When Was the Last Time?

Can't remember :huh:

When was the last time you washed the inside of your windows?

Originally posted by Layth@May 11 2005, 09:55 AM
Next: when was the last time you scratched a CD by accident?

God, I do that everyday :doh: that's why I prefer cassettes. You can fling them round the room and nothing happens to them :lol:

Edit: posted at same time again :p Looked in the mirror about half an hour ago :p
Hmmm I don't remember.

When was the last time you couldn't stop sneezing?
I can't remember; I usually wear glasses so that's hard to do.

When was the last time you laughed so hard you couldn't breath?
Last Summer when I moved; I didn't have the internet for a couple of days. I just felt empty without the internet.

When was the last time you fell off your chair?
Couple nights ago, I was standing on my chair on my tippytoes to get something from the top of the closet. :p

When was the last time you got annoyed?

When was the last time you realized you ran out of paper right before your paper was due?
a couple of days ago- we left farm animal calls on our friends' answering machine :innocent: :lol:

when's the last time you got drenched in the rain?
aw not for a few years because someone borrowed my copy and never returned it.

When's the last time you planted a tree?
I never did to tell you the truth. But I haved walked through a few inches or so thick of cow manure before.

When was the last time you have watched a MJ concert all the way through?
A few months ago.

When was the last time you got a little freaky? :chichi:
last nite w/ my soon to be hubby

when is the last time u listening to a prince song?
yesterday :p


When is the last time you had diarrhoea? :lol:
eww :lol: ok (*toughens up to answer the question*) I was sick last week- my mom made something with milk in it and my tummy didn't like it.

When's the last time you wrote a poem? (see that's a nice question :p )
On May 2nd

When was the last time someone knocked on your door?
A week ago. :lol: To deliver Michael Jackson stuff to meh. :D

When was the last time YOU got Michael Jackson stuff in the mail?
NOW THAT WAS WRONG!! Last night, but Imma shower in a few! :p

When was the last time you had a headache?
I'm pretty lucky I don't get them often- maybe like a year or two ago.

When's the last time you took a picture?
Last Friday during filming I took some pics. If videotaping counts


Last time I cut my hair was 2nd week of Spring term.

When was the last time you cleaned your dishes?
Last night

When was the last time you prayed or thanked God?