The Michael biopic guessing game!

etoile 37

Proud Member
May 25, 2010
While we wait for the biopic, let's play a scene guessing game! One person asks a question starting with "Do you think they will show..."
The next person answers the question with yes or no and then asks the next question.

So first question:

Do you think they will show Michael giving a kiss to one of his pets?

Do you think they will show La Toya turning on Michael during the first allegations because of her abusive husband?
Do you think they'll show how much Michael cared about his fans?
🤔 No.

Do you think they'll show Bubbles?

Do you think the movie will open up with MJ announcing the TII concerts or at least show a scene of it at some part in the film?

Do you think they'll show the HBO "One night only" rehearsal as this might be the only chance we get to see it!
i hope so!!!!!


Do you think the movie will open up with MJ announcing the TII concerts or at least show a scene of it at some part in the film?

do you think they will show the process of getting his makeup/hair/costume ready before performances?

Do you think they will show that Michael stayed with Emmanuel Lewis's family for about a year after being burned, because he was going to stay in a hotel instead of going home?

Do you think they will show that Michael stayed with Emmanuel Lewis's family for about a year after being burned, because he was going to stay in a hotel instead of going home?
Yes, but probably just Paris speaking at the memorial.

Do you think they will show or mention Michael's collection of Playboy magazines during the trial scenes?
No, they will not go that much into detail!

Do you think they will show Debbie?

Do you think they will show Michael prank calling someone?

Do you think they will show Michael running with the army/police (it's so badass they better)