Okay, got my coffee - ready to go!
I love you MJ but its 2 AM right now can't stand this crap anymore. I hope to hear the song when i wake up. Cheers everyone, please don't kill yourselves with bickering when you hear the song!
Yeah, introducing or performing?
Is it good they mentioned it again already? Maybe it'll be sooner than we think?
Jesus Christ there are many commercials.... - How can people in the US accept so many commercials???
I would never ever watch TV if there were so many commercials... - It's crazy !!!
Mmmmm, You're a cutie!
I really don't want to, normally I'd stay up but tomorrow I have a reeaaaaally important class to attend to at 9:30 and I these awards really get on my nerves. I'll just say that I'm already jelous of each and everyone of you who will hear the song while i'm snoring. So just for that I'll make sure to snore so hard you won't even hear the songsThe first to fall! Goodnight, ASIS!
And when I have heard it I propably can't sleep!!! - Exitement !!
I hope someone will record it, I have to go to uni all day today wah
ChrisC I have the same coffee cup as you!
Sorry for so many posts lol
I have desperately been trying to access something even tried to download an app I'm really not tech savey but I can't access nothing at all still I'm with you in the chats and hopefully something will pop up , I desperately want to join in though , it sounds exciting I will keep trying links thanku for these spyce ,