guessing he didn't have much of an appetite.
they said on Anderson cooper judge pastor would very likely sentence him to 4 years in prison but due to new laws he will go to county jail thus his fate would be determined by the sheriff not the judge .
it's hilarious to hear all these clowns in the media express how ''shocking'' and/or ''unfair'' the verdict is, when anyone who even paid an ounce of attention can tell right away, that there is nothing unjust or shocking about this verdict.
I mean common sense told us this would be the verdict, we were only fearing; biased jurors and media brainwashing, but we never doubted the strength of the prosecutions case.
Erin Jacobs from Justice4MJ was also on HLN fighting on air with a Murray supporter. The CRAZY Murray supporter was saying someone else was hiding in the house that killed MJ. Erin called him an "IDIOT" lol

I saw that. Erin is a feisty one lol. That Murray supporter actually accused her of being paid by MJ fan clubs to be there.
Dr Murray taped an interview for NBC today show. He said MJ was begging, pleading for the milk. Sorry if this is old news.

Watch him play the pity party. It just irks me whenever I hear him say 'Michael begged him for the propofol'...his ass was the doctor, he should've said no and sought the appropriate help for Michael, but noooooo, the money was just too enticing, ethics and sensibilities be damned!

BTW.....I most certainly would like to know who this doctor was that put this idea into MJ's head that this was okay to do once he's being monitored.

My next worry will be the sentencing, 'cause all I keep hearing about in the media right now is that he may not even serve any prison time which would upset me greatly! I'm feeling kinda numb right now.....
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@Ivy, I have a question, now that we know Murray gave an interview during the trial (while awaiting the verdict), didn't he directly violate the courts order? Didn't Judge Pastor put a gag order on this case? Won't Murray giving an interview with the trial still ongoing have any kind of consequences for him? Regardless of when it's aired?
Brian Oxman makes me think that he is happy for the verdict because it may help his civil lawsuit; I would hate to think that was the primary reason anyone would have wanted a guilty verdict but it is what I am thinking listening to him.

Really???? This will be shown on tv? :unsure:

Savannah Guthrie formerly of court TV, and now legal analyst of the today show taped the interview before the verdict. It's november sweeps, so this interview will probably drag on and on.
Savannah Guthrie formerly of court TV, and now legal analyst of the today show taped the interview before the verdict. It's november sweeps, so this interview will probably drag on and on.

Oh her... I remember her! She became Diane's Dimond pet! Boy, did Savannah Guthrie turned in the end she is whack. So no surprise she would give Murray any time to defend what just can't be. -_-
Sold your medical oath
Sold your ability to tell right from wrong
Sold your ability to tell the truth
Sold your ability to maintain a doctor\patient relationship

Sold your soul

For 150,000.00/month and then you took their life.

Hope you enjoy THANKSGIVING IN JAIL....A$$$HOLE!! for restraining not for comfort. Better get use to them.

Lord have mercy
Lord have mercy
Lord have mercy
