To Catlovers


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Here are pictures of some of the cats and kittens who got help from one of the swedish catshelters.Cats are treated very bad in Sweden, but in this catshelter there are lots of love.
They do it for love.

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Re: to catlovers

Aaawww!!! How cute. Cats are treated badly virtually everywhere. It is good to see some catch a break.
Re: to catlovers

More sweethearts, many of them have been homeless.
Some kittens were found outdoors with no mother and were so skinny.Some were so young that they had to be handfeed.Small kittens have to eat very often and I know that one of the women had 17 kittens for a while.She didn´t have to handfeed all of them but it was hard work anyway.
A true hero for little kittens.
They always try to find the mothers but it´s a dangerous world outdoors and there is cars

There are some small pictures to the right in the thread, if you click on Visa bild (it means show picture)you get a bigger picture
Re: to catlovers

I "love" cats, kittens but unfortunately I am alergic to them...Even though they seem to migrate to me...Giggles...they make me sneeze cough and weez...:(

As Always

Re: to catlovers

those kitties are adorable..I never understood why people would want to harm a poor liitle defenseless creature. I myself have a kitty and she is like my baby girl. I do have two human children..:lmao:....but she is like the last baby ..:lmao:
Re: to catlovers

hey my cats so cute can I post pictures of Fancy!? P.S. it looks as though we may not have to put her down after all..... :yes:

(but that all can change unexpect)
Re: to catlovers

I would love to see pictures of Fancy.
I think I read about her in the pet-thread ,but tell more about her.
Re: to catlovers

well Fancy is about 7 or 8 & shes very social & very friendly. sleeps with me, has her tongue out because Fancy doesnt have the teeth to hold in it, clipped ear because when she was spayed / neutered, thats the identification policy. And she has this toy mouse, that she just loves! Fancy goes and picks it up & carries it around like either a real mouse and she wants to show me what shes caught or like its her kitten.


sittin on my lap


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Re: to catlovers

Wow, looks like cats are a hot topic since there are two threads dedicated to them lol.

MIST, thank you so much for the links. I had to laugh and smile a lot during the first one cause i got lots of friends and family with some of those names lol. I think it's very important, the same as it is with people, to give each animal a name. Identity is very important and that is why identification by number in certain eras was a degradation and a total disregard of dignity.Anyways...

All of them cats are super adorable. And i have to painfully agree about cats being treated badly everywhere, not only in Sweden. I cannot and never will i understand how some people can hurt such defenseless little creatures; i've always said that in these cases they are the real beasts.

I got some cats myself and some dogs. Just earlier this evening some of the cats were running around in the garden playing in the grass among themselves and with some branches - they are awesome to watch, they can put on quite the show, when they don't ruin carpets and curtains and furniture that is lol. I guess one of these days i'll have to join the pets thread and post some pics, but certainly not now.

Susie, i'm sorry to hear about your allergy :( The fact that they come to you means u are good people cause animals can detect that kinda stuff :cheeky: if that is any consolation.

LOL @ that last picture of Fancy. BillieJean, you got a great cat.

Giant Enemy Cat - your siggy is precious, bless that hungry little thing, you can almost 'hear' him/her whilst having those bites from the corn lol, beyond cute.
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Re: to catlovers

well Fancy is about 7 or 8 & shes very social & very friendly. sleeps with me, has her tongue out because Fancy doesnt have the teeth to hold in it, clipped ear because when she was spayed / neutered, thats the identification policy. And she has this toy mouse, that she just loves! Fancy goes and picks it up & carries it around like either a real mouse and she wants to show me what shes caught or like its her kitten.


sittin on my lap



Fancy is a lovely cat.
Did she loose her teeth because of a disease?
Re: to catlovers

No the vet nor do I, know exactley why her teeth are like hat t
Re: to catlovers

Billiejean84..I love your pics of Fancy,,very cute..:)
Re: to catlovers

hey do cats like it when their owners are being so affectionate with them?? To say that I show my love to my cat Fancy, is an understatement lol ; I just don't know if cats or Fancy, likes it when I do or if they would rather not have affection - hugs and kisses lots and lots of them! - to her... sometimes she growls when I'm doing it too much to her. lol
Re: to catlovers

hey do cats like it when their owners are being so affectionate with them?? To say that I show my love to my cat Fancy, is an understatement lol ; I just don't know if cats or Fancy, likes it when I do or if they would rather not have affection - hugs and kisses lots and lots of them! - to her... sometimes she growls when I'm doing it too much to her. lol
If cats don´t like what you do to them they use to tell you.
Re: to catlovers

ok like when it hisses? or runs off? fancy doesn't do any of those =)
Re: to catlovers

ok like when it hisses? or runs off? fancy doesn't do any of those =)
yes, something like that.
One of my cats hits me gentle with a paw when she think it´s too much.She doesn´t use her claws and one moment after she wants me to scratch her.
Re: to catlovers

Here are more pictures.
Some of the cats were not social at all when they were caught, but you can´t see it now.
Male cats can take care of little kittens and in # 7 you can see a male cat who is very much loved by kittens and they want to be close to him.
In #14 there are some little ladies who was found in a boat that was moved because they were going to repair it.
They never found the mother
In #31 little Linus together with the big boys
#47 Pilatus make sure that little Hilding don´t climb in the curtains or something like that

#39 and #73 female cat Yrsa has 3 kittens on her own but she takes care of other motherless kittens too.She doesn´t care about colours or something she´s there for them.
Re: to catlovers

How cute. I have three cats and I see them as family members.
Re: to catlovers

Those cats are so cute. I wish I was in Sweden to adopt all of those cats that were shown in that video. But I have 2 cats now and they are more than enough to handle.
You can help in other ways than adopt them.
cats need help in most countries and maybe there is a catshelter close to where you live that you can support with money, perhaps work as a volunteer, buy things from them if they have a shop.

One important thing is to tell people about the problem and try to convince them to neuter their cats.
Many cats are abandoned because they stop to use the cattoilet and many times the problem is solved if the cat is neutered+we don´t need more kittens to be born because there are not enough homes for all of them.

Here are some cats from Singapore.
When I read the blog I thought this is exactly what happens in Sweden today.
Re: to catlovers

I know it isn´t always easy to find new home for healthy cats and it´s really hard to find homes for cats who has a disease or virus that can lead to a disease later.
When I read about 400 cats many of them in bad shape and some of them with FIV and FeLV who was rescued from a "sanctuary"in Pennsylvania I was wondering would those cats ever find new homes?

I can only say thank you ASPCA for giving them a chance and I´m thankful that there are loving people who are willing to open their homes for animals in need.

I have to say R.I.P. to 173 cats here in Sweden who didn´t get a chance to a new life when they were rescued.
It´s true what they said in Singapore; They pay for our mistakes with their lifes.
Re: to catlovers

I think this is a TNRM colony.
Instead of trap feral cats an kill them you can use Trap-Neuter-Return-Maintain/Manage
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Re: to catlovers

I forgot the links to tell you about TNRM or TNR

Trap and neuter/spay 250 cats, thats great work.
I think it took many early mornings and late evenings to trap those cats.