Aaron Carter Claims MJ Gave Him Drugs *Update Post 41* Merged

TheChosenOne;3424248 said:
Working on the statement from MJJC and looking for the Stern interview in this thread and getting headaches trying to find it.

Can someone please post it here again? Thanks.

A transcript of that:

Nick: I was there with him and Mike. So I saw what happened.
Aaron: Yeah, it was actually me and Mike and -
Howard: Did you have sleep overs with Michael Jackson?
Aaron: No, never. You know what, actually, Chris Tucker was there too and Rodney Jerkins, he was producing his album.
Howard: Wait, Nick, how does your brother end up at Michael Jackson's place?
Nick: We had gone there with...
Aaron: It was his birthday party.
Nick: It was his birthday party and Mike Tyson was there and...
: How do you get invited?
Nick: Him and Aaron were friends.
Howard: Now how do you become friends with Michael Jackson?
Aaron: Well we met him through Rodney Jerkins, he was in the studio and he wanted to meet the both of us.
Howard: Now when Michael met you he was very interested in you, wasn't he?
Aaron: No, I don't think he was interested like everybody portrays him to be. He's definitely - he's definitely -
Howard: Did he give you a car?
Aaron: No, never.
Howard: IS he viewing this situation wrong, Nick?
Nick: No, no, I'm gonna defend him -
Aaron: You don't even need to. You don't even need to. Because it really pisses me off that people would think about Michael like that because...
Howard: I do.
Aaron: Well, you're wrong. You're wrong, Howard. You're wrong, Howard!
Howard: How old are you now?
Aaron: Eighteen.
Howard: How old were you at the time Michael Jackson was hanging out with you?
Aaron: Fifteen.
Howard: Okay, you were fifteen. How old was he, in his forties?
Aaron: I don't know, fifty or something?
Howard: Why is he buying you a car?
Aaron: He never did.
Howard: Did he buy you a lot of expensive gifts? Be honest.
Aaron: No. He gave me a jacket that he wore for the 2001 anniversary that he did with his brothers.
Howard: Would you ever hang out with him at his house?
Aaron: Yeah.
Does he want to hang out with you now?
Aaron: No, I haven't spoken to him for...
You're too old, you're too old. You're getting a beard.
Aaron: That's so mean.
Nick: I went there and saw what happened. But I got some slack later from my mum because she was like "Why did you leave him at that house?" and stuff.
Oh you left him there?
Nick: No, let me explain. What happened was we went there, we hung out, we literally hung out with all these people and I'm not going to lie... it's a little awkward, a little weird, a little different, you know, it's not like everyone else's life. But he's a nice guy.
Aaron: Automatically, automatically already in your head -
Howard: Did you smoke weed with Michael Jackson?
Aaron: No, never, nu-uh.
Howard: Tell the truth, raise your right hand.
Aaron: (raising hand) I swear I never smoked weed with Michael Jackson.
Howard: Did you drink wine with Michael Jackson?
Aaron: No, it's not true, none of this is true.
Howard: Why did you leave Aaron alone with Michael Jackson? What happened?
Aaron: Not a damned thing.
Nick: It was fine, he hung out, Chris Tucker was there. I left because it was a little weird at that point, I had to go - to be honest, there was a girl I took home from that party back home and I couldn't stay long.
Aaron: I saw Michael take a girl home from his own party too.
Howard: Really?
Aaron: Yeah. And I stayed in the movie theatre...
Where there any girls there?
Aaron: Chris Tucker was staying in the movie theatre and I stayed on the other side of the movie theatre.
Howard: Did he put his arms around you, did he touch you?
Aaron: Never, never.
Howard: Did he ever suggest you have a sleep over?
Aaron: No, never, never heard anything like that.

Other things:

December 24, 2003
Michael Jackson Denies Giving Aaron Carter A Bentley

Aaron Carter claimed in a recent interview with Entertainment Tonight that Michael Jackson bought him a $325,000 Bentley “even though I had only met him twice. It was weird.” ET is now saying Jackson’s people called to say he had never given Carter the car nor promised him one, and that Carter was lying. But a rep for Carter tells The New York Post: “I don’t know why Michael would deny his generosity. Aaron is very grateful for the car [which has yet to arrive], and, by the way, Aaron did not attend the concert for Michael over the weekend at Neverland.”

Wednesday November 17, 2004 04:40 PM EST

een pop star Aaron Carter is speaking out to PEOPLE about his troubled relationship with his mother and sister – and about his friendship with Michael Jackson.

After Carter’s mother Jane told “Access Hollywood” that her son had spent an unsupervised night with Jackson at his Neverland Ranch, and Carter’s sister Leslie, 18, implied that drug use may have been involved, Carter told PEOPLE: “I don’t do drugs. I didn’t do them with Michael Jackson and I don’t do them with anyone else.”

Carter, 16, had a lot more to say in a frank discussion.

On his mother and sister: “I really don’t like being around them. All I hear is ‘You need to go on television and make me look better.’ I just think, ‘Just be my mother, just be my sister.’ It’s all about money and publicity for them. My last word to (my mother) is that she’s the adult, not me. But it seems to be switched around.

On his playdate at Neverland with Jackson, who has been charged with child molestation: “Michael and I have been friends for three years. I went to Neverland for his (45th) birthday bash. We were smashing cake in each other’s faces. It was really cool. Until 5 a.m., me, him and Chris Tucker were out on four-wheelers, riding around in the mountains. Nothing happened between me and Michael. We didn’t sleep in the same room, we didn’t share a bed. We have a normal friendship. There’s nothing sexual to it.”

On single life after dating Lindsay Lohan and Hilary Duff: “My career is my girlfriend. I don’t consider myself with anybody, but I’ve been seeing a couple of people. There was a Hawaiian Tropic model I was seeing named Monique. She’s really cool. We’re just friends now.”

On women he’s attracted to: “I’m not going to tell you, ‘Oh, looks don’t matter.’ If you don’t look good, get away from me!”

On his next career move: “My sound is definitely changing (for an upcoming album). It is going to have more of an R&B vibe with some rock. It’s influenced by Craig David, Usher and Justin Timberlake.”

Meanwhile, Carter’s mother Jane stands by her decision to go on television and question the night her son spent with Jackson.

“I told the truth,” she says. “I don’t know what happened at Michael Jackson’s house, but I was concerned like any parent would be.”

Jane does admit to a rift between mother and son: “I don’t have a regular phone number for him, I don’t see him like I would like to.” But she hopes to work things out.

“I will say that I love Aaron with all my heart,” says Jane, 45. “I want to be a loving mother to him. I am on his side. I want what’s best for him. I know that he may not believe it at this moment, but it is true. I would do anything for him.”

Aaron says that there is a fairly easy way to end their family squabble. “I would forgive my mom,” he says, “but she’s going to have to admit she did some things that were wrong.”

June 13 2005

“I’m glad everything worked out for my friend Michael Jackson. I always believed that his innocence would be proven. I will continue to support Michael and wish him all the best.”

SS: I know that you and Michael Jackson were friends and I’m so sorry for your loss as well as the rest of the world’s loss. Have you taken any comfort in reflecting on your relationship with him and knowing he is now at peace?

AC: I kind of have some animosity. I knew Michael personally and we grew up very similar. His death, for some reason, made people realize, but only for a minute—that their negativity in this world is what brings everybody down. It’s a very touchy subject for me. Michael was a very timid person. The world made him timid, but he also felt he had to continue to keep himself out there and show his face because he had all of those fans. He really did love his fans. That was the only thing that kept him going—was his fans and that he wanted to make the world a better place. When he said that, he wanted to help people be more positive and be more caring and giving. It didn’t really happen. People just mourned over the fact that he died instead of realizing what he did. That’s pretty much all I have to say.

February 14, 2005
Jacko’s Straight, Says Singer Aaron Carter

Despite rumblings from his mother to the contrary, 17-year-old pop singer Aaron Carter says Michael Jackson is straight and that nothing inappropriate ever happened between them.

Carter, who is estranged from his mother, also told me that his brother Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys did indeed hit pop tart Paris Hilton , as was intimated in many tabloid reports late last year.

“He hit her,” Aaron told me on Sunday night at the big Grammy celebration party following the awards show, “and he hit me.”

Aaron Carter plays BB King’s in New York this Friday, and has all the aplomb and polish of a kid who’s been working since he was five years old.

Sporting blond highlights and a 42-carat diamond-studded watch popular with rap stars, Carter also told me that he continues to be estranged from his mother and former manager, Jane Carter . He’s just finished a new single for release later this month and is working on a new album due in June.

I liked Aaron Carter, which was unexpected. Being forced into the adult world at an early age has made him self-assured, opinionated and not a bit clueless. He told me that he did complete his G.E.D. for high school, but that brother Nick “is a drop-out.”

He said of Jackson that the charges against him are false.

“He lives in isolation,” Carter said. “He would never touch anyone.”

However, Carter insisted that he thought Jackson liked women.

“He’ll see a girl and comment on her,” Carter said, “or want to touch her [bottom]. He likes girls.”

Money problems

Singer Aaron Carter Owes IRS Over $1 Million
Los Angeles (November 18, 2009)
By WebCPA Staff

Former teen idol Aaron Carter reportedly owes the Internal Revenue Service more than $1 million in back taxes.
Like what you see? Click here to sign up for Accounting Today's daily newsletter to get the latest news and behind the scenes commentary you won't find anywhere else.

Carter, the younger brother of Backstreet Boys singer Nick Carter, reportedly owes over $963,000 on his 2003 income, according to the New York Post. He also owes $45,350.11 on his 2006 income taxes.

The 21-year-old pop singer was a contestant on Dancing with the Stars, like race car driver Helio Castroneves, who also ran afoul of the IRS but was later acquitted of tax charges.
so are we stopping or continuing? I was just about to send T-mez an email.
Well I already left a message on his VM saying u (not you but we as the community) were gonna email him,

on another note

I called Tmez up, he wasn't there but I left a message on his voicemail asking for further information regarding Aaron's testimony in 2005.
I also apologized for the disruption and told him that we are going to email him during the course of the day.
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Interesting ...

I would hold off on the email to TMez, Ivy.

Although I think Carter needs to say this other than on TMZ. Release an official statement and let us run with that.

Looking for a contact for his rep.
seen this?

Aaron Carter: I NEVER Said MJ Gave Me Coke!!!

Aaron Carter's rep claims the singer NEVER told an entertainment reporter Michael Jackson gave him cocaine and alcohol when he was 15 years old ... and says the reporter COMPLETELY FABRICATED the story.

The controversy stems from an article that ran in OK! Magazine in Australia, written by international journalist Daphne Barak. In the article, Carter was quoted as saying, "Yes, [MJ] gave me wine. I mean, I could have refused, but I was 15. As for drugs? He gave me cocaine."

But Carter's rep tells TMZ, "Nothing was said that was reported" ... and directed us toward a YouTube video of the interview with Barak ... which seems to back up Aaron's side of the story.

We've reached out to Barak for comment -- so far, no response

wait, what? Is this accurate?
WTF....TMZ actually doing something.....GOOD? !!! holy......i never thought i'd be seeing this. So Aaron completely denies it?
after all the commotion that has been caused from this...Carter need to give a statement from his own mouth that he had nothing to do with this...NOT his people speaking for him....imo...this is not over,,,it still needs to be dealt with.
Thanks ivy. I think we should at least continue to formulate an official letter to OK magazine and Daphne Barrack with many fans sending them their thoughts. they really need to know that this is not acceptable and they cannot get away with things like this.

I also think we still need to contact all of these magazines and stations who ran with the story to force them to run the rebuttal comments by Aaron. We can't let this fall flat now. It is too late. It is already out there.

And if TMez would like to add something to refute this as well as Cascio and others who were there, then all the better. We will have all of this information at hand and can refute any who try to use this stuff later. IMHO.
Wait lol I can't believe what's going on here.
So CNN run the fake story and now TMZ is actually reporting Carter deny all these things
after all the commotion that has been caused from this...Carter need to give a statement from his own mouth that he had nothing to do with this...NOT his people speaking for him....imo...this is not over,,,it still needs to be dealt with.

Yep, i wholeheartedly agree with that. After all this bullshit....he needs to make some clarity. He should do that for his friend Michael...if someone deserves it..it's him!!!!!!!!
Don't forget Carter threatened to sue fans who asked him to confirm or deny the story last week.
If there is anything else I can do involving this issue please let me know. Thanks
Don't forget Carter threatened to sue fans who asked him to confirm or deny the story last week.
hahaha,,he is a joke,,,,let him try..,he wont get to far...he cannot sue fans for asking questions....he was just trying to make it go away .without dealing with the situation.
I think we should proceed as planned. The only thing that will be different is now we can add the link to the story from TMZ as evidence along with whatever we had from before.

They did this on purpose. He had 2 weeks to deny this. He chose to let it fester and spread. People are out to purposely defile MJ's legacy. If they print untrue stories which everyone hears, and then apologize with only fans hearing, then how does that help MJ? They have already made their moeny. They have already tarnished his image and who are the losers in this? MJ, his children, and his fans.

We cannot let them do this. We need to make them understand the anger and hurt we feel over this.

Please everyone, don't give up now. What he has released as a statement is not enough. It needs to be more.
This was planned from the very beginning. TMZ was most likely in ..and was promised the denial story.

I am not falling for this.

We have been asking Carter since June 15 to confirm or deny the story...he never did.

Don't tell me...he just woke up to this now.

They planned everything...from the initial coke quote...to the edited clip that they released last night....to Aaron Carter changing his name to an easier username...to him denying the story on TMZ.

Aaron is blaming the writer...Jermaine is blaming OK Magazine.

This was a well planned PR move...and apparently, they will get away with it.
I am with ginvid. We go ahead with our letters - pressure on OK, Barak and the media.

Considering how this story caught fire, an OFFICIAL statement is needed from Carter.

Still working on statement.
hahaha,,he is a joke,,,,let him try..,he wont get to far...he cannot sue fans for asking questions....he was just trying to make it go away .without dealing with the situation.

This already stems back from last week? He had all the time in the world to deny it at that time and he didn't...and now all of a sudden we hear from his rep that he denies it? Sigh....what an idiot.
Thanks ivy. I think we should at least continue to formulate an official letter to OK magazine and Daphne Barrack with many fans sending them their thoughts. they really need to know that this is not acceptable and they cannot get away with things like this.

I also think we still need to contact all of these magazines and stations who ran with the story to force them to run the rebuttal comments by Aaron. We can't let this fall flat now. It is too late. It is already out there.

And if TMez would like to add something to refute this as well as Cascio and others who were there, then all the better. We will have all of this information at hand and can refute any who try to use this stuff later. IMHO.

I agree.

We really need to shame people for what they did. This withhunt even in his death.

Let them realize how easy it was for them to run and run and run with a story that they hadn't bothered to check.

I can't believe any of this. I'm shocked. Disgusted.
Well I already left a message on his VM saying u (not you but we as the community) were gonna email him,

on another note

I called Tmez up, he wasn't there but I left a message on his voicemail asking for further information regarding Aaron's testimony in 2005.
I also apologized for the disruption and told him that we are going to email him during the course of the day.

I would hold off on the email to TMez, Ivy.

Thanks ivy. I think we should at least continue to formulate an official letter to OK magazine and Daphne Barrack with many fans sending them their thoughts. they really need to know that this is not acceptable and they cannot get away with things like this.

I also think we still need to contact all of these magazines and stations who ran with the story to force them to run the rebuttal comments by Aaron. We can't let this fall flat now. It is too late. It is already out there.

And if TMez would like to add something to refute this as well as Cascio and others who were there, then all the better. We will have all of this information at hand and can refute any who try to use this stuff later. IMHO.

I'll send the email to T-Mez. I would really hate not to follow through the phone call. If he doesn't respond fine, if he responds even better.

I think with Aaron's denial we can focus on redaction request from OK.
This was so obviously planned because he threatened people and blocked people who asked for his clarification as far back as two weeks ago. Now he acts like he just found out.
I am with ginvid. We go ahead with our letters - pressure on OK, Barak and the media.

Considering how this story caught fire, an OFFICIAL statement is needed from Carter.

Still working on statement.

As soon as it is complete, please post it in the rubuttal thread. Thanks so much!

This was planned from the very beginning. TMZ was most likely in ..and was promised the denial story.

I am not falling for this.

We have been asking Carter since June 15 to confirm or deny the story...he never did.

Don't tell me...he just woke up to this now.

They planned everything...from the initial coke quote...to the edited clip that they released last night....to Aaron Carter changing his name to an easier username...to him denying the story on TMZ.

Aaron is blaming the writer...Jermaine is blaming OK Magazine.

This was a well planned PR move...and apparently, they will get away with it.

We cannot let them get away with it.

This already stems back from last week? He had all the time in the world to deny it at that time and he didn't...and now all of a sudden we hear from his rep that he denies it? Sigh....what an idiot.
No, this has been going on for 2 weeks not just 1 week. For two weeks he refused to answer.

I agree.

We really need to shame people for what they did. This withhunt even in his death.

Let them realize how easy it was for them to run and run and run with a story that they hadn't bothered to check.

I can't believe any of this. I'm shocked. Disgusted.

I agree totally. This must be addressed. They need to feel something. If remorse will not do it, then maybe shame will do it.

I'll send the email to T-Mez. I would really hate not to follow through the phone call. If he doesn't respond fine, if he responds even better.

I think with Aaron's denial we can focus on redaction request from OK.

Thank you. The more we can get on line with this the better.
So let me get this straight....cause i wasn't aware of this until my friend told me he read a bullshit story on MSN news, as if it was something new. Now i see its as old as june 15, who's to blame in all this? That Barack woman? But i guess Aaron just as much....cause he didn't do shit about it...until now? And only such a little ,nothing-meaning statement from his rep?

Clearly not a guy with the right intentions, what could the reason be of him doing this though?