Liberace boyfriend Scott Thorson claims he was Michaels lover


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
'I was Michael Jackson's lover': Liberace's boyfriend Scott Thorson makes shock claims of long romance with King of Pop

Liberace's one time toy-boy companion Scott Thorson claims had an even more famous lover - in the shape of late superstar Michael Jackson.

The man - whose memoir inspired HBO's Behind the Candelabra starring Michael Douglas and Matt Damon - now alleges he had a six to seven years relationship with The King of Pop.

And he claims Jackson and piano genius Liberace used to bond at his Palm Springs compound as they BOTH recovered from plastic surgery.

Famous pals: Liberace and Michael Jackson were at one time good friends in the 1980s

'Liberace introduced me and Michael in the late 1970's,' 54-year-old Scott told The Sun. 'It was right around the time Thriller was coming out and Michael and I became lovers.'

'Our relationship went on for six or seven years, Michael was very generous, too. He treated me well.'

Scott previously talked about his relationship with Jackson after he gave an interview to The National Enquirer back in 2004 claiming their first sexual encounter to place and the home of late female impersonator Danny La Rue.

Famous couple: Scott Thorson and Liberace attend Muppets Go Hollywood premiere at the Coconut Grove in Hollywood

Fake lovers: Behind The Candelabra stars Michael Douglas and Matt Damon play Liberace and Scott Thorson

'I was standing only a few feet away from Michael when he motioned with his hand to come over to him and join him on the bed,' he revealed

'I climbed onto the bed - our lovemaking session lasted about an hour.'

Behind The Candelabra tells the story of the bizarre love affair between Scott, then 17, when he met Liberace who was, 57, at the time.

Source: Dailymail

Are those claims new? i have never heard of this guy before. Some people just have no lives.
This crap was already here. I think you have to move this to the controversy section.
Its old .. old old old .. tabloid crap .. just being recycled - nothing new here

as per the article
Scott previously talked about his relationship with Jackson after he gave an interview to The National Enquirer back in 2004

OH SHUT UP SCOTT! We're all sick and tired of your crap full of lies!
Oh come on really? Who else is going to claim this same crap

Regardless of how stupid these stories are, I highly doubt that if Mike was gay, that he would have hidden it.
Oh come on really? Who else is going to claim this same crap

Regardless of how stupid these stories are, I highly doubt that if Mike was gay, that he would have hidden it.

Regardless if he was or wasn't, he most definitely would have kept it hidden.
Especially in his hay-day, it was incredibly taboo to be out, especially if you're one of the worlds biggest entertainers.
It would have ruined his career, which is sad.

So happy the progress that has been made in the past 20 years.
Oh please if Michael slept with these people, they would have sued him a long time ago and it would come out. They would blackmail him for money. Eventually some media person would hunt down the quiet ones and pay them to spill their guts.
Regardless if he was or wasn't, he most definitely would have kept it hidden.
Especially in his hay-day, it was incredibly taboo to be out, especially if you're one of the worlds biggest entertainers.
It would have ruined his career, which is sad.

So happy the progress that has been made in the past 20 years.

you didn't know Michael so don't say what he would have done.
He wouldn't have. Not in the 80s, anyway.
And you don't know him either, so you can't say he wouldn't have done either.

And strange how you took what I said and twisted it like I was bashing him or something.
AtlasAir;3842262 said:
Regardless if he was or wasn't, he most definitely would have kept it hidden.
Especially in his hay-day, it was incredibly taboo to be out, especially if you're one of the worlds biggest entertainers.
It would have ruined his career, which is sad.

So happy the progress that has been made in the past 20 years.

Justthefacts;3842297 said:
you didn't know Michael so don't say what he would have done.

AtlasAir;3842299 said:
He wouldn't have. Not in the 80s, anyway.
And you don't know him either, so you can't say he wouldn't have done either.
I can't say definitely but I think if he was gay he probably wouldn't have come out in the 80's because he was very shy. He once stated he didn't want to offend any of his fans that were gay so he remained silent on the issue. But he did come out later after negative stories and rumours kept swirling around and stated that he was Not Gay. So knowing that I think we can say he definitely wouldn't have come out in the 80's or anytime to say he was.... Settled :)

Regardless he was such a beautiful loving man. :heart:
"Im not gay, I’m not bisexual, I’m not curious.
But I respect and love all those people nontheless."

~ Michael Jackson
No need to say more.
Scott Thorson on Larry King Live on August 12, 2002
KING: Did you ever have other homosexual relationships?
KING: No. You did not.
KING: He [Liberace] was the only one.
THORSON: He was the only one.
"Im not gay, I’m not bisexual, I’m not curious.
But I respect and love all those people nontheless."
~ Michael Jackson

Where is that quote from?
No need to say more.

Just what I wanted to say too. This guy started to say this in 2004, first in the National Enquirer. Now in The Sun. In tabloids which typically pay for such claims. But before in an unpaid interview with Larry King he said Liberace was his only gay relationship. But when tabloids pay for it he all of a sudden remembers a 6-7 year relationship with Michael Jackson. OK then.

In the NE he also claimed he saw child porn in Michael's possession. This was right before the trial when tabloids paid big bucks for any pedo or gay story about Michael. Why did he say that to a tabloid and not on the stand, under oath if it's true? In his interview with Entertainment Tonight in 2012 he and the program tried to suggest he was molested by Michael as a child. Luckly fans flooded them with messages and pointed out that Thorson is actually 5 months older than Michael so how would that work? LOL.

And now he remembers a 6-7 year affair with Michael. The superstar who is obsessively protective of his privacy has a long term relationship with a professional hustler like him? Okay then.

He's been in jail many times for drug related crimes, bulglary and even had some dealings with the maffia. There is a movie out there about him and Liberace starring Michael Douglas and Matt Damon, which is based on Thorson's 1988 autobiography (no mention in that autobiography about this supposed relationship with Michael - I guess he just "forgot" a 6-7 year relationship before tabloids refreshed his memory with money... :smilerolleyes:). He was Liberace's lover but he lies about him a lot too. It's a shame they base a movie on this guy's words. Liberace would certainly not like it, knowing how Thorson sued him for money ($113 million!) in 1982. So we should believe that while he did this Michael had him as a long time lover. Yeah, right.

BTW, the Thriller era was not in the 70s. At least he should get his basic facts right. (He said that in his recent interview with the Sun that their relationship started in the late 70s, during the Thriller era. The Daily Mail cleverly omitted this as even they realized this would show how "credible" he is.)

I can't believe that at this age and time anyone can claim anything, no matter how ridiculous, and all the papers just run with it.
Wow. Last year, Scott tried to imply that Michael molested him. Now he claims to have been Michael's long-time lover. Please. This is so stupid.
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Where is that quote from?

I can't find a reference source for that quote at this time (ill keep looking) but I have quotes and videos where he states he is not. Are you just questiong the source for that quote or questiong if he ever stated he was not gay?

"I know it's not true, so it doesn't bother me. I'm sure we must have plenty of fans who are gay. That doesn't bother me in the slightest, but I'm not gay." Michael Jackson (Steven Ivory interview 1978) (also sourced by Nelson George in his book "The Michael Jackson Story" 1984).

Michael Jackson deposition Interogation 1996 _ "Im Not Gay"

Michael Jacksons speech against racism in Harlem July,9,2002
"I'm tired. I'm really, really tired of the manipulation. I'm tired of how the press is manipulating everything that's been happening in this situation. They do not tell the truth, they're liars..... they called me a freak, they called me a homosexual, they called me a child molester, they said I tried to bleach my skin. They did everything to try to turn the public against me"

But to address Scott Thorsons accusations, posted in tabloids he denied on Larry King in 2012 (as posted above)
Scott Thorson on Larry King Live on August 12, 2002
KING: Did you ever have other homosexual relationships?
KING: No. You did not.
KING: He [Liberace] was the only one.
THORSON: He was the only one.
Are you just questiong the source for that quote or questiong if he ever stated he was not gay?

No, I don't doubt the quote is real, it's just that it's the first time I read this one, so I was wondering if I missed an interview or something. If you could find it, I would really appreciate!
Seems like he's out of jail and now tries to cash-in on his MJ lie. He's doing media rounds with the story. Tomorrow he will be on The View.

Liberace's ex-lover: I had affair with Michael Jackson

By Hal BoedekerStaff writer11:11 a.m. EDT, June 13, 2013

Matt Damon, left, plays Scott Thorson, and Michael Douglas is Liberace in 'Behind the Candelabra.' (Claudette Barius/HBO / June 13, 2013)

A recent HBO movie brought new attention to Liberace and former lover Scott Thorson.
Now Thorson is sounding off in an interview that will air Friday on ABC's "The View."
Thorson says that Liberace introduced him to Michael Jackson. The headline: Thorson said he had an affair with the King of Pop.
In a clip released by ABC, Sherri Shepherd asks why anyone should believe Thorson, who is broke and doesn't have a job.
"The View" airs at 11 a.m. weekdays on WFTV-Channel 9.,0,

Will the exploitation of Michael with lies EVER stop? And why do the media give a platform to this loser? *Sigh*
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Here is a little more info about him. From TMZ, May 31:

Scott Thorson -- Liberace's former lover who was just portrayed by Matt Damon -- has been bailed out of jail by Dennis Hof, the owner of the Bunny Ranch brothel ... TMZ has learned.

Thorson's life with Liberace is the subject of HBO's "Behind the Candelabra" -- but not covered in the movie is the fact Thorson has been sitting behind bars in Reno since February 22 ... waiting to be sentenced on burglary and identity theft charges.

Thorson pled guilty last month after getting busted for using stolen credit cards. Attorney David Houston is representing him at sentencing in July.

Hoff tells TMZ he decided to help because he felt Thorson -- who has stage II colon cancer -- was not getting proper treatment in jail.

Hoff says he will put Thorson up at the Bunny Ranch until his sentencing, and make sure he receives his treatments. For cancer ... not the typical ranch treatments.
Clearly he needs money. IMO him going on the view is nothing more than hens on that show handing him his ass. Cause he will be asked about his jail time and other problems
Michael was not gay. If he was gay i wouldn't have a problem with that but people need to stop calling the man something he never claimed to be
As I heard the hosts on View were very sceptical about him. They told him (paraphrasing) "you're broke, you were in jail, you are a drug addict, you have no evidence, so why should we believe you?" And he was like: "I took two polygraph tests". LOL. That was his "proof".

Not that that alone would prove anything, because polygraphs can be tricked, but I don't think he took any polygraph tests about this. That he took the polygraph was a claim in that 2004 National Enquirer article in 2004, but who has ever seen that? Or we should take the Enquirer's word for that? LOL. He didn't take anything. The Enquirer wanted him to say this lie no matter what. Just like they provably offered money to other people to lie about Michael.
He was on Howard Stern. He's a mess. He can't even keep his story straight. Now they met in the mid 70s and had a relationship between 1982 and 1985. Whatever happened to the 6-7 years? LOL. The more these low lives talk the more exposed they become as liars.
The f*ck with people these days! :doh:

Michael never pretended to be someone he wasn't. Even though he kept many things for himself, he was quite sincere to express how he was as a person. I don't think he faked when we saw him flirting with women at all. Even if he was I'm pretty sure his legions of female fans wouldn't had minded and I include myself.