Jackson family May Be Allowed Burial at Neverland Ranch


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Jul 25, 2011
Jackson family may be allowed burial at Neverland Ranch

  • Story Highlights
  • State officials say Santa Barbara County has to approve burial on private property
  • Jackson family also must fill out a two-page application and pay $400
  • Neverland Ranch was Jackson's home for almost two decades
  • Brother Jermaine wants to see him buried at ranch; father Joe opposes idea
From Ted Rowlands

LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) --
The family of Michael Jackson has been told by state officials that it may be possible to bury the singer at Neverland Ranch -- if the county gives the green light.
Officials with Santa Barbara County, the site of the ranch, said Thursday that they have not yet been approached, and it was not clear whether the family had decided to pursue that option.
A lawyer from the Jackson family contacted state officials recently about possibly burying Jackson at the ranch that was his home for almost two decades, said Amanda Fulkerson of California's State and Consumer Services Agency.
To bury someone on private land in California is a two-step process.
First, a certificate of authority is needed from the state Cemetery and Funeral Bureau -- easily obtainable by filling out a two-page application and paying $400. Next, the family needs approval from the county.
No one from the Jackson camp has contacted county authorities yet, said county spokesman William Boyer.
"We have had no formal application either from the Jackson family or from the property owner," said Boyer, the communications director for the county. "At that point, we would review the application and make a determination."
Boyer said Santa Barbara county has never been approached about burial on private land.
California has had burials outside cemeteries, most notably that of former U.S. President Ronald Reagan at his presidential library in Ventura County's Simi Valley.
Jackson's brother Jermaine said he'd like to see the singer buried at the ranch. But their father, Joe Jackson, said he opposes the site.
The rest of the family has expressed no preference about Jackson's final resting place. Michael Jackson died June 25 of a cardiac arrest. The exact cause of death is pending toxicology results.
Jackson purchased the Neverland Ranch -- named for the fictional world in J.M. Barrie's "Peter Pan" -- in 1987 and filled it with animals and amusement rides.
Billionaire Tom Barrack Jr. gained control of the ranch through his company last year as part of a process to alleviate the singer's debts, believed to be in the millions.
Soon after Jackson's death, Barrack said the property's future would be discussed at a later time.
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Michael did not want to go back to Neverland when he was alive. Not sure what ppl are thinking wanting to take him back there in death for eternal rest. It's going to be Thriller nights fo sho if they bury him there....IMHO. I hope Katherine and Latoya stick to their guns and not budge on the idea. But whatever they ultimately decide....we're all gonna have to live with. Poor Michael. I wish he had thought about stuff like this, altho morbid, while he was alive and put it in writing so ppl would know exactly what his wishes were. :(
From watching Tito on ET I think the family will take into account that he has millions of fans that will want to come visit him yearly so they will find a place big enough to accommodate his tomb and his fans.. that's just me speculating..
From watching Tito on ET I think the family will take into account that he has millions of fans that will want to come visit him yearly so they will find a place big enough to accommodate his tomb and his fans.. that's just me speculating..

Maybe they can buy up a nice plot of land in Forest Lawn and build a really nice mausoleum type thing for him there. It would be inside Forest Lawn yet almost like a separate part of the cemetary, exclusively for Michael. And then we could still visit. :(
I believe this is a wonderful idea. Why? Because it's guarded twenty-four seven. We can't just bury Michael in some cemetary, I mean, I'm afraid that people would dig up the grave or something, it's happened before. It's the safest place for Michael to be buried at this particular moment. We'll also be able to visit him easily too and walk through his beautiful home. I'm sure that's what he would of wanted, he wanted us to be happy.
I believe this is a wonderful idea. Why? Because it's guarded twenty-four seven. We can't just bury Michael in some cemetary, I mean, I'm afraid that people would dig up the grave or something, it's happened before. It's the safest place for Michael to be buried at this particular moment. We'll also be able to visit him easily too and walk through his beautiful home. I'm sure that's what he would of wanted, he wanted us to be happy.

He spent his life making us happy. Maybe in death we should think more about what might make him happy...for himself...nothing to do with us or anybody else for a change?
Wendy that is a great idea.. They really would have to buy at least an acre or more.. lol..
As for thinking someone would be able to dig up the casket, they would have a better chance of breaking into Fort Knox.. MJ's grave would have an alarm around it as soon as someone tried to get close to it. Plus it would be burried under so much concrete that it would be impossible for them to even get a shovel in the ground.
I get the queasy feeling that some of the push (from the family) to bring Michael's body back to Neverland goes along with turning the place into a tourist destination - $$$. When Michael was happy there, it was a sanctuary, and anyone who visited was there as a guest. Turning it into a commercial enterprise seems contrary to the spirit of the place, quite apart from the question of whether Michael wanted to return there.

Maybe the family should bury Michael in a peaceful undisclosed location. But then they'd have to not tell Joe.
None of us really know where Michael wished to be buried. To say that he would, or would not want to be buried at Neverland is pure speculation, and none of us should pretend we know the answer.

I do believe however, as Nicholas stated above, that Neverland is probably the safest and most secure place for him to be buried. Let's face it, as sad as it sounds there are a lot of people in this world who would jump at the chance to deface Michael's grave and cause it damage. Look at what happened to Elvis. He was originally buried at a public cemetery and someone tried to steal his body before it was decided the safest place for him would be Graceland. I feel Neverland offers Michael the best place for him to finally rest in peace.
I wish that Michael had written these things down, because in death even the most generous have the right to be selfish. If he wanted to be buried at Neverland for everyone to come and visit him, that's fine. If he wanted to be buried in a normal cemetary like a normal person, then that would be fine. Maybe that is what he should have...a normal burial just like everyone else. He wanted so badly to be normal. Maybe it would be best for Michael's grave to be private, and have Neverland built up again and restored to something beautiful, with all proceeds going to Charity. That way Michael's legacy continues on, his dreams of helping children flourish and grow carry on, and he gets the peace that he longed for all his life...

I'm sure this may never happen though :( I just wish it could...
My guess is that Katherine is making certain now that she has more of a safe hold on Michael's estate....just in case the idea of NL beng turned into a visiting spot does come to fruition. She wants to make sure that the right folks are in place to respect his memory and his property. She also doesn't want the wrong individuals to profit from his death. Not that any profit should be made from his death though.
that's disgusting. tito said he was told mj never wanted to go back there

might as well make tohme and barack pall bearers cuz they own the CONTROLLING vote and portion of the ranch. they'llmake it a circus

let the man rest...adn do it down teh street from where his kids will BE RAISED NOT THREE HRS AWAY. wtf?

im so disgusted right now. if this happens...honestly might as well take the fake grief mask off and admit u want to exploit this shit to the fullest. DISGUSTED
I say have him burried at the cemetary. It just seems more fitting, I mean I understand that he built NL and all but, to make it a tourist attraction...god. Perhaps have NL as a place of homage to him, yet not a burial place.

And Kate, I had no idea that NL was sooo far from Encino...or even Vegas if the childern go to live with Reebie. Ueah, the cemetary seems more fitting. Good security, road access, managable crowds. *sighs*
the man needs in death what he didn't get in life...it's called PEACE

they can build a g.damn crypt if they're so afraid of the bad people in the ground and them messing w/ the body. for shit's sake they act like this is a game.

the man is not even buried yetand they're fighting over thewill and this and that. it makes me sick that mj is taking a backseat to all this bullshit.

y do they need to wait until the tox reports are done? for what? just like damn james brown and it makes me sick
it's called EXCUSES and it makes me ill. just to think where he is right now. just dreadful. the kids acn't visit his grave, it's just stupid
The most frustrating part for me is that Michael STILL ISN'T BURIED! This is rediculous, why can't people treat him like a regular human being for once and lay him to rest??!!!??
I cant believe we are discussing. Sometime l think l got a nightmare only to find me self in reality...
This is getting ridiculous...they really don't have an idea of where to bury him yet? It's beyond disrespectful. :(
the man needs in death what he didn't get in life...it's called PEACE

they can build a g.damn crypt if they're so afraid of the bad people in the ground and them messing w/ the body. for shit's sake they act like this is a game.

the man is not even buried yetand they're fighting over thewill and this and that. it makes me sick that mj is taking a backseat to all this bullshit.

y do they need to wait until the tox reports are done? for what? just like damn james brown and it makes me sick

:better::better: I get what you mean.

Even though I hate the thought of it, I think it would be better if Michael were cremated. Spread the ashes somewhere in Africa or France (since he loved it so much). That way no one can 'steal' his body.......because even after burial there's a risk some nutthead would want to do that. :doh:

But I agree, don't bury him at Neverland. Give him peace, instead of making him a tourist attraction all over again.
My gosh, are we really discussing about michael being burried.
Still i can,t believe this al is really happeing.
oke, chill jenny chill......just seeing things in perspective.
it,s insane michael,s body still is not burried.
Give the man what he deserves, a final place to rest for his body.
If that,s neverland or the cemetary i don,t care anymore.
I just want that michael gets some more respect instead of being dragged from this place to that place....terrible...
I am all for NL be coming a tourist attraction. Because like Graceland, it will give everyone a chance to experience him. I love that idea. But, as for him being buried there, I think Gary is best
At this point I don't care so much where, I just wish they'd bury him already :(

It's been MORE THAN A FREAKIN' MONTH and he's probably still in the casket in some obscure room!!! :perrin

Michael always longed for a normal life and he can't even have a normal death...... I don't understand why people never get tired of draining this man.

It's sickening.
I am all for NL be coming a tourist attraction. Because like Graceland, it will give everyone a chance to experience him. I love that idea. But, as for him being buried there, I think Gary is best
Edit....I didn't read your post properly.
It's really sick that they still didn't buried him?he needs peace for god's sake
but I think it's best for MJ to be at neverland,he created neverland,yes I know that neverland was never the same for him after 2005 ,but neverland was MJ