After thinking about it more and reading the plot for the special (which apparently is supposed to end with a dance finale by an animated MJ), I'm not as angry about the Halloween special as I was. I probably will watch it. But I am still very angry at the Estate for getting us all hyped for this "big" announcement when really, this Halloween special is something they could've announced right off the bat instead of getting the fans all hyped up. If it was something like Thriller 3-D or Thriller 35 or Ghosts on Blu-ray/DVD or even a late Dangerous 25 release, then yeah, that would have been a huge announcement and most if not all of the fans would have been happy and excited. But a project like the animated Halloween special is - IMO - not something to keep under wraps for a while, especially when you're calling that project "pleasantly surprising". Like I said, I don't necessarily hate the Halloween special as much as I did and I probably will watch it, but I really think they should have just announced it right off the bat instead of getting the fan community all hyped up and everything. That's the reason why I'm still angry at the Estate.