[Tabloid] Michael Jackson Body Doubles Could Be Raised in Trial


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Jul 25, 2011
Rumored use of Michael Jackson Body Doubles Could Be Raised in Trial, Sources Say

By Hollie McKay, LOS ANGELES
Published April 22, 2013
| FoxNews.com

In the months before and after Michael Jackson's sudden death in 2009, rumors ran rampant that body doubles were being used in an effort to disguise the King of Pop’s ailing health. Now sources connected to the ongoing $40 billion wrongful death suit filed by the Jackson family against AEG tell FOX411’s Pop Tarts column the body double reports will likely be dug back up as the case heads to trial.

An insider tells FOX411 that Jackson had strong incentive to ensure he fulfilled his commitments to AEG, as he agreed to do the “This Is It” tour “out of sheer desperation” for fresh funds. Jackson knew if he didn’t fulfill his contractual obligations, he would be forced to pay back the $30 million in advance money and possibly forfeit his share of his prized Beatles catalogue, the source said.

Speculation over just how able he was to take the stage first surfaced in March 2009, with some speculating he was so far from ready, a body double was needed in his place.
About three months before his death, several spectators and critics started to question whether the jittery figure donning aviator shades and a sparkly jacket while appearing before the masses at the massive tour announcement press conference inside London’s O2 Arena was Jackson, or an impersonator.

“It just didn’t seem to be Michael. He was very thin, yet this ‘Michael’ was stronger, had a bigger head and always wore a wig. This London version of Michael also had much bigger hands,” a source connected to the Jackson family said, based on her personal knowledge of the entertainer.
Similar questions over Jackson’s health and real identity raced across the Internet, with many also suggesting that the awkward, almost macho stride of Jackson heading into the arena was a far cry from his normally soft-footed walk, and that even his chin looked off.

“In my opinion, the man in the clip isn’t Michael Jackson; it’s a man posing as Michael Jackson. The (apparent) body double’s walk is cockier and had more bounce than MJ’s typical stride,” explained Bianca Cobb, a senior instructor at the Body Language Institute. “Michael had a less confident walk with smaller strides and less pep. He also tended to walk with his head down, and deflected attention. The seemingly double spoke more confidently by projecting his voice more and was also a bit deeper. Michael tended to have a softer and lower tone of voice which didn’t project across the room.”

Cobb also pointed out that Jackson had straighter teeth than what was evident during the conference, and the alleged double’s chin – although containing a cleft – was overall more tapered, and that Michael’s upper lip didn’t elevate as much as the alleged double’s upper lip at full smile.

“The apparent double’s smile had a lift on the side which is the commisures,” she told us. (The commisures is where the upper and lower lip meet.) “MJ’s smile was flatter than the (person at the conference) as their smile was more arched.”

Another source, who worked closely with the star across his career, wasn’t convinced it was him, but wasn’t convinced it wasn’t him either.

“There are inflections in his voice that sound true to me. His lower voice I have not heard and yet, within them, I recognize his voice. But this is not an easy call,” the insider said. “The walk is something I have never experienced. His lower voice I have not heard yet, so these things make me wonder.”

Officials at the arena, as well as the Jackson camp, vehemently denied that it was anybody but the real deal at that conference, and another source close to Jackson assured us it was him. Well, at least him on something.
“There is no question it was Michael. The gangster walk was really him. The problem is that he was heavily intoxicated during this press conference, which ironically, is one of the things I believe will be an exhibit during this trial,” said the insider. “He was drinking heavily and extremely high on at least a couple of substances. Even when Joseph (Jackson, father) saw the press conference he became concerned. In fact, that was about the same time Michael began calling his dad again seeking ‘protection.”

And by “protection” we’re told Michael kept saying that people were “after him” and his catalogue he was paranoid that everyone he came in contact with was trying to kill him.

And these aren't the only body double allegations potentially slated to be raised during the trial. Just four months after Jackson’s passing, the rumors resurfaced when Columbia Pictures released the “This Is It” documentary, chronicling the King of Pop’s rehearsals for the sold-out “This is It” tour, which was scheduled to begin just a few weeks after he died. Many speculated that Jackson doubles – a dime in a dozen in Hollywood – were used to fill gaps in the film. Such claims were only perpetuated after Joe Jackson declared that it was “mostly body doubles.” However, the film’s distributor was quick to shoot down the widespread accusations.
“This story is pure garbage and there are no body doubles… Every time they see the King of Pop they will know that every frame is unquestionably and undeniably Michael as he rehearses and prepares for the London concerts that were to have begun this past summer,” stated Steve Elzer, Senior Vice President of Media Relations at Sony Pictures, at the time.

Others close to the star aren’t quite so confident.
“The doubles or stand-ins were used in rehearsal footage we saw in ‘This is It,’” argued a Jackson insider. “Look specifically at the performances of ‘Human Nature’ and ‘Thriller’ in the film, there are others too... The lips are off with the words and the real person doing the dancing requires much too much effort. MJ was effort-less and this stand in was obviously good, but not MJ good by any stretch.”

And don’t expect either side to play nice in this intense trial, which comes almost four years after Jackson’s death.
“AEG is coming in with guns blazing. They are intent on bringing up everything including the child molestation, and will attempt to embarrass Michael and the Jackson family,” added our source.

Lawyers for AEG and the Jackson family did not respond to a request for comment.

Re: Rumored use of Michael Jackson Body Doubles Could Be Raised in Trial, Sources Say

Sounds like "somebody" in the Jackson family is rehashing Joe Jackson's OLD claims of there being a body-double. Notice the sentence regarding Michael "calling his father for protection." AS IF!

Total B.S. in my opinion.

Aside from that any body-double questions can easily be answered by watching the This Is It film.

(P.S. Remember Joe Jackson running around with his This Is It "body-double" story at the same time he was trying to charge fans to watch the This Is It film with him. LOL!)
Re: Rumored use of Michael Jackson Body Doubles Could Be Raised in Trial, Sources Say

What a lot of tabloid crap! A perfect example of how any media becomes tabloid when it comes to Michael. Unnamed "sources", unfounded speculations passed on as "news". I can't believe they consider this "journalism" these days...
Re: Rumored use of Michael Jackson Body Doubles Could Be Raised in Trial, Sources Say

^^^The sad part is that all those expert witnesses lined up for the trial who never met MJ are going to be doing the same kind of speculation, coming up with scenarios to favor whatever side they're being paid by. This trial is going to turn into the biggest tabloid.
Re: Rumored use of Michael Jackson Body Doubles Could Be Raised in Trial, Sources Say

more crap from the family
I wonder who is the Jackson insider this time, Jackson freeloader Majestic (Joe's pal) or Randy?

"Even when Joseph (Jackson, father) saw the press conference he became concerned. In fact, that was about the same time Michael began calling his dad again seeking ‘protection.”"

If MJ was looking protection from Joe, he certainly didn't get any help from Joe :doh: and Joe was worried about whether Michael gets paid by $ or £ and whether he does family concerts. Jacksons are unbelievable with their crap :no:
Re: Rumored use of Michael Jackson Body Doubles Could Be Raised in Trial, Sources Say

Utter rubbish.
Re: Rumored use of Michael Jackson Body Doubles Could Be Raised in Trial, Sources Say

U know i put nothing past the jacksons.but this is laughable. if that was a body double why they caiming mj was drunk etc etc at
the press conference. neither was he
late cause it wasnt mj at the p.c ha ha.
Re: Rumored use of Michael Jackson Body Doubles Could Be Raised in Trial, Sources Say

What a lot of tabloid crap! A perfect example of how any media becomes tabloid when it comes to Michael. Unnamed "sources", unfounded speculations passed on as "news". I can't believe they consider this "journalism" these days...

It's kinda embarrassing isn't it? This is so foreign to me, to see stuff like this in the media about a trial which is due to start any minute - i'm so glad we have our contempt of court laws.

Did we get all this build up of articles from 'sources' and 'insiders' before the conrad trial, i can't remember now. Although i guess that trial was just a manslaughter trial, whereas this one is the $big$ one. And does this crap article really need it's own thread cherubim? Maybe in anticipation, we could just turn this thread into a thread for all daft tabloid articles which we know are just madcap speculation about what's in this trial.
Re: Rumored use of Michael Jackson Body Doubles Could Be Raised in Trial, Sources Say

U know i put nothing past the jacksons.but this is laughable. if that was a body double why they caiming mj was drunk etc etc at
the press conference. neither was he
late cause it wasnt mj at the p.c ha ha.

I'm not clear who was in the press conference and who was drunk and late :cheeky:

If this coming from Jackson's, once again they make a fool out of themselves:)
Re: Rumored use of Michael Jackson Body Doubles Could Be Raised in Trial, Sources Say

This isn't coming from the Jackson's .. its not what they are claiming and would ruin their case

she says she has 2 sources close to the Jackson camp and each is stating just the opposite - how convenient
I think Joe stopped with the body double BS after "This is it" was released.

This is one of the most ridiculous articles I've read so far. What's scary is people believe and support this crap. I wish people would stop trying to steal Michael's glory and credit it to some nonexistent doubles. The sources sound more like death hoaxer's than any insiders. Most those descriptions about body doubles come from the death hoax sites. I'm pissed there is no way to comment Hollie Mcay's article .
Re: [Tabloid] Rumored use of Michael Jackson Body Doubles Could Be Raised in Trial

Things certainly are setting the tone for this upcoming trial...I'd put your seat belts on everybody, all things indicate this is going to be a bumpy ride.
Re: [Tabloid] Rumored use of Michael Jackson Body Doubles Could Be Raised in Trial

What a load of rubbish. There was no body double in the film, and no body double at the press conference.
When I saw the press conference live on TV, it was obvious it was MJ straight away.
HOWEVER, I was concerned that he was on something at the time. I noticed his walk wasn't right (he walked like a drunk person) and the way he held himself wasn't right. The way he kept repeating himself during his 'speech' wasn't right (a bit like someone who is drunk). He seemed under the influence of something and not prepared at all. I always wondered if the reason he was so late arriving at the O2 was because they (his team or AEG) were trying to sober him up for the appearance. I noticed they even had a golf cart ready for him to take him the few metres to the stage.
Yes, he had a big wig on, but that wasn't particularly uncommon for MJ.
Yes, his voice was deep - deeper than his usual stage voice - but he was much older than the MJ most people remember, with a deeper voice to match. Plus we (the fans) all knew his natural voice was deeper than he often portrayed on stage. I think because he was under the influence he just didn't bother to cover it up as much as usual.

Overall, I don't think they'll use the body double angle in the case. It's just too stupid.
Re: Rumored use of Michael Jackson Body Doubles Could Be Raised in Trial, Sources Say

This isn't coming from the Jackson's .. its not what they are claiming and would ruin their case

It's not a fact, but my money is on the family.

They have already said plenty of things in various interviews that has the potential to ruin their case. One of their biggest problems is that NONE of them is on the same page. In my opinion, when it comes to this lawsuit, the entire clan needs to tick-a-lock. Case in point, Jermaine Jacksun recently said that when Michael completed his O2 committment, he would be doing 50 MORE dates with his brothers. Which I "guess" means that Michael was too sick to do AEG's 50-dates, but he was well enough to do 50 dates with his brothers.

They are always contradicting themselves when they give interviews, in my opinion. "Foot-In-Mouth Disease" is what I call it.
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Re: [Tabloid] Rumored use of Michael Jackson Body Doubles Could Be Raised in Trial

Well, with all those body doubles, I'm sure AEG could have got the whole 50 concert run covered. No need to involve Michael at all, really. Simples! :cheeky:
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Re: [Tabloid] Rumored use of Michael Jackson Body Doubles Could Be Raised in Trial

The only place a double was used was during the Smooth Criminal intro for where he slides down the banister and when he jumps through the window. Obviously a stunt double had to be used for those shots as it was too dangerous for Michael. Would have been the same thing on any shoot with any artist or actor. You can even see the Smooth Criminal double with Michael in some of the pics from that shoot. To suggest it was a double actually performing at the rehearsals or at the press conference is ridiculous beyond words.
Re: [Tabloid] Rumored use of Michael Jackson Body Doubles Could Be Raised in Trial

HAHAHAHHAHAAHHA THIS is THE MOST RIDICULOUS THING I HAVE EVER READ THIS YEAR!! So what if he decided to try a new walk?? So what if his voice was deeper than usual, he was aging. So what if some parts in TII movie doesn't fit MJ's mouth, you know why? Because the MOVIE is dubbed, MJ sang LIVE. Stupid, stupid, stupid, these people deserved to be smacked in their face with an ice cold hand, pronto.
Re: [Tabloid] Rumored use of Michael Jackson Body Doubles Could Be Raised in Trial

They already admitted they used barry shaw and navi for double in this is it. Michael couldn't do smooth criminal in this is it. And they said barry shaw was the double for the this is it press he did. Maybe there trying to say mj is alive
Re: [Tabloid] Rumored use of Michael Jackson Body Doubles Could Be Raised in Trial

Re: [Tabloid] Rumored use of Michael Jackson Body Doubles Could Be Raised in Trial

They find someone who then gets proclaimed a Body Language expert (????) to give an analysis that it wasn't MJ--how it this person to be believed over all the people WHO WERE THERE? I mean they find a phony 'expert' and go with that as if it's gospel. This is the depths of 'joker journalism.'

His walk was 'too macho'--he usually walked with his head down (HUH??). Where do they FIND these lunatics?
“Michael had a less confident walk with smaller strides and less pep. He also tended to walk with his head down, and deflected attention.

Re: [Tabloid] Rumored use of Michael Jackson Body Doubles Could Be Raised in Trial

I'm sorry, but this has reached an all-time low. "Deflected attention?" REALLY?
Re: [Tabloid] Rumored use of Michael Jackson Body Doubles Could Be Raised in Trial

LOL michael never walked with his head down ! that is the most funniest thing i've heard
Re: Rumored use of Michael Jackson Body Doubles Could Be Raised in Trial, Sources Say

Utter rubbish.

^^Utter rubbish squared. Basically someone added to Joe's story and ran this crap as news. Notice the comment about how Michael was intoxicated at the announcement, is simply someone adding to Randy's comment about Michael being drunk the night before the announcement. Now it seems Michael was not only drunk the night before, but on the day too. Let's see what else they will add to this.

They are looking at part of the film where the mouth movements do not match the audio and claiming this is due to a body double. Sadly, someone is paid for writing this crap. I still don't understand why they have to go to school to be a reporter.

Etoile thanks for the video with the different "walks." Your video shows that the way he walked for the TII announcement was similar to the way he walked in some of the video clips, and no one commented he was on something or drunk at those times.
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Petrarose;3812354 said:
^^Utter rubbish squared. Basically someone added to Joe's story and ran this crap as news. Notice the comment about how Michael was intoxicated at the announcement, is simply someone adding to Randy's comment about Michael being drunk the night before the announcement. Now it seems Michael was not only drunk the night before, but on the day too. Let's see what else they will add to this.

They are looking at part of the film where the mouth movements do not match the audio and claiming this is due to a body double. Sadly, someone is paid for writing this crap. I still don't understand why they have to go to school to be a reporter.

Etoile thanks for the video with the different "walks." Your video shows that the way he walked for the TII announcement was similar to the way he walked in some of the video clips, and no one commented he was on something or drunk at those times.

The info about him being drunk on the day comes from Randy Phillips private emails that he was sending on the day.

"MJ is locked in his room drunk and despondent. I [am] trying to sober him up … I screamed at him so loud the walls are shaking. He is an emotionally paralyzed mess riddled with self loathing and doubt now that it is show time."
Re: [Tabloid] Rumored use of Michael Jackson Body Doubles Could Be Raised in Trial

They already admitted they used barry shaw and navi for double in this is it. Michael couldn't do smooth criminal in this is it. And they said barry shaw was the double for the this is it press he did. Maybe there trying to say mj is alive

They aren't tryign to say anything .. they said one fam source said Body doubles and another family source said no. so they are just trying to cover their buts and make bogus story.

No one stated that Navi was double for Michael during rehearsals - I think they used him for some promos. Michael did his own rehearsals and his own press conference. The only double used was for the Stunts in the smooth criminal film where he slides down the stairs and jumps through the glass window. That was a stunt double. But as far as the smooth criminal performance rehearsal, that was of course Michael. Why would he have someone rehearsing for him? what would be the purpose of that. It's silliness. Barry Shaw isn't even real he is a faker. He never met Michael, never doubled for Michael and doesn't even look or dance like Michael. He's a death hoax /hoaxer. He even posts pictures of MJ and says they are him .. its all rubbish ..
Re: [Tabloid] Rumored use of Michael Jackson Body Doubles Could Be Raised in Trial

They already admitted they used barry shaw and navi for double in this is it. Michael couldn't do smooth criminal in this is it. And they said barry shaw was the double for the this is it press he did. Maybe there trying to say mj is alive

Nobody admitted anything, Barry Shaw doesn't exist. He's just a figment of the hoax loons imagination. Navi had no involvement in This Is It. Why do people feel the need to perpetuate such nonsense?
Re: [Tabloid] Rumored use of Michael Jackson Body Doubles Could Be Raised in Trial

I have never even heard of this barry shaw before lol
Re: [Tabloid] Rumored use of Michael Jackson Body Doubles Could Be Raised in Trial

Absolutely mindblowing. It's on the front page of Daily Star I have no words for this bullcrap.


Removed Tabloid link and replaced with picture so they don't get any hits from us - Team MJJC