Do You Believe In Angels..? I Do~~~

But virtue, as it never will be moved
Though lewdness court it is a shape of heaven,
So lust, though to a radiant angel linked,
will sate itself in a celestial bed,
and prey on...

- William Shakespeare,

Angels desire to share with human beings the same immense ocean of love and joy that they themselves enjoy. This is the goal towards which they are constantly trying to maneuver and guide us.

- Mary Drahos,
"Angels of God"

:angel:Knowledge Is Growth~~~
This person was as close to a real-life angel as possible:


My late, cute little Italian Grandmother...Rest In Peace, Theresa...

My daughter passed on the 19th, 3 months ago. Around the 16th of this month the guilt hit me again of taking her to surgery. I was so sad and crying looking at her pictures, telling her I was so sorry. I fell asleep crying.

The next thing I know she was laying next to me in the bed, still in a baby form but able to put together simple baby sentences. We played, I bathed her, changed her clothes, did her hair, read to her, just like she was still here and I wasn't dreaming, but the whole time I knew I was dreaming. As if I knew our time was almost up, I began to cry and tell her how sorry I was for taking her for the surgery.

She looked at me and said no no mommy no cry. Not your fault. I looked at her and crying I said its not my fault MooMoo. She say no mommy no be sad. She jumped in my arms and gave me a big hug and kissed me. It was so real I could smell her, feel her. I told her it was the best sugar on this earth and she smiled at me, laughed , and disappeared. I awoke crying, not from sadness, but thinking she is worried about me even from beyond. She knows about the ulcer I have given myself worrying and the depression I have been in and from beyond my angel looked over me and came to me.

That is why no one can tell me there is no such thing as an angel because Layla was and still is mine.

:angel:Keep Helping to Heal The World~~~

My daughter passed on the 19th, 3 months ago. Around the 16th of this month the guilt hit me again of taking her to surgery. I was so sad and crying looking at her pictures, telling her I was so sorry. I fell asleep crying.

The next thing I know she was laying next to me in the bed, still in a baby form but able to put together simple baby sentences. We played, I bathed her, changed her clothes, did her hair, read to her, just like she was still here and I wasn't dreaming, but the whole time I knew I was dreaming. As if I knew our time was almost up, I began to cry and tell her how sorry I was for taking her for the surgery.

She looked at me and said no no mommy no cry. Not your fault. I looked at her and crying I said its not my fault MooMoo. She say no mommy no be sad. She jumped in my arms and gave me a big hug and kissed me. It was so real I could smell her, feel her. I told her it was the best sugar on this earth and she smiled at me, laughed , and disappeared. I awoke crying, not from sadness, but thinking she is worried about me even from beyond. She knows about the ulcer I have given myself worrying and the depression I have been in and from beyond my angel looked over me and came to me.

That is why no one can tell me there is no such thing as an angel because Layla was and still is mine.

:angel:Keep Helping to Heal The World~~~

Your daughter is so beautiful. What your story exciting. You received a message through a dream, that she was worried about her. God caused this dream. God is speaking to us through the time signals. He is always on our side, we must never doubt that. May God bless and protect even the most beautiful daughter! :yes::angel:​
Your daughter is so beautiful. What your story exciting. You received a message through a dream, that she was worried about her. God caused this dream. God is speaking to us through the time signals. He is always on our side, we must never doubt that. May God bless and protect even the most beautiful daughter! :yes::angel:​

Dear Ashtanga,
I should have clarrified when I posted this story. This story is about a woman that lost her daughter, she was distraught, and had a dream about Angels. I thought her story was one that needed to be shared...and fit perfectly in this thread.

I deeply apoligze for the misinterpretation...

Dear Ashtanga,
I should have clarrified when I posted this story. This story is about a woman that lost her daughter, she was distraught, and had a dream about Angels. I thought her story was one that needed to be shared...and fit perfectly in this thread.

I deeply apoligze for the misinterpretation...


I thought it was his daughter. Sometimes we get confused. This is normal. But I was very sad for this woman lost her daughter. :( Now she is an angel in heaven beside God. We must understand that life is made of losses and gains. Life will always be well and we have to learn to be strong with God to overcome the losses in our lives. :yes: :angel:​
Heaven's High Priestess

A mother recounts how she received angelic help for her baby son from an unlikely source--a Wiccan high priestess.

BY: Amy M. of Pennsylvania

Editor's Note: Beliefnet featured a Doreen Virtue book contest with the question, 'How has an angel or archangel helped you?' We share one of the amazing stories below.
Before I share my angelic encounter, I must tell you that I was an atheist at the time of this event. I had grown up in the church, but I left at a young age. After what happened with my toddler, however, I started questioning my atheism. I no longer deny that God exists, a loving father who watches over us all.

My now 16-year-old son was just a baby, not yet 1-year-old, when he developed night terrors. Each night without fail, he would sit in his crib, stare off into space, and scream for hours without end. He was not awake nor was he asleep. My child was trapped in some sort of limbo. I could not waken him, I could not comfort him. I could only stand by helplessly and watch.

This went on for more than a year. His pediatrician could offer no help, stating only that my son would eventually outgrow this disorder. This was echoed by all the doctors who looked at him.

One Saturday morning, I was helping my mother set up for a yard sale, paying little attention to the middle-aged, heavy-set woman browsing our wares. I must have looked exhausted because my mother asked if we'd had another bad night. I told her that we had, and that is when the woman approached. She apologized for eavesdropping, and introduced herself as a Wiccan high priestess. She then asked if she could pray for my son.

I must point out that, at that time, I would also have balked at a Christian offering me the same type of help. I had left the church for a reason, and I was still hurting. However, because I desperately wanted help for my son, I accepted this woman's offer of prayer. After giving her my son's first name--Michael--she turned and walked away.

I thought no more about this strange visit until I awoke the next morning. My son had slept peacefully through the night! It was the first time he had done so in over a year!

While visiting my mother, we tried to piece together who this woman was and where she might have come from. We both agreed that she did not have a car and was definitely walking. We also agreed that she was never a resident of our tiny town, which has a population of only 534. She was definitely a stranger.

She could only have walked in from a neighboring town, but that would have been impossible! The nearest towns in either direction were 5 and 7 miles away. So where did she come from?

I believe she was an angel, sent to help my son by God, who knows all too well the pain of watching a child suffer. She came to me when we needed her most, and she presented herself in the only form that I would accept. My son has never had another night terror. In all these years, he has never had a bad dream. I believe our angel remains with my family to this day.

Above the Tree Top

In 2007 I got breast cancer and I was extremely upset. In December, I woke one morning and saw two girls, my guardian angels, standing next to my bed. I had such a peaceful feeling. Afterwards, I always wished to see them again. In fall 2008 (about 10 months after I saw my guardian angels), I was upset and I asked my angels to give me a sign that they were still with me. A couple of hours later, when letting my dogs out in the backyard, something told me to look up. There was the angel cloud. Of course, that was the confirmation I was looking for.

Barbara Sussman
Ho Ho Kus, NJ

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As for me I really don't believe in them. Because you have to believe in god as well then. And I don't believe in him. I do however believe in the Hindu gods and goddesses. But as for the Christian god and his angels they don't exist to me.
As for me I really don't believe in them. Because you have to believe in god as well then. And I don't believe in him. I do however believe in the Hindu gods and goddesses. But as for the Christian god and his angels they don't exist to me.

If you are happy...then we are happy..!

Do You Believe in Angels? A Lively Conversation on The Huffington Post

Thursday June 11, 2009

Categories: Inspiration and Prayer
I am a bit surprised by the response on my post, "Do You Believe In Angels?" at the Huffington Post. I went back and forth on whether or not to post such a religious topic on a secular site, but I'm glad I did because the post has generated close to 400 comments. Here's my piece followed by some of the dialog. To get to the post and read all the comment, click here.

Ever since I was a young girl, I have been fascinated by the concept of guardian angels. Probably because I have always been in dire need of one.
Every morning before school, my mom would instruct my three sisters and me to "take our guardian angels with us," and we would roll our eyes, of course. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's in the backpack."

But I can't help but wonder if that's why my twin sister walked home from a car accident that surely should have taken her life and how I managed not to get mugged all those nights I passed out cold in the off-campus housing area of the University of Dayton called "the ghetto."

The writings of bestselling author (and friend) Joan Wester Anderson, especially, have long inspired me. I get goose bumps every time I read her story about her son and a friend being saved by an angel in the middle of a snowstorm on an isolated country road in Indiana.
A tow truck appeared out of the blue, offered to pull the stalled car to a nearby friend's house. But as soon as the two boys turned around to pay the kind and generous man, he was gone. And there was just one set of tire tracks in the snow: that of the boy's car (not the tow truck).
Writes Anderson in "Where Angels Walk":
Angels don't submit to litmus tests, testify in court or slide under a microscope for examination. Thus their existence cannot be 'proved' by the guidelines we humans usually use. To know one, perhaps, requires a willingness to suspend judgment, to open ourselves to possibilities we've only dreamed about. Was it an angel? Our family will never know for sure. But on Christmas Eve in 1983, I heard the whisper of wings as a tow-truck driver answered a heavenly summons, and brought our son safely home.
Joan now has company because another believer, or translator, if I can use that term, has published a book of conversations with angels. In "Angels In My Hair," Irish mystic and author Lorna Fitzgerald Byrne describes her encounters and conversations with angels, and in doing so, offers readers a message of hope and love. She writes:
As you sit there reading this--whether you believe it or not--there is an angel by your side: it is your guardian angel, and it never leaves you. Each one of us have been given a gift, a shield made from the energy of light. It is a part of the guardian angel's task to put this shield around us.
To God and the angels we are all equal; we all deserve to be protected, to be cared for, and to be loved, regardless of what others might think of us--good or bad. When I look at someone I can physically see this shield around them; it's as if it's alive.
Your guardian angel is the gatekeeper of your body and your soul. He was assigned to you before you were even conceived; as you grew in your mother's womb he was there with you at every moment, protecting you. Once you were born and as you grow up your guardian angel never leaves your side for an instant; he is with you when you sleep, when you are in the bathroom, all the time--you are never alone. Then, when you die, your guardian angel is there beside you, helping you to pass over.
Byrne was brought up in poverty and suffered from learning disabilities, and has had her share of skeptics. Yet she's won over many who were not prepared her sense of serenity and innocence. The Irish mystic once told a reporter that she doesn't like to call herself a psychic, and is even afraid to say she is a healer even though she says she sees things about a person's life and helps the person to understand it.

She also refuses to "tell fortunes," explaining that she feels "that is too dangerous."

I confess that I am still a tad skeptical. My theological training has me questioning some of Byrne's simplicity. However, "Angels In My Hair" certainly proved to be an engrossing tale that managed to intrigue and inspire even this cynic.

I hope Lorna is right about an angel sitting with me as I write this. I could the company and protection.
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Part II What About you? Do you believe in Angels?

Here's what some folks say! ....

Belief in supernatural spirits might be comforting, but it's harmful to society as a whole. And the concept of a guardian angel is especially ridiculous when you consider the number of people who are injured or killed every day. Is it too much to ask that people act like adults and take responsibility for their own lives, without relying on imaginary friends? Apparently it is.
The problem I see here is that both the secular atheists and the religious fundamentalists desacralize nature. They are both reductionists. One reduces it to mathematical formulae and the other to literal script from a text. It's all black and white with no room for unexpected weeds in the cracks.
My grandmother used to tell me that when it thundered outside the angels were in heaven bowling. My dad the biology professor responded to my confusion about this stupid story by teaching me about the weather and what really causes thunderstorms. I remember very well the physical lessons of learning about the properties of water and wind, cold and warm fronts, that electricity existed in the atmosphere all as a five year-old. I very much preferred my dad's explanations and experiential tools for learning.
Science has a rational answer for most physical phenomena; we may not have found it yet but we will.
Emotions are a little more difficult. Reality exists but the way in which each person interacts with said reality is different depending on that person's life experiences and innate qualities.
Unfortunately, we pollute children's thinking so early with religious indoctrination. Richard Dawkins says it best when he argues that there is no christian or muslim or jewish child, there are only children being indoctrinated into those religions by their parents. If you are told there are beings like angels, gods, and devils, it is hard to snap out of that mindset. It would be so much better for kids if they could be brought up secularly until a certain age (say 16 or so) and then offered a choice of religious beliefs. That way they would at least have a true choice.


yes, i believe,
i heard they singing first in my life after my grandfather's death;
i heard them in my dreams sometimes and had seen them in the dreams, too and so much female Angels around Michael...
i hope God will allow me to see them now, cuz i really need it now till the end of my life here. i hope it will be open for me more very soon? if not, that's so sad.
I don't feel them exist to be honest, but I do beilieve in them. God loves you all. Bless you. I hope mine is always next to me. I cry very often after Michael, my singing angel passed away, but I hope my angel is embracing me when I sleep. Michael Jackson was more than an angel. Hope he is surrounded by angels in heaven now
I don't know if I believe in angels. It's hard to believe in things I never saw, but after Michael's death I do really want to believe that he is an angel, because it helps me to face the fact he's gone. :angel:
I myself believe in them.You never know who they are on the street or when they come in your dreams they would try to steer you in the right direction.IF you are really religious.You can hear God or an Angel speak to you telling you what is about to happen or what you should do. Right now I wish newly appointed Michael Jackson can tell me whether he's alright or not and that I shouldn't worry,he is a peace and with the father.Remember,Angels are around us,we just don't know where or when they'll pop up.
I believe he exists and that he's protected me more times than I can count.
Yes, i believe in Angels, i believe that they are all around us everyday.. it is a beautiful feeling.