MJ Good News Thread

The Recording Industry Association of America®, awarded off the wall 9x Multiple-Platinum Certification meaning the 1979’s album sold over 9 million copies since its release in America.
one of my youtube subscribers heard Beat It for the first time today and they loved it! Michael just gained a new fan. :D

13 Of The Most Iconic Super Bowl Performer Outfits Of All Time 13. Michael Jackson (1993)

13. Michael Jackson (1993)

Michael Jackson has never failed to deliver when it comes to fabulous attire.


Do you remember Elladj Baldé? Elladj is a Canadian Ice Skater who came to Michael Jackson fans’ attention in 2011 when he performed a routine on Michael Jackson’s music.

Since 2018, Elladj retired but his love for skating and … Michael Jackson hasn’t stopped!

Today he is making sensation on TikTok and instagram showing off his moonwalk… on ice and boy, this is impressive! Just look at it!

Just for a reminder and also just because this routine is beautiful, just watch his performance as “Michael Jackson” in a competition in 2013.

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Although his heyday was in the 1980s, Michael Jackson continues to inspire artists to this day. For example, The Weeknd cited one of the King of Pop’s No. 1 hits as the blueprint for his music. Here’s a look at the creation of the song — and why Jackson means so much to The Weeknd.

Michael Jackson crafted this No. 1 hit with Billy Idol’s guitarist

It all starts with Steve Stevens. Stevens was Billy Idol’s guitarist. During an interview with Billboard, he recalled what it was like to work with Jackson.

“My whole thing is working with the artist, that’s why I picked up a guitar — I saw Elvis and Scotty Moore on TV and I went, ‘Oh, look, it’s a singer and a guitar player,'” Stevens recalled. “And that’s the way it’s always been for me. And then I got a call about another record, and the artist wasn’t there, and I was like, “Woah, really?” It was just me and the engineer, and it’s just not for me. There’s no joy in that. So of course, my question was, “Will Michael be there? Quincy kind of laughed and said, ‘Yeah, it’s his record.’ He thought it would be an odd thing for him not to be there. I guess Michael is one of those guys that no matter what went down on the record, even if it was a miniscule little percussion part, he was there for every note. And that’s the way it should be.’”

Together, Stevens and Jackson helped create one of Jackson’s most famous songs: “Dirty Diana.” “Dirty Diana” reached No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100. Aside from “Beat It,” “Dirty Diana” might be Jackson’s most famous rock song.

The ways ‘Dirty Diana’ impacted The Weeknd

Millions of people around the world are fans of Jackson, however, Rolling Stone reports he has a very special place in The Weeknd’s heart. The Weeknd is from an Ethiopian family and he was very moved by “We Are the World” because it was a charity single for Ethiopia. He said when he wasn’t listening to Ethiopian music at home, he was usually listening to Jackson’s songs.

In addition, The Weeknd told Variety that “Dirty Diana” served as the blueprint for his music. After all, “Dirty Diana” is a song that’s both dark and sexual, much like many of The Weeknd’s songs, from “In the Night” to “The Hills” to “False Alarm.” In addition, The Weeknd released his own version of “Dirty Diana” which features electronic flourishes that weren’t in the original.

The Weeknd included his rendition of the song on his mixtape Echoes of Silence under the title “D.D.” Comparing his cover to the original, it’s shocking how similar The Weeknd’s singing style is to Jackson’s. The King of Pop had a massive influence on many pop and R&B artists — and The Weeknd is no exception.

“Romania Got Talent 2021” is currently taking place and a little boy, Luca T&#259;b&#259;caru, 7 years old performed a dance routine of his favourite artist: Michael Jackson.

Luca performed “Smooth Criminal” dressed as Michael Jackson during the “HIStory World Tour” wearing the gold trousers, the white jacket and fedora.

The little boy from Bacau said he discover Michael Jackson via youtube and practice his dance movements in his bedroom while his parents are at work.

After the Military coup happened on February 1 in Myanmar, people have been protesting against the coup and the tyranny of the military against the people.

The protests over the coup have been the largest since the so-called Saffron Revolution in 2007, when thousands of the country&#8217;s monks rose up against the military regime.

Protesters include teachers, lawyers, students, bank officers and government workers.

Water cannons have been fired at protesters, and the military has imposed restrictions in some areas, including curfews and limits to gatherings.

The UK, EU and Australia are among those to have condemned the military takeover.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres said it was a &#8220;serious blow to democratic reforms&#8221;.

US President Joe Biden has threatened to reinstate sanctions.

Meanwhile, the military have been using real ammunition against protesters causing death.

A dance group took the street in the middle of the protests two days ago and started to dance to &#8220;They Don&#8217;t Care About Us&#8221; by Michael Jackson.

&#8220;While They Don&#8217;t Care About Us has risen from the ashes of 1995 to become a song that continues to offer a voice to the disenfranchised, it&#8217;s a shame that Michael is not here to see the true, lasting impact of what he created.&#8221; &#8211; Pez Jax taken from &#8220;The Story of HIStory&#8220;

All our prayers and support to the people of Myanmar.

One of these movies is “Detective Chinatown 3”, an action-comedy sequel of the 2015 and 2018 movies and one of the most anticipated movie of the year. It was due to be released last year but it was postponed due COVID-19.

The story is following a Chinese detective duo with their friends to solve mysteries. While the number 2 took place in New-York, this one is taking place in Japan.

In the sequel 2, you could see the director is a Michael Jackson fan as One of the characters breaking into a Michael Jackson impression during a fight sequence in the middle of a New York City traffic Jam.

In number 3, the movie ends with Michael Jackson’s “Heal The World”. It is understood that the production team paid a hefty licensing fee for it.

It is said that the movie will be the best selling movie in China this year, meaning that millions of people will go to watch the movie and listen to Michael Jackson at the end of the movie.

Distributors will also release the film in 25 countries across the Middle East and Africa during the Spring Festival holiday, such as Yemen, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arab, the UAE, Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Egypt, South Africa and Senegal. There are currently no release plans for North America and Europe.

In addition to the Powell High School dance team’s recent successful performance at the State Spirit Competition, dancers had another neat experience last fall.

Marcea Lane — one of the lead dancers in the music video for Michael Jackson’s hit song “Thriller” — visited Victoria’s School of Dance south of Powell for a Sept. 25 workshop. Victoria Danovsky, the head of the program, described the experience as “unforgettable.”

Danovsky met Lane at a dance workshop years ago, and the two instantly formed a bond. Lane had never visited Wyoming before, so she decided to come to Powell and host a clinic.

“It was really cool,” Danovsky said. “I wanted to give the kids a feel of what it’s like to have someone like that come in and dance. It was a pretty neat deal.”

Lane taught the junior and senior teams the legendary “Thriller” dance, as well as other routines. She also awarded two of Danovsky’s students — Demi Danovsky and Anna Smith — with scholarships to attend a dance convention called Revive.

Danovsky said she plans to make the workshop with Lane an annual occurrence every fall.

“She is an amazing and talented woman, and we were lucky to have her,” Danovsky said.

On June 25th 2009, the world lost the greatest entertainer of all time, the king of pop Michael Jackson. His legacy, especially that of which he built in the 80s, still resonates in modern pop to this day.

Road Trip, the newest single by Brandon Coleman, is no exception to Michael’s impact on music. The tune is an honest homage to the late king of pop in the most fun way possible. It immediately starts in this super fun up-beat groove that’s far more reminiscent of a light-hearted The Weeknd. However, when the chorus comes around, Michael’s footprint is all the more evident, and in doing so makes the song shine all the much more.

The opening lyric, “Girlfriend/ I’m gonna tell your boyfriend” is a direct reference to MJ’s song “Girlfriend” off the 1979 album Off The Wall. There’s even at one point in the background vocals, at about 1:26 where Brandon does a “vocal hiccup” exactly like Michael would, and truth be told, a huge smile sprung on my face when I first caught that. I’ve been listening to Michael’s music for longer than I can remember, and his music will always hold a special place in my heart. So already, I’m biased on this song, it being so reminiscent of the king of pop’s music, but this song is absolutely beautiful even if you don’t hold the same nostalgia for the greatest entertainer of all time.

Brandon’s delivery is silky smooth and alluring, as he traverses beautiful melodies sung in chest voice and falsetto. The consistent groove has made me tap my foot the entire time absorbing the song and writing this review – the rhythm is real and catchy as can be. The groove will surely get stuck in your head for days to come, and the product as a whole is a wonderful look back on retro dance-pop and modern-day R&B all combined into one. It’s a product of the love for the music that inspired Brandon Coleman, mixed with his artistic take on the genres he tackles in this wonderful track. It’s an irresistible tune that truly deserves the spotlight of a classic dance-pop song.


Stop posting things in here that are not good news. This thread is for good MJ related things that are happening or coming to light now. That's why it's called news. Stories and articles from the past are not "news".
We have a designated thread for articles and we have a designated thread for misc MJ stuff. Use the appropriate thread please.
The Way You Make Me Feel platinum record in England...

The British Phonographic Industry, better known by its initials BPI, has just updated its certifications including the title The Way You Make Me Feel now certified Platinum Disc with the sale of 600,000 units.

Note for BPI certifications that since 2014 (Singles) and 2015 (Albums), the sales count has reflected consumption via audio streaming and in April 2018, certifications were renamed the BPI Awards at the BRIT Certified Awards, with eligibility for video streams added shortly thereafter.

When a single or album has reached the appropriate sales level as measured by Official Charts, the tracks are now "automatically certified" by the BPI. Streams are now counting towards album and single certifications and are measured according to the eligibility rules of the charts established by Official Charts.

'Detective Chinatown 3' director digs Michael Jackson song

"Detective Chinatown 3" director Chen Sicheng has revealed that he paid a hefty licensing fee for an iconic Michael Jackson song to put at end of the film. The movie had made a staggering $575 million by Thursday at China's box offices.

The song Chen paid for was "Heal the World," from Jackson's 1991 "Dangerous" album, one of the best-selling albums of all time having sold more than 32 million copies worldwide. The humanitarian song has been popular among Chinese listeners for years due to its beautiful melody and connotations.

Chen wanted a song to deliver a message of world harmony during the ending scene when he was writing the screenplay, and someone suggested "Heal the World." He listened to it repeatedly during the creative process and felt strongly that the song was the right choice.

"We felt really good about the song, but we thought it would be difficult to get the license. I never dreamed of really getting this song, and Michael Jackson's estate is very strict about using his music," he said to film critic Tan Fei in an interview published on Thursday.

Through Sony/ATV Music Publishing (Beijing) and Sony Music Entertainment China, Chen sent over his full screenplay to the Jackson estate for them to determine whether the film was appropriate for the song. "At last, they decided 'Detective Chinatown 3' could use the song, and came back to offer the song for a $1 million licensing fee."

Chen hesitated. "This was a very high price. In China, $1 million can make a small-budget commercial film. Therefore, we tried other different songs to fill that part of the film, but they never worked. The emotional vibe of 'Heal the World' perfectly fit the film."

Finally, Chen decided to pay for the song. "There was no other suitable replacement. This was it. I think the era of Michael Jackson was a special historical period. You could really feel something like a global community coming together during that time. It felt like a time when humans could unite in an unprecedented way. But in recent years, music has divided, interests have divided, and people are pursuing individualization and entertainment in the internet era. There are fewer and fewer great songs to reflect the entire human race."

The end scenes of "Detective Chinatown 3" shows Chinese, Japanese and Thai detectives enjoying fireworks on a Tokyo bridge after working together to solve a case. Under the fireworks, the director shot many people of different races and nationalities who were present, laughing and enjoying the fireworks, celebrating peace and love.

"These people in film were not our actors, but real tourists from all over the world. They came together in harmony, like a big global family," Chen revealed. Chinese audiences have applauded Chen for this part of the film which has been said to elevate the spiritual level of the film.

"Detective Chinatown 3" was originally set for release during last year's Spring Festival, but due to the sudden COVID-19 outbreak, theaters were shut down for months, and Chen had to delay the film to this year.

"At that time when the film was made, I never imagined there would be the coronavirus. So, when I look back in hindsight, the song has a different meaning now," he added. "No other songs could replace this song and its meaning. Although Michael is not here anymore, he will always be a great artist. I felt honored to have my film interact with his song like this."

"Heal the World" is not the only classic song in Chen's soundtrack. "Mama Do You Remember" (a.k.a. "Straw Hat") by Joe Yamanaka, originally from Japanese film "Proof of The Man," Teresa Teng's "Don't Pick the Roadside Flowers," Johnny Yip's "The Great Wall Never Falls Down" and Andy Lau's "Kung Hei Fat Choy" also feature in the movie. Besides the hilarious detective story, Chen added a lot of nostalgic elements to the film, including the casting of veteran Japanese actor Tomokazu Miura ("Akai Giwaku") and actress Honami Suzuki ("Tokyo Love Story").

"Detective Chinatown 3" launched as the most-anticipated Chinese New Year release. The film made 1 billion yuan in presales alone and within three days after its debut, had grossed nearly 2.6 billion yuan, the equivalent of $398 million -- not only making it the biggest opener in Chinese film history but also the biggest ever single opening weekend for a film in a single market, overtaking "Avengers: Endgame" total of $357 million in the North American market in April 2019.

But the director remains worried about the Chinese cultural industry. "We have been a big cultural country since ancient times. Nowadays, we have internet giants like Tencent and Alibaba Group, high-tech enterprises like Huawei, and many other Chinese companies in the world's top 500 companies. But we are too far behind in the cultural sector. Disney has a market cap of hundreds of billions of dollars, but the market value of all our film companies in China is less than 6% of Disney."

He continued, "What kind of story should we tell Chinese audiences? How can we enrich China's film industrialization? How can we create our stories well enough so that more foreign audiences can accept them too? I think our generation bears a big responsibility, and if we do not advance, we will be left behind."

HY Runners have been keeping busy in lockdown by trying to cover the distance it would take to get around the Equator.

The challenge has been named #Hyrunstheworld and the distance target is 24,910 miles, the idea being that all runners tally up their miles in a bid to raise £10,000 for St Michael’s Hospice. They've not completed the mileage - but the fundraising target was passed two days ago (Thursday).

In the style of Phileas Fogg, the club initially aimed to complete the huge running task in 80 days, but they have had so much participation from members that they look likely to complete the mission in half the time.

They have now raised £10k for the hospice and in an attempt to push the figure higher, four members have produced and recorded a song.

Kit and Jessica Willard, Riz Mazlen and Jemma May O’Gorman have rewritten Michael Jackson’s Heal The World and renamed it as Run The World.

The girls had great fun making the record while Darren Ribs Rogers uploaded images of the runners pounding the streets.

The club has been overwhelmed with the support they’ve had from the public and have thanked sponsors Kileys Carpets, Hastings Direct, The Pier, PCM Estate agents and Dr Hannah Hughes.

The challenge should be completed any day now and competition prize winner Laura Dearsley will run the last mile to complete the challenge along with St Michael’s Hospice chief fundraiser Rebecca Futrall.

Rebecca has told how fundraising has been hit over the past year by Covid and the lockdown meaning major fundraising events such as the Hastings Half Marathon have been cancelled.

Rebecca said everyone involved at the hospice was overwhelmed at the efforts shown by HY Runners and said the money raised would go a long way to helping.

Club head coach Terry Skelton said: “Making the record has been a great bit of fun for the girls and their voices and timings are fantastic – we knew they were good but never dreamed the record could have come out so well.”

HY have been boosted by the participation of gold medal-winning Paralympian David Weir while Hastings MP Sally-Ann Hart joined the challenge by donning the famous red jersey and contributing some good miles.

Stewart Ide from the club said: “It has been great to have Sally on board.


The Prize
Take home this black fedora worn by late American legend Michael Jackson for a concert in Budapest, the second stop on his 1996 HIStory World Tour.

On September 10, 1996 the Budapest Népstadion hosted 50,000 people to celebrate the King of Pop. The HIStory World Tour was the singer-songwriter's third and final solo world tour, spanning 1996 and 1997, to promote his ninth studio album 'HIStory: Past, Present and Future - Book I' and, on the second leg, his remix album 'Blood on the Dance Floor: HIStory in the Mix'.

The tour kicked off on September 7, 1996 at Letná Park in Prague, Czech Republic, and drew to a close in Durban, South Africa, on October 15, 1997. In total Jackson performed 82 concerts in 35 countries across Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania and North America. The HIStory World Tour racked up over 4.5 million admissions and grossed over $ 165 million, becoming the most successful tour of Jackson's career and the most successful in music history at that time.

Michael Jackson threw this very Fedora into the crowd after performing the song 'Billie Jean'.

The hat has been personalized on the inside with the name 'Michael Jackson' in gold writing. The number '8' has also been drawn on the inside of the hat.

Size Medium
100% Wool
Made in USA
WPL 5923

This item come with a Certificate of Authenticity supplied by Knaisz Auctions and a letter of origin.

The Cause
The percentage of the proceeds devolved to charity from the sale of this lot will be equally divided among the 20 charities who have subscribed to the CharityStars NPO Premium program.

These charities are:
- Associazione Amici di Sean
- Associazione Bambin Gesù
- Associazione Bianca Garavaglia
- Associazione LaSpes
- Associazione Stelle nello Sport
- Associazione White Mathilda
- DBA Onlus
- Fondazione Cannavaro Ferrara
- Fondazione IEO-CCM
- Fondazione Magnoni
- Associazione Arenbi Onlus
- Fondazione Operation Smile Onlus
- Fondazione Theodora Onlus
- Fondazione Umberto Veronesi
- Global Humanitarian Italia Onlus
- History Life Onlus
- In Campo con il Cuore
- Insieme per Fily Onlus
- Insuperabili Onlus
- Sermig

A challenge has been turning on TikTok and has gone viral with nearly 2 million videos!

The challenge is to emulate Michael Jackson’s moves in a video with the song “BAD” playing in the background.

It said that the challenge has increased considerably the views of the official short film on youtube and new generations are now re-discovering the 1987’s hit!
