feeling really depressed


Proud Member
Sep 1, 2014
I want to hang myself . I see no point in living anymore. I'm failing college and have no job.Life is like a chore to me. I just can't wait for life to end.
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Awww don't say this red33
I know life can be hard and sad and yes i had moments i could't wait ... But
as we fight our way through, we start to learn about the most precious little things in life which are for free!
Look around and discover you have the most loving carring family you can imagine, right here!
We are here for you... Don't give up.

I want to hang myself . I see no point in living anymore. I'm failing college and have no job.Life is like a chore to me. I just can't wait for life to end.

Hello Red33 :blush:

Yeah, don't do a thing you will regret though in the end. I know, life can be overwhelming. Been there done that! :busted:

There is always a Plan B and that hit off when you wrote this post! :agree:

If you don't mind that I ask you a few questions to 'reflect' on :blush:

You say, you 'fail' college! There must be something that is going good?

I failed 'college' too :blush: then realized it was not for me so I looked for a job instead with my talents in mind.

So, If you feel like college is making you 'depressed' ? Maybe, it's just not your thing! You always have other options, hey :D

A different course in college? Time to find out your talents? Some ME time to recharge yourself? Then take up the courage to look for a job!

I know, these questions seem 'far fetched' now but just let them simmer in you.

One day, you'll realize that this was just what you needed... :busted:
Like a wake up call to break out of your boring college life and start a completely new life.

If you just need someone to talk to. I'm here for you, Red33 :angel:
Hello red33
I just want to stop in here and let you know that you've got a friend here and that's me. Plus, the MJJC Family here, we are your friends that's why we've came in here to listen to you.
I know it's hard, life. and I know the feeling I really do. I promise you though Life is a very precious gift, and with that so are you! This world wouldn't be the same without you in it.
I know that you'll get a job that you want and if you really want to you can get your grades back up.
Please come in here and talk some more to us..
I'm here. You may PM me if you need too, okay.
With the L.O.V.E. :heart:
I have had moments like these in the past, albeit different reasons. Best advice I have learned, is keep those you love CLOSE as you move forward. Honestly. It helps immensely. In regards to college, Daryll above said it better than I could have. Find what you love doing and pursue it. Hang in there man, I know that feeling is so hard, I've been there. I'm open to PM anytime.
There can be bad times in life but there are many good things too.
Remember it´s darkest before the dawn.
I've felt the same, and I've been depressed for months, but have kept it in the closet forever, until the other day. I've only told one person, but I deal with depression everyday. The suicidal phase has passed, but I'm still depressed. I don't know what to do, this is the only place I found that I can post about it, but yeah.


It's difficult, but the first thing I asked myself is "What makes me happy?" I think professional help is always the best option, but I would ask yourself that as a good way to start. It certainly helped me when I was depressed this past six months.
Please do not think like that. Everyone goes through tough times. If college is not for you. There are many more options. Try walking in the park or around nature. Sometimes when I am sad, nature makes me feel better. Do not beat yourself up. Everyday is a new challenge and one that you should accept readily. Message me if you need to talk. I will talk to you and even write to you.
IA with everybody here, it sounds like college isn't for you. Maybe a trade school would be better? If not maybe try to find a job you know you will enjoy. Please don't think like this, it will get better i promise. Life is worth living and you have so much life ahead of you.
Bless you Red33...
Try to hang on. You are on the cusp of your life and, for sure, there will be many amazing, unforgettable happy times for you ahead. Guaranteed. You may not see it now, but there are. I know about depression, it's the darkest of despairs, but please hang on. We're all here for you.
Sending you a warm hug and L.O.V.E. xxx
I know this is an old post but I hope all is well with you. There are plenty of people here for you to talk to that can help you through this. Hang in there! Sending you love and positive vibes.
Your life is yours, so it doesn't matter that you make up your mind whether to live or to die.
But it's not bad, I think, to spend more time and find a reason for your life.