MJ Estate Sues Howard Mann and business partner Henry Vaccaro - Settlement reached

Re: MJ Estate Sues Howard Mann and business partner Henry Vaccaro

Ivy, what is your take on this?

I understood that Mann is claiming the Will is fake, therefore all the copyrights that executors have, are not valid, therefore he can proceed with Katherine to use MJ image and copyrights.

I'm questioning Katherine understanding on this, does she know about this?

This is all Mann should get:
Re: MJ Estate Sues Howard Mann and business partner Henry Vaccaro

Ho, from the start I have thought that Mann maybe played a huge role in the will=fake/estate=fake thing, not only the Jacksons, I've always feared Mann kind of misled/seduced/hi-jacked Katherine in some ugly business way and finding an ear (about will=fake/estate=fake) and playing in the cards (my dutch language) of people like Randy (and others)... helped Mann a lot.
Already the "opus-none" release from Secret Vault made me shiver... for the Mann and I feared he would go till any length...
I hope justice will be done...
Re: MJ Estate Sues Howard Mann and business partner Henry Vaccaro

This is all Mann should get:

Haaaaaaaaaaaa please keep this. We will need it when the various trials come up and for the missing granny thread too.
Re: MJ Estate Sues Howard Mann and business partner Henry Vaccaro

The Mann/Vaccaro case can not invalidate the Will PERIOD. If allowed they can bring in the same info the jacksons have been stating about the Will to try and sway the Jury in that case but that case is not about the will .. its about copyrights .. I dont see the judge allowing that info - becuase that info can not prove The will is invalid or that The Esate doesnt have legal rights overMJ's intelectual property. That is not what's on trial here. Them doubting the will has no bearing on this case. They can doubt till the cows come home.. That wont change the facts that the Estate has legal rights
it was a settled legal issue and irrelevant to the copyright claims.

P.S. LOL The grapic is fine for in here for Mann but will not be allowed to attack Jackson fam members.
that would be against MJJC Policy ..
Michael Jackson’s will attacked again; estate in battle over copyrighted material in tribute book
Memorabilia dealer Howard Mann says he is 'in possession of evidence that casts substantial doubt on the validity of the will,' and plans to present it when he goes to court next month over the intellectual property in a tribute book he published with Katherine Jackson.


WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 2012, 7:26 PM

Michael Jackson keeps making news — even from the beyond. Memorabilia collector Howard Mann filed legal documents Monday claiming he is "in possession of evidence that casts substantial doubt on the validity of the will."

Michael Jackson's will is under assault again, this time in federal court.

Howard Mann, a memorabilia dealer who published a tribute book with matriarch Katherine Jackson two years ago, filed legal docs Monday claiming he was "in possession of evidence that casts substantial doubt on the validity of the will."

He told the Daily News Wednesday that he hopes to present the evidence in court when a copyright battle centered on the book goes to trial next month.

He's fighting with the estate's executors over intellectual property contained in the book and a website created to sell it.

"I am not backing down from my court fight with these guys. I'm not interested in settling with them. I came out and said these guys were a fraud two years ago," Mann told The News. "I have many people who will come and give testimony that the entire administration is a fraud and a collusive operation designed to take assets away from Katherine and Michael's kids."

Asked about his alleged "evidence," Mann echoed a recent claim by Janet Jackson and her siblings Randy and Rebbie that the 2002 will is a "fake" because it was signed with a Los Angeles dateline while Michael was in New York at an event with the Rev. Al Sharpton.

The estate executors called Janet's accusation "false and defamatory," rooted in "stale Internet conspiracy theories" that had been "thoroughly debunked."

Mann said he also might call experts to the stand to question so-called "variances" in handwriting on the will and errors in the spellings of Michael's kids' names.

"I have no ability to contest the will. It's not up to me to prove its validity. All I have to do is prove they don't own certain copyrights," he said.

Janet's lawyer issued a statement Friday saying the "Control" singer, Randy and Rebbie would "press forward in their search for the truth."

"It is important to stress that Janet, Randy and Rebbie have questioned the validity of the will with no financial motive whatsoever - they stand to gain nothing financially by a finding that the will is invalid," the lawyer said, noting that Michael's children are his beneficiaries either way.

"What will be gained by a finding of invalidity is that the executors will be replaced and the estate and the guardianship will be managed in a manner that is in the best interests of the children, which is what Michael wanted," the lawyer said.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertai...-tribute-book-article-1.1132078#ixzz231pVTnzF

He is an idiot! The only one taking assets away from kids is Katherine and Mann himself. Shame on Katherine for entering in business with this crook!

If this is what he has, he didn't bring anything new on the table, he goes with internet conspiracy theorists have been saying all along, hand-writing variances, spelling of kids names and location of signing.
Re: MJ Estate Sues Howard Mann and business partner Henry Vaccaro

I don't remember Mann saying anything about Michael's will being fake until the Jacksons started this mess. Personally, I think he's just trying to take advantage of the recent situation the Jacksons created against the Estate. This whole thing is just pathetic, in my opinion.
Re: MJ Estate Sues Howard Mann and business partner Henry Vaccaro

I don't remember Mann saying anything about Michael's will being fake until the Jacksons started this mess. Personally, I think he's just trying to take advantage of the recent situation the Jacksons created against the Estate. This whole thing is just pathetic, in my opinion.

Right on the money, I agree.
Re: MJ Estate Sues Howard Mann and business partner Henry Vaccaro

^^ Agreed, but is it only about copyrights or does he focus on invalidity (my english...) of the Executors for winning his copyright fight... and I thought when Execs were fake it implicates the question if the Will is possibly faked/manipulated too then? Indeed, not necessarily... but...
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Re: MJ Estate Sues Howard Mann and business partner Henry Vaccaro

^^ Agreed, but is it only about copyrights or does he focus on invalidity (my english...) of the Executors for winning his copyright fight... and I thought when Execs were fake it implicates the question if the Will is possibly faked/manipulated too then? Indeed, not necessarily... but...

He focuses on anything that help him to win his case. It's my understanding that if he is allowed (I doubt it) to bring his so called proof that the will is fake, and if it supports the claim fake will, it would mean that Branca and McClain cannot be executors, therefore all the copyrights they have applied since MJ's death are invalid.

The thought of someone from family to be on charge of Michael's copyrights and image is terrifying :bugeyed
We would have vodka, tacky belts, lollipops, stinky fumes in bottles, and lastly anyone who asks to sell stuff on MJ's name, are allowed to do so, as long as enough money has changes the hands.
Re: MJ Estate Sues Howard Mann and business partner Henry Vaccaro

He focuses on anything that help him to win his case. It's my understanding that if he is allowed (I doubt it) to bring his so called proof that the will is fake, and if it supports the claim fake will, it would mean that Branca and McClain cannot be executors, therefore all the copyrights they have applied since MJ's death are invalid.

The thought of someone from family to be on charge of Michael's copyrights and image is terrifying :bugeyed
We would have vodka, tacky belts, lollipops, stinky fumes in bottles, and lastly anyone who asks to sell stuff on MJ's name, are allowed to do so, as long as enough money has changes the hands.

Most probably it won't happen, since time for presenting proof against Will has run out long ago... don't know with what they can come out to make the Executors be removed from their function...
Haha, LOL ed for "stinky fumes in bottles"! (isn't that what I noticed all that time?)
Re: MJ Estate Sues Howard Mann and business partner Henry Vaccaro

Most probably it won't happen, since time for presenting proof against Will has run out long ago... don't know with what they can come out to make the Executors be removed from their function...
Haha, LOL ed for "stinky fumes in bottles"! (isn't that what I noticed all that time?)

I honestly don't know what the hell is going on with this case! Wonder if Randy has his fingers in this case and keep pushing Mann to try to present his "proof", seems to be pretty desperate attempt anyways.
Stinky fumes comes from Joe's business with Julian Rouass perfume deal, I just left out per as it stinks:)
Re: MJ Estate Sues Howard Mann and business partner Henry Vaccaro

Mann said he also might call experts to the stand to question so-called "variances" in handwriting on the will and errors in the spellings of Michael's kids' names.

unless he already listed these witnesses and submitted written reports he cannot call them. We'll find the witness list next week.
Re: MJ Estate Sues Howard Mann and business partner Henry Vaccaro

I don't see how the judge will allow these "evidence". Legally, the matter is settled; Mann is not an heir. And the lawsuit is about copyrights. Will or not will, intellectual rights were owned by MJ and now by the estate.
Re: MJ Estate Sues Howard Mann and business partner Henry Vaccaro

Ok, thanks Ivy.
Re: MJ Estate Sues Howard Mann and business partner Henry Vaccaro

Ridic. Howard Mann should stick to the area he specializes in: Porn. And he can cast Randy, Jermaine and anyone else in the family in need of money in his next flick.
Re: MJ Estate Sues Howard Mann and business partner Henry Vaccaro

As soon as I'm done with work I'll do update on mann case.
Re: MJ Estate Sues Howard Mann and business partner Henry Vaccaro

^Great. Hope it's good news for the Estate.
Re: MJ Estate Sues Howard Mann and business partner Henry Vaccaro

Waiting for good news
We are still waiting for the summary judgement. I will update about the motions filed this monday


Estate said that they believed Mann would argue that Estate cannot bring the claims in the lawsuit against Mann/ Vaccaro because "the Executors lack standing to bring these claims because

(a) they are not the duly authorized Executors or because Michael Jackson’s Will is somehow invalid"

(b) that even if Messrs. Branca and McClain are the properly court-appointed Executors, there is some legal basis to challenge their authority in this proceeding, either by certain Jackson Family members or Defendants,

(c) that Mr. Mann’s misconduct is somehow excused or mitigated because the Executors are allegedly not properly providing for Katherine Jackson, Michael Jackson’s mother and a life estate beneficiary of the Estate, and

(d) that Defendants’ conduct should be mitigated or excused because they are in business with or are sharing profits from their ill-gotten gains with Mrs. Jackson.

Estate's response simply said
- Branca & McClain has been appointed as Executors by the probate court
- Will's validity, legitimacy of Executors and Katherine's partnership with Mann was irrelevant to this lawsuit.
- Mann / Vaccaro doesn't have the legal standing to challenge the will
- Katherine is a beneficiary and is not empowered to act on behalf of the Estate or make contracts involving Estate assets.
- None of what Mann / Vaccaro claims can be defense against an intellectual property lawsuit.

Two direct quotes from MJ Estate

"First, the Los Angeles Superior Court has exclusive jurisdiction over Michael Jackson’s Estate, including the determinations of whether to admit the Will and whom to appoint as the Estate’s executors. Any challenge to the Will is proper only in the Probate proceedings. Whether Defendants like it or not, John Branca and John McClain are the court-appointed Executors, with full authority to prosecute this action"


"If admitted, Defendants’ evidence would of course require Plaintiffs to respond by establishing the validity of the Will, the details of the substantial support provided to Katherine Jackson and the full, indeed exemplary, performance of the Executors in preserving and substantially enhancing the quality and value of the Estate and its assets."

Mann / Vaccaro responds to this saying that

"Defendants do not intend to use such evidence to seek an order invalidating the will or removing the executors. Rather, the evidence will be used to put the Estate to its proof to establish that it owns the subject property."

So Mann / Vaccaro says that they'll mention the will and trust to question if Michael owned the assets and if they transferred to his Estate after his death.

Finishes it by saying "Moreover, the Defendants are in possession of evidence that casts substantial doubt on the validity of the will."

Mann / Vaccaro mentions that Katherine is their partner, the main product is the book (and a documentary plan) and the website is to sell Katherine's book and therefore the relationship between Katherine and Estate is relevant.

Mann continues to say "Katherine Jackson,the primary beneficiary of the Estate, has a real and pressing need for funds." and "Katherine Jackson entered into the partnership with Howard Mann and why the partnership is fair, reasonable and in the economic interest of Katherine Jackson. The partnership is not the result of some devious underhanded conduct of Howard Mann as the Estate suggests"

Mann says he needs this info to defend himself against the character attacks.

Mann also responded to MJ's Estate's other motions. If you remember I had said the following before

"On July 30 Estate has filed a request to deny Mann and Vaccaro introducing an expert witness. According to the Estate although the name and the CV of the expert witness has been forwarded to them, they weren't sent any written report from this expert witness. As the rules require a "written report", Estate is asking barring of Mann/ Vaccaro's expert witness Moses Avalon."

Mann / Vaccaro responded saying "Defendants hereby submit this written statement declaring that they will not oppose Plaintiffs’ July 30th, 2012, Motion In Limine To Preclude Defendants From Introducing Expert Testimony."

I had also said

Estate is also asking the court not to allow Mann / Vaccaro to present versions of their website as they failed to preserve the website (edited it) and never provided a copy of the website even though they were asked.

Mann / Vaccaro is arguing that as the placement of Thriller 25 on their website had happened prior to the lawsuit and as Estate has not clearly asked for every version of the website to be saved before they should be able to use the website evidence as it's available.

Now some dates

- We are still waiting for judge's decision on the partial summary judgement
- August 13, is the day that both sides will file Memorandum of Contentions of Fact and Law, Joint Witness List and Joint Exhibit list
- August 21, is the day to lodge Final Pretrial Conference Order
- August 27 is the day for the final hearing that the judge will decide on the above 3 motions , the expert witness, the website and will & executors.
- September 4 is the trial start.
Re: MJ Estate Sues Howard Mann and business partner Henry Vaccaro

Ridic. Howard Mann should stick to the area he specializes in: Porn. And he can cast Randy, Jermaine and anyone else in the family in need of money in his next flick.

Quote of the day!
Re: MJ Estate Sues Howard Mann and business partner Henry Vaccaro

So Mann / Vaccaro says that they'll mention the will and trust to question if Michael owned the assets and if they transferred to his Estate after his death.

This argument is very flawed. The MJ Estate is MJ. so anything MJ owns at the time of death goes straight to his Estate. That's just common sense.

Mann / Vaccaro mentions that Katherine is their partner, the main product is the book (and a documentary plan) and the website is to sell Katherine's book and therefore the relationship between Katherine and Estate is relevant.

Mann is unsurprisingly delusional. his lack of education is too blatant.
KJ is just a beneficiary. nothing more. nothing else. she's not empowered to handle or even meddle with the Estate affairs. nor is she the owner of the Estate assets.

Mann continues to say "Katherine Jackson,the primary beneficiary of the Estate, has a real and pressing need for funds." and "Katherine Jackson entered into the partnership with Howard Mann and why the partnership is fair, reasonable and in the economic interest of Katherine Jackson. The partnership is not the result of some devious underhanded conduct of Howard Mann as the Estate suggests


how much is KJ getting from this? let's compare that to what she's getting from the Estate.
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"(c) that Mr. Mann’s misconduct is somehow excused or mitigated because the Executors are allegedly not properly providing for Katherine Jackson, Michael Jackson’s mother and a life estate beneficiary of the Estate, and

(d) that Defendants’ conduct should be mitigated or excused because they are in business with or are sharing profits from their ill-gotten gains with Mrs. Jackson."

My God. This Mann truly deserves to be in a mental institution. Is he being represent by a lawyer?

What nonsense is this, because the estate is not properly providing for Katherine & he has to get into bus. with her?

He's really mentally challenged. His business, compared to the estate. will only bring pennies and I don't think Katherine will be happy with that.
""(c) that Mr. Mann’s misconduct is somehow excused or mitigated because the Executors are allegedly not properly providing for Katherine Jackson, Michael Jackson’s mother and a life estate beneficiary of the Estate, and "

What misconduct? Is it something different than the copyrights problem?
Re: MJ Estate Sues Howard Mann and business partner Henry Vaccaro

Katherine is not the primary beneficiary of the estate. When she passes away it all belongs to his children. I don't understand when people say the kids and Katherine are not taken care of. You see in documents how much the estate gives them and takes care of all living expenses. All of this just annoys me so much.
shelly_webster;3687902 said:
""(c) that Mr. Mann’s misconduct is somehow excused or mitigated because the Executors are allegedly not properly providing for Katherine Jackson, Michael Jackson’s mother and a life estate beneficiary of the Estate, and "

What misconduct? Is it something different than the copyrights problem?

it's the copyright. Estate is trying to say that Mann will argue that his actions are okay because he's in partnership with estate beneficiary Katherine (item d) and he's doing all of these to help Katherine (item c)

in other words it can be called Mann/ Vaccaro is gonna hide behind Katherine
Re: MJ Estate Sues Howard Mann and business partner Henry Vaccaro

Katherine is not the primary beneficiary of the estate. When she passes away it all belongs to his children. I don't understand when people say the kids and Katherine are not taken care of. You see in documents how much the estate gives them and takes care of all living expenses. All of this just annoys me so much.

It's because people believe KJ owns the 40% of the Estate.
Re: MJ Estate Sues Howard Mann and business partner Henry Vaccaro


My God. This Mann truly deserves to be in a mental institution. Is he being represent by a lawyer?

What nonsense is this, because the estate is not properly providing for Katherine & he has to get into bus. with her?

He's really mentally challenged. His business, compared to the estate. will only bring pennies and I don't think Katherine will be happy with that.

Yes.... > :crazy: We'll see where he goes with this.... :unsure: :fear:
Re: MJ Estate Sues Howard Mann and business partner Henry Vaccaro

It's because people believe KJ owns the 40% of the Estate.

Then these people need to be educated what his will says. She can't leave her kids the money or her % because her % goes right back to the kids when she passes away. It's a reason I feel certain members in the family are acting crazy and desperate lately.
Re: MJ Estate Sues Howard Mann and business partner Henry Vaccaro

Then these people need to be educated what his will says. She can't leave her kids the money or her % because her % goes right back to the kids when she passes away. It's a reason I feel certain members in the family are acting crazy and desperate lately.

I am not sure the Jackson understand that either. Her other kids want money but they are not part of her needs.
Re: MJ Estate Sues Howard Mann and business partner Henry Vaccaro

the Executors are allegedly not properly providing for Katherine Jackson

Mann continues to say "Katherine Jackson,the primary beneficiary of the Estate, has a real and pressing need for funds."

How much I'd love to be so not properly provided! :smilerolleyes: