The Estate of Michael Jackson enters partnership with Sony Mobile

I have just one request to make of the Estate and Sony.....Do proper marketing this time!!!!!
It's not naive at all. The expectations were created by the fans. And considering how they complain about everything the Estate does, you have to wonder why keep creating high expectation?

The Estate's job is to make money and keep introducing MJ to new generations. You don't have to buy anything they sell. You have all the great music MJ has given us.

Now that he is gone a demo can't really excite me or get me all worked up because a producer has remixed it. What I can is seeing young fans discovering him.
New message. I guess the Estate is getting a lot of positive response for the promotion


The Estate is thrilled with the overwhelmingly enthusiastic response and support that has been shown by the MJ fan community for the exposure the world is getting to this great new Michael Jackson track, “Slave To The Rhythm”, in the Sony Mobile campaign. Only the most avid fans have heard the demo for this track before so, for the majority of people, this is the first time they are hearing the track. This is all about Michael’s legacy and spreading Michael’s music to all corners of the globe so let’s all keep showing MJ L.O.V.E.!


The Official Online Team of The Michael Jackson Estate™

now they must be thinking that they have done a GREAT job with that poor remix.
Can't deny it, the song is growing on me :p

Im starting to like the remix much better after listening to it a few more times myself . Its not great but its certainly not bad either,

now they must be thinking that they have done a GREAT job with that poor remix.
Just maybe not your cup of tea. They Cant please everyone.. Plus we don't even know if this is the album mix .. but this is good positive promotion for Michael and the upcoming album.
When I saw the announcement yesterday, I was still pretty excited - about what this might mean for Michael, about things to come. I came here to share my excitement with you lovely people.. and was pretty disappointed.

To me, the mix we hear in the commercial is just okay, not amazing, not terrible, but okay. I think it sounds miles better than Tricky's. But I recognise that we haven't heard the full version, and that it seems pretty likely (to me anyway) that the song has been edited to fit the needs of the commercial. We all want to protect Michael's artistic legacy, and it's fine to have standards -- once we have the full version, and Michael's original demo (here's hoping), everyone can critique and be as upset as they like. Until then though, we really can't judge the quality of any upcoming release either way. We simply don't know enough yet and it's not fair.

There is still so much negativity surrounding Michael's name these days and to see something positive like this shows us how perceptions are changing. As others have pointed out, the fact that Sony were willing to choose Michael for this is a good thing. Yet we're all here ready to sabotage any sliver of good news at the slightest sign that something might not go completely our way. As qbee has stated, it is so not worth it at this point. I really want to be happy about something Michael related, so can we please not turn this into something awful just yet? I'm still willing to hold out hope for the new album. My expectations are not sky high, but I refuse to ruin my good mood just yet.
Just maybe not your cup of tea. They Cant please everyone.. Plus we don't even know if this is the album mix .. but this is good positive promotion for Michael and the upcoming album.
I agree it's a good promotion for him but song wise, it's just mediocre it actually sounds like 'breaking news' and I doubt the general public will like it.
I thought it sounded like "Breaking News" also, but I actually liked the instrumentation of "Breaking News," but obviously not the vocals.
I wish we heard the demo instead of the surrogate remixes.
I think most fans want to hear the demos and we may hear it on the album - but they are not going to put an unfinished out dated demo on the commercial add. That will be on a demo disc on the album if they choose to do so. They released some on BAd 25 - I hope they do :) Actually no one has actually heard the original STTR demo. It was never leaked - even Tricky Stewart version was his surrogate remix of the song
the acapella like feel is like soft velvet coursing through the abyss of my ears :) i do hope that the intended mix (not the ad) is in time with Michael's vocals, the string's are divine.. reminds me of the string's from the Rock With You Multitrack. perhaps in the full version, that may be a bridge with some unheard ad libs from 1989 and some beat boxing? urgh, so many possibilities :D

if the estate include a bonus disc featuring the demo's of the song's then it'll be the album of the decade, no doubt.
Can someone contact them to confirm if this is indeed the album version?

The Estate didn't build any hype. It was build on the forums by the fans. They just said 'expect an announcement tomorrow' and that was it.

They did build hype. They could have at least told us it wasn't an album or whatever. Only tech-oriented people would have had any idea this had to do with a phone. MWC is going on right now with many manufacturers showing off their phones. A lot of people were hyped to see the Galaxy S5 including me (not a fan of Samsung, but I had high hopes for it). I actually thought "hmm maybe it would be a Galaxy S5 with MJ" but obviously I was expecting the Xperia Z2 to be announced.

I admit I've been a bit extreme since the Michael controversy I haven't bought much stuff that's Sony, but don't want fans to be turned off by this ad so much to not buy this phone. With only Apple and Samsung as the key players, someone else has to rise up, many have tried and failed but at this point the majority of comments are disappointment with the S5 and praise with the Z2.
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I think the reason they used STTR on this promotion is becuase it has already been around the block a few times with leaks of the song over the last few yearss Maybe the Estate didn t want to leak out anything we haven't heard from the Album. So this song was put to good use for the promotion. Im sure we will still get it in some form on the album as well. The Estate knows the fans want a demo disc with the release .. Producers have even stated its been discussed as stated in Damien Shields article about the album.
Where is this add to be shown? Because in Sweden a big newspaper showed another add for the phone. Their blogger is in Barcelona reporting every day.
It that commercial helps to attract attention for the album and buyers, I celebrate that but don't pretend everyone has to like that remix, many of you will, many of us won't. If you like the 21st century sound and hot trends, each their own but for me most of it is crap, shallow and soulless. That's why many of us want Michael's vision.

You mean Michael's vision at the time he was working on this track?
I see many defending their stance by saying that it was Michael's vision.
You do know that Michael was all about bringing out new sounds and new things? He went to record shops to buy all the new music that was out to hear what people were listening at the time. When he worked on old song of his, he did updates to it, and he wanted them to sound current.
Somebody posted Michael's deposition the other thread in which he says he had Teddy R going over his song he just recorded and he used the following words:
song wasn't contemporary enough
update the sound
give more hip-hop or modern feel
song didn't move him enough
Here is the link to it, listen from 2:40

If the estate is releasing an album that songs have been updated, to me it looks like they are doing what Michael himself would have done.
You mean Michael's vision at the time he was working on this track?
I see many defending their stance by saying that it was Michael's vision.
You do know that Michael was all about bringing out new sounds and new things? He went to record shops to buy all the new music that was out to hear what people were listening at the time. When he worked on old song of his, he did updates to it, and he wanted them to sound current.
Somebody posted Michael's deposition the other thread in which he says he had Teddy R going over his song he just recorded and he used the following words:
song wasn't contemporary enough
update the sound
give more hip-hop or modern feel
song didn't move him enough
Here is the link to it, listen from 2:40

If the estate is releasing an album that songs have been updated, to me it looks like they are doing what Michael himself would have done.

you have a point but i believe that Michael did work on his own personal touches that were different from anything else out there.. he didn't try and sound like the current artists who were around him, he created an upbeat style with that same flawless genius we always loved, take invincible.. the sounds used were very electro compared to previous albums.. but i believe this is a remix, i'm fairly sure the estate wouldn't allow something to be released where the instrumentation is faster than his vocal track?
you have a point but i believe that Michael did work on his own personal touches that were different from anything else out there.. he didn't try and sound like the current artists who were around him, he created an upbeat style with that same flawless genius we always loved, take invincible.. the sounds used were very electro compared to previous albums.. but i believe this is a remix, i'm fairly sure the estate wouldn't allow something to be released where the instrumentation is faster than his vocal track?

Zakk, you are funny:)
It has been like roller coaster reading your posts. Your mood goes from top of the world to bottom of the sea :D

Michael is dead, so there isn't going be Michael's personal touches in any of the posthumous releases, unless there is possibility to bringing Michael back to life. In a way what you say, it is compliment to Michael, and there is no one who could make his music sound better than himself, but its not going to happen. You should accept it and not expect that there is someone out there who can do exactly like Michael did, because there isn't. What we are going to get is Michael's songs, and someone else's finishing touches.

Lets just wait for the official release before we jump of the cliff, ok?
Zakk, you are funny:)
It has been like roller coaster reading your posts. Your mood goes from top of the world to bottom of the sea :D

Michael is dead, so there isn't going be Michael's personal touches in any of the posthumous releases, unless there is possibility to bringing Michael back to life. In a way what you say, it is compliment to Michael, and there is no one who could make his music sound better than himself, but its not going to happen. You should accept it and not expect that there is someone out there who can do exactly like Michael did, because there isn't. What we are going to get is Michael's songs, and someone else's finishing touches.

Lets just wait for the official release before we jump of the cliff, ok?

i'm not complaining at all, i was replying in general to what you wrote as i said Michael didn't focus his music on being like someone else's.. i'm not complaining.. and i won't complain until the previews are released

plus, saying i believe this is a remix.. is a positive response :D hard to understand, i know.. but i think the album version will be more subtle..
You mean Michael's vision at the time he was working on this track?
I see many defending their stance by saying that it was Michael's vision.
You do know that Michael was all about bringing out new sounds and new things? He went to record shops to buy all the new music that was out to hear what people were listening at the time. When he worked on old song of his, he did updates to it, and he wanted them to sound current.
Somebody posted Michael's deposition the other thread in which he says he had Teddy R going over his song he just recorded and he used the following words:
song wasn't contemporary enough
update the sound
give more hip-hop or modern feel
song didn't move him enough
Here is the link to it, listen from 2:40

If the estate is releasing an album that songs have been updated, to me it looks like they are doing what Michael himself would have done.
But again, there is a big difference between Michael working WITH producers on a track to get the sound that he had in mind out of it, versus a producer going in alone and redoing the entire production by himself - especially now that MJ is not there anymore to give his blessing to the final product.

Something I noticed is that most fans really dislike it when MJ's vocals are messed with. Fewer, but still plenty also dislike it when whoever touches his tracks deviates from the way MJ originally wrote the song. But many fans seem to be okay with it when the entire production of a song is redone. This is interesting to me because Michael was very involved in the production of his music, just as he was in the writing and singing. I am not passing judgement, I guess many people see the production more as the packaging in which his art is presented rather than a fundamental piece of the art. For me it is the latter though. And that's why anything but the original work MJ left behind is of limited interest to me.
Why is the MJ Online team calling the leaked STTR version the "demo"?
But again, there is a big difference between Michael working WITH producers on a track to get the sound that he had in mind out of it, versus a producer going in alone and redoing the entire production by himself - especially now that MJ is not there anymore to give his blessing to the final product.

Something I noticed is that most fans really dislike it when MJ's vocals are messed with. Fewer, but still plenty also dislike it when whoever touches his tracks deviates from the way MJ originally wrote the song. But many fans seem to be okay with it when the entire production of a song is redone. This is interesting to me because Michael was very involved in the production of his music, just as he was in the writing and singing. I am not passing judgement, I guess many people see the production more as the packaging in which his art is presented rather than a fundamental piece of the art. For me it is the latter though. And that's why anything but the original work MJ left behind is of limited interest to me.

and now his estate is working with producers and trying to do what they think is what Michael wanted.

All I say that if the estate releases songs the way Michael left them, they are not going to sell s..t, and if they do what fans want, there would be 101 versions of 1 song to accommodate everybody's requirement's :cheeky:

One thing is sure, Michael never wanted his songs to sound dated, so why shouldn't producers make them sound more contemporary. Food for the thought, if Michael was alive today, we wouldn't have no idea of what his songs would sound like if he was to bring out new album.
bobmoo79;3964270 said:
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People should not write this track off purely because they don't like the mix used in this advert with an extended intro. I really hope Sony and MJ Estate don't pay too much attention to the hard-core fan community because some people will not be happy unless they only release raw mj tracks with zero commercial potential. Why is it the hard-core ignore what MJ would have wanted? Why do they choose to sabotage each project? It's juvenile and completely unnecessary, and to post negative comments all over the internet is just stupid. We should be supporting good marketing opportunities like this one, not damaging it through blind stupidity.
Also we should be happy that Sony are seeing MJ as a viable way to promote their new phone! They could have chosen any hot artist now, but they chose MJ! I just hope this promo campaign isn't wasted like the Pepsi one was. The Pepsi campaign had so much potential but was practically invisible even to most MJ fans who knew about it. I want to see the Sony campaign on TV, in cinemas etc. I want this to run worldwide!
Don't forget that MJ was toxic to advertising agencies for many years after the 1993 allegations. He went from making ALOT of money through campaigns to nothing because nobody wanted his image anywhere near their products (except from a couple of adverts in Germany and Japan). First we had PEPSI use MJ's image (albeit in a very veiled low-key campaign) and now SONY - another massive worldwide company. it's great news! Perhaps others will follow if the Sony campaign will succeed.
Overall, I like this mix.
I like this campaign.
Fingers crossed this works very well for Sony and the MJ Estate. I hope this will link into an album announcement soon.
I agree. I think especially your point about Sony choosing Michael for their ad campaign is important. It’s true that for years nobody wanted Michael anywhere near their products because of the bad image he had in the public’s mind. That a huge company would now choose Michael for their campaign when they could have had a current hot artist is great news, and it’s one of the very few pieces of good news we’ve had in quite a while. I mean, seriously. How often do we get any positive news regarding Michael?

Whether fans are madly in love with the new remix isn’t the most important thing right now imo. No matter what the remix would be like there would be some people who hate it and some who love it, you can’t please everyone, that’s just the way it is. But if we think about the big picture here then I think it’s clear that this is a positive thing for Michael. It shows that his public image could be changing a little, or at least there’s potential for it to change, and that’s what’s desperately needed.

Nobody has to love every song or remix, but I hope that when we get an announcement/new single/new album/whatever fans would think carefully whether complaining loudly in public about the new product is beneficial for Michael’s legacy. I think it’s a huge shame if Michael’s own fans miss or even sabotage opportunities to improve Michael’s image by focusing too much on whether new MJ products fit their own personal vision perfectly or not. After all, shouldn’t our main focus here be Michael and his legacy, not getting new music that’s custom-tailored to suit our personal taste?
and now his estate is working with producers and trying to do what they think is what Michael wanted.
Well, firstly, in many cases there is no way to know where Michael wanted to take his demos (musically). Secondly, are they really trying to do what Michael wanted? Or are they just trying to score a big hit, regardless of what MJ wanted from the track artistically? To me it seems obvious it's the latter. For instance, we have no clear evidence that MJ wanted to work with Timbaland. Timbaland says he received one phone call from MJ, but clearly they were nowhere near having a working relationship. So why would they approach him, except for the fact that he has been very successful at producing hits for other artists?

All I say that if the estate releases songs the way Michael left them, they are not going to sell s..t, and if they do what fans want, there would be 101 versions of 1 song to accommodate everybody's requirement's :cheeky:
Actually I believe there only are two camps in the fanbase Bubs: those who prefer remixed/update versions and those who prefer the original ones released. Maybe a third who prefer both. It is relatively easy to satisfy all these people - by releasing both versions. So let's hope that is true. The only issue people have about 101 different opinions on is how they want the remixes to sound.

With regards to your point about money. Firstly, I believe it should not be all about that. Secondly, I firmly believe that releasing the songs in their original state will be much more effective in preserving and prolonging Michael's legacy in the long run than scoring a forgettable #1 hit with a remix.

One thing is sure, Michael never wanted his songs to sound dated, so why shouldn't producers make them sound more contemporary. Food for the thought, if Michael was alive today, we wouldn't have no idea of what his songs would sound like if he was to bring out new album.
We would not, which is why in my opinion the approach that respects his artistic integrity most, is releasing them as what they are: works in progress at various stages of completion.
Every fan should be able to share their opinion as long as it is intelligent, well thought out, rational and not bashing other fans. If that is taken as being negative towards the estate or the their projects then so be it. Just because these guys took over all of Michael's dealings when he passed does not mean that they are Michael. And they are not above criticism. Not everybody is going to think the same way about any given subject and they shouldn't have to. And isn't this the best place to express those differences of opinions?
Why is the MJ Online team calling the leaked STTR version the "demo"?

The leaked mix of STTR I believe was a demo of a remix. They could easily mean that, or a misplace in words.

Anyways, im glad this track is getting positive light, on Billboard there even was an article about it. The snippet is getting quite popular and I've shown my friends. They all want to hear more.