Gets my blood boiling!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I know its just gonna be a fact of their fame now, but I can't help but get super riled up everytime I see a press article spreading rumors about MJ's kids & their private life. I just saw one on Yahoo and I'm not even gonna post it. But I just wish that things were different - because this is exactly the kind of thing MJ did NOT want. But is like its going to be a continuous cycle, MJ went through it and now they're going to go through it too...and just :mat:

I wish there was something we could do about it >
I agree. I just saw that rumour on another forum and it comes from a trashy tabloid the Daily Star. It's about Paris being pregnant at the age of 16.
It's nothing but speculation. Yet, once again the media is behaving with these KIDS like they did with their father - ie. in totally unethical and unprofessional ways and all others, including mainstream media like Yahoo, running the story simply based on a tabloid speculation. :no:

In the case of MJ the excuse for the media's despicable behavior was that he was "weird" and he "deserved it". What is their excuse in the case of children?
In the case of MJ the excuse for the media's despicable behavior was that he was "weird" and he "deserved it". What is their excuse in the case of children?

"They're his kids so of course they're gonna be hounded. Get over it." - I'm 99% certain that's what they'll all say to defend this shit.

I'm absolutely disgusted by this story and that a "reputable" news outlet picked up on it. Not to mention how stupid it is. They said she was drinking water instead of wine and had a bump... so that somehow means she's pregnant? Are they that ****ing dumb?! :ranting: It's really sad how the media loves to paint Michael as a child predator, yet they themselves act like predators when it comes to his kids and no one bats a eye.

It's just...just...I ****ing can't...
Yes, because it's so suspicious if a 16-year-old drinks water instead of wine, right? But if she had drunk wine then they would go crazy about her illegally drinking alcohol.

That girl has gone through so much already and the media just won't leave her alone. And they are the ones passing moral judgement on Michael? Oh, the irony.
Thats what happens when u are turned into a celeb.
^Agree, the media have an excuse now as they've been paraded on chatshows and red carpet events. They're 'celebs'. They know the jackson 'guardians' are wrong to have done this in contravention of mj's strict guidelines, but that just makes it more delicious for them - one last revenge against mj.
Oh, great. Paris Jackson is now the Nr 1 trending topic on Yahoo News.
I think the only thing that can be done is just hope and pray she is able to learn from MJ's experience - either on her own or through someone teaching her. Know what to expect, and build up your defenses on how to handle it.
where is her family ? I cant believe how much of assholes the jacksons turned out to be
where is her family ? I cant believe how much of assholes the jacksons turned out to be

The more Paris is on the media, the more her marketing value raises, so don't expect family to say a word.
This kind of publicity suits them, so next time when they need human mannequin to promote their stuff, they'll call Paris, and media is ready.
I'm just gonna play devils advocate here and say...we really don't know what the family is doing behind the scenes. And there's no point in drawing attention to the rumor by publicly speaking about it.
Just googled, cdn't find anything this story is based on except that initial daily star article. Went on lsa and the paris is pregnant story originated on some spoof celeb gossip site that apparently seeks to make fun of celeb gossip sites by publishing stupid stuff(if that makes sense, it doesn't to me). Unbelievably, the stupid daily star picked it up and that gave the goahead to other media sties. A totally made up story about a orphaned minor who's had a suicide attempt is now all over the internet. It was the same with that blanket is a homicidal maniac story. Sensationalist stories about ppb just spread un checked all over the internet with not one person stepping in. They have no guardians whatsoever, just totally on their own against the media.
I'm not surprised. Why would the media stop now? The Jackson's haven't stopped pimping the kids out or taken them out of the spotlight. As long as they're being put in the spotlight the media is gonna be telling lies about them.
As long as the money keeps rolling in don't expect the Jackson's to do anything about it.
I'm just gonna play devils advocate here and say...we really don't know what the family is doing behind the scenes. And there's no point in drawing attention to the rumor by publicly speaking about it.

The family doesn't do stuff behind the scenes or mind drawing attention to rumours when they're in the firing line. It's no coincidence that ppb are happily used by the media for these unchecked, sensationalist stories - the media know they are not protected and there is no comeback for publishing this rubbish. It's sad, their life is going to made hell.
when they keep silent everyone will believe the story must be true.
Or they'll claim they're lying anyway. And them saying something would draw even more unwanted attention to Paris. We know from experience that just because you deny something does not mean the media will leave you alone or that the public will believe you, especially when it comes to a Jackson.
please, no denial in this case is the worst action they could take. But they are beyond dumb , I don' know why I am expecting them to take the right decision.
Some reactions on twitter of MJ Fans with are covered in an news article...

Ellie @loveismjj
Funny that no one noticed a baby bump when Paris celebrated MJ's B-day in front of many cameras just a week ago...#justsaying #parisjackson

anne disaster @squidnicorn
16 year old Paris Jackson spotted making toasts with water instead of champagne. Must be pregnant. OR MAYBE SHE'S 16 YEARS OLD

Love, Michael @_LadyMoonwalker
i do not believe Paris Jackson is pregnant. ✋�� STOP this nonsense. media kills me; they're trying to destroy this girl again.

† @YadiValdivia
The media is stupid, saying Paris Jackson is pregnant because she toasted with water instead of wine... WTF she's 16 she can't drink wine..

I'm That Type Of Guy @Marrrrcussss
Don't RT that rumor about Paris Jackson. She is too young for y'all to be spreading unconfirmed stuff about her and her life.
Or they'll claim they're lying anyway. And them saying something would draw even more unwanted attention to Paris. We know from experience that just because you deny something does not mean the media will leave you alone or that the public will believe you, especially when it comes to a Jackson.

the problem is they act the total opposite when it concerns them.even to the point of attacking the kids during granny napping when the kids went against the families tight nit mantra. its very contridictary.

personally, while i obviously dont care for how this story has grown. compaired to others its a yeah right and move on story
The more Paris is on the media, the more her marketing value raises, so don't expect family to say a word.
This kind of publicity suits them, so next time when they need human mannequin to promote their stuff, they'll call Paris, and media is ready.

They make me sick. Michael and his children mean nothing but money to them.
I think there is nothing less but laws needed to protect underaged children to be used like that by media.
Children are not allowed to be used for that not even when they are kind of famous here.
In Germany we do have that. I know Princess Caroline of Monaco went a few times to trial by sueing all kind of media in Germany fabricating stories about her children. She won every single time and gave the money media had to pay to charities.
Media laws and with what you can run public is different in different countries but Halle Berry has come forward with a movement protecting celebrity children... just don't know how far that is... to me that is the right way.

If one starts to respond to this in any other way one will be fired by even more and more... media of this kind hopes for a response somehow... it gives them importance and attention... that's why they provoke with ridiculous stories.
Anyone that is associated with Michael Jackson will always be talked about no matter what. I'm not trying to make anyone mad, But this is something that everyone will have to deal with. There will always be stories written about them (whether true or not) for years to come. If the entire Jackson family can handle this, so can ALL of Michael's fans too!!
Interesting. I saw this subject in the news sub-forum and replied to the opening poster's question that the story was untrue. It is understandable that the thread was removed however; I assumed it would be merged with this one instead of deleted.

I do not post in this particular sub-forum however; I will repeat what I posted previously.

The Estate should take some time to defend Michael's minor beneficiaries. Whether one believes these children to be celebrities or not, this story is slander of a minor. It is similar to the comedian attempting humor with Michael's youngest being the target. While legal action would not be valid in the comedian's case, an open, publicized letter to the comedian (similar to the letter written publicly to Michael's killer for the Estate's benefit) would have been grand.

I do not expect family members to confirm or deny this as famous Jackson family members (which includes Michael) have historically not addressed slanderous rumors about themselves.

I do not expect fans to unite as that has proven to be a rather difficult and somewhat political task.

The Estate can and should take some time to hinder the slander of these particular minors. It is effectively bullying of minors by feeble-minded adults who do not have sufficient, moral boundaries. While the Estate allowed the claim against slander of Michael to lapse previously, to watch inaction at the slander of a child is a bit unforgivable.
It's not the Estate who has to protect the children.
The Estate is there for financial issues, means business.
It's the Guardian(s) who have to act for protecting the children.
However they could ask the estate for legal advice and or let them pay getting legal advice somewhere else.

Again I'm no way saying: just do something whatever.
We know that kind of media and honestly talking to them makes no sense... a denial... a confirmation... blah... it all doesn't work with them and to me that was anyways done too much before by family members and or so call sources.

But yeah I'd sue media... and only if there's the tinest possibility... to suceed.
I'd contact Halle Berry and her movement and/or join them. There is steps which could be made.

You know even if it's only to make the children feel and see: "You're the most important, you do have rights, and we'll not let touch anyone your dignity!"... because that is the message you need to give children to help them develope some self confidence and self esteem while growing up.

Ppl here say: 'Instead they are used.'
I can't say that's wrong.
However I don't know what's going on behind the scenes maybe... hopefully in this case.

See it's not at all important that mjj fans do get to know there is something going on... but for the children I do hope there is.
) for years to come. If the entire Jackson family can handle this, so can ALL of Michael's fans too!!

the family have instigated alot of this. they are quite happy to have the kids celeb status increased as it helps them gain more attention and money when they use the kids to promote one of their ventures
) for years to come. If the entire Jackson family can handle this, so can ALL of Michael's fans too!!

the family have instigated alot of this. they are quite happy to have the kids celeb status increased as it helps them gain more attention and money when they use the kids to promote one of their ventures

They most certainly can't go to tabloids are tell them to leave kids (Paris) when they were the first ones to pimp kids to media. They are hypocrites, but I think they are not that much that they have nerve to go to media to complain fake stories of Paris, when some of the fam members are using them to gain attention from media.

They are not going to react in anyway, thats what they do when there is stories of kids, but I remember how fast KJ's camp replied when KJ was trying to solicit money from fans to pay to the estate use of MJ's image and songs (which was bold lie as the estate wasn't even contacted) for her "documentary".

" If the entire Jackson family can handle this, so can ALL of Michael's fans too!!"
Who cares whether Jac family or MJ fans can handle this?
Can kids handle is the most important question, and how will this kind of crap affect them?
There is a tabloid story going around that Paris is pregnant because she was showing baby bump!
At 16, young teenagers are very self-conscious how they look, so who knows if Paris start thinking she is fat of something.
Since the beginning we say how the media began with negative comments about the children, so we knew unfortunately they would continue. They will do to the children the same thing they did to the father. My guess is that the family is telling the children not to bother it is just the way the media is or something along those lines. There is no tweet from Randy, the 3T's & the young guardian, so I guess they feel not to feed the beast by giving attention to it.

Unfortunately the media learned from the first day the kids went to the grandmother that those kids were unprotected, and all the family's actions proved it. Therefore, the media will continue their negative campaign.
<article id="post-43618" class="post-43618 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-celebrity category-featured" itemscope="" itemtype="" style="position: relative; padding-bottom: 50px; word-wrap: break-word;">Paris Jackson is NOT Pregnant But So- Called &#8220;Media&#8221; Are Idiotsby Roger Friedman - <time itemprop="dateCreated" class="entry-date updated" datetime="2014-09-10T09:50:39+00:00" style="font-size: 13px; font-family: Ubuntu; color: rgb(34, 34, 34);">September 10, 2014 9:50 am</time></article><article class="post-43618 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-celebrity category-featured" itemscope="" itemtype="" style="position: relative; padding-bottom: 50px; word-wrap: break-word;"><header style="position: relative; top: -14px; margin-bottom: 6px;">

Paris Jackson is not pregnant. I am assured of this by Jackson family sources. But really&#8211; look around the internet. Not only have idiot bloggers written this. There are &#8220;video&#8221; reports from stand up clowns speculating about Paris&#8217;s pregnancy. A 16 year old toasts with water, and this must mean she&#8217;s pregnant. The angle of a telephoto lens is bad, and she must have a baby bump. The internet is now just a sludge fest at this point.

Is there really an economy for this crap? If you search for Paris on Yahoo! you&#8217;ll see some nitwit young woman in a video from Webpro News&#8211; what is this thing? &#8212; questioning &#8220;Is Paris Jackson pregnant?&#8221; Someone else &#8220;wrote&#8221; the story. Utterly idiotic and ridiculous. Get jobs, ladies. Go to school. Join the Peace Corps. for god&#8217;s sake!
<article class="post-43618 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-celebrity category-featured" itemscope="" itemtype="" style="position: relative; padding-bottom: 50px; word-wrap: break-word;"><iframe src="" allowtransparency="false" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" name="jetpack_remote_comment" id="jetpack_remote_comment" style="width: 699.96875px; height: 58px; border-width: 0px;"></iframe></article>

Well Roger is also among the idiots he identifies, although this time he is not involved in this particular idiotic story.
Mechi, if a lawsuit is to be initiated, why the concern who initiates it?

Historically, Jackson family members have not responded to and/or dismissed negative press about themselves. In fact, I am aware of only two times the family has responded specifically to the press about first generation members: the false accusations against Michael (both times) and Michael’s passing.

For the family to respond to slander against Michael’s children would be out of the ordinary as they did not respond to slander against 3T, Tito’s children, or any other second generation Jackson minor that I am aware of. I see no evidence Michael’s children are not loved, are not safe, and are not taken care of in an appropriate manner despite some fans believing that; to each his/her own.

Katherine is the children’s guardian and I explained why she will not respond. Lest we forget; the two oldest have a biological mother in Rowe. While Rowe seems to be busy with other matters, she has proven to be dependable in publicizing details about her daughter to tabloid-like outlets. She is not needed in this matter as anyone who saw her daughter during the Gary celebration knows this particular minor is not pregnant.

Again, fans will not be able to unite on such issues and that leaves the Estate who has been involved in much more than financial matters.

When attempts were made to complain against a particular tabloid story about Michael, the Estate’s complaint superseded complaints made by fans and Taj Jackson. Their complaint would most likely have superseded any complaint Katherine made as well if she was to make one. Regardless, they allowed the complaint to lapse.

The Estate can and should have written a public letter denouncing the comedian whose attempt at humor used the youngest beneficiary as the target. The Estate can and should handle slander of the minor beneficiaries.

By the way, Berry is fighting against the paparazzi stalking celebrities’ children for pictures, not slander.