Murray Trial- Day 15 -October 21st

shaffer explained how the defence had got the wrong figures by adding together the metabolite level and the acual drug.anderson re did his test to make sure his original figures were correct. shafer mentioned the whole 1/43 of a tablet findings. walgren said they will prob recall anderson during rebuttal to reiterate the findings and the mistake the defence made in how they tested.but shaffer has explained how the defence got that fake figure

Right. And of course, it's to be expected that the defense will call in their own experts and will arrive at different figures, thus baffling the jury. In that sense the complexity of the "scientific" findings and the percentages of amounts works to the prosecution's favor. The jury may not be able to work through the math to arrive at a "correct" figure, but the "seventeen points of egregious failures of standard of care" will be a LOT easier to understand.

There also remains the issue of priorities. In one sense, it doesn't MATTER about the figures and amounts, compared to the overarching fact that Murray should not have been doing this at ALL, and certainly not in the way he was doing it. (As we know.) And also the underlying defense assumption that "if Michael self-medicated, THEN Murray is innocent." Simply NOT true, and a flaw in the logic. I do give the jury credit for some common sense!

You know? The prosecution doesn't HAVE TO come up with a theory about "exactly what happened," at ALL. That's part of the problem, that Murray didn't keep medical records; his timeline initially was not possible, and so on. What the prosecution has to prove is that "Murray is guilty beyond reasonable doubt." I.e., were or were not his failures of standard of care likely to cause Michael's death (and, they DID). So in that sense, the prosecution is spot-on in using Murray's own words to hang him out to dry.
Yes I agree the prosecution has proved thier case - It was his actions and inactions that caused MJs death.
Like was stated by several expert REAL DOCTORS even if Mj injected himself Murray was still responsible for his death.
Now the defense has to try and punch holes. I just dont see it .. We have to brace ourselves for all the crap they will
throw and try to make stick - It's gonna be a rough few days :( for the fans and family
i have been looking at the lorazepam graph dr shafer showed to the jury.

according to this model mj had lorazepam blood levels of over 300 ng/ml at 5am after the last shot murray supposedly gave him at that time.
this model assumes murray started with the lorazepam shots at midnight, but we know he started later at e.g. 2am. if he gave that supposed amount of 40mg in 3 instead of 5 hours, maximum levels at 5am would be even higher.

i've looked up online references on therapeutic ranges of drugs: 350 ng/ml&f=false


Normal Range: 50-240 ng/ml
Toxic Range: > 300 ng/ml

according to this mj had toxic levels of lorazepam in his blood at 5am.

a slightly built, dehydrated (acc to murray), male, 50 year old individual with reduced lung capacity bc of a chronic autoimmune disease, who was not artificially ventilated with a lorazepam level of 320ng/ml; yet, we are to believe mj not only survived these levels but was actually wide awake the whole time, unable to sleep and begging for "his milk"..

as to dr shafer's cross, defence has now started on the missing propofol brain levels in the tox report. i wonder if they will next bring up urine hydrol values and ask about propofol hair analysis. but then, maybe they wont.

here is a summary on some known propofol death cases which were ruled either murder, suicide or accident, fyi: