Michael - The Great Album Debate

Funny to see Kreen is repeating the exact same kind of arguments that he already said on MJFrance a month ago. He was driven into a corner each time and finally admitted that the Cascio tracks sound very similar to Jason.. and nothing like any other real Michael's songs! Now he's trying the same argumentation on another forum... :)
She hasnt posted that much lately. Arky, stop lurking.
Lol....I'm still here...it's just that this forum absolutely does not work on the computers at work anymore...it went from really slow to completely freezing my computer...so now I have to use my phone, which of course costs me data...lol...and I can usually only type short responses...But I'm still here ;)
Exactly what software do you know of that could, for these 12 songs only, cause Michael's vibrato to be shaky, and for his accent and prouniciation to change? So much so that they are an exact match for Jason Cupeta.

That's your imagination. You're hearing what you want to hear. The singer on the Cascio tracks sounds like MJ. Like somebody else said previously, your mind is playing tricks on you.

By the way, Jason Malachi never had a "career". He was a struggling, independant musician, like there are all over the world. Music was a part-time thing for him. If anything, his "career" was helped by all of you pro-fake fans, because you gave him more free publicity than he could ever hope to achieve. Besides, you're only proving my point by saying "his career was destroyed" : why would he willingly participate in the hoax then, if all it meant for him was legal risks, professional ruin and so little money that he's still working as a rent-a-cop?
Funny to see Kreen is repeating the exact same kind of arguments that he already said on MJFrance a month ago. He was driven into a corner each time and finally admitted that the Cascio tracks sound very similar to Jason.. and nothing like any other real Michael's songs! Now he's trying the same argumentation on another forum... :)

Well EXCUUUUSE ME for being bilingual! :)
Lol....I'm still here...it's just that this forum absolutely does not work on the computers at work anymore...it went from really slow to completely freezing my computer...so now I have to use my phone, which of course costs me data...lol...and I can usually only type short responses...But I'm still here ;)
:huggy: I know exactly what you mean. I'm relying on my phone. So, there are many typos in my messages. Seriously, what's going on with this forum? I wish it could be as smooth as it was last year.
That's your imagination. You're hearing what you want to hear. The singer on the Cascio tracks sounds like MJ. Like somebody else said previously, your mind is playing tricks on you.

By the way, Jason Malachi never had a "career". He was a struggling, independant musician, like there are all over the world. Music was a part-time thing for him. If anything, his "career" was helped by all of you pro-fake fans, because you gave him more free publicity than he could ever hope to achieve. Besides, you're only proving my point by saying "his career was destroyed" : why would he willingly participate in the hoax then, if all it meant for him was legal risks, professional ruin and so little money that he's still working as a rent-a-cop?
Jason knew people would immediately realize he is the vocalist and is a terrible impersonator? Jason thinks he sounds exactly like MJ remember?
Lol....I'm still here...it's just that this forum absolutely does not work on the computers at work anymore...it went from really slow to completely freezing my computer...so now I have to use my phone, which of course costs me data...lol...and I can usually only type short responses...But I'm still here ;)

Good to know! :kickass:
Good to know! :kickass:
It'll be interesting to see what sort of postings are going on in this thread a year from now! Will all the old cast remain? Will they be replaced? Stay tuned for the next season of MICHAEL - THE GREAT ALBUM DEBATE!
It'll be interesting to see what sort of postings are going on in this thread a year from now! Will all the old cast remain? Will they be replaced? Stay tuned for the next season of MICHAEL - THE GREAT ALBUM DEBATE!
May be they can finally close this thread when it gets to page 1400.
I would rather hear an acapella of MJ singing about Coco Butter than ever hear those 3 non-MJ pieces of crap ever again.
...or basically anything on a shopping list. Chicken nuggets, apples, toilet roll, industrial strength bleach...
i'm actually kind of offended that nasty left. i mean, even the ROBOT got tired of this debate? lol

EDIT: aniram, your posts get funnier every day :laugh: you make me laugh i love it
I heard it's supposed to snow! ... Oh boy, we can't agree on anything anymore. :p

ehehehe that was funny :)

I was trying to say probably Taj will go on a twitter rant about Cascio's today (as his last tweets show) and this thread will turn into a love fest.
Don't worry, ivy. It's already over. As expected it had nothing to do with Cascio. Taj was just mad with the fans that complain about the family. I find it pretty much funny how pissed they are that us Michael Jackson fans don't support their family simply because they think they deserve it.

And then he said this:

Taj Jackson said:
That is one of the reasons why [Michael] invested so much time and energy into our group 3T.

He told us that we would be responsible for continuing this legacy and the Jackson name. And that our kids would have to continue it after us.

What an ego. No words...
He's simply repeating what his uncle apparently told him.
That's what I thought, and I have no doubt Michael told them something along those lines... He always wanted the younger generations to carry on his legacy and the generations to come.
Workin' Day and Night (Demo)
(0:15 - 0:23) He's ready to [inaudible]. Hey, he's gonna tape. You gotta get on bass. Here we go. One, two, three, four...
(_:__ - _:__) [Mumbles lyrics]

She's Out of My Life (Demo)
(0:00 - 0:04) Do it one more time. I sung the wrong lyrics.

Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' (Demo)
(0:11 - 0:14) [Laughs]
(0:59 - 1:04) [Mumbles lyrics]
(1:35 - 1:42) [Mumbles lyrics]
(3:42 - 3:43) [Laughs]
(3:58 - 3:59) [Mumbles lyrics]
(5:38 - 5:39) All right.

Beat It (Demo)
(0:00 - 0:17) Okay, this is the harmonies, the vocal harmonies on the choruses of, uh, "Beat It." Um, I'll do the verses, then—then I'll do the choruses. One, two, three, four...
(0:18 - 0:43) [Scats]
(2:01 - 2:03) All right, next track.

Billie Jean (Demo)
(0:00 - 0:14) More kick and stuff in the phones, I need it. More bottom and kick in the phones.
(0:22 - 1:19) [Mumbles lyrics]

Voice-Over Session from "Thriller"
(0:26 - 0:35) Do we both say it? [...] Okay.

Shake a Body (Demo)
(0:11 - 0:11) Yeah.
(0:18 - 0:25) [Scats]
(2:04 - 2:06) [Inaudible] Turn it off.

This Is It
(0:00 - 0:04) Ready? One, two, three, four...

Sunset Driver
(3:57 - 3:59) That's it, [person's name]. That's fine.

Dangerous (Early Version)
(0:00 - 0:01) [Sound protection wall falls on Michael] Aw!

In the Back
(_:__ - _:__) [Mumbles lyrics throughout song]

Fall Again (Demo)
(4:16 - 4:19) That's cool. [Imitates sound] That's a great sound.

(I Like) The Way You Love Me
(0:00 - 0:20) [Phone recording] 'Kay, this is the tempo, and this is the melody. [...] Drums. [Beatboxes] Like that, you know?

Much Too Soon
(1:23 - 1:25) [Mumbles lyrics]

Love Never Felt So Good
(0:00 - 0:02) One, two, three...
(3:13 - 3:14) All right, that's fine. That's it.

There Must Be More to Life Than This (Demo)
(0:48 - 0:49) [Mumbles ad-lib]

Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' (Demo 2)
(0:19 - 0:31) [Scats]
(2:23 - 2:23) [Laughs]
(2:32 - 2:32) [Scats]
(3:49 - 4:06) [Scats] [Laughs]

The Girl Is Mine (Home Tape Recording)
(_:__ - _:__) (I'll update this later. Lots of beatboxing, scatting, mumbling, and talking...)

Nite Line
(1:46 - 1:47) [Laughs]

(1:02 - 1:06) [Mumbles] [Laughs while singing lyric]
(3:40 - 3:42) That seems pretty good. [Inaudible]

We Are the World Recording Session
(_:__ - _:__) Quincy, do you think—uh, I'm saying, do you—should I say "you and me" or "you and I" at the end? [...] Okay, it's much more soulful. [...] Yeah. [...] Yeah, country. [...] Yeah.
(_:__ - _:__) Sorry, I forgot. [Laughs] [...] Yeah, I— [...] Sure. [...] I need more of the other voice. I can hardly hear...
(_:__ - _:__) Is "we are the world" okay?
(_:__ - _:__) [Scats] [...] Sorry, one more. [Laughs] [...] Mm-hmm. [...] Pardon? Oh. We are the world! We are the children! We are the ones to make a brighter day, so let's start giving!
(_:__ - _:__) On the first track, could you just let me do "just you and me," right after "day"? [...] Yeah, just on the first one, on "just you and me... better day," punch. "Just you and... make a better day," punch. [...] You just got it? [...] Great. Next. [...] Mm-hmm. [...] [Laughs]

Groove of Midnight Recording Session
(0:01 - 0:29) Groo-o-do-doo! [...] Um. [...] Let's see. [...] Yeah, it is a long one. Let me try it. [...] Okay. [...] [Laughs] 'Kay.
(0:30 - 1:01) Yeah, [inaudible]? [...] Pardon? [...] I rolled it up [inaudible]. I roll it up [inaudible]. People braid it, roll it up. Plus, I use a, um, what's it called, a, uh, Sebastian gel, which tightens it, [inaudible] it up. I didn't put it in today. [Laughs] I do it every other day. Then it gets too hard like a brick. [Laughs]

Bumper Snippet
(0:00 - 0:13) Yep! Yep! Give me a little more keyboard and a little more bass. [Laughs] Girl, I want to groo-ove!

She Got It
(0:17 - 0:19) Is there a clap that's 'pose to be in here?
(3:28 - 3:32) [Laughs]
(3:34 - 3:37) [Laughs]

Children of the World (Snippet 1)
(0:00 - 0:04) [Mumbles lyrics]

Hollywood Tonight (Demo Snippet 2)
(0:06 - 0:09) Bridge. You can keep the looped drum going here.

Neff-U Recording Session
(_:__ - _:__) It's like when—when one—when a mother sends her child off to war. They don't know if they're ever gonna come back, you know? How can we look at such things happening and not, you know, wanna do something? How can we turn our heads and pretend as if we don't see it, you know? I can't see people in pain, and pretend that it's—as if it's not there.

- - -

Question: Where's the audio of Michael Jackson directing, mumbling, laughing, and such from the Angelikson recording sessions?

(Edit: Thanks, Arklove. I'm currently in the process of adding more.)
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^^ From 'She Got It'...at the beginning: 'Is there a clap that's 'pose to be in here?'...plus, he laughs in certain parts of the song...

At the end of 'Sunset Driver' demo, he speaks at the very, very end...not sure what he says, but it's something lol...

Plus, he mumbles in Behind the Mask and Much Too Soon in small parts...

So, yeah...All his little unique chatterings, mumblings, laughs, etc....Where is it all in the Cascio songs?
Uh, i dont think I heard some of the demos? lol

Bumper snippet I just have a kid doing sounds lol and i dont have HT demos, I dont have a lot of them!!!!! Can someone PM them to me, pretty please? Thanks!
He's simply repeating what his uncle apparently told him.

That's what I thought, and I have no doubt Michael told them something along those lines... He always wanted the younger generations to carry on his legacy and the generations to come.

Did he also mention why Michael dropped them from his label?

Question: Where's the audio of Michael Jackson directing, mumbling, laughing, and such from the Angelikson recording sessions?

they cut them and pasted parts from other takes to make them finished songs.
they cut them and pasted parts from other takes to make them finished songs.
Are you implying that MJ did do those things though and they could have just replaced them with more finished sounding parts? Then that would be proof and they need to release it.
Are you implying that MJ did do those things though and they could have just replaced them with more finished sounding parts? Then that would be proof and they need to release it.

It's an assumption.

It's something I have been saying from the beginning as a possible explanation for cut and pastes.

A long time ago I gave the example from the band that I worked with and how the vocalist would record guide vocals in a relaxed format (sometimes drinking / smoking while recording or mumbling / forgetting lines) and how they would combine multiple takes to form the guide vocal - and the cut /pastes wouldn't matter because guide vocals are to guide the musicians and not to be used in the end product.

Similarly here cut and paste could be explained by for example Michael singing "breaking lalalalalala news" and they removing that lalalalala and replacing it with "the" to finish the song.

I don't know for a fact, it's just a reasonable probability in my mind.