Murray Trial - October 13 - Day 12 - Discussion

No matter how much the patient may complain or beg, the doctor has an obligation to say no, if the request is not within the bounds of appropriate care.

Mr Flan was asking about CM ability to recall certain facts, and he stressed about notes and their importance in establishing trends, particularly a decreasing oxygen saturation. Page 63, Cm indicates that prior to leaving his patient, the saturation was in the high 90ies and 90 percent - it is a very big difference between these two numbers, and it's very disturbing because it could indicate distress.
white is there, he was there also yesterday hearing the experts
Eurgh, Flanagan's back with more hole digging I suspect!
re direct. hypothetical if flanagan collasped right now as a dr would you wait 12 mins to call someone and then call a legal sec etc etc instead of 911? you would call 911 right aways its basic common sense

kliens records were given to the dr by walgren murray said in his interview he knew of klien and knew 3 weeks b4 june 25th that mj was seeing klien

about the chinese study. going through the details of it being an experiment etc etc. mj was being experimented on by murray without any monitoring equipment says walgren. yes the dr agrees

murray kept no records so he didnt know himself what sort of insomnia mj had

lets assume mj asked for diprivan u have an ethical obligation to say no.? doesnt matter how much mj begged for it etc etc
yes totally the dr agrees

missed the next question

about medical records and needing them. in murrays interview he gives a great example of not knowing importnat info. murray says prior to leaving mj i saw his oxygen level at high 90's, 90%. 90's and 90% is two different figures. and they are troubling figures. they cant tell what his level was as theres no records. what was it. 90's r 90%

can a dr be negligent and the paitent still survive? yes. murray was grossly negligent over many things and that directly contributed to mjs death

redirect over walgren was hot!!!!!!!!!
Re cross

CM discovered MJ, he immediately perform CPR, and witness thinks that's wrong? Yes, he should of asked for help.

Prior to calling Amir, he went down the stairs and called for help... Witness reiterates that help has to be "call 911" because help could mean to call his kids but they couldn't provide the help needed.
Asking was he aware chef was asked to call security and didn't....surely he's misstating the it was get help, get security get prince...
murray shouldnt have done cpr straight away? no he should have called 911. flangan says he went downstairs. and asked for help. yes he did but he didnt say call 911. calling for help is not calling 911. saying get help could mean anything..

do u know chase didnt get security. dr doesnt know the details. the call to amir was done after he asked for chase to get security. (thats false he left a voice messge first)

re direct you get the person available to call 911

flanagan back what do u mean by available.? dr says if there was only me and walgren i would get walgren to ring. you shout out for help if u cant see anyone and no one comes then its my job to call 911.

i was dieing for walgren to ask if u had a mobile on you you wouldcall 911 straight away. wouldnt you. there would be no need to shout or ask the chase for help. shame he didnt
Flanagan: Even if Murray went part way down the stairs you'd find that inadequate?

Dr. Kamanager: You should have called 911 first.

Dr. Kamanager steps down :clap::clap:

Dr. Steven Shaffer is next Witness. :)
did you guys see when the new witness put the bottle under the papers??? Lol
Nice little bit of light relief from the witness there. Couldn't help but laugh when the Judge told him he'd need to remove the label from his bottle, so he put the entire bottle underneath the pile of papers. :laugh:
shaffer going through his job and role. normal stuff. nice voice
He's a professor of anesthesia at Stanford, also teaching a class of pharmacometrics at another university (missed unis name; the science determines how the medicines work in the body)
Wow, this guy's credentials are... really impressive, for lack of a better word!