Looking for pics. Michael in front of the crowd

This thread is just... WOW!!
Thanks so much for sharing!! (y):bow:
^^^ LOL @ that gif. Always ready with the funny reactions, eh? :lol: It is funny, but highly accurate also. Michael's pic was truly worth that reply :wub:

Looooove his back in this one, especially them broad shoulders of his narrowing down to that bitty waist in trapeze-like shape, juusst as a man's body is supposed to be built :)

The pants don't actually do him justice here, but in this one instance it's the back upper section which is more interesting :p Not that the man's upper front side wasn't deliciously enchanting, mesmerizing and hypnotic - especially his face, brain and :heart: Gotta point that out. I wouldn't want to leave room for interpretations :girl_haha:
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Michael surrounded by crowds of adoring fans is so, so beautiful, you can feel his happiness in there, he trully loved his fans

There's this thread. I've already used quite a few of these photos but I've scattered them across many different threads. Should we try to build this one up a bit? I didn't bump it before bc it's only 2 pages but we can get that sorted, can't we?

@wendijane @MacMandy90 - are you peeps up for a challenge? Can we get this thread going again?

@staywild23 ????

OK, technically this one doesn't count bc you can't see Michael. But you can see his fans as far as the eye can see. That's kinda awesome, imo.

Liverpool, Aintree Racecourse