If you REALLY want a messed up group of people.....


The Queen HBIC
May 5, 2007
Las Vegas
Go to gagadaily.com

They are a Lady Gaga fan forum and are seriously the SICKEST people ever!

They even created a thread on there called,"Is Michael Jackson REALLY a child molester?"

I left my input there,and most people said,"Calm the f*ck down","Calm your tits","This thread isn't useless"(that was a comment I made,that the thread was useless),and after I'd quoted Michael saying "If I did anything to hurt a child I'd slit my wrists.I love children and wouldn't harm them in any way",one person commented saying,"That's pretty creepy he'd say something like that.O-O".

It took a while to post this,but it's seriously a sick bunch of people,especially making such a thread,even after him being dead three years and being acquitted on ALL THIRTEEN COUNTS AGAINST HIM!

I used to be an avid member,until this thread was made there.

Just wanted to throw that out there.
Why not use it as an opportunity to post facts?

He was acquitted on 14 counts.

If you want some quick facts...

Here's some for 1993:

Evan Chandler wanted Michael to help negotiate script-writing deals for him, to which Michael would not agree to (source). (His father even admits this in his brother’s book.) Evan was also over $60,000k in debt at the time the allegations began.

Evan Chandler did not contact the police when he says he suspected his son had been abused. First he hired a lawyer, and set up a meeting with Michael to exact the terms of his extortion attempt for $20 million dollars, to which Michael would not comply (if he had paid then nobody would ever have known about any of this - again he admits this in his own brother’s book). Only after that failed extortion attempt did Chandler take custody of his son and only because of that court order did he then take his son to a psychiatrist who contacted the police. He had the psychiatrist report the abuse because if Evan did Michael could have sued him for falsely accusing him. You know how we know this? Once again: he admits this in his own brother’s book.

Jordan Chandler maintained for quite some time that Michael never touched him in an inappropriate way, it was only when his father got custody of him that this changed, and it was only because of a court order in which he had to return Jordan to his mother that Evan took his son to that psychiatrist, this was done in order to prevent Jordan from returning to his mother.

In fact, there’s a taped phonecall of Evan Chandler threatening to take Michael for everything he owned, that was taped on July 8th, Jordan was drugged to confess to the psychiatrist over a month later on August 17th. Up until that point Jordan had been denying it. In that phonecall he says he already has the “nastiest son of a bitch” lawyer he could find - a man he hired before his son has even said he was molested. He says he wants to make this as public as possible to get everything he wanted from Michael - before his son even said he was molested. He admits on the tape he has no idea if his son has been molested and what happens to his son is “irrelevant” to him.

That phonecall was taped by Jordan’s step father David Schwartz, when Evan realized he’d been taped he beat David Schwartz up and David sued him, in his lawsuit Schwartz said he never believed Jordan had been molested. This physical altercation is interesting because on the occasion where he met Michael in the lawyer’s office after the supposed abuse; he reached in to give Michael a big hug. As someone with a history of violent outbursts, I’m sure this is a normal reaction to your son’s abuser.

Jordan Chandler only admitted abuse by Michael after being allegedly drugged by his father with a drug known to elicit responses based simply on suggestion, and to cause false memory syndrome, which is why testimony under that drug is inadmissible in a court of law. It’s a coincidence in his brother’s book that Evan admits that he never wanted them to go to a criminal court, and that under this drug Jordan was able to speak of Michael the same way his father Evan had spoken of him a few months earlier in that taped phonecall. Maybe the drug gave him psychic powers.

An arrest warrant was issued for a full body search of Michael in order to match it up with a description given by Jordan Chandler. In it Jordan, who was Jewish, alleged Michael was circumcised, Michael was not circumcised. On the basis that there was no match, Michael was not arrested, and then it was the Chandler’s own lawyers who wanted those photographs barred from the civil trial. Sources -> http://i.imgur.com/CPlMT.jpg http://articles.latimes.com/1994-01-05/local/me-8514_1_michael-jackson

2 separate grand juries in 1994 went through all the evidence, interviewed 400 people, including 30 children, and failed to bring any charges against him.

DCFS investigated and could find nothing against him.

From the beginning this had only been a civil lawsuit against Michael, the Chandler’s fired their first lawyer when she said they wanted to take Michael to criminal court. Michael asked for the criminal trial (i.e he wanted to face prison) be allowed before the civil one, but the judge refused.

Michael was never arrested in this case and never charged with a crime. Yet the settlement between both parties did not preclude the Chandlers’ from testifying at a criminal trial. They had every opportunity to do that, had they so desired.

Instead of taking Michael to criminal court, they would claim crazy fans forced them to not testify; this fear of crazy fans seemed to completely vanish when immediately after Michael's insurance settled, Ray Chandler admits within days, he began shopping a book about the allegations that Evan had written. Within days.

Michael did not want to settle with the Chandlers. Quite the contrary; he wanted to go to court. But against his protests and the advice of his attorneys, his insurance carrier negotiated and paid a settlement with the Chandlers after they retracted their claims of molestation—a fact that is documented in trial transcripts from the 2005 case. This happened over 7 months after Evan had initially demanded money from Michael in private. If Michael had wanted to pay him off he had 2-3 months of privacy to do so, and then another 4 months of the whole world knowing it had happened to do so - 4 months wherein he had to cancel a world tour, where Pepsi dropped him, Addams Family dropped him, where he developed a drug addiction to cope which lead to a month long stay in rehab, which involved having to strip naked and have his body searched, having Neverland searched, his mother’s house search, his condos searched, a hotel room he stayed in searched, the offices of his manager’s searched, his medical records subpoenaed and so on. All this could’ve been avoided if Michael had paid out with his own money 7 months earlier. --> http://www.sbscpublicaccess.org/docs/ctdocs/032205mjmemospprtobj.pdf

After this ordeal Jordan Chandler then emancipated himself from his parents. (and I’m sure people will be relieved to know that after the supposed abuse Evan Chandler claimed in his brother’s book that Jordan was miraculously fine and didn’t need any therapy from it, also as they told National Enquirer when they sold stories about him in the 90s, he was also "completely heterosexual".)

Because this meant Evan would no longer access to that money, he again tried suing Michael Jackson for $60 million dollars; the case was thrown out of court after 4 years. In that same time period he refused to take Michael to court for molesting his son, but he was willing to go to court to get more money out of him. He also demanded Michael give him a record deal so he could release an album he’d composed of songs about Michael that he’d named after himself, EVANstory. I know that’s where my mind would be at, if my son had been molested and then he’d divorced himself from me. He claimed in this lawsuit the allegations had invaded his private life, I’m sure the natural reaction to that is to want to sing and dance about it (again in his own audio tape he says he wanted it to be as public as possible).

In 2004 Jordan Chandler told FBI investigators that he would refuse to testify “against” Michael Jackson and threatened the prosecution with legal action should they attempt to force him to do so. Think about that: he was willing to go to court in order not to have to testify against Michael (in his original psychiatrist interview he said the only thing he was afraid of was being cross examined, he is now on the record twice as saying the one thing he didn't want was to testify). They did not, neither did the prosecution subpoena his father or his uncle, both of whom claimed intimate knowledge of his molestation.

On the other hand, Michael did in fact subpoena the uncle who claimed knowledge of the molestation in a book he’d written in time for the trial. It was Michael who demanded Ray turn up to court with any of the proof he claimed he had. Ray refused and one of his responses was that he did not in fact have any knowledge of any molestation, so his book was essentially fiction. Think about the audacity of that: it was the supposed abuser demanding the relative who claimed proof to show up in a court, think about how fearless you have to be do that.

Less than one month after MJ was acquitted in the trial, Evan Chandler tried to kill his son, and his son took out a restraining order against him and took him to court. It seems Jordan was willing to testify against a real abuser when it mattered.

There are witnesses who have heard Jordan admit he was never molested. After Michael died his father then shot himself in the head. Nobody attended his funeral, not any family, nor any friends. He was not a well liked man, was manic depressive, with a history of physical abuse, not just against his son, but his wives and his wives husbands.
Regarding the Arvizos Case in 2005:

The alleged victim, Gavin Arvizo, and his brother, Star Arvizo, who supposedly saw the alleged abuse, were never able to keep their stories straight. They, along with their sister, Davellin, all changed their stories several times with regard to what abuse occurred, where it occurred and how and when it occurred - they all changed their stories even while on the witness stand, it got to the point where his own lawyer tried to help Gavin out by asking him if he’d had memory problems because of his cancer, to which clueless Gavin said that he had had some problems but they were gone now. They also admitted to previously lying under oath, lying to the police and lying to their own lawyers.

A highlight of the trial was when Gavin originally told police (and a grand jury) that his grandmother had told him he needed to masturbate or he’d go out and rape women, then he changed this while on the witness stand to claim that it had really been Michael who had told him this. When challenged over the contradiction he said that, coincidentally, his grandmother and Michael had both given him the same bizarre advice at the same time (he’d originally also claimed he knew more about sex than Michael ever did).

Gavin Arvizo claimed Michael had molested him only after the Bashir documentary had aired. The Bashir documentary of course started huge media attention on whether or not Michael was a pedophile, with Sneddon inviting any victims of Michael to step forwards (none did). DCFS investigated him for sexually abusing Gavin, the world was watching and analyzing everything he did.

The dates Gavin was supposedly molested included dates where Michael was not in Neverland.

This was also after the DA, DCFS, police, FBI and media were investigating Michael’s private life for having assumed he already molested Gavin. Of course at the time Gavin told everyone he was not molested, his mother, sister and brother all said he was never molested and that they all loved him. So to get around this they claimed Michael’s people had held them hostage and forced them to say this. There’s a video where you can see Janet asking the camera man to zoom in on her holding hands with Gavin, because she says she hated they made that into a creepy thing, and when she realizes the camera is really rolling she laughs and says “Oh God! This is the out takes of the out takes!” This footage was never aired so Michael’s people held them hostage for nothing.

After the documentary aired is also when Michael had hired a lawyer. So Michael aired a documentary which made people believe he was already a predator, hired a lawyer, held the family hostage and forced them to say nice things about him (because even without having abused them they would not have said nice things), then he molests a child everyone assumes he’s molested anyway and then he decides that even though he worked so hard for this one victim, he was gonna ditch him and make sure he stayed as far away from them as possible.

Janet Arvizo, mother of the alleged victim, has a history of lawsuits and trouble with the law. This history includes (but not necessarily limited to) welfare fraud, perjury under oath, a sexual abuse case brought by her against her former husband, and a physical and sexual abuse lawsuit brought by her against security guards working for a JC Penney store, after her children, including Gavin, had been caught stealing from this store. His mother would also accuse her husband of sexually abusing their daughter in their divorce proceedings. This is all documented. Gavin Arvizo had also once accused his mother of child abuse in 1996, but then recanted.

Like Evan Chandler, Janet did not initially go to police with any allegations of sexual abuse on her son. Rather, she first went to the same civil attorney who worked for the Chandlers. They saw 2 lawyers before they saw the police.

Gavin's step father had originally tried to get money out of Michael in February, after this failed they then asked the same lawyer from the first trial about getting a civil suit against Michael. Even the lawyer from the first trial was overheard calling them "whacko" and that they only wanted money, this according to Larry King who was there.

The Arvizos repeatedly tried to get money out of comedian Chris Tucker, who was a friend of Michael’s. Chris’ ex wife wrote a public letter to Gavin after MJ’s death urging him to come forward and admit what she had seen of him and that he had never been molested.

Jay Leno knew the Arvizos, they had tried contacting him too and he had heard Janet Arvizo coaching her son Gavin to speak to him on the phone and ask for money, so Jay ceased contact with them, finding them creepy. Gavin would claim he'd never even spoken to Jay.

The Arvizo's had also gotten money out of comedian George Lopez. They had even intentionally left Gavin's wallet at George's house, and then when they got it back would claim there had originally been $300 in Gavin's wallet (why a child needs $300 is anyone's guess), and that George had stolen it. The comedy club where he worked gave the Arvizo's the $300 just to get rid of them.

Other than all of this clearly damning evidence against Michael, the biggest hindrance for the prosecution were their other witnesses. They forced three kids to testify to prove MJ was a serial abuser, however these men, Brett Barnes (his twitter here --> @iambrettbarnes, who quit his job to fly out to testify), Culkin, Robson, all denied ever being abused or ever seeing MJ do anything inappropriate with anyone. The prosecution even ended up trying to tell these men they could’ve been molested in their sleep by Michael, to which Culkin dryly responded “I find that highly unlikely.” Their sisters and mothers testified to staying in MJ’s bedroom with him, never witnessing anything strange, never seeing him be inappropriate with anyone, saying he had been in their lives for years and that they loved him.

They had brought on airline stewards to prove MJ gave the kids alcohol in cans, except those stewardesses said no such thing had happened, that it had been their own idea to put alcohol in cans for him, not Michael’s, that they served other people in this way, that they served him like this regardless of who he was, and that the Arvizo kids were brats who were embarrassing to have on their flight. Remember, these are stewardesses brought on by the prosecution, not Michael.

They forced Michael’s ex-wife on the stand to say she’d been forced into speaking positively about him, she claimed no such thing had happened and broke down in tears when speaking over what kind of father he was. They forced a book writer and his ghost writer on the stand to speak of the things they’d claimed to know in their book, also published during the trial, both admitted to embellishing info in that book for money because the author was broke and neither recalled ever witnessing MJ do anything inappropriate, contrary to the reason why they’d been forced to testify.

And of course, their worst witness, Gavin, who now goes by the name of Anton Jackson, doesn’t live with his mother (who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, guess it’s another coincidence both parents involved were mentally ill - of note to mention is that people regularly cite Michael Jackson as being “crazy” - the only two people actually diagnosed with a mental illness involving psychosis in either of these ordeals are the parents of two of the kids) and lives in Georgia State, where one of his ex girlfriends recently told someone he had confessed he had never been molested by Michael.
I agree with, La Cienega. Post the facts of the case. Telling people that Michael said he would slit his wrists rather than hurt a child won't convince anyone of his innocence. It's hard cold facts that can do that.
The fans who act like this make me hate some artists..it might be wrong but that's how it is. I agree though, if you've got enough patience to be with such stupid crowd then show them FACTS and shut their "mouth".
Rather than give them a long text that they may not read, I would shorten it to, say, 10 main points and then add some websites to refer to for more info. I do very much like the idea of factual rebuttals. I agree that it's revolting that there is such a thread!! Does Gaga herself know about it? Maybe she would object?
Go to gagadaily.com

They are a Lady Gaga fan forum and are seriously the SICKEST people ever!

They even created a thread on there called,"Is Michael Jackson REALLY a child molester?"

I left my input there,and most people said,"Calm the f*ck down","Calm your tits","This thread isn't useless"(that was a comment I made,that the thread was useless),and after I'd quoted Michael saying "If I did anything to hurt a child I'd slit my wrists.I love children and wouldn't harm them in any way",one person commented saying,"That's pretty creepy he'd say something like that.O-O".

It took a while to post this,but it's seriously a sick bunch of people,especially making such a thread,even after him being dead three years and being acquitted on ALL THIRTEEN COUNTS AGAINST HIM!

I used to be an avid member,until this thread was made there.

Just wanted to throw that out there.

I just found the forum & thread. It is awful what some think.. still.. 0_o I hope some of you who are a member of that forum reply with facts posted in this thread & there is info. on the case(s) in the MJJC Legacy Project Forum as well. Please,Please.. inform the world,do not attack. Inform these people. Heh.. may help to post a youtube clip of Gaga herself speaking about MJ. LINK: http://gagadaily.com/index.php?showtopic=34997&st=0

And on the forum they keep saying MJ was a virgin and his children aren't his etc.
watch this in MJ's own words start at 5:25
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Tell them Michael was investigated by FBI fr many years and they didn´t find anything
Ask them where are the victims, in child molester cases there use to come forward victims especially when the abuser is dead
Tell them Michael was Accused of Child Molestation that is a CRIME. Why wasn't he PROSECUTED in 1993?
Tell them Michael was Accused of Child Molestation that is a CRIME. Why wasn't he PROSECUTED in 1993?

Yep. His case was brought in front of two Grand Juries (one in Santa Barbara and one in LA) and none of those GJs saw evidence to even indict him.
Tell them lady gaga herself loves mj and post those videos of her saying so on that forum....lets see what they say then!
where one of his ex girlfriends recently told someone he had confessed he had never been molested by Michael.

Wow didnt know this

i wish this girl would come forward and tell the world this
Yeah and tell them that the thread they cooked up is the most retarded thing, either they get the facts straight or they're asking for an @$$ load of trouble.
Has anyone taken action. this is sickening.

Ignorance, GaGa fans posses. The truth we must reveal to them.
Actually I went to that thread and the MAJORITY of Gaga fans are defendiing Michael. :heart: They just dont have the facts to back up what they believe. So I would'nt bad mouth the whole forum. The person who started it did it with the sole intention to attack Michael. and threw around some false information that needs to be adressed by some facts.
Actually I went to that thread and the MAJORITY of Gaga fans are defendiing Michael. :heart: They just dont have the facts to back up what they believe. So I would'nt bad mouth the whole forum. The person who started it did it with the sole intention to attack Michael. and threw around some false information that needs to be adressed by some facts.

Yeah I agree that person who did that thread needs to get the facts straight. Though I am glad to hear most of the Gaga fans defending Michael. Bless their hearts.