All about the Jason dude

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
This thread is about Jason Malachi, the guy that is secretly reading on MaxJax and MJJC under the pseudonym "Undiscovered".
And thanks to conspiracy theorists his name is all over Google, youTube, Facebook & Co.

He isn't associated with the Cascio songs but the discussion is still going on.
This thread will show you how he's used the MJ forums to spread his name on the internet.
This thread shall explain what Jason's motivation is (or looks like) and why he's hiding and not coming forward to publicly address any of the claims that have been made.

This thread is about Jason himself only and shall explain everything about him. NO(!) speculation about the Cascio tracks please. This is OFF TOPIC! Thanks!!

If any of you want to make these comparisons please switch to those threads.
This is the wrong thread for it. Let's keep it ON TOPIC everyone please!

Okay, let's start:

First, look at this thread where he started promoting himself at MaxJax:

1st June 2008 / MaxJax

He quickly came up with claims like this one:

1st June 2008 / MaxJax
Undiscovered said:
Jason told me the other day that Michael Jackson likes his songs. Jason even has the King of Pop's approval :)


1st June 2008 / MaxJax
Undiscovered said:
^^Yep Yep. Jason and I are closer than you might think :wink:
Michael said "Wow....that's eerie" when he first heard Let me Let Go. He was impressed. :)

LOL! No comment.
At that time he still thought nobody would figure out his self-promotion.

He has registered two websites, both are off as of now. His music didn't sell well.
These sites were:

After some time his postings became weird:

2nd June 2008 / MaxJax
Undiscovered said:
^^Sadly, you DO have a negative outlook. However, I'm eager to hear the results of the public.


This posting shows his motivation for misusing the fan community, trying to establish him as some kind of "artist".

3rd June 2008 / MaxJax
Undiscovered said:
I like that dude that sung Mamacita :)

Sure he likes himself. Big ego.

3rd June 2008 / MaxJax
Undiscovered said:
Wow. You guys are really hard on this "Jason Malachi." The man happens to be blessed with a voice identical to MJ and he chooses to share his gift with the world. I think he's one Hell of A guy as well ;)

Glorifying himself...

3rd June 2008 / MaxJax
Undiscovered said:
I was always that one guy who was allegedly "obsessed" with Michael Jackson. All through middle and high school, I sang and danced like him. I studied every gesture, every dance move, every vocal, every grunt...hell, even every "Hee-Hee." I caught a lot of flack for it, but I didn't care. I'm 28 years old now, and let's just say that Michael Jackson is still a HUGE part of my life.

Here we get some crucial details about his persona.

6th June 2008 / MaxJax
Undiscovered said:
I'm not allowed to reveal the details yet, but I have met Michael. :dropdead:

Really? :lol:

Then he started to lie:

15th June 2008 / MaxJax
Undiscovered said:
I know. Unfortuneatly, some of my songs got leaked out. I did what I could to stop it, but the damage had already been done. I apologize for any confusion.


"Damage"? It was the best for him. More and more people heard his name and it started to appear on Google and all over youTube.
Congratulations to him!
He doesn't apologize, he's actually thanking the fans.

And then the big ego was suddenly there:

26th June 2008 / MaxJax
Undiscovered said:
^^Yes. Just to let the fans know, Michael IS aware of the Malachi phenomenon. There have been rumors that he is behind the whole thing, and there have been rumors that he and I are in "cahoots" with each other. I can't come out and say what is going on, but when the time is right, I will. Things are really "Hush Hush" when you're involved with the King of Pop.

By the way, thank you all for being supportive on this forum. :yes: I'm more likely to respond on this site rather than on facebook or myspace because I almost ALWAYS get stupid messages like "QUIT COPYING MICHAEL JACKSON, YOU IDIOT!!" or "I HATE YOU, LOSER!!" Since I've joined this site, and the MJJ Community, fans have been a lot more respectful, and it's always a blessing to discuss Michael Jackson with other fans.

Best Wishes.............Malachi


And the most untrue and ridiculous claim:

20th July 2009 / MaxJax
Undiscovered said:
Jason Malachi just might be opening up for MJ during his tour at the O2 arena in London.....will keep you posted.

Best Wishes......Malachi

Concerning the "This Is It" concert series, he was NEVER(!) contacted by Michael's team. Michael DID contact Signature however who really deserved it.

Here are some more ego postings of Jason:

15th June 2008 / MaxJax
Undiscovered said:
My favorite male singer aside from the King of Pop? :hmm:

I'm gonna roll with Jason Malachi

What an ego...

20th June 2008 / MJJC
Undiscovered said:
Jason Malachi is one Hell of a Mover. And he's damn good looking, too!!! :)


20th June 2008 / MJJC
Undiscovered said:
Maybe Michael is the man behind the whole operation. It's too early for me to confirm or deny that. Regardless, you'll hear more from myself as well as The King of Pop very soon, and things will make a lot of sense...


29th June 2008 / MJJC
Undiscovered said:
Michael has heard my music before. He was very impressed.

Best Wishes..........Malachi

Why did he always pretend to be in contact with Michael? It helped spreading his name, didn't it?

2nd July 2008 / MJJC
Undiscovered said:
Thanks, Reeta. That's EXACTLY how it went down. Someone stole "Mamacita" from my producer, Tony Kurtis, and the internet media went haywire. Then, a few more of my songs got leaked out, and what sucks is the fact that I could do nothing about it. My songs were always promoted as new Michael Jackson songs.

Now that my album has been released, I hope that all of the confusion has been cleared.
For those of you who like my music and bought the album, thank you for the support. Michael Jackson likes it, too.

Keep in mind that Michael is working hard and your patience will soon be rewarded.


Who do you think has tagged his tracks as being from Michael Jackson? :lol:

Do you note how all these postings end? ("Love... Malachi", "Thanks... Malachi"). He just thinks he is Michael, doesn't he?
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What's his connection to that "Seven Even" album (or whatever it was called)? I've read references here, but not seen an explanation. INteresting stuff. It sounds like he would definitely go along with any fakery the Cascios or others wanted to try.
^ there's a bootleg called "7even", probably done by a clueless DJ. It includes old songs by MJ, songs by 3T and songs that are not even sung by MJ but other artists (including Jason among others).
Looks like a slightly disturbed individual. Egotistical too. The praise that Monster is getting wouldn't have caused his ego any harm either.
It's so bad that the only one who has been promoted and has gotten a ton of pubblicity by "Michael" album is this guy and not Michael. Another dude who is trying to become famous by exploiting Michael.And it's so bad that the fans are helping him in promoting himself. What a looser.
Interesting. Very ignorant of him to make posts like that and then reveal who he is. Makes him look really stupid, in my opinion, but I don't really know the guy.

He definitely seems like someone who would just jump at any opportunity to do anything Michael Jackson related. If SONY just farted his direction he'd probably squeal and faint. Definitely in it for the Huge $

Sad to realize he's not someone that can really be admired.. Trying so hard to follow Michael's footsteps, you'd think this guy would be something amazing, but he comes across as so arrogant and egotistical it makes you want to puke. Very sad.
arent u spreading his name with this trhead as well? :scratch:
i bet he likes having his own thread here :lol:
A PM he sent me 30th of December:


Keep in mind the he used to speak in third person.

And Korgnex, you're just too funny.
a lot of people dismiss the new controversial tracks as imply being MJ and the reason why he sounds so different is because his voice changed through the years ...LOL.
Mj's voice sounded like it always did during the this is it rehearsals , don't believe me go and watch it again and then come back and say his voice was different.
When i first heard breaking news i felt sick as i knew like most of us here that it clearly wasnt mj but jason malachi ...hell i even posted a youtube video voicing my disappointment.
saying that Malachi is a very talented singer but i just dont like his tracks being on the new mj album it just isnt right.
Apparently Pentum wants this to be discussed:

A PM [Jason Malachi] sent me 30th of December:


Keep in mind the he used to speak in third person.

tyff says whoa said:
Wondering why he'd send a message like that...

I don't understand why Malachi would blame Kurtis for hacking us. Kurtis would LOVE what we were doing, and was on our side, so to speak. He sounds like he's trying to move the blame to Kurtis. A very dumb move.

Korgnex said:
That's very easy to answer. He wants to reinforce Pentum in his belief.

Pentum and others are spreading his name like a wildfire. It's not important WHAT they say about him (they're trying to prove he's singing on "Michael"), it's just important THAT they mention his name.

He's all over youTube now, all over Facebook, all over the MJ forums etc.

That's what he has wanted. The whole conspiracy theory is actually GOOD for him. As long as it lasts.

He's written a clever mysterious line that is "Tony Kurtis disappears from the web and MaxJax getting hacked are really fishy".
This only supports the belief of an ongoing conspiracy.


[..]Jason knows zilch and it had nothing to do with anything to do with Tony Kurtis, Jason or the 'truth' he refers to. That message just shows he's enjoying stringing folk along - something he enjoyed doing well before MJ died and he still does it.

He knows nothing about anything of value regarding these tracks. He's using the limelight.

But there is no connection of the kind he suggests there. It's something more personal than that and that is all I'm gonna say. All conspiracy theories are full of rubbish.
No, I just wanted to add the PM since this is a JM thread.

By making this thread in this section, you're doing what you hate other people do: Spreading his name and promoting him. How ironic.
^ His name has already been spread all over. This thread title avoids his name and it doesn't promote him.

I'm on your side (except for the Cascio tracks). This thread shall explain what Jason's motivation is (or looks like) and why he's hiding and not coming forward to publicly address any of the claims that have been made.
It does. Edit: didn't see you edited your post.

His name was already known before the Cascio shit.

There are still lots of people who doesn't know who he is. I don't really see the point in this thread either. People don't like him, because he tries to sound like Michael. Because he promoted himself as Michael back then. Because he has a similar voice (many MJ fans dislike this).

And if it turned out to be true, that he's the singer behind the fake tracks, people would even hate him more.

I don't see why you should open a thread like this to create even more hate towards the guy.
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arent u spreading his name with this trhead as well? :scratch:
i bet he likes having his own thread here :lol:

Lately I got this feeling, he had dozens of posts here, his name was mentioned more than it should. He doesn't deserve that.
Thanks Korgnex.
To Korgnex : are we sure that "undiscovered" is Malachi ?

Who is Pompous Git ? he/she seems to know more than everybody about all this mess...
To Korgnex : are we sure that "undiscovered" is Malachi ?

Yes, we are. Feel free to check all of his postings at MJJC and MaxJax. (--> "Member Search")

Who is Pompous Git ? he/she seems to know more than everybody about all this mess...

He's a founder (among others) of MaxJax.
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a lot of people dismiss the new controversial tracks as imply being MJ and the reason why he sounds so different is because his voice changed through the years ...LOL.
Mj's voice sounded like it always did during the this is it rehearsals , don't believe me go and watch it again and then come back and say his voice was different.
When i first heard breaking news i felt sick as i knew like most of us here that it clearly wasnt mj but jason malachi ...hell i even posted a youtube video voicing my disappointment.
saying that Malachi is a very talented singer but i just dont like his tracks being on the new mj album it just isnt right.

But until you have any actual proof, legally, they're not.
Yes, we are. Feel free to check all of his postings at MJJC and MaxJax. (--> "Member Search")

He's a founder (among others) of MaxJax.

thanks...If i undesrtood well , you believe (as i am) that MJ knew and even sung these Cascio tracks...

what does Pompous Git know that we don't know ? does he have some info that we don't have ? He seems to not believe either in the Fake theory (as far as I understood).

^ There's a reason why certain forums like MJFRANCE have quickly taken a certain stand on the situation. It has to do with personal feelings about the artistic skills of Michael Jackson and nobody wants to be proven wrong on this matter. This will come to an end...
MJJC and MaxJax are both a step ahead: they clearly advise their members to not state speculation as a fact. Discussions are OK, disrespecting other fans or aggressively spreading one's opinion aren't.

We'll stand through this.

But anyway, I sincerely hope this thread will NOT turn into a "the songs are real... NO, they are fake"-thread.

This thread is about Jason himself only and shall explain everything about him. NO(!) speculation about the Cascio tracks please. This is OFF TOPIC! Thanks!!

If any of you want to make these comparisons please switch to those threads.
This is the wrong thread for it. Let's keep it ON TOPIC everyone please!
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Where can we get updates on Malachi? Is he working on any new material or was he bought out? Seems to me like he's kept a low profile?
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