I Kept Waiting for Michael to arrive...

In a way, michael's passing will never truly hit home. I was talking with my mum the other day and she said that it always felt like her parents were still there, that there weren't gone even though you knew they were gone.

It's because he lives in our memories that he will never be gone to us.
In a way, michael's passing will never truly hit home. I was talking with my mum the other day and she said that it always felt like her parents were still there, that there weren't gone even though you knew they were gone.

It's because he lives in our memories that he will never be gone to us.

True! But, in spite of that, ...we'll never see him on stage performing, or coming out with new vanguard videos....or music or just to smile at thee wild fans and whisper: ''I love you more!!
....I'm sorry guys, I don't wanna depress anyone, it just I still cannot cope with losing him, ...
same thing happened to me . :( i kept waiting and hoping Michael would come out and at least wave or something....i cried throughout the whole thing....but at the end , when they played Man In The Mirror and i saw that spotlight with no Michael , it made me realize this whole situation is really true...he is really gone...:(:(...that and Paris' little speech touched me the most.:(
I kept saying to my mum "this is the bit where he pops out"......."this is the bit where he pops out"......."this is the bit where he pops out"....... but he never did :(
I LOST it when they played Michael's voice during Will you be there. As if that song wasn't killing me enough! I have avoided listening to it since he died - I can't take it.

I too kept having some part of my brain going 'When's Michael coming on?' and thinking 'These guys cannot TOUCH him!' no one sings with that effortless, sweet voice. I am so, so sad.

Ken totally did make it sound like they were going to play some of the rehearsal, I nearly fainted in anticipation. He said something like 'the fans have been asking for it' etc. I don't understand what he was getting at.
At the end of the ceremony, when they were playing man in the mirror and the mic was there, I just knew Michael was going to come out. I unconsciously anticipated an appearance by my idol so I totally understand what you are saying.

YES. absolutely.
when the mic was standind there and the light on it, i thought like commom Michael, make me smile again.
i so much wanted him to come on stage at this moment in order to make me feel happy again, because only he can do that in hard times :(
a horrible feeling.