Do You Feel Like You'll Ever get Over it?

Right now it feels like the pain will never end, and it's very hard. My heart is truly broken and I can barely function. Today was so hard, but I'm glad I watched it all.
I think I will never get over it. My life will never be the same and I feel this emptiness will be with me always.
It's not as if I can't function. It's not as if I'll never smile again. But I will never get over what they did to him.
No. I dont think i will ever get over this. My world had died and my heart is forever broken. I wish Michael was here to see that he was truly loved. Personaly I think he knew he was loved bc he knew his fans and family where always there when he needed them. During the worst times in his life us fans where there supporting him and cheering for him and never missing the opportunity to say I love You Michael to him. and if he herd us he would always say "I love You More". It hurts so much that we will never hear him say those words again but we can always keep his spirit alive. The pain that we all feeling is just tremedouis. I know Michael is not hurting anymore but its just not right or fair that he left too soon.
No I dont. Everyday is painful now.
I will be depressed forever :(
If you really love a person, you never can get over it, but, you can learn to live through it. It's more about getting "through" than "over". The only way out is through.
I can agree with pretty much all of you.
At the moment I can not see ever getting over this. It hurts so much. I've had people I love die before, but as sad as it might sound, I don't think I ever loved anyone as I loved Michael. He meant the world to me, still does, but now since he's gone I just can not find anything to live for. I feel completely lost and hopeless, and I just don't know what to do with myself... I have always been very optimistic, full of life and positive, but for the last two weeks now there is nothing that makes me smile, nothing I look forward to, nothing that could make me feel better. I look at all the things I own, I think of all the things I wanted to do, and nothing matters. It's like Michael was my everything and he's now taken away.. I can not stop crying. And thinking about Michael's family, his mother and children especially, does not help at all.
The saddest part is not that he died, I always realized that he was going to die one day, but it just did not have to happen so soon. That's the hardest part for me - I know that he did not have to die now. He was way too young. And it angers me to think of all the people who made his life so hard. How is that fair?
It's just so hard... and I know you all understand me. I'm really thankful to have this place!
We have got to learn how to live without Michael.. I just have no idea how..
I will never get over it...but i'll learn to live with it in time i guess...

Same. It will always hurt and I will always be devastated about MJ's passing, but I will learn to cope with it eventually. The pain will always be there for me though.
I don't think 'get over it' is the right way to put it... at least I feel. Get over it? The death of our beloved MJ? When it was such a shock? And when we were so looking forward to his triumphant 'return'? I think it'll be a hard thing for a lot of people to get over, even for non-fans. It was such a shock and had such an impact - I get the feeling it'll be a loss that people will be feeling for a good while. Instead of saying 'get over it', I would rather say move past it. Or as a friend of mine put it - 'You don't get over someone's death. You just learn to adjust to their absence.'

You have to let yourself grieve, dont try to move to quickly to get over it, take time to go through the motions. I can tell you that each day is different for me. One day I will get on with other things, the next I feel like I dont want to even leave the house. I expect this to continue for a little while, I havent yet chosen to listen to his music, but I know I will at some point, and you will too.

I am so glad to see a post like this. It's nice to be encouraged to grieve because I know a lot of people just try to suck it up or move on too quickly, myself included. It can especially be awkard if you're around people that may not understand this grief around MJ as well. So thanks for saying this! It's good to know other people are in the same boat.

We go on, we mourn and grieve, but we will learn to smile. I can't put his videos or music on yet, so if it upsets me I stay away until I can face it.

I can't face his work yet either :no:. I hope I will soon though.

u wont ever get over it but u will learn to cope. samewith any loss. itwont hurt quite as much u will be able to look back with a smile rather than a tear

That sounds so lovely. I am so looking forward to this!

my sister was acting like a total cow
she was saying every1 will remember him 4 a week then hel be old news
and like diana a thing of the past

i told her his music will live forever and therefore hel never be forgotten
why do peope have to be so mean even in a time when they know yur hurting
so what if you dont agree with me get over yourself and leave us all alone esp michael
because i definitely will never get over him

Well you should tell your sister then that Diana is remembered quite well and people are still fascinated by her. Tell her that concerts have been done in Diana's honor as recently as last year. No one's forgotten Diana - they've just moved on to other things. In the same way, no one will ever forget MJ. Even if people go on to do other things, MJ will forever be noted as one of the greatest and remembered by people who were touched by not only his music, but the experience of his memorial as well.

I am starting to feel more gratitude now. We are so lucky to have known this great man, inspired by him, and learned from him.
I know a lot of people of my age who never understand what Michael means to us. For me, they are missing out.
Thanks Michael for making me a better person and making the world a better place!

Wow, I couldn't agree with you more. I'm so grateful for getting into MJ when I did and all the inspiration he's given me. A lot of people my age don't understand the importance of MJ either and the connection between the fans & him. But that's okay - some are slightly turning now and in a bittersweet way, that's kinda nice to see. For those missing out, truly it's their loss.
I will always miss him and love him! i will eventually feel better with the strength of God, my faith will help me. I know that he is enjoying eternal life with God.
It took me over a year to get over of my first and favorite dog passing so this will probably take atleast that...

I know exactly what you mean, i lost my dog in January and i am still not over it.