Resolutions for 2012


Proud Member
Oct 8, 2004
Hello MJ Fam :ciao:

Since this is the second day of the year 2012 :blink:

Do you have any 'resolutions' you want to accomplish this year?

Mine are...

I'm NOT gonna slack on FB anymore... I'll just check my PM's and 'promote' MJJC and My stuff on it... As its too time consuming and I rather 'create' then waste my time on it, right...

I'll make a vow to spend MORE time here... After all, its my SOUL HOME:wub: so...

I would like to squeeze in a JOB too:tease:One NOT for the dirty $$$$ but one that HELPS peeps...
Thanks to MJJC, my MJ fam and yeash, Dr. Shafer... I got my drive back into CARING for people as I know what loss means... :blush:
I decided to do no resolutions anymore. Last year my resolution was to lose weight and I really did a good job on that during the first part of the year and after that I gained it all back again. I know it's my own fault but damn it's hard you know!
I actually have several NY resolutions but they are to personal to post. LOL
Just some bad habits I want to break ..
I have no resolutions, but I wish my little brother would stop threatning, complaining, agitating and cursing God. I began to hate him more everytime he does that.
It's not a resolution in fact but more request... I'd like to fininsh the first year in college successfully :)
Great resolutions peeps ;)
I know some may think there are private and I respect that...
I did 'survive' the first week without FB :clap: