Jackson family May Be Allowed Burial at Neverland Ranch

I agree that Michael didnt want to go back. But since its death, the news and others are respecting it more i think.

my question is though, if not Neverland, then where?
I get the queasy feeling that some of the push (from the family) to bring Michael's body back to Neverland goes along with turning the place into a tourist destination - $$$. When Michael was happy there, it was a sanctuary, and anyone who visited was there as a guest. Turning it into a commercial enterprise seems contrary to the spirit of the place, quite apart from the question of whether Michael wanted to return there.

Maybe the family should bury Michael in a peaceful undisclosed location. But then they'd have to not tell Joe.

I totally agree...he never returned to Neverland...so why would anyone in their right minds feel that is where he wanted to be laid to rest?? The family have dollar signs in their eyes.... not the fans feelings at heart. when Jermaine appeared with Larry King just days after MJs death that was the uppermost in his mind ...a tourist attaction to raise millions for the Jacksons.
YES RETURN HIM WHERE HE NEVER WANTED TO GO. he hated that place so might as well bury him in sneddon's back yard...that's what ur doing

PEOPLE the jackson's dont own the majority stake in the damn ranch. y the hell would u bury him there? that's like me burying my mother in ur backyard...wtf? it's not my home
I don't like the idea of him being buried at Neverland. I also feel that even if they "built" Neverland back up it just wouldn't be the same. I feel like the place was what it was because of Michael, once his spirit was broken from that place then it just wasn't the same. Of course I would still like to visit it someday but the reality of it hasn't escaped me. I would rather he be somewhere peaceful that his children can visit without having to be surrounded by us honestly. I know we all love Michael (and he loved us) but imagine if you were trying to visit your dad's site and there was always someone constantly there...I don't know, it's not about what we want but I hope they let Michael rest in peace, in a place that his children/family can visit without onlookers. That's just my opinion.
so what that Michael didn't what to go back to neverland so what

Michael is gone and he'll rest happy there :yes:
Neverland over. May try to rebuild it again, but NEVER be the same Neverland. All the magic of that place over. Got some very bad and very sad for Michael, but he was very happy there, I believe it was the best years of his life. I always wish I had known Neverland, but after 1993 I do not have a little or will be in place for today brings me bad memories.​
I wish that Michael had written these things down, because in death even the most generous have the right to be selfish. If he wanted to be buried at Neverland for everyone to come and visit him, that's fine. If he wanted to be buried in a normal cemetary like a normal person, then that would be fine. Maybe that is what he should have...a normal burial just like everyone else. He wanted so badly to be normal. Maybe it would be best for Michael's grave to be private, and have Neverland built up again and restored to something beautiful, with all proceeds going to Charity. That way Michael's legacy continues on, his dreams of helping children flourish and grow carry on, and he gets the peace that he longed for all his life...

I'm sure this may never happen though :( I just wish it could...

These are my thoughts exactly.....he left everything else written down in that will. I wish he would of written down his final resting place also. Then again he probably didnt even want to think about it. He was so busy living life and talking care of his children that he never thought about himself. Also someone else owns Neverland now so I dont think it would be a good idea to put him somewhere he doesn't even own there is a stability factor there.
Michael created and loved the Neverland Valley Ranch, and I think
his Heavenly Spirit has already been back their several times.
So, I think that is where his body should rest.

I am all for NL be coming a tourist attraction. Because like Graceland, it will give everyone a chance to experience him. I love that idea. But, as for him being buried there, I think Gary is best

I hadn't thought of that, but then again, his childern. Somewhere close by would be nice. God, yeah I can't believe we're discussing this.
well i am sure Tom Sneddon will have some say..lol
isn't he dumb?

Btw, Neverland will not be the same without Michael and without him as the full owner. The magic is gone ever since he left that place. Even if they rebuild it, it would not be the same but just some commercial place. :boohoo: I've always wished that MJ would go back and regain its former glory but nothing will be the same again.
My take on the situation:

If Michael hated Neverland so much he would have sold it outright long ago.
Michael was angry & probably still was at the time of his death.
But you can't just let go after all that time you put into something. All the good memories there & what it meant to people.

He leveraged it but never NEVER EVER sold it. Remember that.
In my opinion I think he should have never left. I would NEVER let some motherf*kers run me from MY home. But I'm confrontational that way.

I believe that one day he wanted to return. It's like he hadn't had a real home since 2005. Just crashing with princes in palaces & villages. Nomadic with no real roots. Maybe it's the Taurus in me but I believe Michael wanted real home roots. Perhaps he was building a new Neverland in Vegas. But naw, it was California. That same valley. THAT'S his home. That's sanctuary #1. He had houses around the country & world but that was his HOME.

Personally I believe he DOES need to be buried at Neverland. The site shouldn't become a commercial wasteland but needs to be able to accomodate the billions of fans who would flock to his creation year after year. And it would help the local economy as well. It should be handled by people who understood what Neverland stood for & what Michael meant for the place to be.

To think that Michael should be buried in an ordinary grave is just not realistic. He's the most famous person in the world. They will desecrate his resting place out of some irrational hate or some misdirected love. It would cause a safety hazard & security emergency to the other graves.

He can't be buried in Forest Lawn. There's only one place big enough & that's Neverland. Big enough to be buried in a peaceful part of that massive property, big enough to experience how Neverland was for the fans who never got to see it.

Gary sounds good in a sense but Gary can't maintain upkeep for all the traffic he'll get around the world. It would energize that town but it just can't hold Michael. Logistically impossible. But there needs to be something more done with the Jacksons legacy there.

Then again maybe they'll bury him on the family plot somewhere in Alabama or Arkansas. Once again a Forest Lawn situation only magnified.

Neverland is the only place that can hold the phenomenon that is Michael Jackson. He was larger than life & even larger than death. He was anything but ordinary.
John Lucas
Well finally news about this topic! I think it is the best decision to lay him to rest in Neverland, his family and brothers are the best to know how much he loved Neverland in his happy days, and the happy days will return I hope! :smilerolleyes:
I really wanted Michael to be buried at Neverland, I don't give a damn either Joseph don't want that to be his son's resting and I really don't give a damn BS about the California law saying it isn't legal, laws are just too damn stupid anyways. My mother told me that if Michael is going to be buried at Neverland and became a new tourist attraction like Elvis's Graceland, that in the next few years after that we will go to Neverland. Michael maybe gone and now in to heaven, I still remember saying my dream to visit Neverland has died, I was thinking maybe I will face my dream to visit Neverland.
I'd say let Michael be buried at Neverland, because I doubt there's any places there for him to be buried.
bullshitthis is what tito said. i hope they don't do this"I feel that wherever he rests he should stay there and not be moved, whether it's Neverland or Forest Lawn or wherever. Neverland wouldn't be a bad place, but from what I'm hearing is that [Michael] never wanted to go back to Neverland to live because of the situations we know in the past, and it left such a bitter taste in his mouth. I believe that's where the pain started, way back when."
Hey Everyone,long time reader,first time posting :)

Maybe michael could be cremated,and his family keep the urn.

As for neverland,if it was to be turned into a tourist attraction,i think it should be run by volunteers and with any proceeds going to Michaels charities.
I don't think Michael would want to be buried at Neverland & I hope he isn't going to be buried there.
Here's my 2 cents: I don't want Neverland as a tourist attraction. I want it as a kids camp, or a place for sick kids to go and hang out. Put it back for the kids, not for us. I think Mike would want to see SOMETHING good come from his death. If we can take Neverland and turn it into one big charity for sick kids, he'd love that.

I am sick to my stomach at the thought of him not being laid to rest yet. I can't help but think the family is using Forest Lawn as a distraction, and he's actually sitting in an urn on Katherine's fireplace. Hell, I was at Forest lawn in the beginning of July before people KNEW he was there and media was already there. Sad, but most everyone follows the rumors.

I was at Neverland beginning of July (though we never got in.) I'd never been there before, but his spirit for me felt like it was there. That's just me though.

Put him in my backyard. There's a beautiful oak tree with shade. He'd love it. There's a fence and plenty of crazy ass redneck neighbors with guns around here, no one would be getting to him.

"Crazy ass redneck neighbors with guns." Man this had me laugh!

I'm at the point where you can stick him in Bashir's pipe for all I care, just get it done already.
not really an new news in this article. just a page filler about what could happen
Jermaine's current wife is the ex of Dr Tohme Tohme. Jermaine is the one who has said on TV he'd like Michael at Neverland. Which would be more profit if its opened like Graceland. Dr Tohme Tohme sorted out the London gigs. Dr Tohme Tohme is friends with the owners of Colony Capital who own Neverland. The owner of Colony Capital is also friends with... AEG who were putting on the O2 gigs http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/news/la-et-michael-jackson31-2009may31,0,1441957.story?page=1

I'd love to pay my respects to Michael's grave at some point in the future and thank him for all he gave us BUT not if money grabbers are profiting from it and especially someone who may have organised too many gigs for Michael knowing physically he couldn't handle it...

What do you think?
Well, if Michael didn't say that He didnot want to be buried at NL in his will, then it is the Family's decision.It will be stopped by the county no doubt if they see that it would cause a problem but really how far away is NL from his neighbors and If Elvis' family had the same problem before it was agreed to make Graceland a tourist attraction. DAM !!!,Cali needs the Money and it could help Cali get back to the business of SHOW. It's probably haunted already,aka Larry King, LOL and Michael is just waiting to come back home.
Within days after MJ's death, Jermaine was at Neverland with Larry King (and others, since then), talking about Neverland - how beautiful and peaceful it is, how he feels Michael's presence there. That may all be genuinely how it feels to him, but the fact that he was promoting it on Larry King made me think that it was part of a long-term plan to commercialize the place.

I love the idea of it being a place for children, if it's to be opened for any sort of public use. Not a shrine and a moneymaker, but a gift and a haven.
I believe Michael knew how much Neverland meant to his fans, and how so many of them wished to be able to visit it one day. While Michael and his children were living there obviously there was no way he could have made his millions of fan's dreams come true by opening up the gates and allowing them all to visit. However now that no one is living there I think it would make Michael happy knowing that Neverland is still able to bring some joy into so many people's lives, and perhaps even change a lot of non fan's perceptions of who Michael really was as a person, by letting them experience the magic and beauty of his creation.
I believe this is a wonderful idea. Why? Because it's guarded twenty-four seven. We can't just bury Michael in some cemetary, I mean, I'm afraid that people would dig up the grave or something, it's happened before. It's the safest place for Michael to be buried at this particular moment. We'll also be able to visit him easily too and walk through his beautiful home. I'm sure that's what he would of wanted, he wanted us to be happy.[/QUOTE

AGREE 100%.
Ok so I think that it has to be Neverland. We are talking about the biggest star on the face of the planet. There is no cemetary that is going to be able to provide the kind of security that Michael is going to need. Even if they set aside a private area and make a separate entrance for him the cost of securing the whole cemetary would be huge. They wouldn't just have to protect him they would also have to protect the other part of the cemetary as well because people (even well meaning people) would find their way into the area that isn't for Michael. Also I don't think that there is a cemetary that is going to give up such a large area for just one plot when they could make more money if plotted out for many. Plus Elvis's grave was broken into just days after he was buried, Lincoln's body was dig up 3 times before they put under 3tons of cement, and JFK is buried under that much cement for just that reason. As it is MJ is going to have to be under some cement.

Second think about Princess Dainna's island in England, she is getting the peace and rest that she needs by being buried close to her fans but yet far enough way that it would be hard to deface her grave or unearth her. There is that great pond at Neverland that I believe is just outside his bedroom???? with the fountine in it. They could build an island in the center of that thus allowing his grave to be visable to fans and protected by the water factor. Also this would make it possible for the kids and family to visit Michael on the island. Neverland as a musem wouldn't be open 24/7-365 so there would be plenty of time for them to visit.

I know that MJ may not have wanted to go back to Neverland but if it between providing him the protection and security needed versus someone defacing his grave or unearthing his body for money. I'd rather see him at Neverland.
I hope he will be allowed to be burried at Neverland.
'Forest Lawn' already has enough security. There are hundreds of other well known celebrities resting there as well. Plus, I wouldn't want to have to pay just to pay respects to Michael's grave...pay to get itno NL to see whathe created...butto have to pay or geta ticket to pay respects to his grave? Besides, thinkof teh traffic/people there...running around, people dropping things on the ground, littering etc..I don't want Michael's final resting place to be a 'public's playground.' *sighs*

What happens happens though...anytime now.
yea let's bury him where the family doesn't have HELLOOOOOOOOOO controlling percentage of the ranch. y would someone do that? that means tohme and barack can do whatever the hell they want to that place. so why in the world would they do that?

y'all aren't still thinking mj owns the ranch free and clear, right? so unless they pay that off and it's all theirs, they had better not put him there. cuz then they have no say over what goes on. they're not in teh majority vote at this time.

and y would u make the kids go over three yrs to visit their father? in a place that's barren, not home, no one lives there (not jaxxon anyway) and then go three hrs back to encino WHEN they can go down the street and c him?
I think that is a good idea, in that water pool make an island for him to be buried on, and if any family were to come visiting, then kick everyone out pronto so they could be in peace. This is definately a quandry though!
Plus, having those kids have to go back there to a place that they ONCE called home....can you imagine how heart-breaking that would be? And what if it doesn't stay in the right hands?...what if it goes into financial trouble and then sold again....are they suppossed to 'rebury' mike somewhere else?

3 hours away, the kids and family have to make that trip....who's going to be willign to take them all the time...and think about the photographers...they won't leave them childern alone. Miek never wanted them bothered and taunted by the media, they certainly won't be left along visiting his resting place at NL....unless they close it for the day or so...more testy fans could arise.

At 'Forset Lawn,' it's near the jackson's residence, there's plenty of security and I'm certain they'll have an easier time keeping the press at arms way.

The childern people...think of teh childern...