Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

Hey everybody!Just wanted to post here on page 777 Michael, I love you..!I have come to the conclusion that Ash is probably right, the LITDG is a fantasy.. MJ wore the Shirley Temple pin, because he agreed with Ash lolAsh I Will PM you soon
Hey everybody!


Just wanted to post here on page 777 Michael, I love you..!

Yes! :wild:


I have come to the conclusion that Ash is probably right, the LITDG is a fantasy.. MJ wore the Shirley Temple pin, because he agreed with Ash lol


OMG! :wild: OMG! :lol: Do not say it here :unsure: .... You know, nobody will agree with that here! :fear: Just kidding! :p

Well, maybe he agreed with me at some point... Who knows.... :fear:

Ash I Will PM you soon

I have come to the conclusion that Ash is probably right, the LITDG is a fantasy..

Well cool, 'cause that will save me the extra typing. lol. I won't need to keep clarifying with The LITD girl (if she exists) or "she" (if there reallly is a she) or "her" (if there really is a her). :lol: I mean it's good to be conscientious like that, but it's work!

But then again I might find myself still clarifying with , the LITD girl (who we know reaaaaaaallly doesn't even exist) or "she" (who is just a fantasy, ya know) or "her" (we're talkin' one made up person here!!!).

Or I could save all the wordiness and not mention "her' at all in here. No more LITD girl talk!!!! We're free of her at long last!!!! (not sure if I ever liked her anyway). jk.

But, but...how can this thread continue if we never mention a "her'? What will we talk about?

Any suggestions?

One thing is for sure, it will no longer even remotely resemble the thread AllForMJ started on Sept. 2008...and the good ol' days so many lament over were the days when the regulars in here all went on and on about, you guessed it....

a real, true living, LITD girl!!!! (it was the premise for starting this thread)

(I'm meaning this all in fun, :D but some might be tempted to wonder what has gone on in my life that would make me so fluent in sarcasm!!!).

Anyway, I'm actually cool with exploring more the idea of the female/s MJ talked about in his lyrics being an idealized fantasy girl who he had never seen or met...or as some have suggested...met in some form through a dream or even a visit to the netherworld where in spirit he tracked her down (astral travel?).

Ya know, if we stick with the idea of a LITD girl never actually existing ...it leaves it more open for every female fan of his that she herself could have been the one...if he had only met her...she could have matched his dream girl in his head!!! And made him so happy! And MJ might even have preferred it that way. He understood his fans, I'm sure, and their longing for him and to be his.

But please be patient with me if I sometimes relive some of the past theories brought up in here in the good ol' times...that involve the LITD girl as a real person he met or saw at some point..because I have a true fondness for the gals that posted in such a way and several of their ideas...AND I appreciate the hard work they did in analysing MJ's song lyrics. They did an amazing job; often times with much depth and substance. And it was all surrounding the theory that MJ years ago felt God showed him a young woman who he felt he belonged with and he kept her in his heart always, till the day he died.

I have had a few posts floating in my head and some reponses to some other posts in here, but I'll come back and do that soon.

But in the meantime, let's keep chattin' about the idea of the "dreamgirl". I just like for discussion to continue.

PS: Good to see ya in here again, mysterygrl7! :flowers: I'll never forget your story about the little girl handing you so sweetly a daisy. :)
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(kinda like Prince goes at theend of the girls& boys video)
<object width="480" height="270" id="wat_5414851">
</object><divclass="watlinks" style="width:480px;font-size:11px;background:#CCCCCC; padding:2px 0 4px 0; text-align: center;"><atarget="_blank" class="waturl" href="http://www.wat.tv/video/prince-the-revolution-girls-3824j_2hztv_.html" title="Vidéo Prince & The Revolution (Girls And Boys)sur wat.tv"><ahref="http: www.dailymotion.com="" video="" xdkf12_prince-4-the-tears-in-your-eyes_music"target="_blank">

Did i :scare: youuuuu?

Bet y'all missed my Shabby behind......NOT. Hey folks, I haven't been to this particular thread in such a long time I am amazed it is still around. Y'all can relax, Shabs ain't back in business. I'm just visitin' and maybe i'll hang around for a few days. I don't wanna mess things too much. I've barely scanned the thread and I couldn't catch up with most the things said in here, but from the little that I did read I could see many of you are going or have been going through some difficult times. You all have my sympathy and my well wishes, especially Shila aka Queeny ;) and MP. Life hasn't been easy in my corner of the universe either but there's no need for me to go into details cause my pain really isn't anybody's concern but God's.

Most of you know I don't have much of a relevant contribution to make to the core issue here, but I was reminded of this thread and what it felt like this time last year and I said I should visit it. When I saw page 777 it became clear I had to share with you all some thoughts. I remember last year writing one of my long arse rambles. I wanted to tell you all how I spent this year Michael's birthday, so here comes another ramble lol. For those of you who don't know me or are not used to readin' thiiiis much, y'all better arm yourselves with a lot of patience or......just skip this post. Second solution might be more convenient to many, if not all.

Ever since I came to know, which means to love Michael, since back in 1992 his birthday was always special for me. Back then I would have his posters on my the walls of my bedroom and I would plead with 'him' to wait for me to grow up so we could be together. Silly little creature, I know, a tyke of a fan as all girls that age are. I long removed the posters from my walls and as we all unfortunately know Michael was in a 'hurry for heaven' so he never made the time to meet silly little me. Awkward, lame attempt at humor I know. We gotta laugh about the serious stuff, otherwise we would be crushed by them, right? Apologies in advance if I offended anyone with that more than dubious phrasing.

I think I might have sent him a birthday letter for his 40th birthday, but I am not entirely sure. Thing is I don't know if it was in 1998 or if I wrote him in 2001/2002, I honestly haven't got a clue, but I remember writin' some of the lyrics from You are not alone in a card and as a 'gift' in a letter there was a single tear, cause that was all I could give to him – as a sign that I was sharing his pain because of what he had been through. I am sure it was before the trial. I ain't got the slightest clues if Michael ever got that/them letter(s). I remember not leaving any address because I feared he would consider me a stalker. He need not know who I was or where I was from, all he needed to know was that I was there for him and I had his back. I do have to admit that in one of them I did leave my phone number but it wasn't in the usual number format, but rather in the form or riddles and clues related to his music cause I was thinking 'what if this letter gets into the wrong hands and I get phone calls from I don't know what creeps pretending to be him? I need to make it a bit difficult and in a code like kinda thing so most people wouldn't get it.' Obviously I never got any call, but that might also have to do with the fact that we changed phone numbers after I sent the letter LOL.

Fast forward to August 2008 when I felt the urge to send him another letter/card. I said to myself a letter every 8/10 years can't be considered stalkerish behavior and I need to wish him Happy birthday cause it was such an important age and he had been such an important part of my life. I made him a card myself with all kinda things and I wrote him a 4 page letter. I remember burnin' the edges of the paper on both of them as we had learnt to do back in 2nd grade or something while we were doin' cards for our mothers lol. How silly is that right? And I think I poured some candle wax on the paper as well cause that's what they taught us. The card itself wasn't much of a thing really cause I ain't the craftiest person around, but i'm hopin' at least that envelope made it to him and he appreciated the effort. My heart tells me that he did receive that letter and that card.

Back in 2009 I spent his birthday attending some very public ceremonies and being touched by people's love and affection for him. Last year as i've told you it was very difficult. What I didn't tell you back then is that day for me was longer than 24 hours, I had this crazy idea in mind of writin' a greeting card to him every hour of August 29th , which meant 30 somethin' hours cause of the time difference between Europe and the West Coast. In the end I managed to write 'only'26 cards cause some of the hours I was really too brokenhearted to write anything remotely coherent. Extremely stupid gesture on part my part considering Michael is gone and he will never read those, but it was something I had to do. The day was so long and soooo painful though and because of that self-inflicted masochist time measurement of mine I made a promise to myself that this year it would simply have to be different cause I couldn't take another day like that one. At that point I had no idea how different it would be.

Earlier this year in May the idea came to me that I should go to California and see Neverland. On August 26th I was travelin' across the ocean :) It would be my first ever trip outside of Europe, my first ever visit in the States, in California, first time drivin' experience on long distance anywhere, first time drivin' outside my country, first everythings basically lol. Let me tell you all – it was an amazing adventure. I had already made two incredible trips earlier this year – on May 1st I was in Rome among 1.5 million pilgrims celebrating the beatification of Pope John Paul II (a moment my soul had been waiting for 6 years) and on June 26th I attended Janet's concert in Paris, it was a terrific show, absolutely brilliant performance, brilliantly energetic and emotional.

My American trip was longer than both of those. I flew near by Gary which made it very emotional and while in L.A. and on my way to Neverland I was in sheer awe that I was visiting places where he had been and worked. I didn't go to Forrest Lawn or that house in Beverly Hills. I was more interested in where he lived, that's what mattered the most. Even the hotel where I stayed was not a coincidence and it was related to where he had stayed when he had last officially visited my country. I did see the Cedars Sinai and I couldn't help but feel broken in two, on the one hand I was so happy to see the place where Michael's babies were born, on the other I remembered the images of June 25th and all the people flockin' the area, that damn helicopter and stretcher and that awful headline in yellow on tv.

Returning to the present – I actually spent most of Sunday drivin' and shoppin' in Solvang. Because I had never driven an automatic car before and on such roads y'all cannot imagine how scared I was. I was actually terrified at the wheel, but I had to drive. I even got myself a Ford Mustang convertible cause I had this crazy 50s movies vision of drivin and the wind blowin' my hair and stuff. Well, the only thing that got blown was the horn of some people cause of my sudden breaks I would make every now and then cause I wasn't controllin' the pedals properly lol. On my way back I even got pulled over by the police. If back home I am quite the speed demon, over there I got in trouble for travelin' too slow LOL. When I showed the officer all my documents and I explained to him to novelty aspect of the whole thing he was very kind and understanding and let me go.

While in Solvang I attended a threatre play about Hans Christian Anderson called My Fairytale. It was an amazing show and the actors were absolutely wonderful. They were basically tellin' the story of his life through his main fairytales. It was basically a lesson about being and stayin' true to yourself and reachin' out for your dreams. Absolutely beautiful, I enjoyed it throughly.

When the play was done, around 10 p.m. Sunday night I headed out for Neverland. I actually had a moment of panic cause the car wouldn't start and I also had problems with the lights. I was literally drivin' in complete darkness. My Gosh that was horrible. The GPS told me I had arrived at Neverland while there was still a long way to go there. I ended up lost around midnight in the middle of almost nowhere. At one point I had seen a school with lights and since I couldn't find Neverland I said I better get back to that place and park there for the night and i'll find it in the morning. When I came back I ended up, by pure chance at the gates of........Neverland, y'all guessed it lol. It was both funny and scary at the same time. I tried to call out the guard, but I don't think he heard me, so I went into the car and I just slept there under a beautiful blanket of stars. Needless to say there wasn't anyone else there, but my loony tune self sleepin' in the backseat of the car by the gates.

When the mornin' came and I saw movement I went over and I handed the guard a bag with gifts for Michael children's and a little book for his mother. There were things for them there I had bought as far as two years ago, some books; back in July I commissioned some pictures drawn of each of them and I also got them some stuff from L.A. and Solvang during the weekend. I've got no way of knowing if the bag ever reached the children, but i'm hoping that if it did it brought them some bit of happiness. I would think they can get exahausted by the attention they get both from media or from their father's admirers. Another place I didn't visit is where family lives cause I thought that would be a complete intrusion of their privacy on my part. All that matters is that them wonderful little angels be taken care of and feel happy and loved. They are always in my prayers.

The day while I stayed there at the entry of the ranch I couldn't help but think of them and how hard that particular day must have been for them. I cried quite a lot both in the car and resting on the fence there. It was an amazing experience though. It truly felt magical to be there. When the pain subdued I even got to smile and enjoy some of my favorite songs from many artists including Michael while the wind was blowing beautifully the leaves of all the trees there. It was an enchanted moment. I got to meet some pretty interesting people from all over the U.S. and the world. There was a helicopter flyin' most of the time around there, but it was still very peaceful and quiet. It was a beautiful and loving experience. The crickets and the birds reminded me a lot of home and my own garden. Today while I was in the swing I was remembering the sounds at Neverland.

In L.A. I only managed to see Michael's star on the walk of fame and the staples centre. I have to admit that I was bit shocked by the whole Hollywood blvd scene, it was far too much for me – Christian choirs next to Hari Krishna ones, cartoon and movie characters, impersonators and tons of tourists. Kitsch and tacky are the best words that describe that area as far as i'm concerned. The rest of the city that I did visit I found interesting and some of the architecture of the houses downright enchanting. All in all I really liked the city.

For some strange reason most of the people i've met, especially men, felt the need to hand me their card and contact details and welcomed me back anytime offering either to be my hosts next time around or regreting the fact I hadn't met them earlier so they could take me around town. At least now, when i'll come back i'll have some contacts. One of the many taxi drivers I met would call me 'honey' every three words. It was just a speech pattern of his and the man had no other intentions, he was married with a teenage son (unlike the other unattached men that i've met), but he was very funny – honey this, honey that.....He is actually the one who took me to and from the Staples Centre where I attended a female basketball game.

Same as with Sinai I had an ambivalent feeling because on the one hand Michael had rehearsed there for the This is it tour, but that was also the location of the memorial in July 2009. I tried to put that one behind me and just enjoy the match and Michael's movie. Y'all should have seen me with my little MJ backpack noticed by the security guards, my Lakers 'can't stop lovin' Lakers' Adidas shirt I had bought earilier that day from the LA Team store, my Lacoste trainers and my verry special red shirt tryin' both to catch all the important moments of the game and watch Michael's movie on the laptop. I loved the music they had during the intermission and all the little sponsor games – everything from Beyonce's Single ladies to My chick bad by Luda to a lottt of Michael, everything from the ABC, to twymmf to don't stop till you get enough and off the wall. I loved the atmosphere, there were soooo many kids in the stands clapin and dancing and rooting for the Sparks, it was just beautiful. They defeated Seattle btw. Thank goodness for the lovely AEG people who told me about the game. I went in their offices to ask some other things and I explained how I was there for Michael and they told me I could see the inside of the centre because of the match.

I did have a few moments of tensions and of fear, but all in all it was a magnificent experience. For a first American visit it was all it could be and maybe even a bit more. It was nice to realize that I truly can drive, even frightened, anywhere in the world and that I can befriend just about anybody if I get 5 minutes to talk to them lol. Don't even get me started on Michael's presence and aura which was so strong. It was only natural his music would be played a lot on the radio given his birthday, but it was especially touching when yana came on radio just as I was leaving in taxi the hollywood blvd after 'bumpin' fists' with Michael's name on the star. That felt really nice and comforting. I cannot wait to go back.....

I really gotta apologize everyone for this lengthy post, but i'm hopin' you all won't mind thaaat awful much my irrelevant behind. I will try and post some pictures and maybe even some movies I took, but I still need to download them. Also, i'm hopin' to be back soon with something actually relevant for this thread, but until then i'll leave with another Prince song, this one I discovered just tonight.

<iframe frameborder="0" width="480" height="360" src="http://www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/xdkf12"></iframe>
Prince - 4 The Tears In Your Eyes de abelflexes

Praise the Lord, keep the faith and keep loving Michael everyone.

God bless you all.

P.S. Adidas, Lacoste and Ford know where they can find me to send the check for all my product placements and the not-so-free publicity i just gave'em LMAO.​
Shabuya! I was just thinking about you last night and wondered if you would post soon. And here you are! :eek:

Thanks for your kind words and mentioning me. I really just want to say I admire you so for being that brave and coming over to the US and California like that! You did great!

I loved your breakdown of your Neverland adventure. I felt like I was right there with you. I would have liked waking up in the car in front of the property at first light. Now that sounds magical to me, and you experienced it first hand!

Thank you so much for sharing. And I find both Solvang and Hollywood a little intimidating to drive around in, too! You should be proud of yourself for all you did here on your trip. :hug:
Awwwwwwwww I loved every word of it Shabuya. :) Thank you so much for sharing. It felt like I was there with you and as soon as you mentioned the school, I knew where you were. Did you meet any road bump squirrels? I accidentally did on my way away from there. Poor lil thing. Did you climb the tree across the road from the gates? :) Were other fans there on the day of his birthday? I wish I had been there with you. Sounds like a really nice visit you had all around. Nostalgic and sentimental.
Did you climb the tree across the road from the gates? :)
Ape, if you are referring to the tree I am picturing in my head...it is actually two trees mysteriously, and artistically entwined. I loved looking at it, and so many birds were active in those two trees. They were causing quite the racket when I was there parked in my car across the street, one time, where Shabuya might have been parked herself when she spent the night. I love the tree right in front of MJ's property too...so majestic and the branches are doing lovely things. I could stare at that tree and the two across the way forever. Such natural beauty.

So sad about the squirrel, Ape. :( awwwwww. I'm covering my ears....I don't want to hear it! I saw a lot of squirrels around the property too. And I saw a couple deer in the hills as I was driving toward Neverland. Lovely area.

Shabuya arrived at night, but I wonder how long she hung around the next morning when she could really see and appreciate the surrounding beauty and peacefulness. Neverland has a way of calling you back to it once you've seen it. And from the various reports we have heard from family and friends and aquaintances of Michael, they all felt that way. (and they were lucky enough to go INSIDE! Just imagine!)

EDIT: Here's a video for you guys to stay with the MJ's dreamgirl theme. :)




Here's a little somethin' I wrote for the thread that hopefully stays in the direction we are heading at the moment (ya know how this thread can go all over the place....). Wrote it really quick in a parking lot after church as I was sitting alone in my car after grabbing a bite to eat. Was gonna write a rhyming poem, but as usual, I felt too lazy to work that hard, so it's just a ...whatever...lol.

His She.
In a place of mist, and vapor, and haze
she makes her ethereal home.
Only the call of his lonely heart
brings her forth.
And she dances for him
in and out of light
as he reaches for her in vain.

His spirit is quieted at the approach of dawn
for at such a peaceful time
beams, slowly, but steadily, first hit shy shadows unaware.
And she seems most, and deliciously, near to him.
Too often, he sighs.
Deceptively, he almost senses her touch
and detects soft, airy whispers
which speak of devoted love.

This follows a sweet night which
drew forth a lanquishing, yet pleasant sleep,
carrying him to her.
There in a place so deep in dreamland --
she comes.

He sees her intuitively clear.
Even though her face is right there before him
with her bright smiling eyes
filled with hope and promise,
her distinquishing features yet are discernable,
and her gentle form too opaque,
or but a blur, to his memory.
He cannot make out her particulars.

However-- strong, bold, inexplicable familiarity--
chasing away illusions and ambiguity.
They matter little;
She is known to him.

It is she, his secret companion,
who returns in his dreams,
night after night,
bringing smile for smile, sweet infectious laughter for joy,
a playfulness unabandoned, with heavenly expressed
and tenderness.
They share their love making with countless changing scenes,
a tapestry of dreamy backgrounds;
it is the illusionary crafting
of the wise and confusing

When his eyes open, and he hears the call of the lark,
she remains strong in his heart.
Their nighttime rendevous
has left its affecting mark.
She has not fully left him.
Sunlight pours in through the window
evading his room where he rests
and when it does his eyes knowingly fix themselves
on the waiting female figure,
standing tall and lovely, in the corner.

He speaks to her filled with love and longing
only to have, too soon, the full light
rest on her at last --
and she is but a mannequin
who helps fulfil his fantasy world.

But who she represents has had one busy night
of passing through her many stages
of dreamgirl,
sprite, and imaginary friend.
One more role she will take this morn,
for soon he rushes first for paper, then pen,
and energetically jots down a string of lyrics,
which fill his head,
that she blessedly inspired,
as his very private and most sacred muse.

~ A few posts from early May, 2009 discussing the "girl in his dreams" theory:

Renata said:
Yeah, some dreams are more realistic... But tell me.. would you be able to remember clearly the details of a face that you dreamed of but that you never saw?

Most of the times we dream with people we know, so it's ease to remember each little detail of their faces, but it's because our memory of these faces is working together with the recollections of the dream...

I don't know.. But I do hope Michael can recognize this girl as soon as they meet, because the two of them may be going through hard times apart and I'm sure they deserve to be happy and enjoy eachother company

SoS said:
MP said:
Thanks MP - glad my post made some kind of sense. Can't wait to hear your comments. I agree that there are two schools of thought. I tend to go along with your version with one caveat. I lean more toward whoever said, "he knows exactly who she is" which means I feel it is a combination of both schools of thought combined.

Yes, this is the case in many if not mostly all of the love songs, combined with the fact that he seems to indicate knowing who she is, as well.

Oh, yes, I believe that she is very real and that he knows her, like you said. Well, for one thing, you have to wonder how "real" his dreams get. For instance, in the song, "Butterflies" he sings like they've been having a full blown relationship that included "dating" and everything - without her even being there! lol! Well, without any more information to go on, it's hard to really know. I can tell you, it does sound like one very unique relationship. And, you just know all this has to be true - nobody could make this up! lol!

Renata said:
Ash said:
Premonitory dreams? When reading this excerpt of his post, so I came to head. Sometimes you see a person first, but you feel like you already saw her somewhere, but you can not remember from where, you can not remember when and where you saw that face. Dream? :scratch: Could be.​

Yeah, it happens a lot... And maybe could be because our souls meet other souls when we think we're dreaming but we're actually wandering around...

MP said:
Hate to make this love story even more complicated than it already is, but then again, why not?:D

What if the two people in this love story are seeing each other in their dreams, but when they wake up, only one of them remembers the encounter - I'm talking specifically, Michael! After all, in his songs he talks about how vivid and "real" his dreams are, but what if it isn't that way for her? What if she wakes up and actually, for whatever reason, doesn't remember a thing? I mean, in her waking hours she may know she loves Michael and everything, but what if she is unaware that she has been visiting him in her dreams?

Perhaps this ability was given to him only so that he could get to know her better since she probably isn't famous; but she wasn't given the ability to see him vividly and remember the encounter because she already knows him anyways since he is already famous. She wouldn't need to see Michael in her dreams. She can see him anytime.

I think this could lead to a lot of confusion and pain. Michael might have thought she rejected him or found another love when she didn't immediately come forward, but maybe that wasn't it at all. Maybe she just didn't know this was happening

The last couple posts go back to the idea that if he -did- see her in his dreams, she still is real, and he apparently knew who she was before he died.

But we do have that one lyrics slipped in there real fast in Carousel that I rememer thinking "wait a min" when I first heard it, haha. Athough, Carousel was not written by MJ, it still is a nice song; and it is intersting that it has a line in it that is so very similar to the line in Butterflies, where she walked right by him when he is trying to say "hello", and how he has the girl in the vid, TWYMMF, walk right by him, as well. Carousel line: I started talking/she kept on walking.


She's from a world
Of popcorn and candy
Pony rides for a dime
Little children laughing

I'm from a world
Of disappointments and confusions
But I want her to be mine
I started talking
She kept on walking
She disappeared into the crowd

I lost my heart
On the carousel
To a circus girl
Who left my heart in pieces
Lost my heart
On The carousel
To a circus girl
Who ran away.

I was the clown
And she was the dancer
We both knew it wouldn't work
But we took our chances
What I can't recall
Is if there was a girl at all
Or was it my imagination?
I still remember
All of those faces
And now all I have is memories.

I lost my heart
On the carousel
To a circus girl
Who left my heart in pieces
Lost my heart
On The carousel
To a circus girl
Who ran away.

Two different people
In love for an instant
To see that the circus came today
Sometimes I can hear the calliope
And I can hear her calling me.

Don't you know?
I lost my heart
On the carousel
To a circus girl
Who left my heart in pieces
Lost my heart
On The carousel
To a circus girl
Who ran away


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Hi everyone,

I just wanted write a quick post, although I'm not quite sure if I do the right thing.
You did/do such a wonderful work in this thread that I think you deserve at least some parts of the truth. I think it's mind-blowing that you figured out so much without having any information. God truly has mysterious ways.

They (Michael and his Lady friend) did meet on an astral way (don't know how to describe better) and never met, but communicated every day. It's hard for them to find their way to each other, when they can't trust anybody and things are so complicated. But there's still hope, that's all I can say.

I don't expect you to believe me, and I won't probably write again. I don't want to put them in a dangerous situation.
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^ Definitely don't put anyone in a dangerous situation! :) We wouldn't want that. :no:

And we have never looked for the special woman in MJ's life to be identified...that is not the purpose of this thread. But thank you for sharing and letting us know that you have known others that have reportedly done some astral travel, for we have been discussing it a bit.

I'm not quite onboard with the idea of astral travel, personally, but I think I can understand some type of 'being at two places at the same time' in/through one's spirit.
Helloooooooo Shabuya!!! I too had been thinking about you. Welcome, welcome, welcome! It seems like lately we have all been on the same mental wavelength or something and the energy we have been generating by being united in thought has been causing everyone we think about at the same time to come back! Cool!

... I have come to the conclusion that Ash is probably right, the LITDG is a fantasy.. MJ wore the Shirley Temple pin, because he agreed with Ash lol ...

This after all the effort I put in filling this entire thread with concrete! Hmmph!

Shila, that poem was out of this world (literally and figuratively, lol). You have a gift. I hope you are divinely inspired to write and share another one soon!

Here is my latest divinely inspired song. Kinda funny.

I think this next song had been posted here a while back, but I just heard it again this past weekend as I was helping a friend fix up his cottage and it was suddenly more relevant to me. It made me think of how much I had been through and how people had broken my heart, but he stepped in and helped me, just as if my "broken road" was just leading me to him and our friendship. I think the same could apply to MJ and his LITD fantasy girl.

Page 777! Woo hoo!

Edit: I'm interrupting this regularly scheduled programming because of a startling revelation that I just had brought about by the following post by Shila:

...Ya know, if we stick with the idea of a LITD girl never actually existing ...it leaves it more open for every female fan of his that she herself could have been the one...if he had only met her...she could have matched his dream girl in his head!!! And made him so happy! And MJ might even have preferred it that way. He understood his fans, I'm sure, and their longing for him and to be his...

What I just realized is ... the LITD is ... ALL OF US!
The LITD is PEOPLE! She's made out of people! *MP crying out* THE LITD IS PEEEEEEEEOPLE!!!

Here's actual footage of me when I made this discovery. I don't know why I'm calling her "Soylent Green" though. Perhaps that is her/our collective name or something (perhaps she is some relation to Al Green or something).

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sorry it took me so long to come back here! I have been sooooo unbelievably busy! And downright emotional, to be sure. K, so I have issues. *hysterical laughing*

So, imho, There are a few sides to the story. Perhaps "she" was just a dream girl. Or perhaps she was real. Or...BOTH? What if she is someone he envisioned his entire life, and it turns out she's a real person, but maybe the two of them physically together never materialized? What if...she's still waiting for him???????

things that make you go hmmmmm.... Surely this theory has been discussed and exhausted, considering, omg there's 775 pages of discussion!!

That has always been something I thought, that she may have been someone MJ envisioned and quite possibly could have even dreamt to life. You never know :wtf: lol :p

I would find it truly sad if she is still waiting and hasn't moved forward with her life. Love is eternal. There are always memories so you never forget, but you still have to move on and live life. :)

I'm reminded of The Velveteen Rabbit..."It isn't love, it's loving that makes us real" :)
Shabuya! I was just thinking about you last night and wondered if you would post soon. And here you are! :eek:

Thanks for your kind words and mentioning me. I really just want to say I admire you so for being that brave and coming over to the US and California like that! You did great!

I loved your breakdown of your Neverland adventure. I felt like I was right there with you. I would have liked waking up in the car in front of the property at first light. Now that sounds magical to me, and you experienced it first hand!

Thank you so much for sharing. And I find both Solvang and Hollywood a little intimidating to drive around in, too! You should be proud of yourself for all you did here on your trip. :hug:

Indeed, here i are to disturb the peace and the comfortable J/K Thanks Shila for all your kind words. You are very sweet. And yes, i am a bit proud of myself cause of what i've done, but i try not to take myself too seriously.

It was magical and i did get to enjoy the beauty of nature at different times of the night and day. I was there long enough.

Ape, if you are referring to the tree I am picturing in my head...it is actually two trees mysteriously, and artistically entwined. I loved looking at it, and so many birds were active in those two trees. They were causing quite the racket when I was there parked in my car across the street, one time, where Shabuya might have been parked herself when she spent the night. I love the tree right in front of MJ's property too...so majestic and the branches are doing lovely things. I could stare at that tree and the two across the way forever. Such natural beauty.

Do you mean these two???

This is where i parked the car. In all honesty i didn't mean to photograph the car, but the lousy photographer i are ended up doin' just that


Awwwwwwwww I loved every word of it Shabuya. :) Thank you so much for sharing. It felt like I was there with you and as soon as you mentioned the school, I knew where you were. Did you meet any road bump squirrels? I accidentally did on my way away from there. Poor lil thing. Did you climb the tree across the road from the gates? :) Were other fans there on the day of his birthday? I wish I had been there with you. Sounds like a really nice visit you had all around. Nostalgic and sentimental.

Thank you Angel for your lovely words. Nope, i didn't get to climb any trees. I did get to play volleyball and soccer with a wonderful 5 y.o. underneath that gorgeous big tree by the gates near where my car was parked and that was lots of fun. I did meet people from all over the States and even some folk from Holland and France. It was a great experience. I only saw a little squirrel crossing the street and a couple of really tiny, tiiiiny mice while drivin' there during the night.

I realized since i posted last week that i had not sent you my condolences for the loss of your father. That was terrible of me. Please accept my humble apologies. In situations like these i really don't know what to say to people who are struggling with such devastating situations.

Here are a few more pics. I know they ain't much cause, like i said, i'm no photographer and i took them with my phone. Ash would've been soooo much better at this than me ;)








And btw of Ash.......


I'm ashamed :blushing: .... Shabby, I have not forgotten you! :wild: :hug: I'll still answer your email very soon!!! :yes: :heart:

Pleaseee don't worry, it's all cool. Take your time. I bet you had a great time in Rio. Just remember that pic request i had of you, the statue and all? :)

Helloooooooo Shabuya!!! I too had been thinking about you. Welcome, welcome, welcome! It seems like lately we have all been on the same mental wavelength or something and the energy we have been generating by being united in thought has been causing everyone we think about at the same time to come back! Cool!

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii MP *waves* Thank YOU for all beautiful words and making me feel welcome here. That's sooo very sweet of you.

I think this next song had been posted here a while back, but I just heard it again this past weekend as I was helping a friend fix up his cottage and it was suddenly more relevant to me. It made me think of how much I had been through and how people had broken my heart, but he stepped in and helped me, just as if my "broken road" was just leading me to him and our friendship.

U can't begin to imagine how happy i was to read about the 'broken road' which took you to your friend. May God bless you both abundantly. We all deserve to be happy, but you are such a great lady and you've been through so much that you deserve it more than most. I am truly, honestly happy for you, i really mean that from all my heart.

I see your wicked sense of humor is still intact as well. Thanks for the laughs, as always.

That has always been something I thought, that she may have been someone MJ envisioned and quite possibly could have even dreamt to life. You never know :wtf: lol :p

I would find it truly sad if she is still waiting and hasn't moved forward with her life. Love is eternal. There are always memories so you never forget, but you still have to move on and live life. :)

I'm reminded of The Velveteen Rabbit..."It isn't love, it's loving that makes us real" :)

I agree with you Lily.

I actually had a few more things i wanted to write, but they don't really belong in this thread. I've interrupted the flow of the conversation long enough as it is. On top of that, i'm feelin' a bit under the weather right now, so i couldn't write more even if i wanted to. As promised though, i'll try to be back with some relevant thoughts for this particular thread soon.

:hug: everyone

P.S. Shila, that was a great poem you wrote there, congrats. Who cares if the words don't rhyme, there's more to poetry than that. I actually think poetry is more a state of mind and heart rather than clever words that come together.
Great to post these beautiful photos from Neverland on this page 777.. it looks so different with all the white flowers.. I wonder if they changed it recently.. I was there a year ago.. I don't remember it looking that way..
There's something so magical about this road that leads to Neverland.. it's simple my favorite place in the world.. I know that I will never get into Neverland.. but just being at the gates is great.. Thanks for telling the your story Shabuya :)

perhaps I don't remember correctly about the flowers... hmm

Beautiful pictures! :wild: :heart: I could do amazing pictures there.... :girl_sigh: :wild:


And btw of Ash.......

Pleaseee don't worry, it's all cool. Take your time. I bet you had a great time in Rio. Just remember that pic request i had of you, the statue and all? :)



I am writing to you very soon.... ;)
Hi! I am posting in the hopes that my mother will reply soon, until then...everyone have a wonderful day! Also i love the tree pictures!
:) Hi hun. I saw your note in my email and came on over. I Love you. (sorry for the interruption everyone). I'm replying!!! :-D I;ll hang out with you here a while if you're still on.

Claudiadoina, feels like a silly question, but I have to admit I've wondered myself.

Hey bored.. this remind you of anyone?
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I heard this song before I came here to post and it made me think of how Michael had written us so many songs and how I wish I could have written him just one. And, he could tell everybody that was his song. It made me a little teary eyed. Who knows, maybe one day I still will (eventhough I'm not a song writer). My song would probably be "quite simple," too. Ah, well, for now Elton's song does a good job I think.

Lily;3476531 said:
I'm reminded of The Velveteen Rabbit..."It isn't love, it's loving that makes us real" :)
Lily, this quote is both lovely -and- appropriate for what we were discussing! Way to go. :clapping:
awww, the Velveteen Rabbit...*don't make me cry, Lily!*

MysteriousPhoenix;3472946 said:
Thanks for posting another good song, Shila. I like how in both your and my songs My Baby</SPAN> makes an appearance! lol!
Whaddayakno! True enough. lol. Have any of you been keeping up with the blogs by those gals who were discussing the use of "My Baby" in MJ's songs?

DWsoul said:
I don't really have anything to add to it, besides my own, personal experience with the phenomenon of "imaginary but real". So, I know it is VERY possible for that to happen.
Could you be persuaded to expound on that? If not your personal story, then some kind of example on how this plays out for real? I'm having trouble picturing what exactly you mean.

Shhaaaby;3478079 said:
Do you mean these two???

Yes! :)

claudiadoina;3471904 said:
Memories of the KING said:
Memories of the KING said:
@Emily41162 .... The non-material gifts from his heart that would come could be overwhelming,</SPAN> no matter how busy he was. His faith was strong, and I believe God moved on his heart constantly</SPAN>. But the most amazing thing is that no matter how loud the band played, how jolting the pyros were, or hysterical the crowds of fans got </SPAN>he still heard Gods voice and &#8220;listened</SPAN>&#8221;. One of the most amazing stories I can tell happened while on stage. </SPAN>He looked out across the crowd while singing and God spoke to him that a certain lady needed a touch from God. </SPAN>He kept his eye on her for the entire rest of the show to be sure she did not leave. As the show was ending and just before doing MITM, he pointed her out to one of the side-stage guards I was standing next to and said &#8220;do not let her leave and see if she will come back to see me after the show&#8221;. They caught up with her, she stayed, came to visit him and was brought in alone on Mike&#8217;s instruction. After greeting her, he hugged her very tightly and told her that God loved her and that she should understand that she is absolutely beautiful in HIS eyes. The lady first looked in his face in disbelief but then broke down and cried as he held her tightly close to him. She really sobbed and he waited patiently for her to calm down and then brushed the hair from her eyes and face as she looked up at him. I was crying too because I did not fully understand what was going on but I felt the pain and hopelessness that was inside that lady also find it&#8217;s way to inside me. It caused me to cry along with her and the sight of him holding her in his arms was a comfort to me, too. A few other things were said as she was mumbling things into the shoulder of his jacket and he kept replying &#8220;I know&#8221;, &#8220;I know&#8221;. but I remember him saying just before opening the door for her &#8220;God takes better care of His own much better than we can take care of ourselves. Do you believe that?&#8221; She replied &#8220;yes&#8221; as she sniffled. So he then said &#8220;Then also believe that you are HIS beautiful treasure&#8221;...</SPAN>

It's a wonderful thing when a child of God's can be that attuned into God and what He is doing at any given time. Michael apparently kept himsellf open to staying alert for any opportunity to be used by God in ministery in such a way. In the case of this story, Michael felt he needed to interact one on one with this person; but sometimes a person is "touched by God" without the person even knowing it initially, because God shows a stranger who has this kind of sensitivity, is "shown" something about the individual and the stranger just prays accordingly in thier mind to themselves. The person prayed for goes on their way not knowing they were prayed for, and the person who prayed goes on their way posibly never learning of the fruit of their prayer. I pray this way for people all the time and many, many others of God's servants do too. But I was on the 'receiving' end of this... not to long ago. I'll tell my story...

A year and a half ago I injured my shoulder to the point that the movement of my right arm became very limited. And for a long time I would move it just slightly and it would be quite painful. I could not lift it very high...maybe just infront of me to head level and then it would "lock." It made me very sad. We couldn't afford for me to go to the doctor, let alone have surgery. I remember being so sad one day, and I thought of a worship song that has these lyrics...

Birds in the sky sing their song to You,
Trees in the field lift their arms to You
I want to sing, I want to lift my arms to You.

And I cried out to God and said, "Will I never be able to lift my right arm to You again in worship like the trees? Will I ever be able to dance freely in worship to You again with my arm moving about in expression however I wish it to go?" I just felt so very sad. Eventually i got some advice to strengthen the muscles around my shoulder by using weights and it did help a bit...there was less pain and a little more movement, but I could not lift my arm straight up in the air like my left arm...my right arm still locked at head level.

Then about two months ago I went to an event at a church venue not too far from where I live. Even though it was a venue at a church it was not a church function and not everyone there were those who necessarily believed in God. I did not recognize a single person there and I had come alone. I am someone who does have a sensitivity sometimes when someone is praying for me and I can feel it - I feel God's Spirit upon me. When I was sitting there at one point waiting for the event to begin, I felt this feeling, but had no idea who was praying for me...only that, I suspected it was someone who had this gifting that the gal in the story above descibes regarding MJ. God obviously, and graciously, pointed me out to one of His servants and they were praying for me. I don't know if God showed them something specific about me or were led to just pray a blessing over me in general, but something of God's power passed over from them to me.

When I got home I went to bed. The next day I painted all day...including the ceiling, which meant lifting my hand way above my head to reach. I was exhausted that night and fell into bed and went directly to sleep. The next morning I woke up and stretched while still lying down, but I, in wonderment, noticed my right arm is extending really well in my stretch. I jump up into a sitting position and immediatley lifted both my arms as high as I could and my right arm matched my left! It was straight up in the air...it felt a bit stiff, but fully extended! Then I thoguth about my painting the celing the day before and how I was now remembering reaching up with my right arm with no problem and hadn't even noticed...I was so caught up in the task.

It was then that it was brought back to my mind my sitting there at that event feeling God's touch on me...and I knew it was through that faithful servant, and his/her wilingness to pray for me, that enabled the Lord to heal me in this way. I then got out of bed and dropped to my knees and lifted BOTH arms high in the air in an attitude of worship, just like the trees!!! and poured out my deep, deep gratitute to the Lord. I can never thank the person who prayed for me, for they went about it in a way that keeps them anonymous. But maybe God can somehow let them know how they did good!!!....their prayers were fruitful! :D

It is an honor for one to be used by God in this way. Michael was very blessed that he was one who God used to bless others, and so is the person who very kindly prayed for me.

MysteriousPhoenix;3483652 said:
I heard this song before I came here to post and it made me think of how Michael had written us so many songs and how I wish I could have written him just one</SPAN>. And, he could tell everybody that was his song</SPAN>. It made me a little teary eyed. Who knows, maybe one day I still will (eventhough I'm not a song writer). My song would probably be "quite simple," too. Ah, well, for now Elton's song does a good job I think.
Sometimes MP, well, a lot of times, I feel God uses you to post just the song He is wanting you to...for He has a purpose in it that maybe you can't even see initially. :) Probably because you have opened yourself to be willing to be used by God at any time to bless another.

Your post here is reminding me of a time back in Spring '09 when I considered posting this other personal story of mine, and how this thread was affecting me at the time. I never did post it, but I think I will today.

I remember Lily a few times posting on how this thread "can make a girl want to fall in love" or cause a girl to get caught up in romance, and she even posted one time that she needed to go find her own romance. I thought it was great that she was so open about it.

I have several times wondered if this thread is particularly healthy or not for many of us ladies who read it - it does suck you in and perhaps makes us too focused on desiring a romantic Love :heart: like the one being possibly revealed through our all our exploring in the LITD thread.

In other words, it can produce a nagging, right in one's face, kinda longing - and if we our in a situation in our lives where we see no possibility to have this longing fulfilled - it can make us depressed or sad or live in a fantasyworld.

A lot of girls in this thread are single, and have waited a looong time already for love. Not every girl is so fortunate to find it in their twenties. Some of the regulars in this thread are in their thirties or late twenties - maybe even some older - and no sign of the right one...yet.

I came across this scripture that gives maybe some hope in this...in the idea that God might very well be behind "the wait." Isaiah 30:18, "Therefore, the Lord will wait, that He may be gracious to you; and therefore,
He will WAIT, that He may be exalted..."

Consider that, God can be exalted if we are willing to hang on a bit longer, so as a result, all can see when it "comes about" how God was in it...because it all came together in the end full of grace and God's mercy and with the complete sweet fulfilling of the desire of one's heart.

His grace comes to those who wait.

However, for me, I waited and waited and gave up on romantic love and finally gave in to marrying at age 39. That's rather late. How sad it must have been to God that I gave up on Him. I feel so sad about hurting Him that way - for when we don't see God as who He really is - full of Love and Caring and Compassion and Understanding - it must hurt Him and make Him sad. :( So, I was someone who decided the noble thing to do was to stop waiting for shallow romantic love, grow up, and get on with life. But what that decision did to me, was to make me, unconsciously for years, grieve the loss of it. The loss of romantic love.

So, you can see that my hanging around in this thread might just festure that very wound that was unspoken about in me for a long time - and here I am reading post after post about this beautiful, romantic love affair between Michael jackson and the LITD girl. And suddenly, I no longer look at his songs the same way, but see "her" in them, her being on the receiving end of such loving lyrics meant only for her. I was hurting in my heart over it, but I didn't know it. But God did. He knew I was spending time in a thread about some woman, someone special out there, getting to have Love Songs written and sung just for "her."

And this is what our very caring, loving, Heavenly Father, did about it for me.

Back in March '08 about - I was feeling hopelessness about my life in many regards and my close friend, concerned, decided to connect me with a friend of hers she knew would be willing to take a morning to pray for me. I had never met her and my friend did not tell her anything about me, except for that I could use some prayer. So I was invited to go to her house and a prayer partner of hers met us there (whom i also had never met), and the three of us sat in the livingroom and waited together in silence, in an attitude of prayer, to see what God might show us, or them in particular, what to pray about for me - in other words - we waited on His Holy Spirit to direct the prayer time so we wouldn't "get in the way" with our own agendas. :)

There was a piano in the room, and as I had my head bowed with eyes closed, I hear my hostess go over to the piano and begin to play. I wasn't expecting it, and at first I thought I recognied the song as being a worship song I was familiar with, but it very soon changed out of it, and something quite beautiful began to flow - I knew it was a song "of the moment" or what some call a "sponteneous song of the Lord."

And I felt myself responding to it - suddenly my eyes were filled with tears and I felt my inner spirit soften. I felt I was being refreshed by pure living water from the top of myn head to my toes. When it was over, and I could hear her returning to her seat across from me, I waited to see if she would say something, and she did...she said, beginning by softly saying my name,

"The Lord wants you to know that the song that I just went into, for which I had no idea what I was playing, that is was His "Love Song" just for you."

While I was still trying to absorb that amazing thing to grasp - outside a small window near to us was a bush that suddenly filled itself with birds who began chirping a group song of their own. It was random, but not chaotic, and somehow melodic and very soothing and lovely sounding. Then she spoke up again, and said,

"The Lord is telling me (meaning He was leaving an impression in her mind) - that He sent these birds just to "sing a special song to you" ...

and then in a flash the birds flew off and all was quiet, and so peaceful, as I began to understand the true depth of love God has for each of us. Many have heard about the scripture about how God knows the exact amount of hairs on each of our heads - but do we really understand how He pays attention to us? That morning I had a very personal example of how God cares for me and IS paying attention.

I may have been sad that Michael Jackson never wrote a song to me - but the God of All Creation wrote one for me that day, and if He has one for me, then He has one for each and everyone of us. I just happened to be so blessed that day to be with a gal who was so very sensitive to the Lord's Spirit - just like Michael could be at times - that she was able to deliver God's timely, special message, to me.
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I just wanted to say Shila, that was beautiful. :) Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
It's a wonderful thing when a child of God's can be that attuned into God and what He is doing at any given time. Michael apparently kept himsellf open to staying alert for any opportunity to be used by God in ministery in such a way.

I didn't know he was being used by God in this way. That is beautiful. I'm also glad that the Lord used someone to pray for you and He healed your shoulder because of it. I'm sorry you went through that. shoulder pain must be excruciating.

Sometimes MP, well, a lot of times, I feel God uses you to post just the song He is wanting you to...for He has a purpose in it that maybe you can't even see initially. :) Probably because you have opened yourself to be willing to be used by God at any time to bless another.

Yes, He has really liked inspiring me with the songs lately. I'm really enjoying being used in such a way. He must know I am a music lover.:) Also, music is a spirit. I think that's why it tends to minister to us like it does. God invented it. It has always been amazing to me how He can use any piece of music, even secular artists and secular songs to drive home His point if He so chooses, since He owns everyone and everything. How awesome!

Your post here is reminding me of a time back in Spring '09 when I considered posting this other personal story of mine, and how this thread was affecting me at the time. I never did post it, but I think I will today.

I remember Lily a few times posting on how this thread "can make a girl want to fall in love" or cause a girl to get caught up in romance, and she even posted one time that she needed to go find her own romance. I thought it was great that she was so open about it.

I have several times wondered if this thread is particularly healthy or not for many of us ladies who read it - it does suck you in and perhaps makes us too focused on desiring a romantic Love :heart: like the one being possibly revealed through our all our exploring in the LITD thread.

In other words, it can produce a nagging, right in one's face, kinda longing - and if we our in a situation in our lives where we see no possibility to have this longing fulfilled - it can make us depressed or sad or live in a fantasyworld.

A lot of girls in this thread are single, and have waited a looong time already for love. Not every girl is so fortunate to find it in their twenties. Some of the regulars in this thread are in their thirties or late twenties - maybe even some older - and no sign of the right one...yet.

I came across this scripture that gives maybe some hope in this...in the idea that God might very well be behind "the wait." Isaiah 30:18, "Therefore, the Lord will wait, that He may be gracious to you; and therefore,
He will WAIT, that He may be exalted..."

Consider that, God can be exalted if we are willing to hang on a bit longer, so as a result, all can see when it "comes about" how God was in it...because it all came together in the end full of grace and God's mercy and with the complete sweet fulfilling of the desire of one's heart.

His grace comes to those who wait.

However, for me, I waited and waited and gave up on romantic love and finally gave in to marrying at age 39. That's rather late. How sad it must have been to God that I gave up on Him. I feel so sad about hurting Him that way - for when we don't see God as who He really is - full of Love and Caring and Compassion and Understanding - it must hurt Him and make Him sad. :( So, I was someone who decided the noble thing to do was to stop waiting for shallow romantic love, grow up, and get on with life. But what that decision did to me, was to make me, unconsciously for years, grieve the loss of it. The loss of romantic love.

So, you can see that my hanging around in this thread might just festure that very wound that was unspoken about in me for a long time - and here I am reading post after post about this beautiful, romantic love affair between Michael jackson and the LITD girl. And suddenly, I no longer look at his songs the same way, but see "her" in them, her being on the receiving end of such loving lyrics meant only for her. I was hurting in my heart over it, but I didn't know it. But God did. He knew I was spending time in a thread about some woman, someone special out there, getting to have Love Songs written and sung just for "her."

And this is what our very caring, loving, Heavenly Father, did about it for me.

Back in March '08 about - I was feeling hopelessness about my life in many regards and my close friend, concerned, decided to connect me with a friend of hers she knew would be willing to take a morning to pray for me. I had never met her and my friend did not tell her anything about me, except for that I could use some prayer. So I was invited to go to her house and a prayer partner of hers met us there (whom i also had never met), and the three of us sat in the livingroom and waited together in silence, in an attitude of prayer, to see what God might show us, or them in particular, what to pray about for me - in other words - we waited on His Holy Spirit to direct the prayer time so we wouldn't "get in the way" with our own agendas. :)

There was a piano in the room, and as I had my head bowed with eyes closed, I hear my hostess go over to the piano and begin to play. I wasn't expecting it, and at first I thought I recognied the song as being a worship song I was familiar with, but it very soon changed out of it, and something quite beautiful began to flow - I knew it was a song "of the moment" or what some call a "sponteneous song of the Lord."

And I felt myself responding to it - suddenly my eyes were filled with tears and I felt my inner spirit soften. I felt I was being refreshed by pure living water from the top of myn head to my toes. When it was over, and I could hear her returning to her seat across from me, I waited to see if she would say something, and she did...she said, beginning by softly saying my name,

"The Lord wants you to know that the song that I just went into, for which I had no idea what I was playing, that is was His "Love Song" just for you."

While I was still trying to absorb that amazing thing to grasp - outside a small window near to us was a bush that suddenly filled itself with birds who began chirping a group song of their own. It was random, but not chaotic, and somehow melodic and very soothing and lovely sounding. Then she spoke up again, and said,

"The Lord is telling me (meaning He was leaving an impression in her mind) - that He sent these birds just to "sing a special song to you" ...

and then in a flash the birds flew off and all was quiet, and so peaceful, as I began to understand the true depth of love God has for each of us. Many have heard about the scripture about how God knows the exact amount of hairs on each of our heads - but do we really understand how He pays attention to us? That morning I had a very personal example of how God cares for me and IS paying attention.

I may have been sad that Michael Jackson never wrote a song to me - but the God of All Creation wrote one for me that day, and if He has one for me, then He has one for each and everyone of us. I just happened to be so blessed that day to be with a gal who was so very sensitive to the Lord's Spirit - just like Michael could be at times - that she was able to deliver God's timely, special message, to me.

Wow! I didn't think about anyone being hurt by this thread. It makes me want to go into "Florida Evans" mode - D_ _ _ n! D_ _ _n! D_ _ _N! :boohoo I'm so sorry you had felt this way. This thread does inspire bittersweet feelings sometimes. It is all very understandable, though. I can empathize and relate. I mean, look at the kind of person MJ was. He was so special, as we all know. Anyone would have loved for him to sing to them. Awww. It was very brave of you to share this (I don't know if I could've) and I'm glad you did. I'm also glad that God, knowing just what you needed, wrote you a "love song." I, too, have heard some of His love songs for me, and you are right, He has one for us all if we are willing to be open to them and listen. How sweet is God?

About the "Wait" scriptures, this is really amazing, but a Word went forth from two people on Sunday at my church about waiting on the Lord. My pastor's wife said something to the effect of, "You already waited a long time, but keep on waiting still because the Lord is not slack concerning His promises, it WILL come to pass." She also quoted a scripture from Psalms. It was probably Psalm 27:14. You had posted this before Sunday, but I'm just now reading your post. It's like a confirmation to me.

You are right about it being hard waiting for a true romantic love. It makes you just wanna give in to anything that would at least come close to what you are looking for. It is also very confusing. But I guess God is not the author of confusion, eh? It's still difficult when you are lonely and hurting, though. Uh, boy, I'd better stop writing about this subject matter before I go into "Florida Evans" mode again!

Edit: I just wanted to add that I think we are conditioned by society to believe that we must all be coupled off and in some type of romantic relationship, especially women. We grow up right from the beginning with stories about a prince or some knight in shining armor coming to rescue us and also love us passionately and romantically, and without him our lives will never really ever be complete. We will never be able to be happy alone and just serving the Lord to the very best of our ability like Paul talked about in the scriptures. That is too bad that we, especially women, are not raised to value ourselves and our lives as individuals in God. After we have built that self worth I think it is then o.k. to pursue a relationship because then it will be based on all of the right things rather than some Hollywood fantasy fairytale spoon fed to us by society.

But on the other hand, if God is linking you to someone, I guess you would feel a tugging and a pulling toward them, but you would still need balance. As my pastor once said, God wants to know that He is number one in your life and that you worship Him and not this person He is sending you, and once you get that straight He will send that person into your life. I think in the case of MJ and his LITD this would probably be a real issue since we all know what a dynamic person MJ was. It would probably be quite easy for some woman, including his LITD, to be on the verge of actually "worshipping" him and it could be done without even realizing it is being done. Although I think being made in the image of God, every man has a desire to be worshipped, but it is probably a different kind of worship than the one we give God, I would think. I really don't know. I'm still in the process of trying to understand the male mind. Nevertheless, she would have to be very careful. I suppose he would have to be careful, too. God wants eveyone to be very clear on who He is.

Thank You for allowing Minister MP to preach her sermon today. lol!

Oh, back on the "song" front, I had the chorus of this song swirling around in my head yesterday and then when I came home I was in the kitchen and just so happened to hear it being played on t.v. on DWTS last night. I guess that was my confirmation. I looked up the lyrics and it does fit with what we have just been talking about.

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Lily, this quote is both lovely -and- appropriate for what we were discussing! Way to go. :clapping:
awww, the Velveteen Rabbit...*don't make me cry, Lily!*


I remember Lily a few times posting on how this thread "can make a girl want to fall in love" or cause a girl to get caught up in romance, and she even posted one time that she needed to go find her own romance. I thought it was great that she was so open about it.

:give_heart: :p
Glad you enjoyed the pictures everyone.

I know i said i would have some contributions relevant to this topic and i was actually goin' to offer you some theories about Michael's songs (goin' as far back as his childhood) and this whole LITD thing, but my little theories, same as i, are completely insignificant. There are so many more of you who seem to have such knowledge and such certainty about these issues that i feel out of place.

Interesting and touching contribution you made the other day Shila. I was actually goin' to ask just that - if we could share of our own personal experience (both the good and the bad experiences - i know some of you are divorced and no longer married to the fathers of your children) maybe that would have been helpful in shedding some light on the blessings of love or the dangers of what passes for it. And if this would have been before June 25th 2009 maybe it would have helped Michael and that possible lady friend of his. At times perspectives from the outside can be very helpful.

I was actually goin' to share a bit of my own story. I won't go into the details, cause they are private, but i will say this - most people consider physical abuse of women as one of the most horrible and cowardly acts of man. Although having been spared that side of abuse, during the past two years, starting with December 2009, i have been subjected to such an intense mental abuse that i'm surprised i made it this far and didn't give up sooner. The scars on the body heal with time, but certain wounds on the soul and on the mind can cause irreversible damage.

I know men have a far more difficult time at expressing their feelings than us girls and i never expected anyone to shower me with compliments and words, but i was naive enough to believe i had actually found someone who gave a damn about me. How foolish of me to think that way.

How would you qualify a man who purposefully abandons you when you need him most - the birthday he knew you dreaded (he manages to find the time to write messages the day before and a few days after, but not ON that day), during Christmas and Easter? When you told him all you wanted was to hear from him on those exact days and he is nowhere to be found? He is the same man that goes in and out of your life as he pleases, disappearing for months on end, playing with you as if you are a toy that he can put down whenever he gets bored or busy with the truly important things and people in his life.

Isn't it awful when you get to hear more from his friends than from him? Many times i feel like a little girl and him and his friends are these 'adults' always busy in some hut in the forest making cookies for me because they remember i liked a certain kind a long time ago. They've been sooo busy in their little kitchen they have long stopped takin' notice of me. I've been tryin' to tell them for ages that i wasn't well, but they never listened. I've been tryin' to pull their arm to show them how often and how bad i fell, but they were tellin' me to hushhh, stop cryin' and whinnin' and hang on just a bit longer - couldn't i see they were busy.....making cookies.......for me??? Maybe i stopped wanting cookies a long time ago, perhaps i never needed any at all. Maybe all i wanted was to talk to the big chef and walk in the forest with him. I just wished at least one of our friends would have had the courage to stand up to him and tell him how wrong he was treating me, but unfortunately they cared more about being in the kitchen with him than doin' the right thing.

And to continue with the metaphors - i don't know if this is a case of the boy who cried wolf (him making promises he never kept that i no longer can believe anything) or the girl who shouted fox too often (maybe i've waved the flag of my weakness but got back on my feet so many times that people no longer believe i truly cannot take it anymore and next time when i fall it will really be over). In the end it doesn't matter. For me and that chef it's unfortunately too late. Michael and his brothers were soooo right - TIME WAITS FOR NO ONE. I no longer have the time to wait for anything or anyone. Hopefully, for those of you in healthy relationships of true love there is indeed still hope.

We all are humans and we all have limits. I have reached mine. I've lost so many things over this man - my dignity and my sanity being the two most important - that i am no longer afraid to lose anything or anyone else - my life or him.

I don't want to get into religious arguments with anyone and i know how important a value patience is and how it is well to wait on the Lord, but i wouldn't be so quick to preach those lessons to anyone. We don't really know what anyone has been or is going through. I know i wouldn't allow anyone to judge me or give me lessons in endurance and patience unless and until they have walked on my 12cm high heels for 15 years for 10 hours/day and have been through 10% of what i've been through in the last 21 months.

Being the hypocrite that i are i will offer some advice while accepting none - do not take the people in your life for granted cause you don't know when and to what you might lose them.

I betta go back into the silence where i came from. I have overstayed my welcome here.

Well, Shhaaaby...so ya won't take advice from anyone, huh? haha.

I was just gonna ask a couple questions for clarity/better understanding.

1. Were you married to this guy?

2. Is he a man of God...a believer like you?

You said:

I don't want to get into religious arguments with anyone and I know how important a value patience is and how it is well to wait on the Lord...

What, Shhaaaby, does waiting on the Lord and having patience have to do with the relationship you described here? God does not, in most cases (we should never put Him in a box...there are always exceptions, He may allow it for a time...all for His glory), want for anyone to remain in an abusive relationship.


...I've lost so many things over this man - my dignity and my sanity being the two most important - that i am no longer afraid to lose anything or anyone else - my life or him.

Sounds like God is getting you right where He wants you to be at in this juncture in your life. Unfortunatley for us...pain is so often the road to that place. That doesn't mean our compassionate God isn't grieving over your hurt and disappointment and possible disillusionment. He loves you and when you hurt, He hurts. He's heard everything you have cried out to Him about this man and this relationship...and deeply cared, all the way through. But it seems things needed to take their course.

And now it's just you and God, starting over again, together...and a time for you to slowly learn to trust again. God's grace and anointing are all over you, I fully see it...He has a plan in all of this and a purpose still for you to fulfil, Shhaaaby. :hug:It is because you seek Him with such a pure heart that you have come face to face with such difficult trials. But you will ovecome. There is still blessing for you ahead.

Thank you for sharing. Remember God is refining us all, you, me and all who He calls His own. And He can turn pain into good. In time.

PS...regarding this:
Shhaaaby said:
I know i said i would have some contributions relevant to this topic and i was actually goin' to offer you some theories about Michael's songs (goin' as far back as his childhood) and this whole LITD thing, but my little theories, same as i, are completely insignificant.

I don't think you can make that assessment all on your own...we just might disagree! I think MANY of us in here would LOVE and WELCOME your observations based on MJ's songs through the years. You have blessed us with several posts in this thread with thoughts on the LITD girl that have been deep and insightful. That's because you are deep and insightful.

So please reconsider and help us all out with some good discussion material! I know we will enjoy your thoughts. So anything, just any little ol' thing, ShaBUya! POST IT! :D
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Hey girls...i was not surprised to find out there wasn't any new activity in this thread. It always had its fluctuations with more or less active periods, but considering the current sobering circumstances it is only natural for most to stay away.

I have to admit that i did have my reservations about the usefulness of this particular thread and indeed have seen some dangers in it, same as Shila. It could very well be that a few of participants here might get caught up in this fantasy tale of Michael and a possible, quite elusive love of his and project their own experiences onto it. As many of you have recognized with the passing of time this has also been a source of entertainment and escapism both from the negativity surrounding Michael, especially after his passing and your own situations of hurt, disappointment or distress.

Having said all of that, i actually believe this thread is needed now more than ever. This is precisely the moment when we cannot afford not to think about love because love is eternal and it transcends everything, even death. I won't try and ignore the big elephant in the room &#8211; the current trial, but i'll just say what i'm doin' in my attempt to cope with all this hurt and then i'll try to move the discussion a bit further from that. Some may call it denial, others might accuse me of 'betraying' Michael, quite frankly i don't know and i don't care how it is interpreted, but i simply try to stay away from it as much as possible.

I can very well understand the need of many to follow every detail, watch the webcast and disect every piece of information that is presented in the courtroom. We all love Michael very much, want to know what happenned to him and see justice served, but if this whole process causes you too much heartache you should keep away. It is my honest, friendly and heartfelt advice. Of course you won't be able to completely escape it. I was having breakfast in a hotel the other morning and CNN was having complete coverage. When i turned on my e-mail today i came across that horrendous picture and that recording. However hurtful, i try not to let those things get me down. I wouldn't be surprised if there are worse things ahead than those two and i am already gearing up for it.

This may be a terribly inappropriate parallel to make, but i remember that during 2005 i had a similar stance. Michael being alive and every day in the courtroom of course i would watch the initial moments and the 'he there' posts especially after the health scares and i would read up a few of the conclusions of each day, but i never really entered into the details and the legal ramifications of it all. I was more preocupied with praying and fasting and leaving things in God's hands. These days, with Michael gone, there is absolutely no incentive whatsoever for me to dedicate time to an activity which i know will only cause me sorrow. That would be masochistic of me. We're talkin' about things well beyond my control or anyone else's around here for that matter.

Furthermore, i am convinced Michael himself would be heartbroken to know how much and how many people are suffering because they are re-living June 25th . Although he always appreciated the support of fans and admirers in his darkest hours and would be overwhelmed at the love there is all over the world for him, i am sure he would also hate to know so many are torturing themselves with worries and questions which might never be answered properly and completely. It's just a hunch i have, but i am not convinced this trial will actually explain what happened that day. Those who might be seeking closure may not find it.

Don't let these recordings fool you &#8211; Michael was, through ever bit of his moral fiber, a very strong and determined man. Although understanding of anybody's weakness, he would also expect from us if not the same strength he showed throughout most of his life, then a bit more than we think we are capable of. And maybe 2DAY, especially since it is MICHAELMAS :) we might be showin' a bit of that 'force' by puttin' at the back of the mind some of these proceedings and concentrating on love a bit. *hopes nobody noticed the awkward attempt at transition from a highly sensitive subject to one which should be light*

I actually want to respond a bit to something which MP posted a few days ago. But before that i gotta thank Shila for all her support and promise her that i will get back with a few explanations in a future post. Now it's not the time to talk about my petty little problems, we gots bigger 'fish' to fry. Also, i haven't forgotten my other promise about Michael's lyrics and songs. I will have some opinions on those, but that particular thing needs a lot of 'reseach' which i cannot really engage in right now since i've only slept for 75 minutes last night and one scroll is enough for now. That is why i will start off from somethin' with a bit of a generalistic twist to it and hope that some won't mind it awful much.

One paragraph from MP that stood out to me was this:

I just wanted to add that I think we are conditioned by society to believe that we must all be coupled off and in some type of romantic relationship, especially women. We grow up right from the beginning with stories about a prince or some knight in shining armor coming to rescue us and also love us passionately and romantically, and without him our lives will never really ever be complete. We will never be able to be happy alone and just serving the Lord to the very best of our ability like Paul talked about in the scriptures. That is too bad that we, especially women, are not raised to value ourselves and our lives as individuals in God. After we have built that self worth I think it is then o.k. to pursue a relationship because then it will be based on all of the right things rather than some Hollywood fantasy fairytale spoon fed to us by society.

With all the respect and admiration which you should know i have for you MP, i have to disagree with you my friend, if you don't mind me using that word. At times, especially when it comes to the internet and social networking sites like Facebook people use that word lightly and they end up having hundreds of 'friends'. Although we haven't really spoken much, i do consider you a friend and a kindrid spirit.

I gotta agree wit cha about the ending lines in the paragraph i quoted &#8211; life and love are faaar more complicated than movies, love songs or fairytales make them out to be. Did you guys know that in one of the many hundreds of versions of Cinderella (perhaps it was even in the original Chinese one) her real problems begin AFTER she meets the prince? I would say that's a bit more realistic than that 'happily ever after' stuff.

I think about an year ago i was telling you all about that 'fight for everyday living' and that Italian name for it. Well, i believe love is also a question of everyday living. It is actually the most important part of everyday living. We ought not to let any day pass us by without showing our love and appreciation of those we hold dear. Love kept only in the heart is not complete love. The greatest treasury someone might have deep within their soul does not amount to much if the 'object' of their affection does not feel that warmth and love. Also, love cannot be true and complete unless it is shared in all dimensions of life &#8211; spirit, mind and body. Any exclusion of these 'components' can only cause imbalances which can bring about the ruin of otherwise amazing stories.

What i cannot agree with is the rest of your stance MP. I don't know how to express this not to offend anyone or leave too much room for interpretation, but i believe most of what you present there is quite a feminist approach, a movement which i cannot totally identify with. Issues such as women's right to vote, equal pay, gendercide, female genital mutilation or the recent example of lashing of a woman in Saudi Arabia for the 'crime' of driving are mute. I cannot help but support any and all actions which fight against such disparities or sheer terror and injustice.

Where i come in collision with the modern feminist models of 'emancipation' is on issues of work and family. What you are basically saying is that we, as women, ought to be satisfied with our own accomplishments, abilities and find completeness in that. That is not how God intended it to be. We were meant to leave our parents and become 'one flesh' with our spouse.

Think about it this way, what if God had decided that Adam was complete and he need not Eve? Physically he was indeed complete. But God, in His infinite wisdom decided that by making his body incomplete He would, in turn complete his soul. If the Lord decided &#8220;it was not good for man to be alone&#8221;, who on earth are we to decide it should be ok for woman to live a lonely, yet 'accomplished' life? Or wait to find completeness in herself and only then pursue a relationship 'based on the right things' as you put it.

I am aware of cliches like 'how can people love others if they don't love themselves first and foremost' or 'how are others supposed to find the way to love them if they don't....again....love themselves'. What if that is viewing the issue from an entirely skwed and wrong perspective? What if that's exactly the point of love and life together in a couple &#8211; what if we need that special someone to make us love ourselves 'cause only if we feel their love we start to feel better about ourselves?? Ludicrous theory, right? Maybe, maybe not. I'm a rather stubborn creature by birth and when i think i'm right i stick to my guns and this one right here seems like a Kalashnikov to me lol. Y'all don't wanna see what i mean by my 'tanks'.

Not only am i apprehensive of models fed by media and the entertainment industry when it comes to the ease of relationships and guaranteed happy endings for each and every story, but also i do not like the examples given to young girls about the pursuit of career and education at all costs. Nobody says we should all stay at home and cook all day, but i'm not so sure female CEO's /politicians /academia who work 12/14h/ day and either neglect their family life if they have it to begin with or live in its absence are true examples of accomplishment in my eyes.

I believe a 'modest' cleaning lady from an office building might have a deeper, more rewarding and balanced life than the afore mentioned examples simply because she cares enough to make time for her family and put them first while working her share to contribute to the expenses of said family. At the end of the day all the money, titles, status and material things cannot bring completeness into the life of any woman unless she has a true and worthy man by her side. By equivalence the same can and should be said about men. The human species is not made only of 'zoon politikon' &#8211; social 'animals' as Aristotel taught us in antiquity, but man and woman were made from the dawns of creation and according to the Lord's natural law to live together and inherit the earth.

From a Catholic perspective there are only two options for any human being &#8211; either the consacrated life where you dedicate your entire being &#8211; mind, body and soul &#8211; to the Lord and the service of your brothers and sisters, or those of us that make up the lay side of the Church who are called to the sacrament of holy matrimony. There aren't really any in betweens. In the second option, it doesn't mean we don't serve the Lord as well, but the way in which we choose to do that is different &#8211; by serving one human being, our spouse, and by lovingly sharing with them our entire being we are praising and serving the Lord Himself and through a truly Christian and holy marriage together we can also serve our brethen, however few or many anybody has access to. And the more access one couple has to the masses, the greater its responsibility to be a true example of charity, compassion and forgiveness.

You were also mentioning the worth of us girls as individuals. God values our individuality and so should we. That is why communism and any other ideology or belief system which squashes the importance of the individual ought to be condemned. We are all irreplaceable, unique, precious sons and daughters of the Most High and ought to be treated as such. However, that does not mean we were created to live in isolation. Our dignity and worth as individuals is not diminshed by life in a couple, but rather enhanced and brought to a deeper and higher level.

I know i've rambled faaar too much, so here go some of cinema's greatest scenes from one of its greatest couples ever with a rather complicated story &#8211; Katherine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy. The scenes are taken from two movies exactly on the subject of the dinamics of male-female liasons - Woman of the year (1942) and Adam's rib (1949).


[video=youtube;LFpAkvP71Sw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFpAkvP71Sw&feature=related [/video]



Our boy Mike had a rather interestin' perspective in Workin' day and night. I happen to agree with him completely - workaholics on either side of the gender divide, not just men workin' too much, but also women are true dangers for any real and successful relationship. Work should not come before love.

To be honest with you all i've always believed this next performance to be too long and i have a rather strong feeling of animosity towards them hideous blue pants (both the shape and the material suck royally lol), but it still is a good song.


How about my gal representin' the UK - Natasha Bedingfield? I have a very special attachment to many of her songs and videos, but the next two i feel are very significant. It was refreshing for me to see that someone who earlier was basking in her status as 'single' was discovering that we all need someone who 'knows how to love us without being told'.



The notion of soulmates is by definition one of exclusivity. That reminds me of one beautiful motif in Chinese art and folklore - Mandarin ducks which are considered a rarity in 'duckland' because most ducks switch many partners in their lifetime, while the Mandarin stick only to one, thus being a symbol of faithfulness. Wouldn't it be great if everybody found their Mandarin duck in the great pond we call world?


I betta be finishing soon cause i don't think there ain't nobody left readin' right about now. I do gotta tell you all about my little 'gift' for Michael for today. As i told you before, a month ago i was at the Staples Centre. In front of it i've noticed stars with random content so i inquired about them. That is how i found out about the 'Stars at Star Plaza program' of the AEG Foundation. They install new orders once a year and yesterday my little star for Michael was one among the others that were put there. Of course it is a rather futile gesture considering Michael is gone, but i had to do it. He now has more than just a big star on Hollywood blvd. He also has a tiny one from silly little me in another part of town. Something like this...more or less


This is actually a lil' smiley i sent to a friend of mine earlier this year and he was thanking me for them, both the digital ones (this and others) and the ones that i managed to put on his face. If i can do the same for some of you, even in the middle of such trying circumstances for us all it would be great. If i managed to make at least one person forget even just for a few minutes about this doggone ordeal then my mission here is accomplished.

Here's an uplifting song and a great vid that goes real well with the star motif.


And last, but certainly not least, a couple of vids from the man himself. I would rather remember and think of Michael as a vibrant, funny man so here are some true jewels which i'm sure you will all enjoy.



Please everybody &#8211; stay strong and keep believing in love. God is love.

Talk to you all soon.

God bless you everybody.
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