MJ was murdred for ...

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In Hell :((
I don't know whether I should post this here or not

One of my friends who is a fan had a dream and I thought you all should know about this so I am writing the things she called me and said to me.
She dreamt that Michael was in a room with 3 chairs and a round table and Michael wore a black jacket with his hat. Two men were sitting in front of him and she could saw them like a third person.
They told Michael you should have the concerts in USA. It will bring money here. Then Michael said no I am done with America and they said ok so you should suffer the consequences. Michael simply said I am not afraid. Then the image was fading away and all she could saw was Michael’s face who was telling her to save his children. That’s when she got up and she was trembling.
This is very strange. If Michael had all those concerts in USA, he could have helped the United States for the economical crises and they could have said the Obama’s government help USA to pass the economical crises and they could gain power, but with Michael’s refusal all they could understand is that Britain is gonna have all the money . So they threatened Michael and eventually killed him. That explains why Michael couldn’t sleep at nights. They threatened him. That’s why the result of autopsy was late and right now they do not arrest the doctor even thought they admitted that Michael was murdered. So there is something related to government or powerful people like them.
Something strange is going on and this dream can explain it all
What do you think?
That's a very wierd dream, but as it's a dream anything could have happened. However it does seem to make sense but I don't think they would kill him over that.

This would be more suited for the 'MJJC Investigative Unit' board I think...
Your friend has probably been thinking about these things, and it is very common to have dreams about things that you think about or that happens in your life.
Thanks for sharing. But i doubt it was because of the USA...
Thanks for sharing. But i doubt it was because of the USA...
People just love to bash the United States forgetting Michael was an American and the States were his home country thats were he was born, lived and eventually passed thats where his children were born too he made sure of that, and thats were they;re gonna live
yeah I also believe that most of what u see in a dream is about what uve been thinking but this was was really wierd and it made me think deeply and actually made me cry I dont know exactly why they killed him but why dont they do anything about the doctor???
Actually this forum is for the investigation into Michael's death. Thank you for sharing your friends dream but it really is off topic here. Thanks for sharing and this topic is closed.
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