MJ Estate Fourth Accounting - Document & Summary & Discussion


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Fourth accounting was filed on June 29, 2015. Hopefully, we'll have some news about it.
Question please: is there a chance this accounting or a portion of it will be sealed? The below was posted on Twitter. What does this refer to?

Certain portions/information have always been sealed and/or redacted for the previous accounting as well. It doesn't affect what we get. I already got the document.
08/21/2015 at 08:30 am in department 51 at 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012

08/21/2015 at 08:30 am in department 51 at 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Hearing on Petition(for Settlement and FourthAccount Current and Report ofStatus of Administration;)

I think these two accounting are different. One is about the Tohme case.
The PC 12220 don't seem to exist.
There you go : http://dailymichael.com/the-estate/303-mj-estate-fourth-accounting-document-summary

Document: http://www.scribd.com/doc/270231894/Mj-Estate-4th-Accounting

Summary :

Fourth accounting period covers January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013. (First accounting covered June 2009 to October 2010, second accounting covered November 2010 to December 2011 and third accounting covered January to December 2012).

From third accounting we know that MIJAC debt is fully paid. No property was sold during the fourth accounting period.

Estate is not in a position to be closed yet. Executors are asking for administration of the Estate to be extended for one more year.

Inventory, assets and business activities are same as the previous accounting documents. There are still several probate claims against Estate that are ongoing. Estate tax dispute with IRS is another legal matter Estate needs to resolve as well.

Schedule D shows net income from trade or business during third accounting period (Jan 2013- Dec 2013) at $40,333,827. (Gross income is $67,407,156).

Payments to Katherine and MJ’s kids are as follows (Jan 2013 - Dec 2013)

Kids allowance $ 4,347,020
Katherine allowance $1,200,477
Calabasas residence expenses $455,263
Other expenses $51,411
Insurance (health and property) $125,147
House employees $471,469
KJ & TJ Guardianship lawyer fees $247,482
Guardian ad litem fees $72,973
Utilities costs $38,814
Security $369,468
Repair & Maintenance $809,767
TJ Jackson guardianship fees $154,071 (new for fourth accounting)
Total $8,151,308 (A footnote lists total as $7,838,988. See tidbits for details)

Note: Estate states from time to time they adjust (meaning increase) these allowances. Kids allowance shows an increasing trend. The fourth accounting annual allowance numbers $4,347,020 is higher than the third accounting allowance amount of $3,064,009. On the second accounting period kids allowance was $2,139,194 .

Estate paid $10,004,148 in taxes and licenses. Estate's legal expenses for 2013 is over $4.5 Million.

Estate paid $170,609 for appraisals. Estate has paid $12,176 for the ongoing archiving project. They paid $789,142 for storage of Michael’s property. Estate employees were paid $47,494. Estate paid $769,155 for public relations.

Estate paid several consulting fees. They paid $1,300,000 consulting fee to Katherine Jackson (paid to Perry Sanders and originally $1.5 Million but reduced by $200,000 to pay back previous loans (over $6.5 Million) given to Katherine Jackson). Estate also pay $6,033 per month to Jackie Jackson as a consultant.

Estate has paid $16,500,000 on loan principal payments. As MIJAC debt was paid in full on third accounting, all of this money went to pay Sony/ATV debt. As of December 2013, Estate had $25,643,060 as cash or equivalents.

Estate has earned $2,294,737 from royalties.

Total Co-executive & creative director compensation is $3,838,790. This is lower than the third accounting amount of $4,454,011.


For $141,825 Estate has chartered a plane for family to attend to MJ One.
Estate have paid for Prince's Ford F150 Raptor. It cost $64,424.
Estate had paid a $10,000 retainer fee to WebSheriff.
Estate has paid $37,776 for Domain Search and Renewal fees.
Estate has paid $314,320 in expert witness fees for Arthur Erk from Citrin Copperman. Erk testified as an expert witness for Katherine Jackson during AEG trial saying MJ could have earned $1.5 Billion from TII. Erk's fee has listed under family allowance hence resulting in reporting of two different numbers. ($8,151,308 total number versus the $7,838,988. The difference seems to be Erk's witness expert fee).
Thanks ivy

Estate paid several consulting fees. They paid $1,300,000 consulting fee to Katherine Jackson (paid to Perry Sanders and originally $1.5 Million but reduced by $200,000 to pay back previous loans (over $6.5 Million) given to Katherine Jackson). Estate also pay $6,033 per month to Jackie Jackson as a consultant. and paying for erk. And tj.---------------------------+

jacksons are busy laughing as mjs still paying their bills regardless of what the will says. so branca asks katherine whats mjs fav colour for some new branding we are planning. kjs like umm black and red?! that will be 20k for consulting fees please. i dont know whether to laugh or cry. glad they arent getting any of my hard earned cash
Marc_vivien, those are August's dates. Information is routinely sealed as per Ivy's response.

Apologies, I have not read the document as of yet and I have the following questions. Thank you in advance for responses.

What are the gross earnings for 2013 period?
What are MJ’s business activities? Is the Broadway play still a possibility?
Any inactive entities dissolved or that was concluded in third accounting?
Has the children’s trust had any additional funding?
Are investments by MJ Estate included in these accounting? Example: if there was an investment in Y&B, it would appear on the fifth accounting?
If the Estate has only managed to pay off the much smaller Mijac debt, when do they plan on paying off the much larger Sony/ATV debt, considering they will never again se such an income as in the the first years after 2009???
If the Estate has only managed to pay off the much smaller Mijac debt, when do they plan on paying off the much larger Sony/ATV debt, considering they will never again se such an income as in the the first years after 2009???

They have been paying Sony/ATV debt. In previous accounting documents it looked like they take the income from it and use it to pay the debts. I'm not sure about the exact number but I think they were paying around $10 Million a year. Now they can put more into it - almost double. Plus they refinanced it reducing the debt amounts.

The issue here is the difference between the gross income and the net income. Plus they have all those expenses, allowances, salaries etc. they need to cover.
ivy;4097127 said:
Payments to Katherine and MJ’s kids are as follows (Jan 2013 - Dec 2013)

Kids allowance $ 4,347,020

Is this correct? How much is each kid getting?
Why is this expense necessary?

Web Sheriff is an anti-piracy company based in the United Kingdom that provides intellectual property, copyright and privacy rights protection services for clients that include record labels, musical artists, film studios, news mediaorganizations, and celebrities. The company monitors various websites that host links to downloads of music and film. Web Sheriff has been in operation since 2000, with two offices in the UK.The company was founded by intellectual property lawyer John Giacobbi,[SUP][1][/SUP]who acts as its managing director. Web Sheriff sends legal take-down notice toBitTorrent and other file sharing sites, and also engages with blogs andfansites, negotiating for copyrighted music to be removed, offering fans free official promotional tracks and clips from the artist as replacement for the leaked material.[SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP] According to the Los Angeles Times, Web Sheriff is a "leading advocate of the soft sell" in the anti-piracy industry.[SUP][1][/SUP]

Is this correct? How much is each kid getting?
This isn't really an allowance. Doesnt school, clothes, food etc fall in there? Guess housing and security doesn't since that's separate line items.

And I thought Taj worked for the Estate (or used to?)
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This isn't really an allowance. Doesnt school, clothes, food etc fall in there. Guess housing and security doesn't since that's separate line items.

We can divide it up to several categories (and I'll use rounded up numbers for ease)

Vacation : 48,000 +33,000 +154,000 + 11,000+ 47,000+ 73,500 + 30,000 = 396,500
Party : 420 +550 + 3000 + 600+ 4800 + 420 = 9790
Prince gas card: 360 + 200 + 470 + 1300 + 700 + 1100+ 1400+ 1500 + 1300+600 = 8930
School: 17500+ 20000+ 32000+ 8000 + 8000+ 3000+ 4000+ 500 +20000 = 113,000
Doctors: 4000+ 2450 + 60000 = 66,450

again if round them up those would be $ 595,000

so take the $ 4,347,020 minus the expert fees of $314,500 minus school etc (595,000), you would still be left with $3.4 million

if you look to the document, you can see a monthly $145,000 plus payment. Plus extra $870,000, $302,000 and $302,000. Those are clearly the direct allowance you are talking about. from probate perspective, everything they spend on the kids - including school etc. - fall under the definition of allowance. It's a money spent on their behalf.
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Respect77, thank you. Are these services in addition to the services Sony (SME) already performs for Michael or are these services specifically at the executors' discretion?

An MJ online forum that posted AEG civil trial transcripts during the trial complained about a Web Sheriff consistently during 2013 and who they believed to be financing that service. We see from the accounting the estate did indeed employ this Sheriff with estate funding and may have utilized this service to attack that site. Whether the attack was warranted is a matter of opinion but it seems the executors were behind the attack of an MJ forum.

Adding: I am attempting to read the document now. Pages 2-12 are missing but, the schedules are posted.
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Adding: I am attempting to read the document now. Pages 2-12 are missing but, the schedules are posted.

Not missing. I added a note about it on my blog "(I omitted the first few pages as they are pretty much the same as the previous accounting documents summarizing MJ Estate. )". Those pages are the standard "MJ died on June 25th. Estate took over , there was debt, we restructured debt..." etc write up. 99% similar to the previous documents hence why I omitted them. The schedules are what matters as far as accounting goes.
Do I get this right, TJ got paid:
24/07/2013 5,201.11 family allowance
19/06/2013 20,532.00 family allowance
14/11/2013 5,247.40 family allowance
14/11/2013 10,707.87 vacation
05/12/2013 32,907.24 family allowance
12/04/2013-23/12/2013 9,000.00/month guardian compensation totalling 154,071.23

Total: 228,666.85

No wonder Randy flipped, but I'm sure he is not left lout as there is no way KJ spends her allowance money to herself. She is distributing her allowance between less to do cubs, which is nearly everyone.


I cannot believe that the estate pays KJ for consulting?
What does she consult worth of 1,5 million?
I hope that the estate has not hidden KJ's AEG trial costs under the consulting fee, although those cost might not appear to this accounting but the next one?

Loans receivable from KJ 6,892,559.00. It doesn't look like those loans are going to be paid back in her lifetime if she pays 200,000.00/year. She has to do a lot more consulting with the estate:smilerolleyes:
Do I get this right, TJ got paid:
24/07/2013 5,201.11 family allowance
19/06/2013 20,532.00 family allowance
14/11/2013 5,247.40 family allowance
14/11/2013 10,707.87 vacation
05/12/2013 32,907.24 family allowance
12/04/2013-23/12/2013 9,000.00/month guardian compensation totalling 154,071.23

Total: 228,666.85

some of those items are reimbursements -which signals TJ paid some stuff for the benefit of the kids and were later reimbursed for those. I would only classify $154,071 as the guardianship fees he personally gets.
Ivy, I have read the schedules to the best of my abilities. Reading the document I see inactive entities dissolution did conclude in the third accounting and investments are included in Schedule A/I. I see PPB, LLC listed in these schedules however; I cannot tell if there was additional funding. Can I assume these amounts for PPB, LLC may be interest/earnings? The amount seems a bit small for a trust rumored to have been created with $10M or so.

Can you please confirm from the MJ Estate summary that gross earnings are approximately $722M or so ($121.5M for Jan-Dec 2013). Assuming the same text was written for MJ’s business activities, is the Broadway play still listed as a possibility?
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I remember Kathrine on the PK of Family tribute disaster "Forever Michael" 2011 accepting a check of 100,000 dollars for Michael's children in need. And Latoya said Kathrine and Michael's children have nothing. Most family-members are really hypocritical liars and have a shameful behaviour.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson / James Safechuck file claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Ivy, not one word about Robson/Safechuck in your post. This is familiar off-topic posting. You decide how you want to handle that.

P.S. gross income and gross earnings are NOT the same.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson / James Safechuck file claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Ivy, not one word about Robson/Safechuck in your post. This is familiar off-topic posting. You decide how you want to handle that.

P.S. gross income and gross earnings are NOT the same.

and your post is on topic? Kindly do not blame others for what you started. At least have the decency to own what you wrote and you brought accounting thread to this thread.

well you'll need to educate me on the difference of income and earnings. Although I used "gross income", Schedule D uses "gross receipts/sales" for $67 M. IRS defines gross receipts as "Gross receipts are the total amounts the organization received from all sources during its annual accounting period, without subtracting any costs or expenses." I don't know where you come up with the $121.5 Million number. But if you are talking about the $120.9 M difference check schedule A line 35. It would show you that the value of MJ Publishing Trust - trust that controls MIJAC- has changed from $2.2M to $82.2M causing a $79M difference. As they paid off MIJAC debt at the end of 2012, they are simply listing the full value of that asset. That's not income or earnings or receipts or sales regardless of what you call it. so I'm maintaining gross income/ gross earnings/ gross receipts for 2013 is $67 Million.

If I'm wrong you'll need to point out to a specific schedule and line and explain why.And if you believe you know the answers and will reject anything and everything I say, why even bother asking me questions? It wastes both your and my time. I generously provided the document, you can do your own analysis without me.

and with this I'm done. Enjoy your night.
ivy;4097468 said:
well you'll need to educate me on the difference of income and earnings.

Ivy, the below is off-topic but, hopefully it brings clarity.

ivy;3680028 said:
Gross earnings as of May 31, 2012 is $475 Million.

Breakdown of $475 Million as follows
- $310 Million gross earnings between June 2009 – October 2010 (first accounting period)
- $134 Million gross earnings between November 2010 – December 2011. (second accounting period)
- $30 Million gross earnings between January 2012 – May 2012.

Schedule D shows net income from trade or business during second accounting period (Nov 2010- Dec 2011) at $106,734,448.

ivy;3962798 said:
Gross earnings as of December 31, 2013 are more than $600 Million.[/B] According to second accounting gross earnings as of May 31, 2012 was $475 Million. This means Estate earned $125 Million (gross) between June 2012 and December 2013.

Schedule D shows net income from trade or business during third accounting period (Jan 2012- Dec 2012) at $54,015,433. (Gross income is $77,642,855)

ivy;4097127 said:
Schedule D shows net income from trade or business during third accounting period (Jan 2013- Dec 2013) at $40,333,827. (Gross income is $67,407,156).
Tygger;4097471 said:
Ivy, the below is off-topic but, hopefully it brings clarity.

not really if you know which schedule those numbers come from. for example

- $134 Million gross earnings between November 2010 – December 2011. (second accounting period)


oh look it's the gross receipts number from the "net income from business or trade" table. while estate had a one line "gross earnings as of 201x is ..." sentence, I always took the yearly gross income/earnings/receipts amount from this table.

Ps: I will move these posts to the accounting thread .
I remember Kathrine on the PK of Family tribute disaster "Forever Michael" 2011 accepting a check of 100,000 dollars for Michael's children in need. And Latoya said Kathrine and Michael's children have nothing. Most family-members are really hypocritical liars and have a shameful behaviour.

Wait, what? They said that?
I remember Kathrine on the PK of Family tribute disaster "Forever Michael" 2011 accepting a check of 100,000 dollars for Michael's children in need. And Latoya said Kathrine and Michael's children have nothing. Most family-members are really hypocritical liars and have a shameful behaviour.

That check was given to KJ to set up PPB's trust fund which they can have once they reach age of 21.
I doubt there is such a trust fund opened at all, more like it is spent to something/someone else.
Note, in 2011 kids allowance was $2,139,194, so one could say that they had "nothing":scratch:
Roger as always, but worth to mention - he is thanking Ivy :cheeky:


They probably deserve it, but the lawyers and executors for Michael Jackson‘s estate are making millions and cleaning up. They won’t stop til they get enough, to paraphrase a Jackson hit.

In 2013, according to Estate papers just filed, legal fees for the Jackson estate– which go mostly to John Branca‘s firm– were $2.7 million.

Executor fees — to Branca personally and John McClain — came to $3.8 million. In 2012, the executor fee were actually higher– $4,454,011.

According to the filing, all of Michael’s loans on his MiJac Music Publishing have been paid off. His Sony/ATV Music Publishing loan is being paid off under a separate agreement.

Public relations fees — mostly to L.A. firm Sitrick–came to just under $800,000. For 2013, January-December. For a man who’s been deceased since 2009.

The Estate has $25 million in cash on hand.

Gross receipts in 2013: $67 million

The grunt work here is from a website called dailymichael.com which monitors every bit of Michael Jackson minutiae. They posted the papers. My hat is off to them.

Accordingly, Michael Jackson’s kids and his mother received $8,151,308 in 2013. On top of her $1.2 million guardianship fee, the 85 year old Katherine Jackson also received a $1.3 million consulting fee in 2013. Cousin T.J. Jackson, her co-guardian, received just $154,071.

What is Mrs. Jackson doing with all that money? If history is a lesson, she’s splitting it up among many of her children and grandchildren and Joseph Jackson. All her bills are paid separately plus she’s taken loans from the Estate.

Michael’s three kids– Prince, Paris, and “Blanket” aka Bigi– received $4.3 million in allowance. That covered school, clothes, gas, snake food, and pencils.

There’s nothing egregious here, no smoking gun to suggest someone’s doing something wrong. But I do think of Michael talking on his cell phone to his friend Ron Burkle from the urinal in the Santa Maria courthouse in April 2005, begging for a loan because he had no money. Everyone was foreclosing on him. Burkle always helped him out. Or Michael grabbing $7 million in cash from Prince Abdul of Bahrain because he was broke. Or flying to Japan to sign autographs for money.

The $25 million the Estate has on hand now? Michael would have blown through it in a week, maybe less.

The accounting here is ironic. Yes, a lot of people are now making millions from Michael Jackson. A lot of people also aren’t, some of whom are in dire straits. At the same time, it’s true that if Michael had listened to his advisers when he was alive, he’d have had money and not been so desperate all the time. The Estate and executors, though their fees are astronomical (not just this year but cumulatively since Michael died) have turned the Estate into a well oiled machine.

More to come… keep refreshing…

Mj Estate 4th Accounting by Ivy
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^^found this article odd since it's supposedly positive but he sneaks in a lot of sarcastic digs to a lot of different people here.

The fact that the execs make so much money was odd since he's "supposedly" their mouthpiece.

And once again the implication that Michael was an out of control spendthrift. Makes me so angry. Of course he needed money when being charged criminal interest rates on loans, battling thousands of frivolous law suits And taking care of mom, dad, kids and who knows how many other family members. I feel it's a lot. I also think he was a proud, responsible man who wanted to take care of them. That's just what you do.

And listened to his advisers? He had terrible advisers who only wanted his money the last 15 yrs.

Who is supposedly in dire straits?

Another article says Jackie is paid 6000 a mo. to act as a liaison between the estate and the brothers. Maybe he distributes that money among them.