Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 994*

She did and the other show she was on before that she was talking about a horse and water analogy. I am sorry I can't remember how she said it. Again I am not saying she doesn't love and miss him. She gave Oprah and others what they wanted to hear.
While promoting her album.
She did and the other show she was on before that she was talking about a horse and water analogy. I am sorry I can't remember how she said it. Again I am not saying she doesn't love and miss him. She gave Oprah and others what they wanted to hear.

ABC, with Robin Roberts.. She said 'you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink it' yep the baby sister who hadn't seen MJ in years. She had no clue what was going on with him yet she claims she 'tried' one intervention and the other one she wasn't there for. What a family he had!! RIP MJ!!!
While promoting her album.

yep, just before her brother's killer went to court. It's not like Mike took heroin or crack and overdosed. The man was under a physician's care yet his own family threw him under the bus. So sad! I will never support any other Jackson besides MJ and his kids as long as I live.
I really liked how the Cascio family defended Michael, specially when that witch broght back the case and the drugs issues but they didn't give an specific proof about the authenticity of the tracks.

The home videos were the cutest thing of that show because the promotion for the album was so lame and pointless. I really wish is the last time she makes other program about Michael because if she talks about the charges again, I'll go crazy!
personally im more intrested in them defending mj when hes called a abuser and a drug addict then being concerned about whether some songs are fake or not.but i guess everyone has their own priorities

i'm waiting for somebody to do something or say something good for Michael, and then expect, and get absolutely nothing in return. that will be an amazing person.
Even the 'Haters' can't seem to agree on what is supposed to be 'fake' in 'their little world'!

Can they not see how odd this looks to the true fans?

They say the 'fakes' are 'obvious', but they can't even agree with eachother. It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

I know, right?

It seems you pick and choose where you give your repsect. It's a pity that 'respect' doesn't extend itself to Michael's close, chosen friends, the Cascios.

To mention them in the same breath as those hideous people that tried to destroy MJ? Do you think that would please Michael?

Absolutely not, you're right.

You forgot to mention that Teddy is blood-drinking-Illuminati lizard. :smilerolleyes:
lol :smilerolleyes:

I didn't see your name mentioned in my post?

But hey, as they say, "If the caps fits, then wear it."

I am here to try and balance up some of the bullshit being put forward by people trying to destroy michael's album.

The 'Michael' 'haters' don't seem to have the need for facts - just salicious gossip and 'fantasy' conspiracy nonsense, with out any regard for truth or respect - so I will respond in a fashion that they understand.

If you have a look at the majority of my posts, then you will see that I am commenting on chart placings/potential sales etc. It's only when I come across repeated nonsense that I get riled up enough to defend Michael and his friends.

Deano isn't the one who keeps starting things and spreading rumors around...

This interview did nothing for me. The family tried to portray themselves as good and loyal friends of Michael, well they might of been, but now they are just backstabbing him. Anything for money. This is so sad.

I'm sorry, but they "tried to portray themselves"??? Are you serious??? No, they truly were his friends and better to him than anyone else. What is your comment based on? You think they betrayed him because YOU don't think it's Michael on the songs??? :doh:
i'm waiting for somebody to do something or say something good for Michael, and then expect, and get absolutely nothing in return. that will be an amazing person.

Agreed just everyone has a financal motive somewhere, Paris Jackson has been the shining light here at age 11.

tbf Elizabeth Taylor may fit the bill too.
Kapital77;3121360 said:
¿Where are the PROOFS? ¿Where are the handwritings lyrics from Michael Jackson?:


You again??? Hmmm, proof that he WROTE a song would not be proof that he SANG a song anyway. Just stop. Please. We all know by now that you don't believe it's him on the songs, so why don't you and Michael's family members all go and sue Sony?
ABC, with Robin Roberts.. She said 'you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink it' yep the baby sister who hadn't seen MJ in years. She had no clue what was going on with him yet she claims she 'tried' one intervention and the other one she wasn't there for. What a family he had!! RIP MJ!!!

People have to remember that although Michael loved his family, he distanced himself from them for a reason. And it was obviously not because he's an uncaring, thoughtless person. He also left them all out of his will except for his mother who is raising his children. His actions said A LOT.
Agreed just everyone has a financal motive somewhere, Paris Jackson has been the shining light here at age 11.

tbf Elizabeth Taylor may fit the bill too.

you're right about both those people. that's why Paris shines...and why Elizabeth Taylor has been, and still remains a legendary star without having done a movie, in all the time that most or all of the members on this board, have been on this earth. like MJ..when u truly go about things right, you can shine forever, even if you go without doing anything for a long time. and forever.
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You know I have to say this... I'm officially not gonna talk on this forum cause this is suppose to be a place where fans gatter around to share DIFFERENT opinions and share our love for Michael... and yet all I get out of this place is panic attacks from a bunch of high school crap and ignorant people who are always on the deffensive to crap up someones elses thoughts! Funny enough, a year ago on this very forum I was bashed and trashed for days for saying that I hated the Jacksons and that they only did bad things to Michael's reputation alive and passed... if I may quote from one very elegant member "Michael would piss on you if he knew the things you would say on his wonderful brother Jermaine and his sister Janet" ...and yet now the popular thought is that the Jacksons are Satan's messengers... now I'm one to believe that the casio tracks are not his voice and for that of course we go back to people bashing me with "what kind of a fan are you? Michael would be disgusted by people like you!" ...all I want to know is, since when has it become an election for fan of the freakin' year?? Just because I don't trust a bunch of shit ass people who are trying to make money that makes me un worthy of Michael's love??? Let me say this... my love for Michael is not evaluated by what my beliefs over the people around him are...

I evaluate my love for Michael on the span of over 20 years of dedication... with the 7 countries I've gone to just to see him, by the 13 concerts I've seen waiting for hours in the cold just to get close to him, by all the efforts I put in the gifts I would give him, by the hours of praying fighting and supporting during Michael's trial and hardest of times, by all the arguments I've gone through in my life to defend his honour against haters, by the 1000s of dollars of my hard earn money I spend on him, by the 100's of times a day I play his music, by the 50 posters on my wall I stare at every day, by him being my first thought in the morning and the last when I go to sleep, it's by the constant pain I've been living since June 25th, by the endless tears I've had since he went away and by knowing that every time something bad goes on in my life I have him to turn to to give me strength and harmony and the memory of his face when he said "I love you too" and hugged me the first time I met him in 1994... So for those that want to evaluate how much of a fan I am just because I say that the 3 casio tracks are FAKE... I will politely say get a life and kiss my behind, I've had enough of defending myself and being bashed for every thought I have... this is not high school it's a freakin' forum for crying out loud... so for those that "hope michael will forgive us for being such selfish unworthy horrible fans to not believe in his brand new voice" or want us "to learn how to be a real fan" I say, will talk next year once you all talk about the REVEALED FAKE TRACKS BY THE CASIOS! Let's not forget what I went through for being against the Jacksons and now look at you all, the giant circus of Jackson haters... I guess I'm not that much of a jackass am I, I guess I was just right all along... do you still believe Michael would want to piss on me for believing his familly is using him for money?? ..."A forum to share your love, opinions and loss with those who truly care, the MJ Fan familly" yeah right, I think I've gain more pain by talking here... That's all I have to say, I'm fed up, I'm off!

PS : Michael always believed in freedom of speech and respect of EVERY opinion in any situation... so the next time you bash someone for not having your point of view, think of how Michael would deal with the situation! LEARN HOW RESPECT LIKE MICHAEL DID!!
dont talk bad bout janet.. she loves her brother.. no one's perfect.. and i think maybe the reason why she spoke about his suffering is to make people aware that if u too have someone who is addicted to something, try everything u can to help them before it's too late..

wouldnt u agree that if by speaking oout about MJ's unfortunate condition (that most can agree was out of his control) that if she helped save only 1 person's life, wouldnt that be ok?

dont talk bad bout janet.. she loves her brother.. no one's perfect.. and i think maybe the reason why she spoke about his suffering is to make people aware that if u too have someone who is addicted to something, try everything u can to help them before it's too late..

wouldnt u agree that if by speaking oout about MJ's unfortunate condition (that most can agree was out of his control) that if she helped save only 1 person's life, wouldnt that be ok?


If he had a problem. I am not saying he didn't but it's hard to know when people who say this didn't see him for years at a time. Janet shouldn't be telling that to Oprah. Someone who had a agenda and someone that dislikes her brother and thinks the worst of him anyways. It would have been better to talk to someone that wasn't so biased.I know she loves Michael.
But Janet didn't know MJ had insomnia so how could she help? she didn't know what his problems was. She thought propofol was for pain
I find we get better and clear answers from those who were in regular contact with Michael than those that were not. It's hard to understand anything when the answers are so vague. The Cascio family handled the tough questions really well I thought.
I find we get better and clear answers from those who were in regular contact with Michael than those that were not. It's hard to understand anything when the answers are so vague. The Cascio family handled the tough questions really well I thought.
I agree with you. The Cascio family came across as decent, nice, people who love and respect Michael Jackson and his children.
I am sorry to say that is not how the "Jacksons" come across.
They come across as people who are always trying to
"find out what is in it for them".
Pretty much the only thing that stuck with me from the interview is when Connie Cascio said (I'm paraphrasing, can't remember the exact words) "Michael didn't want us to be out there telling people about Michael Jackson...and we never did". Yeah. Until now when MJ is not here anymore. I am grateful for them having been kind and loyal to Michael when he was alive. I just wish they'd continue to be loyal even after MJ's death too. I hope Oprah was a "one time thing" and we won't start seeing them everywhere on TV shows and writing books and what not...If MJ didn't want them to be out there telling people about him and what he's like in 2003-2005 I doubt he would have wanted them to be talking about him now. Like I said, if it was a one time thing, okay fine. Even though I didn't really see what the point of the whole interview was. Anyways...not judging them because I don't know them. All I am saying is that I hope they really are as loyal as they used to be and won't start talking about Michael NOW, when Michael didn't want them doing that while he was alive either. Loyal means loyal. Even when the person has died. But that's just my opinion, I guess. Maybe I'm so "picky" about it because there were SO few people Michael could really trust and it would break my heart if the Cascio's would end up selling out Michael too. Even if they maybe had good intentions. I just want Michael to have friends who will let him have his privacy even after he is gone. That's what true friends do. You take the secrets to your grave and don't spill them once the other person is gone. But again, that's just me. *shrugs*

And Oprah wondering them having known MJ for years and "no one knew". Uhm...except pretty much all fans have known for years who the Cascios are and what all their names are. Duh. :doh: Shows how much Oprah really knows about anything....All you gotta do is read Taraborelli's book Oprah. :doh: Not such a secret...:doh:
dont talk bad bout janet.. she loves her brother.. no one's perfect.. and i think maybe the reason why she spoke about his suffering is to make people aware that if u too have someone who is addicted to something, try everything u can to help them before it's too late..

wouldnt u agree that if by speaking oout about MJ's unfortunate condition (that most can agree was out of his control) that if she helped save only 1 person's life, wouldnt that be ok?


we're not supposed to talk of that on here..and there's no proof of how Janet portrayed him, according to legal conditions.

and for the Liz comment...she wasn't expecting the diamonds. and she gave as good as she got. he liked super power water guns. she gave him super power water guns. those gestures weren't about things of value, but of sentiment, even if diamonds cost a fortune, it's not like she was gunna look to see a resale value on them. those were gifts as keepsakes. it's not like expecting a recording fortune from someone who was always, clearly, a professional recording artist. the two cannot be compared. Liz introduced him to Christmas, and never knew in a million years he would give her diamonds for her treatment of him. they could relate for a reason. Michael was a giving person, on automatic. he gave to everyone, he was nice to everyone, he had great things to say about everyone. even when it came to his father, eventually he forgave him, and found good things in him. so..his being wonderful isn't a prerequisite to our knowing who was wonderful, back to him. everyone showered diamonds on Liz. they would probably give them to her, even if she didn't want them. people think she's synonomous with diamonds. she buys her own. but her giving to aids causes and many other causes and Michael, is not about EXPECTING something in return. and, of course, there's Paris. no words needed, there. she's worth repeating.
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I hope it's a one time thing too. I think they only did because of all the drama that has been going on with the album and their names being out there.
I agree with you. The Cascio family came across as decent, nice, people who love and respect Michael Jackson and his children.
I am sorry to say that is not how the "Jacksons" come across.
They come across as people who are always trying to
"find out what is in it for them".

Let's pray for the Jacksons. :angel:
You know I have to say this... I'm officially not gonna talk on this forum cause this is suppose to be a place where fans gatter around to share DIFFERENT opinions and share our love for Michael... and yet all I get out of this place is panic attacks from a bunch of high school crap and ignorant people who are always on the deffensive to crap up someones elses thoughts! Funny enough, a year ago on this very forum I was bashed and trashed for days for saying that I hated the Jacksons and that they only did bad things to Michael's reputation alive and passed... if I may quote from one very elegant member "Michael would piss on you if he knew the things you would say on his wonderful brother Jermaine and his sister Janet" ...and yet now the popular thought is that the Jacksons are Satan's messengers... now I'm one to believe that the casio tracks are not his voice and for that of course we go back to people bashing me with "what kind of a fan are you? Michael would be disgusted by people like you!" ...all I want to know is, since when has it become an election for fan of the freakin' year?? Just because I don't trust a bunch of shit ass people who are trying to make money that makes me un worthy of Michael's love??? Let me say this... my love for Michael is not evaluated by what my beliefs over the people around him are...

I evaluate my love for Michael on the span of over 20 years of dedication... with the 7 countries I've gone to just to see him, by the 13 concerts I've seen waiting for hours in the cold just to get close to him, by all the efforts I put in the gifts I would give him, by the hours of praying fighting and supporting during Michael's trial and hardest of times, by all the arguments I've gone through in my life to defend his honour against haters, by the 1000s of dollars of my hard earn money I spend on him, by the 100's of times a day I play his music, by the 50 posters on my wall I stare at every day, by him being my first thought in the morning and the last when I go to sleep, it's by the constant pain I've been living since June 25th, by the endless tears I've had since he went away and by knowing that every time something bad goes on in my life I have him to turn to to give me strength and harmony and the memory of his face when he said "I love you too" and hugged me the first time I met him in 1994... So for those that want to evaluate how much of a fan I am just because I say that the 3 casio tracks are FAKE... I will politely say get a life and kiss my behind, I've had enough of defending myself and being bashed for every thought I have... this is not high school it's a freakin' forum for crying out loud... so for those that "hope michael will forgive us for being such selfish unworthy horrible fans to not believe in his brand new voice" or want us "to learn how to be a real fan" I say, will talk next year once you all talk about the REVEALED FAKE TRACKS BY THE CASIOS! Let's not forget what I went through for being against the Jacksons and now look at you all, the giant circus of Jackson haters... I guess I'm not that much of a jackass am I, I guess I was just right all along... do you still believe Michael would want to piss on me for believing his familly is using him for money?? ..."A forum to share your love, opinions and loss with those who truly care, the MJ Fan familly" yeah right, I think I've gain more pain by talking here... That's all I have to say, I'm fed up, I'm off!

PS : Michael always believed in freedom of speech and respect of EVERY opinion in any situation... so the next time you bash someone for not having your point of view, think of how Michael would deal with the situation! LEARN HOW RESPECT LIKE MICHAEL DID!!

I feel your dedication to Michael in this. Thank you.
I hope it's a one time thing too. I think they only did because of all the drama that has been going on with the album and their names being out there.

That is what I think and hope too. I think they did the right thing since their name is already out there. It will do nothing but help with the sales of MICHAEL and help to further clear Michael's name.

You know I have to say this... I'm officially not gonna talk on this forum cause this is suppose to be a place where fans gatter around to share DIFFERENT opinions and share our love for Michael... and yet all I get out of this place is panic attacks from a bunch of high school crap and ignorant people who are always on the deffensive to crap up someones elses thoughts! Funny enough, a year ago on this very forum I was bashed and trashed for days for saying that I hated the Jacksons and that they only did bad things to Michael's reputation alive and passed... if I may quote from one very elegant member "Michael would piss on you if he knew the things you would say on his wonderful brother Jermaine and his sister Janet" ...and yet now the popular thought is that the Jacksons are Satan's messengers... now I'm one to believe that the casio tracks are not his voice and for that of course we go back to people bashing me with "what kind of a fan are you? Michael would be disgusted by people like you!" ...all I want to know is, since when has it become an election for fan of the freakin' year?? Just because I don't trust a bunch of shit ass people who are trying to make money that makes me un worthy of Michael's love??? Let me say this... my love for Michael is not evaluated by what my beliefs over the people around him are...

I evaluate my love for Michael on the span of over 20 years of dedication... with the 7 countries I've gone to just to see him, by the 13 concerts I've seen waiting for hours in the cold just to get close to him, by all the efforts I put in the gifts I would give him, by the hours of praying fighting and supporting during Michael's trial and hardest of times, by all the arguments I've gone through in my life to defend his honour against haters, by the 1000s of dollars of my hard earn money I spend on him, by the 100's of times a day I play his music, by the 50 posters on my wall I stare at every day, by him being my first thought in the morning and the last when I go to sleep, it's by the constant pain I've been living since June 25th, by the endless tears I've had since he went away and by knowing that every time something bad goes on in my life I have him to turn to to give me strength and harmony and the memory of his face when he said "I love you too" and hugged me the first time I met him in 1994... So for those that want to evaluate how much of a fan I am just because I say that the 3 casio tracks are FAKE... I will politely say get a life and kiss my behind, I've had enough of defending myself and being bashed for every thought I have... this is not high school it's a freakin' forum for crying out loud... so for those that "hope michael will forgive us for being such selfish unworthy horrible fans to not believe in his brand new voice" or want us "to learn how to be a real fan" I say, will talk next year once you all talk about the REVEALED FAKE TRACKS BY THE CASIOS! Let's not forget what I went through for being against the Jacksons and now look at you all, the giant circus of Jackson haters... I guess I'm not that much of a jackass am I, I guess I was just right all along... do you still believe Michael would want to piss on me for believing his familly is using him for money?? ..."A forum to share your love, opinions and loss with those who truly care, the MJ Fan familly" yeah right, I think I've gain more pain by talking here... That's all I have to say, I'm fed up, I'm off!

PS : Michael always believed in freedom of speech and respect of EVERY opinion in any situation... so the next time you bash someone for not having your point of view, think of how Michael would deal with the situation! LEARN HOW RESPECT LIKE MICHAEL DID!!

Most of us have done the very same things you have with regards to loving Michael and showing it and defending him, etc. Especially on this forum, during his trial, we know all about doing everything we could to bond together and showing our love for him.
I have never come down on anyone for saying anything bad about the Jacksons. Some things I agree with, some I do not. I did not call them "Satan's Messengers" or any such nonsense. I simply said that Michael distanced himself from them and left them out of his will for a reason. We can all draw our own conclusions as to what that reason might be. I have never called another fan a "fake fan" or said that anyone was more of a fan than anyone else. I believe we all are here because we do love Michael. I have simply gotten tired of the constant negativity in EVERY thread. In this one, people are still making comments about the songs being "fake" and thinking that the Casios are betraying Michael. You are allowed to think that, but I'm allowed to disagree. I don't think I've been disrespectful in the slightest about it. I happen to think very highly of the Casios for being true friends to Michael. If they were not, then he wouldn't have loved them so much and for so long, and I don't believe they betrayed him in any way by going on Oprah. You talk about people being negative, and you're tired of it, but I have tried to be positive. I said that the Oprah show yesterday will do good things for both Michael and his new album. Even though she brought up her typical questions, I also think that good came out of that. So who is being positive and who is being negative?
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Petrarose, thank you for quoting Showman's post.

I missed that one. I'm really touched by it.

I have said it countless time now. Is it possible for us to express our opinions freely and respectfully? Could people stop belittling the one who don't support the tracks? Could we be more considerate and stop criticizing the Jacksons or the "doubters" so harshly?

Like Showman said, think about what Michael would do.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 700*

Oh really? The controversy about this album is only those Cascios tracks and this is what Oprah and Teddy were talking about. Maybe you should go work for Sony then?

actually it isn't....some are saying that Hollywood Tonight isn't Michael either and that song is not one of the "Cascio" songs.
MJTLS;3121574 said:
actually it isn't....some are saying that Hollywood Tonight isn't Michael either and that song is not one of the "Cascio" songs.

I think Hollywood tonight is Michael, but Monster ....? Oh well.....

Cascios tracks controversy is an excellent exercise for ppl’s brains. :) It is like a high level math tests in university when you have to think logically but still outside the box. Ok, what do we have? Let’s make a list first. This is what I usually do. Here it is:

1. Cascios are a very good family and Michael trusted them for 25 years.:yes: No doubt about that.

2.The vocals on Cascos tracks do not sound Michael’s for a half of fans and another half believes that it is Michael. Very good.

3. Jacksons and Cascios had good relationships at least till they appeared on Oprah.

4. Jacksons family do not believe that tracks are real. WOW! That hurts.:doh:

5. Cascios did say that they are real and recording took a place in their basement (the picture of the “studio” was provided) lol Cascios are a family fans can trust. Perfect.:flowers:

6. Cascios made a good cash from their 12 tracks they sold to Sony which is OK, everybody wants money and there is nothing new in this world. ;)

7. Teddy Riley on Oprah admitted that there is a “controversy” going on. Good. Thank you Teddy, we knew it before. Bingo.

8. At the same time Teddy is very confident that those tracks are real. Ok Teddy, thank you again. Many fans respect you and trust you :)

I think this is all we have so far? Now folks try to create a logical picture and maybe you will get an answer. I got mine a long time ago but I prefer to keep it to myself. Honestly, I did not get it just from logical thinking. A part of info “came” from “above “ sort of and matched with all my logical points. Try to find that balance. Good luck to all :)
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Asedora;3121606 said:
I think Hollywood tonight is Michael, but Monster ....? Oh well.....

Cascios tracks controversy is an excellent exercise for ppl’s brains. :) It is like a high level math tests in university when you have to think logically but still outside the box. Ok, what do we have? Let’s make a list first. This is what I usually do. Here it is:

1. Cascios are a very good family and Michael trusted them for 25 years.:yes: No doubt about that.

2.The vocals on Cascos tracks do not sound Michael’s for a half of fans and another half believes that it is Michael. Very good.

3. Jacksons and Cascios had good relationships at least till they appeared on Oprah.

4. Jacksons family do not believe that tracks are real. WOW! That hurts.:doh:

5. Cascios did say that they are real and recording took a place in their basement (the picture of the “studio” was provided) lol Cascios are a family fans can trust. Perfect.:flowers:

6. Cascios made a good cash from their 12 tracks they sold to Sony which is OK, everybody wants money and there is nothing new in this world. ;)

7. Teddy Riley on Oprah admitted that there is a “controversy” going on. Good. Thank you Teddy, we knew it before. Bingo.

8. At the same time Teddy is very confident that those tracks are real. Ok Teddy, thank you again. Many fans respect you and trust you :)

I think this is all we have so far? Now folks try to create a logical picture and maybe you will get an answer. I got mine a long time ago but I prefer to keep it to myself. Honestly, I did not get it just from logical thinking. A part of info “came” from “above “ sort of and matched with all my logical points. Try to find that balance. Good luck to all :)

^^Ha Ha, I told you already last night that I got your thinking process all figured out and I agree with it too.