Have you requested Michael on the radio today?

Don't forget to listen to A Place With No Name on YouTube as well! YouTube views are included in the Billboard counting!
Requested APWNN on the first thirty top 40 stations. Starting to feel lonely in here :(. As there is no radio deal or duet tie in with a popular star, this song REALLY needs our help to get radio airplay. Hoping that more people will join the cause
I just did some Hot AC, some Top 40 and some Urban AC stations requesting APWNN. I also checked LNFSG and Chicago on those stations who had them on their playlists (mainly Urban AC ones)
I did Canadians stations . Some had Apwn. I noticed. Did all urban AC and some top 40 and AC. how can we recruit more ppl to help the cause?
Just helped out with 20 radio stations! Come on people, it doesn't take much effort!
Thank you for the help. I noticed you're new in this thread, have you been requesting all along or just started? Just curious, if just started, what made you start requesting? Just trying to figure out how we can make more ppl join the cause .
Either way thanks a million, any ideas on how to get ppl to help out?
If members here are also members on other MJ forums, create a thread like this on those forums.

If you have twitter account share the link to this thread or Rihanna site with other MJ fans. Put #MJFam or #MJXSCAPE or #MichaelJackson tag so more fans can see it.
Okay so I added the radio stations' link to a tweet. Also left messages on the CHAT forum. I don't know if they pay attention in the chat area but I will try anything. he he
Im requesting Urban AC right now... But I have a question. Do they look at the requests or the actual airplays for the counting? Because I'm requesting almost every Michael Jackson song. Or should I just choose APWNN alone because otherwise APWNN gets a smaller chance to be played?
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I say concentrate on APWNN because it is the actual single. Also request LNFSG where it is already listed because that song is still on Hot 100.
I just emailed all the biggest radio stations in Finland and asked them to add APWNN to their playlists. Some smaller radio stations already play it here, let's hope the bigger ones will do it too!
Yesterday I requested on all Canadian stations. Also some Hot AC, Top 40 and Urban AC. Today, requested on all Urban AC stations. Noticed more are adding APWNN to their play lists. Come on guys, let's keep it up.
I keep asking the chat area to request but I don't know, it seems they don't even acknowledge my requests or do they really care? :beee: At least I see more new ppl coming on to this thread over and above the "regulars" which is good news!
Requested APWNN on several Hot AC stations. All, this is the do or die period for this song. If it doesn't get traction soon, it never will. If you have a spare moment, please request the song on radio. If we can pick up the effort during these next two weeks, perhaps we can make a difference and get the song added to many playlists. If would be great if we can have an ice bucket type of challenge for the regular members on MJJC. I'll go first. My first nominations are Tygger, Ivy and Birchey. Are you ready for the challenge?

Rules: Perhaps we can set the target at 10 requests each for every member who is challenged?
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Requested APWNN on several Hot AC stations. All, this is the do or die period for this song. If it doesn't get traction soon, it never will. If you have a spare moment, please request the song on radio. If we can pick up the effort during these next two weeks, perhaps we can make a difference and get the song added to many playlists. If would be great if we can have an ice bucket type of challenge for the regular members on MJJC. I'll go first. My first nominations are Tygger, Ivy and Birchey. Are you ready for the challenge?

Rules: Perhaps we can set the target at 10 requests each for every member who is challenged?

PS. To make it even more interesting, I will request the song on 100 stations for everyone who accepts the challenge
PS. To make it even more interesting, I will request the song on 100 stations for everyone who accepts the challenge

Okay Donalb I accepted and met your challenge and more! Requested on all Urban Ac stations, all canadian stations, the top 5 on Top 40 and Hot AC. So get ready to be busy- lol
I am so happy this Ice Bucket challenge is taking steam. I noticed in several station where they had APWNN they had that little microphone where you can listen to the song. It wasn't there yesterday. Does anyone know what that means exactly?
Yes. As part of the APWNN bucket challenge. Requested on Pop, Rhythmic & Hot AC from the Rihanna list.
No replies? Does this mean that yall haven't requested my baby on the radio today?


Yep I have. Yesterday as well as today.
I telephoned and was shocked to get thru.
Althooooooo, I still havent heard it played yet!
I’ve just noticed that “A place with no name (2014)” is on the playlists of some Canada radio stations.
Requested on Top 40 radio stations and also noticed a lot of them have added STTR so I requested both. Seems Top 40 stations have STTR and Urban AC stations have APWNN and Chicago.
Requested on Top 40 radio stations and also noticed a lot of them have added STTR so I requested both. Seems Top 40 stations have STTR and Urban AC stations have APWNN and Chicago.

Thanks! I did the same
I request MJ on US radio almost every day as much as I can using that Rihanna link.

Also I request MJ on my local radio station and other Croatian radio stations that have internet voting. I would appreciate if you take a moment each day and give MJ few votes on this radio stations. I'll explain how:


Give it thumbs up once a day:


Give it thumbs up once a week:


Click "Glasuj":


Select the song and click "glasaj". You can vote once every few hours:


VOTE for Loving You:

Thumbs up once a week. You can vote only for 1 song. So if you already voted for LNFSG, you can't vote for Loving You:



Select 3 songs, enter your name and email address and click "Glasaj":


Vote by clicking "Glasaj" once a week:


Select the song and click "Glasaj!". You can vote multiple times! Just re-open the link:


Requested APWNN on dozens of top 40 and Rhythmic stations. Also requested LNFSG and STTR on stations where they were already listed
Requested APWNN on dozens of top 40 and Urban AC stations