The "Leaving Neverland" Rant & Support Thread [Merged]


Proud Member
Jan 31, 2012
Sorry if this is an unnecessary or inappropriate post! I know so many of us have strong feelings over the recent public fallout, and I imagine we have long-winded rants that we don't want to clutter the main Leaving Neverland thread with. I figured we could use a place to air our grievances out, and possibly offer some support to those of us who are at the end of our rope.

I'll start us off. Long-winded rant incoming!


On March 5, the entirety of Leaving Neverland will have been unveiled to the American public, at which point I'm anticipating a public backlash the likes of which we've never seen before.

Considering the cultural movement initiated by Surviving R. Kelly, I'm expecting a #MuteMichaelJackson movement that might succeed if streaming services cave; withdrawals of anything with Michael's name, including awards and monuments; and a general push to erase his legacy and dismiss him as a pedophile.

Perhaps this is drastic and presumptive, but it's something that we need to consider. We're running out of time.

Over the past month or so fans have been working to expose the truth. There are countless Twitter accounts that post several times a day, there are YouTube videos, there are fan demonstrations... everyone is stepping forward to speak out.

For a few weeks I was silently putting together what I considered to be the antithesis of MJ Facts -- a website presented in a question/answer format that addressed the various accusations and claims made against Michael, complete with court transcripts and legal filings. I even reached out to a couple noteworthy names and asked for their involvement.

But honestly? I don't know what good we're doing.

I feel as though we're screaming into the void. Our efforts seem to be doing very little to sway the general public, many of whom (at least in the circles I run in) don't want to make any judgment calls until they watch the documentary. And considering the reaction to the aforementioned R. Kelly docu-series, I have my doubts that people will walk away thinking anything other than, "He was guilty."

It's been taboo to be a Michael Jackson fan for years, but never more so than right now. All of our efforts are being dismissed as ramblings from the "MJ cult," especially in the shadow of people still blindingly defending R. Kelly.

And I'm running out of enthusiasm. I used to proudly defend Michael and talk highly of him to anyone who asked; now I dread hearing his name because I know where the conversation will go. I used to readily jump into debates if someone was spreading bullshit about Michael; now I just block the posts and carry on with my day.

It's not guilt so much as exhaustion. It's tiring having to repeat the same old talking points. It's tiring having to listen to people insist that they know more about the case or the law than the people who were embroiled in it. It's tiring having to be called a pedophile apologist or a crazed and blind fan. It's tiring to do this.

I am who I am because of Michael Jackson. He made me listen to music differently. He made me look at dancing, performing, songwriting, and producing differently. He encouraged me to take vocal lessons, to start doing community theater, to begin singing, to pursue a career as a performer, to begin working as an independent recording engineer. He facilitated my passion for music, and I truthfully owe everything to him.

And watching this happen to him hurts. I know it's silly to care so much about someone you've never met, but he means a ton to me. And I know so many of you feel the same. And I just don't know what to say or do.

I'm fighting, but I'm getting tired. I don't know how much more I can take.
Re: The "Leaving Neverland" Rant & Support Thread

I posted this in the Sundance thread but thought I'll post this here too for those of you who feel tired, frustrated or defeated, Remember...NO ONE can cancel or mute MJ out of your life. NO ONE. Only you can. And remember YOU ARE NOT ALONE...there are MILLIONS of us. A MILLION little droplets of love around the world who refuse to let these crooks win....and together we will create an OCEAN of love. So when ever you feel like "they" are winning....remember that ONLY you could ever cancel MJ, no one else. And as long as you refuse, he will live on. :heart:

"I had a bit of an "epiphany" today while walking outside. You I have said before....since we keep googling MJ's name several times a day and ACTIVELY TRY to find out what is being said about seems that the "anti-MJ mob" is everywhere and it is SOOOO bad and that MJ is basically already "cancelled". Well....when I was walking outside, the sun was shining and I wasn't looking at any news on my phone...and guess what....MJ was as strong as ever. And people can try....but no one is ever going to cancel MJ out of my life. Especially not all these crooks, frauds and gold diggers and other sick, vile people who try to destroy him for their own gain and for their 15 minutes of fame. To me, they are just background noise. White noise. And if I don't actively look for it on my phone or google MJ news....I don't see it. They don't exist. Let's not forget there are MILLIONS of us around the world. The documentary will let it air....and then after a few weeks it will be forgotten. Who will still be there? All of us. And life will go on. Don't let that work of fiction stress you out. Keep playing your MJ music, keep talking about MJ just like before like nothing happened...and if anyone says anything derogatory....cancel THEM. Just like these media people only keep telling us to "WATCH THE FILM!!" as their mantra when we keep telling them facts...turn it around and just say "GO READ SOME FACTS!!!" if anyone tries to bash MJ in your presence. And then walk away. They can try cancel MJ, but as long as we refuse and as long as we keep demanding him and his music and refuse to let this affect us...they ain't got a chance. As I MY LIFE he will not be cancelled. And all I have to do is not google his name on google news and none of this is happening. Which comes to my next point....MOST PEOPLE don't actively google MJ news. As someone already mentioned. The tabloids are FULL of lies about him...CONSTANTLY....and yes, there has been some articles in non-tabloids too....but people are SO USED to reading lies and bizarre stories about MJ that even non-fans can't take them seriously and are tired of it. They aren't interested in it. Even I got tired of going through the same shit on google news....I don't even read the titles anymore...I just go "tabloid...tabloid...tabloid....nope...nope...nope. ..." I just look at WHO actually is even writing it before I even bother to read the headline. And if I see it's one of those who have been posting nothing but lies...I don't even read the headline because I can't be bothered. As I has become "white noise". And a lot of people are already tired of the constant MJ bashing.Even those who say "Maybe he was guilty" go...just let him finally rest, the guy's been DEAD for 10 years!!!

So....don't let the whole thing stress you and rememebr that the only one who can "cancel" or "mute" MJ out of your life is you. No one else. And as long as you don't mute or cancel one can. And if us together as MILLIONS of fans around the world refuse to mute or cancel MJ.....the crooks won't succeed.

Keep posting facts because those little nuggets of information that expose these crooks will slowly shift through and will start to grow. Think of it all as a little seed that will grow into a giving tree.....and on top of that tree, once we water and tend to the tree and let it grow....will be MJ, sitting at his favorite place....calm and serene....looking down on us and smiling.

Keep Michaeling. :heart:"
Re: The "Leaving Neverland" Rant & Support Thread

Don't feel down... This could be a good thing in the sense that mj fans know what they now have to fight for... Now we know what MJ was going through since the 80s.
Re: The "Leaving Neverland" Rant & Support Thread

Now MJ fans can unite as we have something to fight for...
Re: The "Leaving Neverland" Rant & Support Thread

I would argue that the worst time to be an MJ fan was 2003-2005. Because then, literally EVERYONE was against Michael. He had no support from anybody, other than his fans. Comedians dedicated their entire routines to MJ jokes, the media reported downright false information about the case. We didn't have social media to communicate easily with other fans around the world, and us MJ fans were seen by the general public as the lowest of the low.

At least now, we have more skepticism towards the claims. Even people who aren't Michael Jackson fans are saying "it just seems like wade and Jimmy are after money from the estate."
Re: The "Leaving Neverland" Rant & Support Thread

I would argue that the worst time to be an MJ fan was 2003-2005. Because then, literally EVERYONE was against Michael. He had no support from anybody, other than his fans. Comedians dedicated their entire routines to MJ jokes, the media reported downright false information about the case. We didn't have social media to communicate easily with other fans around the world, and us MJ fans were seen by the general public as the lowest of the low.

At least now, we have more skepticism towards the claims. Even people who aren't Michael Jackson fans are saying "it just seems like wade and Jimmy are after money from the estate."

I completely agree.

I went out last night to a ballet production. On the long drive into the city and back home again, I heard Michael's music on the radio. Not just once, but three different times. Nothing can stop Michael and nothing can stop us from loving him. He is always in our heads and in our hearts, no matter what is going on in the world. As a member upthread is WHITE NOISE. We have our MJ shirts, we have our memorabilia and our memories. We have MJ's music and his concerts. That's where he is....within us and all around us. Michael will overcome and we will overcome, just as we have done already, so many times before.

Re: The "Leaving Neverland" Rant & Support Thread

I would argue that the worst time to be an MJ fan was 2003-2005. Because then, literally EVERYONE was against Michael. He had no support from anybody, other than his fans. Comedians dedicated their entire routines to MJ jokes, the media reported downright false information about the case. We didn't have social media to communicate easily with other fans around the world, and us MJ fans were seen by the general public as the lowest of the low.

At least now, we have more skepticism towards the claims. Even people who aren't Michael Jackson fans are saying "it just seems like wade and Jimmy are after money from the estate."

I agree 2003-2005 was a nightmare. It was so bad that MJ bashing was in multiple movies (Click with Adam Sandler, Scary Movie 3 and 4, etc), he was mocked in Eminems song Just Lose It, he was the laughing stock of every single late night show, the general public was mostly against him. That was the worst moment to be a MJ fan.

What worries me about this situation is that this doc will be the FIRST time the public can actually put a face to the name. Instead of just a complicated court case with a random accuser, now the public will be sharing vids online of these two boys telling their story. The public will have compassion and feel sorry for them. Thats VERY powerful and will make things just as bad in my opinion as they were back in 03-05. We are heading right back to those dark times unfortunately. There is no easy way to say it.... but March will be the worst month for us fans in almost 14 years. The world will be against him. I think some radio stations will ban his music, it will ignite a massive public debate, to the point where people won't want to be seen listening to Michael's music for the fear of getting into a big debate. It will become a taboo topic like religion or politics. I hope after a few years things will heal.... but who knows. Im also feeling sick to my stomach with what's going on.
Re: The "Leaving Neverland" Rant & Support Thread

im concered that js usic will be shut off is there any way the estate can stop this nonesense?
Re: The "Leaving Neverland" Rant & Support Thread

Just a note, did anyone see the snippets of "Leaving Neverland", with MJ talking?
Did you notice the dark filters on the picture, and unsettling music?

It's the same used, on the Martin Bashit doc, and laughable the makers stoop to this level to try to make a unfounded point.
Re: The "Leaving Neverland" Rant & Support Thread

I would argue that the worst time to be an MJ fan was 2003-2005. Because then, literally EVERYONE was against Michael. He had no support from anybody, other than his fans. Comedians dedicated their entire routines to MJ jokes, the media reported downright false information about the case. We didn't have social media to communicate easily with other fans around the world, and us MJ fans were seen by the general public as the lowest of the low.

At least now, we have more skepticism towards the claims. Even people who aren't Michael Jackson fans are saying "it just seems like wade and Jimmy are after money from the estate."

But Michael had a chance to prove he was not guilty for those charges. Now he's gone there can be no case to prove or disprove it. So it will just hang in the air and people will believe what they want or what they are led to believe.
A lot of people will believe it, especially with the whole #MeToo atmosphere of just believing accusers, and throwing away innocent until proven guilty.
Also since Wade was connected to the first trial as a defence witness, for some people it could put into doubt the verdict of that trial, even though it was not because of Wade that MJ was proven not guilty.
Re: The "Leaving Neverland" Rant & Support Thread

I agree 2003-2005 was a nightmare. It was so bad that MJ bashing was in multiple movies (Click with Adam Sandler, Scary Movie 3 and 4, etc), he was mocked in Eminems song Just Lose It, he was the laughing stock of every single late night show, the general public was mostly against him. That was the worst moment to be a MJ fan.

What worries me about this situation is that this doc will be the FIRST time the public can actually put a face to the name. Instead of just a complicated court case with a random accuser, now the public will be sharing vids online of these two boys telling their story. The public will have compassion and feel sorry for them. Thats VERY powerful and will make things just as bad in my opinion as they were back in 03-05. We are heading right back to those dark times unfortunately. There is no easy way to say it.... but March will be the worst month for us fans in almost 14 years. The world will be against him. I think some radio stations will ban his music, it will ignite a massive public debate, to the point where people won't want to be seen listening to Michael's music for the fear of getting into a big debate. It will become a taboo topic like religion or politics. I hope after a few years things will heal.... but who knows. Im also feeling sick to my stomach with what's going on.

From what I've seen on YouTube though, not a lot of people seem to be buying it this time around (tee hee mj pun). The LN trailer has far more dislikes than likes, people who aren't mj fans are saying that this is all for money, Adrian McManus is getting ripped to shreds in the comments.
Re: The "Leaving Neverland" Rant & Support Thread

Great idea for a thread, I was thinking of opening something similar so thanks!

Can we please keep this thread just for support/rants only? I don't want there to be 2 threads running alongside each other discussing the same things. Think of it as an outlet away from the cold hard facts of what's going on.

Re: The "Leaving Neverland" Rant & Support Thread

Thank you for this thread, I feel the exact same way. I know t's tough but it is our duty to keep fighting for Michael's name and his well earned legacy.

AlwaysThere you are not alone (pun intended) you're one of my many members on this forum who are well researched and think before you post. We need fans like you right now more than ever. So stay strong brother
Re: The "Leaving Neverland" Rant & Support Thread

........... Some do not understand how triggering it is to call the person (Michael Jackson) that was the mental and emotional escape from our own abuse - an abuser.. Especially when it's clear through legal documentation that he was NOT that.
I looked through the TV Guide website for my hometown’s Eastlink Cable Systems and I looked through HBO Canada and it’s indeed airing “Leaving Neverland” simultaneously and I’m very steamed about it. But luckily I can still able to contact CBSC and make a complaint about the film being aired.
Re: The "Leaving Neverland" Rant & Support Thread

"If someone shows you who they really are, believe them." -Dr. Maya Angelou
PoP;4243536 said:
I looked through the TV Guide website for my hometown’s Eastlink Cable Systems and I looked through HBO Canada and it’s indeed airing “Leaving Neverland” simultaneously and I’m very steamed about it. But luckily I can still able to contact CBSC and make a complaint about the film being aired.

Damn too bad. I was hoping it wouldn't be aired in Canada. Luckily most people don't have HBO as its pretty expensive. And most people under 30 don't even have cable!
Re: The "Leaving Neverland" Rant & Support Thread

Great post, AlwaysThere.

I feel much the same.

I'm basically see-sawing between putting distance between myself and this world as much as possible (which I find encouraging if perhaps a little ignorant) and making plans in my head to finally wrap things up and call it a day.

I too find it beyond tedious that month after month I am compelled to defend some other story concerning Michael. Whether it's Quincy saying he stole songs or whatever else has come up. These are big claims with serious ramifications. And I look at how other artists are treated and on the whole it appears as though they are immune to it.

I have to say I find this much worse than 2003-2005. Michael was given a 'fair' opportunity to be heard in a world where what the media reported didn't matter. When the court doors closed and the judge entered, the only thing that mattered was the evidence reported by both sides. This is PURELY about the media and the public now. In addition to this, we now have four accusers and we have people in the media saying things like "they can't ALL be lying" which I guaranteed Joe Public is thinking too. Not only that but these were different times, where people didn't speak out so much about these sort of things in the public/celebrity arena. The metoo movements and timesup have changed things.

Even if two years from now Michael's reputation, resoundingly beaten and trodden, continues to emit some kind of a pulse, I think the purity and the unbridled joy of listening to his music will be taken from me by the sheer darkness of the environment of where it will be placed by the world at large. I think even if my forecasts are too drastic, this will be a hard thing to shake for me.

I take a good few days away before coming back to see if the light is coming back out, and all I find is it's gotten worse - BBC docu and Oprah.

The only thing that can stop this freefall now is damning evidence that shows these people lied.
Y’all need to chill freaking out about it isn’t going to work.
We don’t know how the general public will react to the documentary.

Many still don’t know about the documentary.

I haven’t really heard anyone talking about it on social media and in real life.

Americans have a lot going on. R Kelly, Jussie Smollets, Cohen testifying etc.

Most people seem not to have cable anymore. I still do lol. Most have Netflix, Hulu etc. I don’t know if people still watch HBO anymore except for Game of Thrones and that’s on its last season. In general, HBO is on its way out.

Documentaries like this on MJ have being going on for almost 26 years.

2003-2005 was way way worse.
Re: The "Leaving Neverland" Rant & Support Thread

I can't believe it is happening again. I am out of the speech. I can't believe this again comes from somebody he helped so much, from somebody who let them inside his life. Where this is going to end?
travis3000;4243553 said:
Damn too bad. I was hoping it wouldn't be aired in Canada. Luckily most people don't have HBO as its pretty expensive. And most people under 30 don't even have cable!

I was hoping it would be on at all in Canada, but like I said I’m prepared to contact CBSC and make a complaint about it.
Re: The "Leaving Neverland" Rant & Support Thread

A mate sent me a text earlier saying a guy in work was playing MJ music all day,he asked him about it and he said he wasn't a big fan but was doing it in protest of the bullshit.

Nice to hear there are some sensible people out there who can think for themselves.
Re: The "Leaving Neverland" Rant & Support Thread

This whole thing has me so frazzled. It was bad enough when all this started in 2013. Didn't think it could get any worse but it did.

I'm starting to regret not doing more last year to celebrate Michael. That would have been the prime time to do it since it was after the case got thrown out and everything seemed to be in in the clear. I wish I had gone to the Diamond Celebration in Vegas, even if it would've cost me a good chunk of money, or watched more things of his. I've never been one to stay positive (never really learned how) so this is all so hard for me right now. :(
35 years as a fan , I can’t believe it’s come to this. In 93 and 2005, it felt bad but I always felt hope that he’d come out of it Ok, tarnished reputation but proven innocent. This however is a different beast. I really don’t see any light at the end of this tunnel for a number of reasons. The estate have been woeful. Not just now but also for the last 10 years. They should have commissioned a docu series to put across MJ’s story, with everyone that knew and worked with him having an input to tell what he was really like. Hell, we all know Robson would have been on the phone to the estate begging to be included. This would have made the likely hood of this crap less possible but also if it di£d happen as it has, very much less credible. The family, my heart goes out to them, are in a no win situation.Besides Taj and Brandi, I dont think anyone else is prepared or up to speed enough for tough questions. The silence from everyone else is disappointing and worrying. Surprised that Prince isn’t to the fore. I know if I was in his position, I’d be moving mountains. The Cascios, where are they?? All the staff at neverland, recording engineers, producers, etc. , where are they?? Debbie Rowe?? All the people that went through, visited , stayed at neverland??
I don’t believe there is a come back from this. Personally, I’m emotionally all over the place. Doubts have crept in. Confusion. This is not something that can be proven or disproven and we are left with he said , she said scenarios.
I am preparing myself for the possibility that this could be the end. Yesterday I watched the Elvis tribute and as soon as it started I felt sad because I felt we are never going to see anything like this for MJ ever again. No network will touch a tribute show after this. The accusers and Reed are saying that it’s not about taking MJ down, but how can they not see that it’s exactly what’s going to happen. I hope the estate realise that they’ll have to live with the fact that they oversaw MJ legacy being destroyed.
I have a 9 year old son who is just starting to love the jacksons. I hear him humming and singing his favourite songs “can you feel it” ,”man in the mirror” and “stranger in Moscow”. I heard him tell his friends proudly that he knows lots of MJ songs now. I just feel my heart breaking and turn away so my son doesn’t see the tears welling up in my eyes. I don’t want him to be in a position where he is going to be picked on or disparaged for being a fan, which I fear, is inevitable. So how do I explain all this to him? He constantly asks me to put on the music but at the moment I just can’t listen to it. I find myself asking the question if whether he’d be better off not being an MJ fan. Cause bloody hell , it’s hard now.
I know I’m going to be questioned by family and friends with difficult questions. I’ve become astutely aware that people are going to be uncomfortable with the paraphernalia of MJ’s that I have on display in my house, and hence, I’ll be uncomfortable.
I fear the worst and wonder if I’m have to going to say goodbye to someone who has being nothing but positive and joy to my life, but has become a beacon of negativity to society. There aren’t to many MJ fans where I am.
After he died, I’d thought things had turned more positive and it was wonderful to see him being celebrated. I never imagined it would turn to this.
Sorry if this seems so pessimistic, but it how I truly feel. I’ve seen nothing historically from the estate or family that would suggest a reverse of the situation. They’ve missed the boat and it’s sailed into a dark world.
Would love to know others views.
Re: The "Leaving Neverland" Rant & Support Thread

I'm kinda sick of the estate making fans defend him in the media. It's all well and good doing things behind the scenes but in the mean time mj has legitimately no defence in the media. Wade and James own it and are probably convincing everyone with their bullshit.
Re: The "Leaving Neverland" Rant & Support Thread

djlf I think many of us feel the same to be honest.
I'm clinging to hope people will see through this but in reality that seems a distant hope more than anything.

I have an eight year old daughter who loves his music and dancing to MJ and I echo your thoughts there,its flippin' hard being a Michael Jackson fan.

All we can hope for is this backfires but public perception and the media who are contributing with their lies will push this into being an important documentary and cement many peoples thoughts about MJ.

The Estate could do nothing and will still make millions as us loyal fans are plentiful and can see thorough the nonsense.

Its future generations and Michael's legacy I fear for.
The estate should be gathering everyone that knows him , together, to shout no from the rooftops. I’d love to see hours of just one on one interviews with people that were there and knew him just telling their truth to the camera. Straight to the viewers eyes and ears with so many people that it would be undeniable. Don’t think it’ll happen though
djlf;4243918 said:
The estate should be gathering everyone that knows him , together, to shout no from the rooftops. I’d love to see hours of just one on one interviews with people that were there and knew him just telling their truth to the camera. Straight to the viewers eyes and ears with so many people that it would be undeniable. Don’t think it’ll happen though

Yeah I agree.
Taj is trying to fund a project but that is falling way short of getting the cash probably required.

Not many fans have contributed to that so while we can give off about the Estate(rightly so) there are many fans who could help some also.
djlf;4243913 said:
35 years as a fan , I can’t believe it’s come to this. In 93 and 2005, it felt bad but I always felt hope that he’d come out of it Ok, tarnished reputation but proven innocent. This however is a different beast. I really don’t see any light at the end of this tunnel for a number of reasons. The estate have been woeful. Not just now but also for the last 10 years. They should have commissioned a docu series to put across MJ’s story, with everyone that knew and worked with him having an input to tell what he was really like. Hell, we all know Robson would have been on the phone to the estate begging to be included. This would have made the likely hood of this crap less possible but also if it di£d happen as it has, very much less credible. The family, my heart goes out to them, are in a no win situation.Besides Taj and Brandi, I dont think anyone else is prepared or up to speed enough for tough questions. The silence from everyone else is disappointing and worrying. Surprised that Prince isn’t to the fore. I know if I was in his position, I’d be moving mountains. The Cascios, where are they?? All the staff at neverland, recording engineers, producers, etc. , where are they?? Debbie Rowe?? All the people that went through, visited , stayed at neverland??
I don’t believe there is a come back from this. Personally, I’m emotionally all over the place. Doubts have crept in. Confusion. This is not something that can be proven or disproven and we are left with he said , she said scenarios.
I am preparing myself for the possibility that this could be the end. Yesterday I watched the Elvis tribute and as soon as it started I felt sad because I felt we are never going to see anything like this for MJ ever again. No network will touch a tribute show after this. The accusers and Reed are saying that it’s not about taking MJ down, but how can they not see that it’s exactly what’s going to happen. I hope the estate realise that they’ll have to live with the fact that they oversaw MJ legacy being destroyed.
I have a 9 year old son who is just starting to love the jacksons. I hear him humming and singing his favourite songs “can you feel it” ,”man in the mirror” and “stranger in Moscow”. I heard him tell his friends proudly that he knows lots of MJ songs now. I just feel my heart breaking and turn away so my son doesn’t see the tears welling up in my eyes. I don’t want him to be in a position where he is going to be picked on or disparaged for being a fan, which I fear, is inevitable. So how do I explain all this to him? He constantly asks me to put on the music but at the moment I just can’t listen to it. I find myself asking the question if whether he’d be better off not being an MJ fan. Cause bloody hell , it’s hard now.
I know I’m going to be questioned by family and friends with difficult questions. I’ve become astutely aware that people are going to be uncomfortable with the paraphernalia of MJ’s that I have on display in my house, and hence, I’ll be uncomfortable.
I fear the worst and wonder if I’m have to going to say goodbye to someone who has being nothing but positive and joy to my life, but has become a beacon of negativity to society. There aren’t to many MJ fans where I am.
After he died, I’d thought things had turned more positive and it was wonderful to see him being celebrated. I never imagined it would turn to this.
Sorry if this seems so pessimistic, but it how I truly feel. I’ve seen nothing historically from the estate or family that would suggest a reverse of the situation. They’ve missed the boat and it’s sailed into a dark world.
Would love to know others views.

Sorry but all I can think of is you are not alone. Thanks for sharing.