Aaron Carter Claims MJ Gave Him Drugs *Update Post 41* Merged

This already stems back from last week? He had all the time in the world to deny it at that time and he didn't...and now all of a sudden we hear from his rep that he denies it? Sigh....what an idiot.
yes it all stems back from almost 2 weeks ago...he blocked me when I tried to get him to talk about it and admit that it was all a lie. I agree with all that say MOVE FORWARD. If we stop now ,,then anyone will think that they can continue to do this,,,They have to be shown that it WILL NOT be tolerated.
I think it's pretty clear from the video that he knowingly went along with Barak's agenda. Noone brings up just out of nowhere things like "he drank when I was around him" or the stuff he said about the human body building a tolerance "so who knows?" if this wasn't planned between him and Barak previously. He knew what he was doing and he was doing it deliberately. They did it together with DB, even if DB probably further sensationalized what he said. But what he said wasn't that innocent either!

Now Aaron is trying to back out and blame it ALL on Barak, but he was in it.
seen this?

Aaron Carter: I NEVER Said MJ Gave Me Coke!!!

Aaron Carter's rep claims the singer NEVER told an entertainment reporter Michael Jackson gave him cocaine and alcohol when he was 15 years old ... and says the reporter COMPLETELY FABRICATED the story.

The controversy stems from an article that ran in OK! Magazine in Australia, written by international journalist Daphne Barak. In the article, Carter was quoted as saying, "Yes, [MJ] gave me wine. I mean, I could have refused, but I was 15. As for drugs? He gave me cocaine."

But Carter's rep tells TMZ, "Nothing was said that was reported" ... and directed us toward a YouTube video of the interview with Barak ... which seems to back up Aaron's side of the story.

We've reached out to Barak for comment -- so far, no response

Here is the video of Daphne's interview that was posted on her site

I dont think Aaron is an innocent party in all this

At 1:16 Daphne asks _ but did he ask you to drink ?
Aaron answers _ yeah he did.. yeah (opposite from every other interview)

Then he volunteer information without being asked That Michael could have
been doing drugs or even sneaking of to the bathroom for 2 seconds to do it
Why did he make such a statement ??
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I can't believe that I came from work and I read 20 pages agonizing from anger and now this.....I wish I would have jumped on last page...
Please continue with this. If Aaron gets away with this people with a connection to Michael will continue to talk shit about him for free publicity. We have to show them that talking shit about Michael is a very bad move for their career.
should we send the TMZ link to CNN and CBS?

:doh: can't believe what I'm writing.

Everybody wins here, Barak, AC, OK, so unfair :no:
^It would give Aaron Carter even more publicity but at least people would now the truth about Michael...
should we send the TMZ link to CNN and CBS?

:doh: can't believe what I'm writing.

Everybody wins here, Barak, AC, OK, so unfair :no:

Where does CNN have the story? I went to their website but I haven't seen anything.
We shouldn't use the TMZ link.

We should now try to expose them as liars who plotted this PR coup from the very beginning.

People should stop acting like Aaron wasn't in on the act. He was. From the very beginning. If he wasn't he would have denied it from the get go...he would have release an official statement and he would have asked Barack for a retraction.

He did neither of that.
Yes, I agreed with all of the above we should continue what we are doing.
You can't just stab into someone's back then pretend nothing happened.
They can't get away so easily.
i've been busy since i came back home. and i will be busy this wekend but i'll try to help as much as i can. this is just outrages and i can't believe that only Frank has come to Michaels defense...... explains why he was more comfortable with Cascios than his own family.
seen this?

Aaron Carter: I NEVER Said MJ Gave Me Coke!!!

Aaron Carter's rep claims the singer NEVER told an entertainment reporter Michael Jackson gave him cocaine and alcohol when he was 15 years old ... and says the reporter COMPLETELY FABRICATED the story.

The controversy stems from an article that ran in OK! Magazine in Australia, written by international journalist Daphne Barak. In the article, Carter was quoted as saying, "Yes, [MJ] gave me wine. I mean, I could have refused, but I was 15. As for drugs? He gave me cocaine."

But Carter's rep tells TMZ, "Nothing was said that was reported" ... and directed us toward a YouTube video of the interview with Barak ... which seems to back up Aaron's side of the story.

We've reached out to Barak for comment -- so far, no response
too little too late
They need to be held accountable. They cannot get away with this PR stunt...otherwise many more will do the same. Using Michael Jackson's name to get in the press.

TheChosenOne: I think we should put the emphasis on how Michael JAckson's name was used to spread a lie all over the world in 24 hours.
WE should mention this was done deliberately...because no was was this not plan. You can also mention that Aaron Carter whas been asked numerous times to deny the story on Tweeter since June 15th...he blocked people. He threatened to sue other for harassment.
You can also cite Daphne Barack's history of selling fake news then retracting them.

They should not get away with this. And again, the estate should use this "denial" to release a statement of their own..but of course they won't. Always MJ's fans doing the hard work..and we don't even get paid for it.
They need to be held accountable. They cannot get away with this PR stunt...otherwise many more will do the same. Using Michael Jackson's name to get in the press.
you are so right!! I have to go to work now..but when I get back..I will check the thread to see of there is any way that I may be able to help...please feel free to send me a pm. Thank you all for all of your work...KEEP IT UP!!
KingmikeJ I cant view the video _ I am in USA
The uploader has not made this video available in your country.
Sorry about that.
^It's just the same story but it's on CNN International's YouTube account.
Wow he denied the story...

I agree with you guys, the campaign should move forward. I think they planned all this and they should be held responsible

News broke in OK magazine yesterday that Aaron Carter admitted to being lured into a cocaine and alcohol frenzy with Michael Jackson.
The internet was going crazy playing a game of telephone and relaying the shocking info.
Turns out it was all a BIG, BIG mistake! The Backstreet Boy's little brother apparently NEVER said those things, instead saying the exact opposite:
It was fun. I personally didn't see any drug addiction issues [with Michael]. The time that I spent with him, yes, he was fine.
And while AC confessed to having a little alcohol at the Neverland party, he never said MJ supplied him with any of it.
So there you have it. Michael Jackson NEVER gave an underage Aaron Carter drugs at that party.
Rumors or no rumors, MJ will always be the shiz, bitches!!! Now excuse us while we jam out to Beat It…
^Perez Hilton is such a hypocrite. In his last article regarding this he said it wouldn't be hard to believe Michael gave a 15 year old cocaine.
Again I ask...where the hell is the estate admins...? Should they take that fake denial and run with it...
Here is the video of Daphne's interview that was posted on her site

I dont think Aaron is an innocent party in all this

At 1:16 Daphne asks _ but did he ask you to drink ?
Aaron answers _ yeah he did.. yeah (opposite from every other interview)

Then he volunteer information without being asked That Michael could have
been doing drugs or even sneaking of to the bathroom for 2 seconds to do it
Why did he make such a statement ??

Even though he ain't saying Michael gave him cocaine, he is saying ridiculous things here. Maybe go to the bathroom bla bla bla..takes a few seconds, you know..who knows. Why Aaron? Why even feed this reporter, why start with such shit..cause you are asking for this reporter to totally twist your story, you shouldn't even have said any of this shit in the first place. I agree...Aaron is FAR from innocent in all this, he wasn't defending his 'friend' ...he was betraying him , shitting on him, stabbing him in the back. Protecting his legacy? Oh really? ....big sigh!!!!
Posting the DRAFT statement here before it goes in the rebuttal threads. Thoughts, please. And since I am in a sensitive mood today, please be constructive and GENTLE :)

On 23 June, 2011 the tabloid OK magazine released an article quoting singer Aaron Carter as saying that Michael Jackson plied with him liquor and gave him cocaine. This claim has now been widely reported and accepted as fact.

It is now being reported by TMZ, a tabloid news site, that Carter’s representative has vehemently denied that he ever said the quotes stated in the article. While this news may be welcomed by some, the Michael Jackson fan community is disappointed that it has taken two days - in which Jackson’s character was maligned - before the Carter camp responded to the OK article.

This story had been circulating for two weeks and some concerned Jackson fans had reached out to Mr Carter only to be rebuffed and ignored. An official and strong statement of denial would have halted this story in its tracks. However, the speculation and innuendo were allowed to linger. And all those involved have been able to raise their profiles on the back of Mr Jackson. In fact the only person who has been and will continue to be damaged in this debacle is Michael Jackson who is not here to defend himself.

OK released an edited excerpt of the interview and the transcript of which does not corroborate the article. Nowhere in this edited excerpt does Carter state that Mr Jackson gave him drugs. Carter only speculates on what may have happened when he was not present but said he never personally saw any abuse of drugs.

Furthermore, it is disturbing that we live in a time when our media is willing to copy and paste a story without first verifying its accuracy and veracity. No-one attempted to balance the story with the fact that over the years Aaron Carter had defended Jackson and spoke highly of him, as recently as 2010. (links here). No-one mentioned that it is incredible to think that Carter's mother called the police about this matter and it was not raised at the 2005 trial in which Aaron Carter was on the defense witness list. The lazy journalism that is being practised today does a grave dis-service to everyone.

We call on all fans to boycott the magazine and to express their opinion to the editors of OK magazine and to Daphne Barak (the author) and demand a retraction of the article unless they can provide full and clear evidence that Aaron Carter did actual speak the words they claim he spoke. Fans also need to let their sources of news and information know that they are no longer interested in uncorroborated, salacious stories. The charge of giving alcohol and COCAINE to a minor is a serious one and it is not be treated as tabloid fodder for the sake of website ‘hits’ and magazine sales.

Michael Jackson was defamed and maligned in life, his fans are committed and determined to see that this defamation does not continue in death.

Will put in links later.

Still cannot find info on Carter's rep. Anyone have any ideas?
Oh God.... all wrong this story. :doh: :(

Why did it take this long for Carter to deny it?

I also would love to know the answer. I think he was having fun watching the circus on fire. Now, I no longer have any respect for Aaron Carter. :puke: He had a horrible posture about this situation. And the family of Michael? All will be silent too with the circus on fire? They're not on twitter? Oh, they're too busy with other things more important than MJ. :doh: :( What a shame. :perrin: I'm so sorry for Michael. :cry: *big sigh*