His assistant 'Michael' or 'Brother Michael'

I was only putting a link to where it was quoted that Tohme sacked staff, I'm fully aware Latoya might not be right but... I feel right now you can't rule out anything. I mean I hate the Daily Mail personally but whatever we think of tabloids it was TMZ that was right about his death... that is why I'm not ruling out anything I hear - I'm taking it ALL into consideration until we know more.

I watched that Farrakhan vid on You Tube and whilst at first it seems good that he supports Michael... I can't help but feel he is using Michael's words for his own agenda and I don't think Michael would want that... Also some of the comments under the video were extremely racist against white people, those attitudes Michael would not support as he wanted all races to stand together. I don't mean to offend any NOI supporters I'm just telling it how it was when I watched the vids. I don't support racism in any form, against any races - its not healthy and not a way for us to all move forward.

You might be right about that. Farrakahan is who he is a respect some of the things he says but defiently not all.

As for as the racist comments you are going to find racist in every race. Unfortunately this is the way of the US. Racism is embedded in this Country and it will always be. It sad to say but this is one of the reasons Michael was killed. (IMO) I'm not going to get into this here, but it is the ugly truth. All said in done Michael is a black man.
this mj not trusting is getting abit old. he hired and fired
It sad to say but this is one of the reasons Michael was killed. (IMO) I'm not going to get into this here, but it is the ugly truth. All said in done Michael is a black man.

I agree it may have played a part. The way Sneddon treated him may have been racism. I'm not saying that some white people are not racist, just that not all of us are which was the view of some of the comments under the Farrakhan vid that I read the other day.

This thread wasn't supposed to be about NOI but more about what had happened to the assistant since Michael's death and was he in the house on the day...

Lets get back on topic...
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few months ago every one in the forum was talking about how charming and handsome are MJ's bodygaurds especially those ones , but now suddenly they accuse them of killing MJ ..strange.

these guys were not allowed inside the house , no one even was allowed to go upstairs.
so stop this quick judgement.

by the way is Latoya and the Dailymail the only source of this ifo !!!! goodGod what a source..hah

First off, NOT EVERYONE was talking about how handsome the bodyguards were. I do remember someone calling Amir eye candy though..

Secondly. NO ONE SAID ANYTHING about him killing MJ, you have twisted the facts!
I stated, The Jackson family wants him Investigated along with others due to Michael Jackson having told them in life, how HE did not trust Michael Amir. Simple as that.

We dont know what our Michael told his family about this young man. I can only assume, there is reason as to whay they want him investigated.
Actually no one is above suspicion
Michael Amir or whatever his name is needs to be investigated.
Anyone within 100 yards of MJ for a prolonged period of time needs to be investigated. PERIOD.

(not including the family and elizabeth taylor).

just b/c there is suspicion about one person Amir doesn't mean that his actions were based on NOI. That is a big jump. i don't think anyone is saying NOI is involved.

I abhor Farrakan.... but I REALLY doubt he would have anything to do with it or his organization. But the lone individual corrupted by money ???? YES.

Of course this is all speculation on all of our part. That is why we have the LAPD. They need to investigate.

I agree with this. All of them who had access to him especially recently should be on the list of folks to Investigate, without question.
This thread wasn't supposed to be about NOI but more about what had happened to the assistant since Michael's death and was he in the house on the day...

Lets get back on topic...

Yes, I agree. This really serves no purpose.

Anyone close to Michael especially during his death should be investigated. No exceptions.
Barking up the wrong tree on Michael Amir and Alberto.

To the person who said Amir was not even allowed in the house - very NOT TRUE.
He was inside the house constantly. Both of them were. They went everywhere with Michael - including into the house. If anything they were the closest friends he had in the end.
Amir was not inside the house the morning Michael passed. He left late the night before, after he arrived with Michael to the house after rehearsal.

I trust them more than anyone else involved in his life in the past year.

I don't believe that Michael told anyone in his family that he did not trust Amir.
Michael barely even spoke to his family...except when practically forced because of what messes he was having to clean up for himself from Joe and Jermaine. He saw his family once in May...hadn't seen them since ages before, and didn't see them again since.
He hated Jermaine in the end (which is sickening because Jermaine is parading around all over television as if he was his "voice" and "backbone".)
His family are some of the biggest instigators of the problems in his life and introduced people into his life that were at the core of his problems...and death.

His family is in the dark.
Fans knew more about Michael, saw him more, talked to him more than his own family.

Except, of course, for Katherine...as always.
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Barking up the wrong tree on Michael Amir and Alberto.

To the person who said Amir was not even allowed in the house - very NOT TRUE.
He was inside the house constantly. Both of them were. They went everywhere with Michael - including into the house. If anything they were the closest friends he had in the end.
Amir was not inside the house the morning Michael passed. He left late the night before, after he arrived with Michael to the house after rehearsal.

I trust them more than anyone else involved in his life in the past year.

I don't believe that Michael told anyone in his family that he did not trust Amir.
Michael barely even spoke to his family...except when practically forced because of what messes he was having to clean up for himself from Joe and Jermaine. He saw his family once in May...hadn't seen them since ages before, and didn't see them again since.
He hated Jermaine in the end (which is sickening because Jermaine is parading around all over television as if he was his "voice" and "backbone".)
His family are some of the biggest instigators of the problems in his life and introduced people into his life that were at the core of his problems...and death.

His family is in the dark.
Fans knew more about Michael, saw him more, talked to him more than his own family.

Except, of course, for Katherine...as always.

Sigh...and amen.. "We were his world".
Family and police in the dark...I'm too sad now
Amir was not inside the house the morning Michael passed.
u sure of that cause thats intresting as murray said he rang amir to get help.then again maybe he just presumed amir was there as a 1 minute call was made to an staff memeber around 12.15 according to records.so he rang amir and he said im not even here

well said re the rest
Barking up the wrong tree on Michael Amir and Alberto.

To the person who said Amir was not even allowed in the house - very NOT TRUE.
He was inside the house constantly. Both of them were. They went everywhere with Michael - including into the house. If anything they were the closest friends he had in the end.
Amir was not inside the house the morning Michael passed. He left late the night before, after he arrived with Michael to the house after rehearsal.

I trust them more than anyone else involved in his life in the past year.

I don't believe that Michael told anyone in his family that he did not trust Amir.
Michael barely even spoke to his family...except when practically forced because of what messes he was having to clean up for himself from Joe and Jermaine. He saw his family once in May...hadn't seen them since ages before, and didn't see them again since.
He hated Jermaine in the end (which is sickening because Jermaine is parading around all over television as if he was his "voice" and "backbone".)
His family are some of the biggest instigators of the problems in his life and introduced people into his life that were at the core of his problems...and death.

His family is in the dark.
Fans knew more about Michael, saw him more, talked to him more than his own family.

Except, of course, for Katherine...as always.

Thanks for this information Paisley777 its much appreciated, what you've said about Jermaine only confirms what my gut feelings were about him anyway. Some won't question him because he is his brother but sadly I know of a few families where family members have been worse than some external enemies so I know this can happen - especially when borne out of jealousy as this seems and now a desire for cash and more fame for himself - its sick!

If you know anything about Tohme please feel free to add to my thread on him http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=72708 I'm interested in any additional info on what seems to be a very shady character, no worries if you don't feel comfortable doing so.
Barking up the wrong tree on Michael Amir and Alberto.

To the person who said Amir was not even allowed in the house - very NOT TRUE.
He was inside the house constantly. Both of them were. They went everywhere with Michael - including into the house. If anything they were the closest friends he had in the end.
Amir was not inside the house the morning Michael passed. He left late the night before, after he arrived with Michael to the house after rehearsal.

I trust them more than anyone else involved in his life in the past year.

I don't believe that Michael told anyone in his family that he did not trust Amir.
Michael barely even spoke to his family...except when practically forced because of what messes he was having to clean up for himself from Joe and Jermaine. He saw his family once in May...hadn't seen them since ages before, and didn't see them again since.
He hated Jermaine in the end (which is sickening because Jermaine is parading around all over television as if he was his "voice" and "backbone".)
His family are some of the biggest instigators of the problems in his life and introduced people into his life that were at the core of his problems...and death.

His family is in the dark.
Fans knew more about Michael, saw him more, talked to him more than his own family.

Except, of course, for Katherine...as always.

I understand you have an OPINION, MIchael didnt tell his family how he felt about Amir, however, my information is that he did and it was told to me AS FACT, By the same people in your post you describe as knowing MICHAEL MORE THAN his own family- Fans (who speak regularly to Jackson family members).

So unless anyone of us was in MJ's employment or a regular trusted and invited frequently
visited friend, all we can do is give our opinion or share details of what was told to us by those who say they know something.

I dont personally know any of these folks but I stand by everything I have posted and I believe like many other fans; Everyone in Michael's cricle should be Investigated thoroughly, if for nothing elese, than to RULE THEM OUT.

This Includes Michael Amir( imo).
He hated Jermaine in the end (which is sickening because Jermaine is parading around all over television as if he was his "voice" and "backbone".)

I still don't get this "backbone" comment. Makes me so mad.

But I do have to say that..... no person should be above suspicion. Everyone that worked with and worked for MJ should be investigated. While that may not happen from the LAPD perspective, that is why it is important for the fans to raise hell as much as possible about EVERYBODY.

greed is the root of all evil, we also know what 90% of "so called friends"of MJ has proven to be over the course of his whole life.

So raise hell people..... ask questions..... disagree...... and WE as fans are on the same side. That is we are in TEAM MJ.
I still don't get this "backbone" comment. Makes me so mad.

But I do have to say that..... no person should be above suspicion. Everyone that worked with and worked for MJ should be investigated. While that may not happen from the LAPD perspective, that is why it is important for the fans to raise hell as much as possible about EVERYBODY.

greed is the root of all evil, we also know what 90% of "so called friends"of MJ has proven to be over the course of his whole life.

So raise hell people..... ask questions..... disagree...... and WE as fans are on the same side. That is we are in TEAM MJ.

I agree totally.

I dont personally know any of these folks but I stand by everything I have posted and I believe like many other fans; Everyone in Michael's cricle should be Investigated thoroughly, if for nothing elese, than to RULE THEM OUT.
Exactly. There are no "loyalties" or partialities, no matter how nice somebody seemed to have been toward MJ.

If anything they were the closest friends he had in the end.
Amir was not inside the house the morning Michael passed. He left late the night before, after he arrived with Michael to the house after rehearsal.
I hope, believe and trust that no investigators would be this presumptuous about the people around Michael.

I don't believe that Michael told anyone in his family that he did not trust Amir.
Michael barely even spoke to his family...except when practically forced because of what messes he was having to clean up for himself from Joe and Jermaine. He saw his family once in May...hadn't seen them since ages before, and didn't see them again since.
He hated Jermaine in the end (which is sickening because Jermaine is parading around all over television as if he was his "voice" and "backbone".)
His family are some of the biggest instigators of the problems in his life and introduced people into his life that were at the core of his problems...and death.

His family is in the dark.
Fans knew more about Michael, saw him more, talked to him more than his own family.

Except, of course, for Katherine...as always.
Unless you have tapped Mike's phones, tracked all his texts, emails and messengers, followed him everywhere 24/7, there is no way to know who in his very large family he didn't tell what to, about whom.

Who did he call when he felt distressed, worried, afraid, depressed ... during the wee hours of 3 - 4 in the morning? Don't know? Of course not, how could anyone?

tree gets barked up! LOL Until answers are found!
Barking up the wrong tree on Michael Amir and Alberto.

Michael barely even spoke to his family...He saw his family once in May...hadn't seen them since ages before, and didn't see them again since.

His family is in the dark.
Fans knew more about Michael, saw him more, talked to him more than his own family.

Except, of course, for Katherine...as always.

TBO some of these comments I may agree with you on after watching the service and seeing some of the invitees. Would he have wanted some of those people there????? jmo.

I'm just glad that Alberto and Michael have spoken to the authorities again about that day and I hope the information they provided will be helpful to the investigation.
u sure of that cause thats intresting as murray said he rang amir to get help.then again maybe he just presumed amir was there as a 1 minute call was made to an staff memeber around 12.15 according to records.so he rang amir and he said im not even here

well said re the rest

I remember Dileo told L. King that he called Amir after he heard the news about an ambulance at the house and Amir said "that's what I heard, I'm on my way".
That makes no sense to me since the NOI has money..

True that. Minster Farrakhan is well-off-man and friends with Khadafi. He doesn't need money. besides he's got cancer. Farrakhan is a brilliant man and always tells the truth!!

What about Sheikh Abdulla Bin hamad? Is he a suspect too?
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Was that the Michael Amir guy in the funeral sitting next to the bodyguard, Alberto what's his name...? And I wonder why the third one wasn't there? There was always this other guy too who went everywhere with MJ...I wonder why he wasn't invited?

I meant this bodyguard...I didn't see him at the funeral. I wonder why he wasn't invited?

Is the one on the left Michael Amir?

I remember Dileo told L. King that he called Amir after he heard the news about an ambulance at the house and Amir said "that's what I heard, I'm on my way".

I heard or read something about this too but I can't remember any details at the moment though.
I remember Dileo told L. King that he called Amir after he heard the news about an ambulance at the house and Amir said "that's what I heard, I'm on my way".

I definitely heard Frank Dileo say this to larry King. Who told Amir?

It says in this article that assistant Michael Amir says the staff was sacked hours before MJ death, who sacked them? do we know?

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Last name is Alvarez.

Was that the Michael Amir guy in the funeral sitting next to the bodyguard, Alberto what's his name...? And I wonder why the third one wasn't there? There was always this other guy too who went everywhere with MJ...I wonder why he wasn't invited?

I meant this bodyguard...I didn't see him at the funeral. I wonder why he wasn't invited?

Is the one on the left Michael Amir?
