What is MICHAEL's Funniest Quote ?????

In a 2005 deposition regarding how Michael got money:

Interviewer: How would you get cash in 2003?
MJ: Um, easily, if I needed it, I never wanted to go through the accountants, I would just simply get it at Neverland.
Interviewer: How would you do that?
MJ: The leasing of the cows on the estate.
Interviewer: I'm talking greenback folding money.
MJ: Yeah ... greenback ... folding money.
Interviewer: That by ... the leasing of the cows?
MJ: Yeah, well, we have cows on the property that belong to other ranchers, so we give them the space cause I don't like asking for money.
Interviewer: And they pay you in cash?
MJ: They don't pay me personally.
Interviewer: I'm sorry, they pay someone on your behalf in cash?
MJ: Yes.
Interviewer: Okay, so, all your cash, whenever you need cash to shop or whatever, comes from the cows?
MJ: Yeah believe it or not.
Interviewer: I don't, but that's okay because I don't have to.
MJ: *laughs* Well, I'm telling you.
I like when Batshit asks Michael "What about pictures, Michael?" and he replies "PAINTINGZ??" hhahaha