The Estate Message To Fans Regarding Aaron and Latoya

Thank you to the Estate for anwering fans but I really wish they did that earlier. Also, if Latoya is getting away with defamation, why doesn't the estate sue her? I would.

I wonder why also.... I know its very hard for public figures to sue for defamation. The more of a public figure you are, the harder it is to sue. They also may not want to take time to sue her because it would be time/financially consuming.
^ i think its because they are Michael's family, the estate also didn't sue Katherine and Joe when they should've. They are the ones authorized and partner with the vultures like Mann... to cheap/abuse Michael brand.
Its funny fans/ family supporters all jumped on the executors and complain they should defend Michael regarding Aaron's lies, but where r the Jacksons? I think the family should be the first calling out Aaron and tell him stop using michael's name to promote himself on every media outlet. Sadly we can only see them everywhere while promoting their things and exploiting michael.
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The Michael Jackson Estate or any other Estate cannot sue anyone for defamation. There is no law in most US States which protect the dead or their Estates against damage done due to liable, slander or defamation. The Estate Managers and Lawyer, family members can sue "IF" it can be proven it was a lie and not an opinion and only "IF" it is against them.
Ie branca sueing latoya for calling him a murderer