"Breaking News" All General Discussion Here [Merged]

What do You Think Now???

  • Now im Sure Its Michael!!!

    Votes: 89 21.4%
  • I Still Think its Not him!!!

    Votes: 223 53.7%
  • I now think that its Michael, but still have my doubts!!

    Votes: 24 5.8%
  • Im Confused!!!!

    Votes: 79 19.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

I hope they release statement today, because the project will be hurt alot when more people hear the fake song and make their conclusions.
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

The truth will come out, so we should just wait patiently and see what Sony says. As Riley said, the truth will be out in a few days.

You really think Sony will come out and say the song is fake? Of course, they will say it's MJ singing. That's the truth of $ony.
bjoernclausen;3056181 said:
Okay, of course it's obvious this ain't MJ.

But what we're hearing from Teddy Riley is (however coded) that this is not the full story. The truth will come out, so we should just wait patiently and see what Sony says. As Riley said, the truth will be out in a few days.

Think about it? What could pay more attention to the album than the entire MJ fanhood all riled up over this? It'll get the album on everyone's lips. Sony knows that if we don't like something, we'll make sure that we're heard.

So I say. Let's wait and see. It's obvious this is not MJ. Sony is up to something. Patience, everyone.

A clever marketing strategy? Taryll says:

I questioned the validity of the vocal's on "breaking news" and several other songs of theirs that I've heard and they told me no other takes or tracks exist. They claim my uncle was so happy with the performance he instructed them to delete all the other files. I had the honor to learn and watch my uncle record my entire life and that is NOT how he worked. No outtakes, no other tracks, no backups, no proof. roughly 10 songs they turned in… same story for all of them. I asked for the computer it was created on... they said it broke. I asked for the original hard drive... they said it was destroyed. One dubious excuse after another.
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

Teddy Riley says it's real then it's real. He produced the track and worked with mj a lot.
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

Either way, it's creating a lot of talk about the album - maybe Teddy does know more and we'll find out soon!
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

I thought that was referencing the Opis None track.
I thought the same but then went to see Hemis123


they were referring to TMZ's voting poll

omg... did you visit TMZ http://bit.ly/9VqW4W Ppl have voted and 48% thinks it's Michael!!! (5176 votes) wth??


Do you think Sony knew they were fake vocals? Or was it the Cascios who fooled everyone...
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

I don't know what to believe:(!!
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

We need answers sooner rather than later.This is hell for us! If Sony are so adamant that it is Michael, they should offer some answers.
Re: Do You Believe Breaking News is an authentic MJ track

100% No
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

I can't believe 50 procent of the people believe this.Sony's games are going to be succesfull.PEOPLE WAKE UP.We are listening to Michael's voice for years, some generations.I've never made mistake about his voice and I'm 100000000000 procent sure it isn't Michael who sings the main words.The first 3 seconds of singing are enough for me.
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

ah, the controversy.. Michael would enjoy this :)))
I think it's no coincidence they released this one first. They are getting us all worked up and that's exactly what they wanted
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

Anyway, I can't understand how releasing online a fake MJ song is a publicity stunt by Sony Music. :scratch:
I know everywhere (facebook, twitter, forums) is chatting about BN not being MJ vocals...I think this is more againsts MICHAEL album release than in favour of it, no?
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

Obviously I haven't read all of this but here's my 2 cents.

The vocal is not 100% Michael - no way, but I don't think it's fully impersonated I just think others have done the 'vocal layering' that Mike used to do.

The track is okay, not great, on the other media subject matter scale, it's nowhere near as good as Tabloid Junkie but better than Privacy.

It sounds like what it is, a half finished demo finished off in his absence.

Hope it's not the best track on the album which I still am very excited about.
Re: Do You Believe Breaking News is an authentic MJ track

Great, guys.I'm happy the fans are not naive to believe that cheap mix they did is Michael Jackson vocal.
Moogisland;3056195 said:
Teddy Riley says it's real then it's real. He produced the track and worked with mj a lot.
He is also getting paid, was he with Michael when he recorded this? If he was why doesn't he have any proof? and we can judge for oursleves and to me i don't hear Michael in this song.

On Monday 8th November 2010, @Taryll said:

to all the mj fans... regarding the song "Breaking News" i am so sorry you have to deal with this. my Uncle loved you so much and would not want it this way. however there are songs that ARE my uncle singing on the upcoming album and I will support those 100% but I will not support "Breaking News" and a few others because it simply is not him. they tried to fool me and they tried to fool you. i told them it would never happen.

On Monday 8th November 2010, @Taryll said:

If you question the validity of a professional photo you can ask the photographer for more pictures from that photo shoot. If it is authentic the photographer will turn over different shots. Some with different poses, some even with eyes closed. I questioned the validity of the vocal's on "breaking news" and several other songs of theirs that I've heard and they told me no other takes or tracks exist. They claim my uncle was so happy with the performance he instructed them to delete all the other files. I had the honor to learn and watch my uncle record my entire life and that is NOT how he worked. No outtakes, no other tracks, no backups, no proof. roughly 10 songs they turned in… same story for all of them. I asked for the computer it was created on... they said it broke. I asked for the original hard drive... they said it was destroyed. One dubious excuse after another.

Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

From Frank Cascio:

http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1039749400 No, Sadly to say its Not Sony... Breakng New's is Great. IT Is 100% Michael Voice., He recorded it in my home. Please the fans should be enjoying this special moment. it is special and there are people out there trying to take that away from you and the world... "Jealousy" Please embrace this song as Michael was very proud of it.
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

I like the song - 67% sure it's not Michael Jackson but time will tell.

Maybe we'll find out that Jason Malchi was a character Michael Jackson created a few years ago to get his music out!! lol

Well, I know some people who have seen JM sing live at an event, and also I've heard him talk on a radio show. Plus on his FAcebook he seems to have high school friends he talks to. I think JM exists and is a real dude.... but I don't know what his involvement with the MJ universe is or was.
Re: Do You Believe Breaking News is an authentic MJ track

why you think its fake?
i am sad for whole community :/

i am sure just keychangement and stuff like that was made with michaels voice

such a good song!
i really like it
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

From Frank Cascio:

http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1039749400 No, Sadly to say its Not Sony... Breakng New's is Great. IT Is 100% Michael Voice., He recorded it in my home. Please the fans should be enjoying this special moment. it is special and there are people out there trying to take that away from you and the world... "Jealousy" Please embrace this song as Michael was very proud of it.

OMG.These people are so pathetic right now! WE ARE NOT DUMB!!!!
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

i just dont get it, they didnt have to show ppl this? the could have just brought out a single etc, there is more to this i think.

i just hope its a pr stunt to get every1 in the world the album is coming out, then they will say it was a big stunt lol, and bring out the first single,

god i fear for the omc video now, do u think jason will star in tht 2????
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

i'm so fucking pissed.
do they seriously think that we are stupid? :sss
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

From Frank Cascio:

No, Sadly to say its Not Sony... Breakng New's is Great. IT Is 100% Michael Voice., He recorded it in my home. Please the fans should be enjoying this special moment. it is special and there are people out there trying to take that away from you and the world... "Jealousy" Please embrace this song as Michael was very proud of it.

Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

I don't usually post on forums but I felt compelled to comment on this.

What annoys me is fans that outrightly declare that this is a fake track and that 'real' fans would know. Clearly there are some that believe this is real and some that don't and both are valid opinions because nobody will know for sure.

I believe that Michael Jackson features heavily on the track that this was a demo he recorded with incomplete vocals. This has then been produced by Teddy Riley and backing vocals added to create layered vocals throughout.

Did fans believe that there was a full album, completed and ready to go before MJ died? Clearly a lot of the tracks are going to have been 'worked on'.

From reports, the Jackson family appear to be divided on the vocals, they are just the same as fans, listening to the track and having an opinion on it. There view is no more valid then anyone here, just because they are related to him does not mean they know his voice inside out. I could sing, it could be altered in the studio and my Mum would not know it was me.

When I first heard 2000 watts, i kept waiting for MJ to start singing because i didn't recognise the voice. For any one on here to claim they definitively know its him or not is incorrect. Unless you stood by him in the studio and watched him as he sang this you can only guess.

I for one don't believe that Sony and Teddy would put out a fake track because as Teddy said, it would be in court. The reasons they wouldn't hand over tapes to anyone is likely because it would then be clear to the world that all they have done is worked on a rough demo and that goes against their marketing strategy of 'brand new album'.

Is the fact that this isn't a 'completed' MJ track a put off for people? Because sadly Michael isn't here anymore and a large proportion of his output from here on is going to be influenced by other people.

I still love the track and see it as another song from MJ - his vision completed by a producer who he trusted.
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