"Michael", a biopic about Michael Jackson, is officially happening.

for the biopic:
Also, speaking in a 30-hour long conversation with Rabbi Scmuley Boteach, Michael also revealed how his father once threatened to stop loving his children if they stopped singing.
“God bless my father, because he did some wonderful things and he was brilliant. He was a genius, but one day he said If you guys ever stop singing I will drop you like a hot potato. It hurt me,” he said
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People freaking out over Jaafar. Cringe.
What’s cringe is that you can’t seem to post anything new? We’ve heard you say this a thousand times. Some (most) fans are excited. Let us be excited. No need to constantly shit on people’s excitement because you have a lack of imagination. No one here appreciates your posts at all. There’s a private thread going on about how annoying you are. Stop it.
The filming must be due to finish soon and after that it will all go quiet, I imagine. Except for more cast announcements. What's interesting to me is that all the filming bits we've seen go as far as 1994. We haven't seen anything past that point.
The filming must be due to finish soon and after that it will all go quiet, I imagine. Except for more cast announcements. What's interesting to me is that all the filming bits we've seen go as far as 1994. We haven't seen anything past that point.
Exactly!! Is it possible they're just taking a break? If they intended to stop in 1994, why would they have a girl play Paris? Would they really leave out the last 15 years of his life?
Yup, I'm still not convinced that they will cover well into the 90s and then the 2005 trial up to his death in 2009.

I still think they will stop with Man in the mirror on the Dangerous tour and end it in 93/94.

If anything, they might just do a huge time jump from 93, skip past his trial in 05 and then end it with his death, have some facts and montage of real MJ at the end , stating he faced trial and was found innocent etc.

There's simply too much drama to cover in one movie. Huge corners will be cut
I won't be surprised at all if this is the case.
I honestly think they will , there's not enough time to cover everything.

Let's say they intended to do the 05 trial, that would require huge amounts of emotive acting and detailed info , they couldn't just cover it all in say 15 mins.

A montage at the end of the film stating that he also faced trial in 05 and was found INNOCENT.
The filming must be due to finish soon and after that it will all go quiet, I imagine. Except for more cast announcements. What's interesting to me is that all the filming bits we've seen go as far as 1994. We haven't seen anything past that point.
That means, the film ends with the financial settlement?
In August 1993, as the second leg of Jackson's Dangerous World Tour began, news of the allegations broke and received worldwide media attention. Jackson canceled the remainder of the tour, citing health problems arising from the scandal. That September, the Chandlers filed a lawsuit against Jackson. They and Jackson reached a financial settlement in January 1994; Jackson and his legal team stressed that this was not an admission of guilt. The investigation found no physical evidence against Jackson. In September 1994, the investigation was closed after the Chandlers declined to cooperate, leaving the case without its main witness. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_sexual_abuse_accusations_against_Michael_Jackson
Exactly!! Is it possible they're just taking a break? If they intended to stop in 1994,
oh, that wasn't what I meant. They've implied that they will go all the way to 2009. All I'm saying is - so far we've only seen stuff up to 1994, nothing after that. But it doesn't prove anything, of course, plus we've only seen outdoors stuff.

why would they have a girl play Paris?
Still waiting for confirmation on that. Back in April someone on Twitter said that Peyton Riley McConville herself confirmed that she's playing Paris. But I still can't find that confirmation let alone anything official. So I'm biding my time on that one.

Would they really leave out the last 15 years of his life?
Doesn't seem likely, imo. Maybe they've done the 2000's mostly indoors, who knows?

That means, the film ends with the financial settlement?
Who knows? It would make it too much like the musical (even though that ends in 1992) if it just went as far as the early 90's and no further. I was really just thinking out loud about what we've seen so far. For example, it looks like Walter Yetnikoff will get a scene since it would appear that someone is playing his assistant. Everything so far has been 60's/70's/80's. But that could be their strategy ... to keep everyone guessing and interested.
Yup, I'm still not convinced that they will cover well into the 90s and then the 2005 trial up to his death in 2009.

I still think they will stop with Man in the mirror on the Dangerous tour and end it in 93/94.

If anything, they might just do a huge time jump from 93, skip past his trial in 05 and then end it with his death, have some facts and montage of real MJ at the end , stating he faced trial and was found innocent etc.

There's simply too much drama to cover in one movie. Huge corners will be cut
If this actually happens, I think it would be such a waste of oportunity to include Robson's testimony in the trial!!
Plus the MSG shows in 2001 - inspite of some people complaining about them, they were a glorious moment and could serve to introduce the respect Michael received from some of today's big names.
Graham King said there are also bits MJ preparing for TII in biopic. Isn`t this enough confirmation that it goes until 2009?

The leaks we have aro only from out the door filming.
When did Graham King say this? I've not seen this comment before.
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They literally stated that they will include all the high and lows/controversies and that it won't be a whitewash.

They CAN'T leave out the cases cause the media and normal people will be very negative and say that all his controversies were not included. If they leave it out, all.news will be about how the bad moments were purpusely not included.

Leaving it out will damage the movie and reduce all credibility of the story. Because fact is Michael was controversial and still many many people are not sure about the allegations (we are because we read into it).

And the makers obviously now that. In addition, they also know that THIS is the moment to clear his name.

I am 100% sure they will include post 1994 with the trials and possibly TII, whether with Jaafar or in some other ways.

Its nice that we saw some leaks, but next year we will now, speculating on some leaked pictures en vague statements of people working on it or not going to make us wiser on whats included and what isnt, at least at this stage.
When did Graham King say this? I've not seen this comment before.

"According to Roger Friedman, who sat with both Graham King and John Branca in 2022, King did five years of research before the biopic. In addition, they both stated that the timeline would go beyond 1992, covering until Michael's death in 2009."

I do think the timeline of filming is a bit odd. I am not sure when they started filming but it seems they are almost finished, but some recent scenes were in '80s, begin '90s (shot on top of car)(recreating thriller clip).

If they included '90s and '00s scenes with Jaafar appearing as more mature MJ, would they have started filming with that era? Them the timeline of filming scenes is pretty random.

Though they did film at neverland recently with that picture of all the cop cars (which seems 1993)
When did Graham King say this? I've not seen this comment before.
Besides the article @zinniabooklover posted where Graham and Branca allready stated a few years ago it will go to his death the quote I posted is the from the reports a few weeks ago where Graham spoke to the audience in the cineman where they did the first trailer.
I do think the timeline of filming is a bit odd. I am not sure when they started filming but it seems they are almost finished, but some recent scenes were in '80s, begin '90s (shot on top of car)(recreating thriller clip).

If they included '90s and '00s scenes with Jaafar appearing as more mature MJ, would they have started filming with that era? Them the timeline of filming scenes is pretty random.
Films don't get done in chronological order. Depends on so much. The weather. Does the lead character need to lose or gain weight? Maybe trying to get all the outdoor stuff done while it's still dry - maybe not so much of an issue in LA, lol. Actors are sometimes challenged by the order in which scenes are filmed. Sometimes they have to do a really heavy scene before anything else which kind of throws them in at the deep end, they don't get to build up to it. That's where their skill comes in, I guess. Stuff gets filmed and then it gets pieced together in the editing suite. The director knows what they are going for. It's not unusual for the last scenes to be filmed first.

I don't think we'll know too much about the mature era stuff bc most of that would be filmed indoors, I think. Just guessing!

Though they did film at neverland recently with that picture of all the cop cars (which seems 1993)
The police car scene could be explained by something as simple as - props (i.e. cars) that have to be booked and used in a certain time slot means that a scene might get filmed 'out of sequence' just bc another production team needs them for their tv cop drama or whatever. It's things like, the need to book outdoor locations. The need to book specialist equipment (the helicopters, for example). Really mundane stuff like that.
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