Paris Jackson Rushed to Hospital After Possible Suicide Attempt

Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Nany Grace is back

Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

^^ So the birth of Prince was a "PR stunt" to divert attention from the allegations? Jesus! Do these people hear themselves sometimes?

It's so ironic, because they act all intellectual about analyzing the situation - while they only showcase that they are such a big part of the problem!

I was going to comment on that too. Look at this: When Paris Katherine was born on Neverland ranch, Michael Jacksons' estate and private amusement park in California where he re-wrote his own battered childhood, the family breathed a collective sigh of relief. There had been speculation that the singer's first child, Prince Michael , born in February 1997 to Debbie Rowe his former nurse, had been a PR stunt to divert attention from a first wave of child-abuse allegations swirling around him.

By the bolded he is implying the family was relieved too due to the speculation about Prince. Is this person getting this from a source in the family or simply writing tabloid ideas that media created years ago? It is a shame though, because Michael always talked about wanting children, & his family knows that so why should they give a collective sigh of relief. I notice he quotes LaToya a lot. Latoya talks about Paris' lungs, but was she really close to Michael at that time.

This report is an expose of the comments from various family sources. Has anyone noticed that all these articles whether tabloid or better pedigree papers are simply doing write ups of the family sources statements that they feel most comfortable with? Then they add their own little critiques & call it a wrap. There is no concrete information from the guardian or child. Yet we have several articles all pretending that what the sources say is the truth.
jamba;3841314 said:

It seems likely that Paris's crisis is a ripple caused by the vaster pain of her father, who arranged for her birth under curious circumstances and left her life before she was ready.

Michael Jackson was one of those performers like Judy Garland, Marilyn Monroe or Amy Winehouse (come to think of it, they are usually women), whose inner suffering is so great, their fairytales so poisoned, that they are lifted beyond normal fame into a sort of immortal stardom. It's the combination of pain and talent that makes them fascinating and unforgettable. It's the evident fragility, within the fortress of success, that lets us in to empathise and care.

There is a tragic pantheon of stars whose music or acting is powerfully communicative because, one suspects, they are unable to communicate in the normal way, with the people around them. They self-medicate with drugs. They reach desperately for love from a million unknown strangers – and thus get it, though it never fulfils.

It seems likely that Paris's crisis is a ripple caused by the vaster pain of her father, who arranged for her birth under curious circumstances and left her life before she was ready.

more blaming MJ--will they ever stop???

Jamba that pissed me off too. then when she wrote how he was loved by his kids but it was too late, and the part about the curious circumstances, I saw red. It seems she sits on a high pedestal and looks down and judges. Then she begins her rant with a focus on beauty and superficial nonsense and trivializes this very tragic situation. Yes, I know she wants to show that some will think that what Paris has would make every girl happy. However, I really don't want to hear that now, especially since she did not give any serious thought to the possible causes of teen suicide. I am not up with the scholarly publications on teen suicide, but I would think most teen suicide is not due to wanting the beauty of another. Her whole article was a kick in the butt to Michael, and seriously myotosis I don't know why you wrote that someone pointed out that the second article you posted was better. To me they are in the same "bad group."

Please can we have an article where someone puts this tragedy in the proper social context and gives it the serious analysis that it needs--something like the Billy Bush comment, but more meat to it.

Now I see the later articles are now focusing on Michael's death as a cause, (because they are all ignoring the big silver elephant in the room) but why nothing happened in 2010, 11, 12. I would think the 1st year anniversary of the death would be the breaking point, or father's day, Christmas, or the first major holiday in which Michael did something special with the kids. I noticed that one of my clients lost her mom and grandmother last September & October, and when I went to her home on the Monday after Mother's day this year, she was crying and grief stricken. In fact the week before mother's day she started the crying, telling me stories about them, and getting depressed.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

The media are as obsessed with mjs kids as they were/are with him..and that is one of the reason that led to what paris did. they
are part of the problem and their obsession with such young kids because they lost the whipping boy is frankly sick and scary. they will go after the kids like they did mj

Frankly, I find it quite shocking to see how the media report on this tragic event. No morals, no ethics, no compassion at all. Saying a child who attempted suicide is just an "attention-seeker" and "into the drama" is considered perfectly acceptable. Publishing pictures of Paris from inside the hospital, talking to school officials about her problems, releasing the 911 call to her house, it seems there are no boundaries to how the media exploit this situation.

This has nothing to do with freedom. A lot of countries provide the exact same freedom and privileges that the US does but their media don't take advantage of it to this extreme. My country ranks #2 in the world in press freedom (compared to #32 of the US) but there is no way something like that could ever happen here. You know why? The public will not accept it*. That's all there is to it. There is no need to ban unnamed or paid sources as someone suggested, all it takes is the public to say "enough is enough!" The American public should actively protest the way the media exploit tragic situations like these and stop lining their pockets. Like Michael said: "if you don't go and buy it, then they won't glorify it / to buy it is to feed it".

*I'm reminded of an example. Two years ago, there was a major airplane crash in Tripoli that killed 104 people, 71 of whom were Dutch. The only survivor was a 9-year-old boy named Ruben, who miraculously only suffered minor injuries to his legs. He lost his parents and brother in the crash. A few days after the accident, a journalist from a major Dutch newspaper (with a 'tabloid' reputation) managed to contact Ruben in the hospital and asked him how he was doing. He said his legs hurt. As soon as the newspaper published this "interview", there was a storm of criticism because people felt it was way out of line. Thousands of people cancelled their subscriptions, the newspaper issued an apology online the same day and on the front page of the printed newspaper the next day, the Dutch Union of Journalists and the Council of Journalism organised a public debate about the ethical boundaries of journalism, etc. That's how you handle this.
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Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

LindavG I have to agree with you about the media, and they are the same ones to moralize about Michael's behavior and Debbie's pregnancies--unbelievable. I think something will be done, when some higher up, really has something horrible happen to him due to media behavior, but then maybe not.

After 9/11, some terrorists claimed they learned a lot about where to strike and our technologies because the US media blab everything, but did that make the media act more judiciously? No. They still ran around video taping our tunnels, spots under the seat in the train, etc., to show people where terrorists could hide bombs days after 9/11. I don't think the President told them anything, and I can't remember people giving an outcry about it.

Last month I heard on the radio in the cab this reporter from the New York Times talking about his work in Washington. It seems he writes about information involving the Presidents, Congress, Defense. He was asked what is the protocol when he finds out information that may put the country at risk. He claims that sometimes he is told by the respective US administrators not to print something because it would harm the relationship between the US and the particular country, because the country would be embarrassed. He claimed that NYT does not care about that. They believe their job is to give the public the news. So there you have it.

Maybe, if they print something & the country is attacked and they can show a direct connection between the two, then somebody will come to their senses.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

I'm glad that Debbie is bonding with Paris. This shouldn't turn into a hate Debbie page. We can only be grateful that MJ didn't have children with his first wife who boldly told the national tv audience that under certain circumstances, she would "hang him from a tree" (meaning MJ). Debbie is well educated, not perfect, a hard worker and saved MJ in 2005. MJ was lucky to have Debbie in his life and vice versa.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Jamba that pissed me off too. then when she wrote how he was loved by his kids but it was too late, and the part about the curious circumstances, I saw red. It seems she sits on a high pedestal and looks down and judges. Then she begins her rant with a focus on beauty and superficial nonsense and trivializes this very tragic situation. Yes, I know she wants to show that some will think that what Paris has would make every girl happy. However, I really don't want to hear that now, especially since she did not give any serious thought to the possible causes of teen suicide. I am not up with the scholarly publications on teen suicide, but I would think most teen suicide is not due to wanting the beauty of another. Her whole article was a kick in the butt to Michael, and seriously myotosis I don't know why you wrote that someone pointed out that the second article you posted was better. To me they are in the same "bad group."

Please can we have an article where someone puts this tragedy in the proper social context and gives it the serious analysis that it needs--something like the Billy Bush comment, but more meat to it.

Now I see the later articles are now focusing on Michael's death as a cause, (because they are all ignoring the big silver elephant in the room) but why nothing happened in 2010, 11, 12. I would think the 1st year anniversary of the death would be the breaking point, or father's day, Christmas, or the first major holiday in which Michael did something special with the kids. I noticed that one of my clients lost her mom and grandmother last September & October, and when I went to her home on the Monday after Mother's day this year, she was crying and grief stricken. In fact the week before mother's day she started the crying, telling me stories about them, and getting depressed.

I didn't interpret it that way at all. I thought the article was quite fair and balanced overall. The reason she mentions beauty and other superficial things is exactly to point out how ignorant it is to think these things automatically make a person happy.

I definitely think Michael's death is at the root of all this. Perhaps she's only now starting to process it and the AEG trial is bringing back memories. No doubt Wade's allegations and the related bullying also played a part, and who knows what else she's dealing with.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

I didn't interpret it that way at all. I thought the article was quite fair and balanced overall. The reason she mentions beauty and other superficial things is exactly to point out how ignorant it is to think these things automatically make a person happy.

I definitely think Michael's death is at the root of all this. Perhaps she's only now starting to process it and the AEG trial is bringing back memories. No doubt Wade's allegations and the related bullying also played a part, and who knows what else she's dealing with.

Yeah I thought some would not agree with my take on that article. When you say it is balanced--balanced in what? maybe it would be good for middle school kids. I see it as a fluffy piece & not something with any depth, and it lacks maturity, especially in light of the seriousness of the issues involved. However, that is just the way my head works.

I don't think Paris tried to kill herself this week because Michel died in 09. No. If you say to me that a number of things including his death all came together and overwhelmed her then I could see that happening. I feel issues involving her environment caused the problem, and she was placed in that situation because her dad is not here. It is just that they are now focusing on Michael as the cause and neglecting the other main problems, which I don't think is right. However, that is the way the media works. I also think when Paris talks about this, because she is going to do some interview again, she will not say the actual issues. She will say what makes her family look good. I expect when the siblings speak about it too, they will all tend to say the same thing. It will all be due to some outside agent.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Her drive is as strong as Joe's ever was IMO. They have a habit of using their kids/grandkids to support them--they like to be showbiz managers, not parents or guardians. The social servives, child protection, probate court all need to focus on how the kids have been used to bring in the bucks, even when KJ is living in a gorgeous house with all her needs taken care of. They need to see this and act to put a lockdown on any of the kids being used for money-making activities, media promotion etc.

I hope something is done about this. I can already see the Gary, Indiana promoters already thinking of ways of using Paris during MJ week in late August.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Grace could be what she needs right now. And plus some of the siblings don't like her so she must stay for that
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

I hope something is done about this. I can already see the Gary, Indiana promoters already thinking of ways of using Paris during MJ week in late August.

Gee I wonder if they will have the Gary thing this year. Last year was granny napping. She has a month and a half to get stronger, so I wonder if they will ask her to do the games in Gary this year.

Justthefacts someone said that the kids do not like Grace. I don't know if that is true. Plus Grace can't stay visible because she was being sought by the lawyer to give evidence. I think he said he could not find her and did not know where she was, but how hard was he hiding if she showed up the day after hospitalization.

Grace is pretty.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Yeah I thought some would not agree with my take on that article. When you say it is balanced--balanced in what? maybe it would be good for middle school kids. I see it as a fluffy piece & not something with any depth, and it lacks maturity, especially in light of the seriousness of the issues involved. However, that is just the way my head works.

Maybe you see it as a fluffy piece for middle school kids because it describes the way those kids think about happiness. The author is mature enough to recognise that this view of happiness is superficial and uses Paris - someone who has beauty, youth, wealth and fame - as an example.

The article is balanced because it doesn't show a clear bias towards Michael or Paris. I've read it again and can't find anything objectionable. Michael did arrange Paris' birth under curious circumstances, he did leave her life before she was ready, he was lifted beyond normal fame into immortal stardom partly because of his combination of pain and talent, etc. I don't understand why anyone would get offended when this is pointed out.

I don't think Paris tried to kill herself this week because Michel died in 09. No. If you say to me that a number of things including his death all came together and overwhelmed her then I could see that happening. I feel issues involving her environment caused the problem, and she was placed in that situation because her dad is not here. It is just that they are now focusing on Michael as the cause and neglecting the other main problems, which I don't think is right. However, that is the way the media works. I also think when Paris talks about this, because she is going to do some interview again, she will not say the actual issues. She will say what makes her family look good. I expect when the siblings speak about it too, they will all tend to say the same thing. It will all be due to some outside agent.

It's all speculation at this point but I believe Michael's death and the things directly related to it (guardianship, AEG trial, media attention) played a major role in her decision to attempt suicide. I get the feeling that she's never really dealt with his death and she's only now starting to process it.
Katherine Jackson Looks Somber after Church Paris Is Moved tSame Hospital Where Her Father Michael Passed Away

PUBLISHED: 16:44 EST, 9 June 2013 | UPDATED: 17:52 EST, 9 June 2013
Her granddaughter, Paris, is currently recovered in hospital from a failed suicide attempt last week.
And it appears Katherine Jackson has turned to her faith to support her during the trying time.

The 83-year-old Jackson matriarch wore a somber expression as she left a Jehovah's Witness church in Woodland Hills, California on Sunday morning, after Paris, 15, was transferred to the UCLA Medical Center on Saturday, the same hospital where her father Michael died in 2009.


Difficult times: Katherine Jackson looked somber as she left a Jehovah's Witness church in Woodland Hills, California on Sunday after her granddaughter Paris was transferred to UCLA Medical Center Saturday night

Katherine was a vision in a purple long dress and matching jacket paired with black shoes as she walked out the building with Grace Rwaramba, a close family friend and Paris's childhood nanny.

Katherine, who is the late Michael Jackson's mother, wore glasses and a long white beaded necklace as she clutched a tissue in her hand.
She was born a Baptist but discovered the Jehovah's Witness faith in 1963.



Pop of colour: Katherine was a vision in purple as she left the service clutching a tissue

Keeping friend close: Katherine was accompanied by longtime family friend and Paris' childhood nanny Grace Rwaramba


One the road to recovery: Paris, pictured in LA in 2012, was transferred on Saturday to the same hospital where her father died

Meanwhile, her granddaughter was moved to the UCLA Medical Center on Saturday where her father went into cardiac arrest on June 25, 2009 and where he later died.

The troubled teenager was initially rushed to the nearest hospital after she cut her arm and took pills on Wednesday morning.
She was placed on a 72-hour psychiatric hold, which ended when she was transferred to the Los Angeles medical center.

Reports emerged today that the teenager's suicide attempt was more a cry for help than a genuine attempt to end her life.

A family member has reportedly revealed that the 15-year-old told paramedics that she wanted to live as they rushed her to hospital.

'This latest episode was scary for everyone,' the source, who was reportedly at the scene with Paris, told The New York Post.

'She’s basically kicking and screaming when the paramedics came, saying, ‘I want to live. I do. I just don’t want to live here. I wish my daddy was here,'' they added.

Painful reminder: Michael went into cardiac arrest on June 25, 2009 at the medical center, where he also passed away

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Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

This "family member"
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

You know it is too much to be following that woman from church. When she does things I do not like I talk about it, and I don't like them hounding her on a Sunday after church. Her face looks as though she has a lot on her shoulders. I wish she would just have a relaxed life and enjoy what her son left her.

That source--they need to have source meeting to get their information correlated. The source from Wednesday said she went to the ambulance quietly without any fuss, and this source today said she was screaming I want to live. Some people looked at too many movies.

Oh I just realized that thing^^ came from a tabloid.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK


The media are as obsessed with mjs kids as they were/are with him..
Truthfully though its Michaels fans that have created this demand.

Well... :fear: and there are still those MJ fans who persecute Paris on social networks. They follow every step of the girl. :bugeyed That makes me scared. :blink:

Now, after what happened, Paris needs to stay a long time away from social networks and hope that the family collaborate so she has privacy at this time. :pray:

Nany Grace is back


Maybe she will come back to the family? :fear: Let's see...........

I was just reading this (this is an older post of Grace): :fear:

I don't trust Grace.

Me too.... :fear:
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Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

I swear i first thought it was diana ross in that pic cuz of grace's hair lol
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

The important question to be asked is, whether or not, Prince, Paris, and Blanket trust Nanny Grace.
I suspect the answer to that question is: Yes.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

We could look at absolutely anyone with a connection to PPB and find a reason not to trust them.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

I'm glad that Debbie is bonding with Paris. This shouldn't turn into a hate Debbie page. We can only be grateful that MJ didn't have children with his first wife who boldly told the national tv audience that under certain circumstances, she would "hang him from a tree" (meaning MJ). Debbie is well educated, not perfect, a hard worker and saved MJ in 2005. MJ was lucky to have Debbie in his life and vice versa.

Please do not take things out of context. LMP said he would hang MJ from a tree IF he was a pedophile.
I know that some fans always want to make it a LMP vs. Debbie issue and they praise Debbie all the time because they hate LMP, but this has nothing to do with LMP now.

I also do not think Debbie "saved MJ" in 2005. Just because she didn't go up on the stand and lied about him is that supposed to be "saving him" now for that we should be grateful? Steve Robel said that in a deposition Debbie called Michael a sociopath and said he was a bad father. That's why she was called as a prosecution character witness. Not because she told them nice things about Michael. She turned on the stand and said nice things about Michael, which is good, but she did play games with Michael at the time, which was low IMO.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

I dont know many fans that buy the mail the times etc. these are supposed to be middle clasd right wing papers yet especially the mail obsess over those kids every move. fans follow the twitters etc. they dont dictate to editors who decide to obsess over which certainly wasnt helped by the family pushing them into the spotlight.

Truthfully though its Michaels fans that have created this demand.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Paris' s father had his own troubles during her childhood, as they moved around the world, trading the fairground follies of Neverland Ranch for the Middle East and Ireland, before finally settling back in a rented mansion in Los Angeles.
He was mocked for insisting that his children's faces should be covered with paper masks whenever they ventured out as a family.
But he was clear why. Jackson did not want them exposed and exploited-he remembered all too painfully dancing for money in bars at the age of eight.

In their last few years together in LA he would remove the crusts from their peanut butter and jam sandwiches, check what they were watching on television and on the web, read through their homework and make sure they were in bed by 9.00pm.
When Paris attempted to buy a short skirt on a shopping expeditionto Las Vegas, her father quietly chided, within earshot of a sales assistant 'not quite yet'.
He also made it clear, according to La Toya, that he did not want Paris or Prince anywhere near showbusiness until they were 18.
'He knew they would be attracted to the glamour - who can resist sugar and flattery and free shoes, but he wanted to be there to protect them from the sharks' she said.

Latoya says that MJ didn't want his kids enywhere near show business until they are 18, but she is the one who signed them to Cardiff concert, Mr Pink and some other media appearances :angry: Does she nor hear herself or chooses to ignore MJ's wishes?
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Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

This has nothing to do with freedom. A lot of countries provide the exact same freedom and privileges that the US does but their media don't take advantage of it to this extreme. My country ranks #2 in the world in press freedom (compared to #32 of the US) but there is no way something like that could ever happen here. You know why? The public will not accept it*. That's all there is to it. There is no need to ban unnamed or paid sources as someone suggested, all it takes is the public to say "enough is enough!" The American public should actively protest the way the media exploit tragic situations like these and stop lining their pockets. Like Michael said: "if you don't go and buy it, then they won't glorify it / to buy it is to feed it".

That's what would happen in an ideal world. And yes, there are societies which put more brakes on their media - not by laws, but because the public is unwilling to accept unethical behavior. Unfortunately, however, the US and the UK are not those societies. And they are the main producers of this tabloid culture. So what do you do?
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

LindavG I have to agree with you about the media, and they are the same ones to moralize about Michael's behavior and Debbie's pregnancies--unbelievable. I think something will be done, when some higher up, really has something horrible happen to him due to media behavior, but then maybe not.

To me it seems people only get upset about unethical media behavior if it affects them. Not necesseraly personally, but the group of people they belong to. For example the News of the World scandal was only a scandal because it affected everyday people and that made the public upset. But the media does similar or even worse things to celebrities every day and no one gets upset about that. There seems to be this consensus in society that celebrities "deserve" such treatment because they are rich and famous. Heck, the public even enjoys to see celebrities being dragged down because they are jealous of them. That's what this tabloid culture is all about IMO: to bottom feed the ugliest human emotions and instincts.
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

Jamba that pissed me off too. then when she wrote how he was loved by his kids but it was too late, and the part about the curious circumstances, I saw red. It seems she sits on a high pedestal and looks down and judges. Then she begins her rant with a focus on beauty and superficial nonsense and trivializes this very tragic situation. Yes, I know she wants to show that some will think that what Paris has would make every girl happy. However, I really don't want to hear that now, especially since she did not give any serious thought to the possible causes of teen suicide. I am not up with the scholarly publications on teen suicide, but I would think most teen suicide is not due to wanting the beauty of another. Her whole article was a kick in the butt to Michael, and seriously myotosis I don't know why you wrote that someone pointed out that the second article you posted was better. To me they are in the same "bad group."

Please can we have an article where someone puts this tragedy in the proper social context and gives it the serious analysis that it needs--something like the Billy Bush comment, but more meat to it.

Now I see the later articles are now focusing on Michael's death as a cause, (because they are all ignoring the big silver elephant in the room) but why nothing happened in 2010, 11, 12. I would think the 1st year anniversary of the death would be the breaking point, or father's day, Christmas, or the first major holiday in which Michael did something special with the kids. I noticed that one of my clients lost her mom and grandmother last September & October, and when I went to her home on the Monday after Mother's day this year, she was crying and grief stricken. In fact the week before mother's day she started the crying, telling me stories about them, and getting depressed.

Journalists, like us, write from their own perspective. I thought that this journalist (Victoria Coren) made some very good points about society's expectation of girls and women...that they comply with some kind of 'norm' that is reinforced by the media (magazines, TV and film). Paris has been reported as saying that she did not feel that she 'fit in' with some of the other girls at Buckley...whether because of her family background, interests or other reasons isn't clear. However, I would argue with your statement that the article did not 'give serious thought to the possible causes of teen suicide'. Girls may not attempt self harm 'because they are not beautiful' in so many words...but they certainly have done so because they have felt bullied over their appearance ( eg overweight as a child, as this journalist felt herself to be). How we view these articles (and Paris's situation) does very much depend on our own life experiences and our own sympathy/ empathy with Michael and his life experiences. Journalists will express a wide range of views and I cannot condemn them for that. It is their job, even though we may not like or agree with the views they express. That does not make them invalid views (even if they are based on incomplete or inaccurate information) , any more than our views are invalid (though they may also be based on incomplete and inaccurate information).

I see it as a fluffy piece & not something with any depth, and it lacks maturity, especially in light of the seriousness of the issues involved. However, that is just the way my head works.

I think many people who have been bullied make light of it in later life...I think she is 'excusing' her childhood experiences by implying that she was a 'geek'...not a 'cool girl'... hence the light tone*. Of course it is a serious issue, but this is this journalists personal writing style. People will often read a 'light journalistic piece' that makes a serious point, where they will avoid a 'heavy' journalistic piece...but I understand that this approach does not appeal to everyone.
(*Paris did a similar thing fairly recently, posting a picture of herself in much younger days and writing something like 'what was I thinking' about the style of clothes she was wearing).

Grace is pretty. .

I'm not sure this qualifies her as the most suitable person to look after Paris's interests.

Wasn't it Grace who was interviewed in 2009 and said that she had had to 'stomach-pump' Michael after he had taken too much medication? I believe she didn't at the time understand what 'stomach-pumping' meant. (ie she lied). (Edit....Or was that made up by the journalist?)
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Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

I dont know many fans that buy the mail the times etc. these are supposed to be middle clasd right wing papers yet especially the mail obsess over those kids every move. fans follow the twitters etc. they dont dictate to editors who decide to obsess over which certainly wasnt helped by the family pushing them into the spotlight.

For sure, but there has to be the demand there. We don't need to buy the papers, we search for news and click the link.

ETA Is Grace a Jehovah witness?
Re: Paris Jackson Possible Suicide Attempt Rushed to Hospital SHE IS OK

hello guys, I'm wondering and I looked through the thread where I left off and can't find anything, is Paris home or atleast somewhere 'safe' another family memebers etc. out of the hospital? Is she doing better, anyone?
My heart goes out to Paris as well as Prince and lil Blanket. :pray: