How often do you listen to the holy trinity of


Proud Member
Nov 30, 2021
Billie Jean - Beat It - Thriller

I feel sometimes our fanbase takes these songs for granted. I hope y'all realize these 3 songs are not only among the most widely known songs in the universe, they are also critically acclaimed and without mistake to be found in all time best song lists.

Most artists have either none or maybe one signature song but Michael has 3 (4 if you add "I Want You Back which is also hugely acclaimed and known)
Thriller, almost never.
Billie Jean, yes.
Beat It, sometimes.

Most enjoyable part of Beat It is after 2:40 when the track changes, because I find it a bit too repetitive otherwise. I am never in the mood for Thriller, unless I am watching the video. As a song, it gets no play here.
I essentially never listen to Thriller. Only ever twice at the most, in my entire life. Never seen the video once.

Billie Jean gets regular play. I'll never forget when I heard it on the Weather Channel, the day of his Memorial. As ingrained a memory as where I was when he died.

Beat It I don't play often but sometimes I really wanna hear it and so I play it. Might right now actually.
Heartbreaker, Invincible and Unbreakable - 3 songs that I listen to everyday while brushing my teeth, having breakfast, doing homework, taking a dinner and prepping for a sleep. Sometimes, when I'm in the bus, I can play something from History. And if I'm really really bored I can play something from Thriller. For exmaple Human Nature or Will.I.Am remixes of The Girl Is Mine or P.Y.T
Billie Jean - Beat It - Thriller

I feel sometimes our fanbase takes these songs for granted. I hope y'all realize these 3 songs are not only among the most widely known songs in the universe, they are also critically acclaimed and without mistake to be found in all time best song lists.

Most artists have either none or maybe one signature song but Michael has 3 (4 if you add "I Want You Back which is also hugely acclaimed and known)
I used to listen Beat It when I was a kid. I'm so tired of this song. That's why I would rather choose Thriller, but outro of this song is so annoying, so I would rather listen to Billie Jean, but this song reminds me Throwback mix of Hollywood Tonight, so I would rather listen to Hollywood Tonight, since this song is pretty cool
Billie Jean-Every day
Beat It-When I am in the mood to dance along with it, so pretty much every day
Thriller-All the time to compare to Starlight and be happy that we have Thriller instead lol
I essentially never listen to Thriller. Only ever twice at the most, in my entire life. Never seen the video once.

Billie Jean gets regular play. I'll never forget when I heard it on the Weather Channel, the day of his Memorial. As ingrained a memory as where I was when he died.

Beat It I don't play often but sometimes I really wanna hear it and so I play it. Might right now actually.
Hang on, you're such a massive MJ fan (which is very much clear)

You've never seen the Thriller video once? Why not? 😲😲 The beautiful 4k restoration is a must watch.
I've never chose to watch it, no. I have personal objections. I'm not a fan of horror content like that.
Have you seen Ghosts?

I cannot believe you have never seen your idol's most iconic and the most famous music video ever created 😮

This has blown my mind.
Billie Jean - Beat It - Thriller

I feel sometimes our fanbase takes these songs for granted. I hope y'all realize these 3 songs are not only among the most widely known songs in the universe, they are also critically acclaimed and without mistake to be found in all time best song lists.

Most artists have either none or maybe one signature song but Michael has 3 (4 if you add "I Want You Back which is also hugely acclaimed and known)
I listen to those songs every. single. day.
in fact, I was just playing them before I logged on here💜 they always sound as fresh and crisp as the first time 💜and even better on the radio 💜

I would also add ‘human nature’ to that list, if we’re going by the album track list.
I believe that those songs (including my ultimate favourite ‘wanna be startin somethin’) are not only michael’s best songs, but the best pop songs ever💜

admittedly, I usually listen to the radio edits from the ‘essential’ collection. with ‘thriller’, it’s always the remixed short version without the horror rap at the end.

as someone who doesn’t like rock music at all, and is afraid of guitars 😱beat it’ still manages to appeal to me in a major way. if those elements are removed, there’s still a very catchy melody there; the call & response with the lead and backing vocals, the syncopated phrasing, the verses are just as interesting as the chorus - which is rare. the demo only highlights this. then there’s the message on top of it all, which I think is his most important and overlooked; lyrically and visually.

I agree that all 3 songs are taken for granted in the community. they serve as the template for which subsequent songs are based on, in terms of theme and sound. in some cases, it’s simply a matter of personal taste. other times it’s just jealous rebellion against ‘casuals’ and critics.
Billie Jean - Beat It - Thriller

I feel sometimes our fanbase takes these songs for granted. I hope y'all realize these 3 songs are not only among the most widely known songs in the universe, they are also critically acclaimed and without mistake to be found in all time best song lists.

Most artists have either none or maybe one signature song but Michael has 3 (4 if you add "I Want You Back which is also hugely acclaimed and known)
Never listen to any of 'em. No, let me correct myself. Very, very occasionally I watch the Beat It video. But that's all.
I've never chose to watch it, no. I have personal objections. I'm not a fan of horror content like that.
Ola Ray (the girl who plays MJ's girlfriend in the video) gets frightened. For some unknown reason, instead of running for her life, she chooses to scream while standing in the same spot for an unnaturally long time: someting nobody in their right mind would do in real life. You miss out on this stunning piece of movie realism.
Ola Ray (the girl who plays MJ's girlfriend in the video) gets frightened. For some unknown reason, instead of running for her life, she chooses to scream while standing in the same spot for an unnaturally long time: someting nobody in their right mind would do in real life. You miss out on this stunning piece of movie realism.
Yeah, think that's a tribute to classic horror tropes. If it was a Jordan Peele film I'm pretty sure it'd be more like "Nope".
Hardly ever. In fact I used to listen to the Destiny and Triumph albums every day for about 3 years from '98-'01 while commuting, as well as some other stuff. It's why I'm desperate for unreleased stuff, because I have literally listened to every song at least 5k times.
Have you guys never heard of flight or fight? Some people freeze, some hide, some fight back. The only thing that can be called a horror trope is that she screams, she is a scream queen.

Taking horror, action or comedy movies serious is just nitpicking imo, it’s not real life. Imagine MJ turning into a werewolf by his lonesome then Ola wouldn’t have seen it and the impact of her distress and shock would be significantly less for us the viewers. There has to be a conflict, it’s a horror movie…
Also imagine she had ran away to the house straight away, she would have missed an awesome zombie choreo 😜

Example 2 Jim Carrey Pet Detective. Who in his right mind would hire that lunatic to find his pet? Or Inspector Clouseau in the Pink Panther? These characters and situations are written to be funny not to be realistic.

People often forget to relax in movies. I know people who are not able to get immersed in a film. If they saw a fight scene they would say “if someone knocks you down with a baseball bat you’re not getting up again” . I know that…, stop ruining my experience 😅

You all realize there will be scenes in “Michael” that are going to be completely made up I hope…
People often forget to relax in movies. I know people who are not able to get immersed in a film. If they saw a fight scene they would say “if someone knocks you down with a baseball bat you’re not getting up again” . I know that…, stop ruining my experience 😅
Fake punch sounds. Don't get me started on those.

A lot of effort goes into making effects realistic, only to be let down by bad acting or dialogue (or the fake punch sounds). It's not like making things more realistic means they will be less enjoyable to audiences. Maybe the standing-still-while-screaming-as-MJ-turns-into-a-monster was on purpose, in a cheesy-horror-flick emulation kind of way. I get that.

Just to add a small anecdote about Thriller. We watched it in school. Teacher happily played it for us and we all watched it during class. No permission slips. Nothing of the sort. MJ was on everyone's mind back then. Everyone loved him.
I've never chose to watch it, no. I have personal objections. I'm not a fan of horror content like that.
I am with you on this, not the objection part, freedom of art. But I don't like horror content. I have seen Thriller video couple of times, once 4K also because people made me (👉@LinLoveMJ @wendijane @DangerousGal91)
I was screaming the whole time, I did not run.

Ghosts is different though. The acting, choreography, not to mention Michael on that maestro outfit 🤤🤤 is enough for me to overlook the horror parts. I usually forward the non-Michael parts of the movie. I would recommend watching it.
Ok so I’m not judging, I don’t do that but I am really perplexed by how little us hardcores appreciate 3 of the finest pop songs in 100 years of recording history. I understand the notion that they are overplayed, there isn’t a day you don’t hear any of those 3 songs on the radio but still…

This does make me wonder… Michael claimed the fans wanted to hear those songs in concert, that he couldn’t do anything else. Now I’m not so sure of that claim…
I am with you on this, not the objection part, freedom of art. But I don't like horror content. I have seen Thriller video couple of times, once 4K also because people made me (👉@LinLoveMJ @wendijane @DangerousGal91)
I was screaming the whole time, I did not run.

Ghosts is different though. The acting, choreography, not to mention Michael on that maestro outfit 🤤🤤 is enough for me to overlook the horror parts. I usually forward the non-Michael parts of the movie. I would recommend watching it.
Yes to Michael in the maestro outfit 😩😩😩
Billie jean was on the radio or something the other day and I listened to it then. It's always nice to just admire how talented he is, regardless of what the song is.
Ok so I’m not judging, I don’t do that but I am really perplexed by how little us hardcores appreciate 3 of the finest pop songs in 100 years of recording history.
Is it really lack of appreciation, though? I appreciate all three of those songs, I just don't listen to 'em much. I'm more drawn to Michael's 90's stuff. The Q stuff is great and I always leap to Q's defence when people seem to be belittling his contribution but I just happen to prefer the later stuff.

If I do listen to the 80's stuff it would usually be WBSS, SC, APOM. Bad if I'm watching the video (hardly ever do), ditto Beat It. That's more or less it, I think.

I understand the notion that they are overplayed
I don't really listen to radio much these days but there is something awesome about hearing a classic song coming out of the radio. A lot of times, when a classic is being played, it was a request. Those songs were built for the radio. In fact, we know this bc that's what Q aimed for, a lot of the time.

, there isn’t a day you don’t hear any of those 3 songs on the radio but still…

This does make me wonder… Michael claimed the fans wanted to hear those songs in concert, that he couldn’t do anything else. Now I’m not so sure of that claim…
Personally, I've never really bought that claim but that's a whole other discussion.
This does make me wonder… Michael claimed the fans wanted to hear those songs in concert, that he couldn’t do anything else. Now I’m not so sure of that claim…
He was probably right. Of the thousands who attended an MJ concert, I'd say at least 70% would have been "casual" fans who wouldn't know a song like Monkey Business and maybe wouldn't even know a song that wasn't released as a single. They would have felt cheated if he didn't perform the hits.

It's pretty much only the hardcores who wanted him to perform something different for a change.
Out of the three, it's Beat It for me. It gets regular play in my house because I love it, my husband loves it and my kids (especially my 8 year old son loves it).

Thriller mostly around Halloween.

Billie Jean - occasionally - I adore the song, but I almost feel cliche listening to it lol
He was probably right. Of the thousands who attended an MJ concert, I'd say at least 70% would have been "casual" fans who wouldn't know a song like Monkey Business and maybe wouldn't even know a song that wasn't released as a single. They would have felt cheated if he didn't perform the hits.
But it isn't a question of him not performing the hits. It's just to say that he could have dropped a couple of songs in favour of other stuff. Ballads or mid-tempo stuff that don't require any dancing. He still would have had a set list comprising at least 80% well-known stuff. I wouldn't expect him to perform stuff that hadn't been released. There were enough songs on the albums that didn't get performed onstage. He could have used some of those.
Thriller out of the three. But i don't litsne to it that much. I listen to his 90's art because that was when I became his fan so it makes so much more sense to me to listen to the songs and work that attracted me at day dot. [1991] I take Ghosts over Thriller because the style of his look is something i like big time. That's a running theme to me, always has been.
but I take Is It Scary over Ghosts audibly because I love the intensity charged lyrics. But i pick Human Nature [any era ] over any thing.
There are different elements to M's work and I appreciate many of them.
Thriller out of the three. But i don't litsne to it that much. I listen to his 90's art because that was when I became his fan so it makes so much more sense to me to listen to the songs and work that attracted me at day dot. [1991] I take Ghosts over Thriller because the style of his look is something i like big time. That's a running theme to me, always has been.
but I take Is It Scary over Ghosts audibly because I love the intensity charged lyrics. But i pick Human Nature [any era ] over any thing.
There are different elements to M's work and I appreciate many of them.
Is it scary is one of my favorites 🥰.
Ok so I’m not judging, I don’t do that but I am really perplexed by how little us hardcores appreciate 3 of the finest pop songs in 100 years of recording history. I understand the notion that they are overplayed, there isn’t a day you don’t hear any of those 3 songs on the radio but still…

This does make me wonder… Michael claimed the fans wanted to hear those songs in concert, that he couldn’t do anything else. Now I’m not so sure of that claim…
Not surprising at all. Those songs are for casual fans. Nothing wrong with them, and I am happy we have so many (few!) performance of those. Based on this forum, the hardcore fans appreciate hidden gems :)
Not surprising at all. Those songs are for casual fans. Nothing wrong with them, and I am happy we have so many (few!) performance of those. Based on this forum, the hardcore fans appreciate hidden gems :)
can we please not label and shame people for their preferences? it’s even more hurtful coming from the moderator of this board 😔

I’ve been a fan of michael’s for as long as I can remember. I am decades old. I resent being reduced to a ‘casual’ (which seems to be the slur around here) just because his biggest hits (up until ‘we are the world’) just happen to be my favourites.

another ‘thriller’ related thread that I felt good about participating in, took a turn for the worse 😔yet I’m hardly surprised..