Aaron Carter Claims MJ Gave Him Drugs *Update Post 41* Merged

Re: Aaron Carter The Lying Methhead Claims MJ Gave Him Cocaine

Given his complete lack of action in regards to refuting the claims made by OK! magazine, and his general avoidance of MJ fans on Twitter, it's safe to say he is responsible for this. I'm assuming the interview was scheduled in lieu of his upcoming album. Why couldn't he have some class and refuse to talk about Michael to begin with, only discussing topics which pertain to the upcoming project instead? Oh, yeah, because no one would be interested. That's why.
Re: Aaron Carter The Lying Methhead Claims MJ Gave Him Cocaine

Soon enough, he will regret his words, but we have no room for those who are filled with regret in this world. They compose a sorry lot.

I do not know if someone that says this type of bullsh*t is able to have any remorse but if he does, i hope it'll talked about in the media more than this pseudo news. It would make the general public understand that people say this kinda crap about mj in order to make money and/or be talked about. I wanna see him in a press conference crying saying he regrets lying about mj.
Re: Aaron Carter The Lying Methhead Claims MJ Gave Him Cocaine

Who knows. I didn't exactly mean that he'd regret it solely based on emotional terms, although he could. However, he will sooner or later regret it in financial terms, as he has lost the support of the entire MJ fan base, and we are a huge lot. That's a lot of potential album sales gone down the toilet, a massive alienation he could not afford at all. Had he said nothing, some fans would have supported his endeavours like they support albums released by the less talented Jacksons, only because of their connection to Michael. Now, however, there is no hope of that ever happening for him. His previous fan base has long since forgotten him, and he will fade away again soon enough. As for people who are both fans of Michael Jackson and Carter, who do you think they're going to choose? [Hint=not the drug addict].
Re: Aaron Carter The Lying Methhead Claims MJ Gave Him Cocaine

Frank Cascio is on twitter...he was around MJ when Aaron Carton was up there acting all chummy with MJ.

Chris Tucker is another.

The family who claims they were so close (lies!!!) are all on twitter....All of them & many of their kids. Jermaine was on twitter last week educating Tatum O'neal abbot MJ & addiction. This Aaron Carter story will be read by far more people around the world than Tatum interview

This is a very damaging story...not one you can throw under the rug.

Their silence is deafening. Either they don't want to put their neck out, in case the story might be true...or they just don't care.

ETA to those who keep saying IF he said these things.....HE SAID THESE THINGS. I am one of the people who've been going after him relentlessly for the past 2 weeks. He has had many opportunity to recant, deny or correct. HE DID NEITHER.

He's been blocking a lot of people and the little prick inst man enough to address our tweets publicly.

He has sent out private messages threatening to sue for harassment which basically confirms the original story.
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Re: Aaron Carter The Lying Methhead Claims MJ Gave Him Cocaine

I assume because it hasn't really spread yet, they may not know about it yet......I think they'll respond soon
I did things with him that nobody else did…

WTF Why did he stop here, why didn't he accuse him of molesting him too????!!!!!!:mat:
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Re: Aaron Carter The Lying Methhead Claims MJ Gave Him Cocaine

First tweet on this by Jermaine

jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
by mjjgirl4ever@
@PerezHilton re Aaron Carter: only cowards speak ill of those who can't defend themselves. what a shame you give them a platform
2 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply
Re: Aaron Carter The Lying Methhead Claims MJ Gave Him Cocaine

wow, Jermaine. I am thinking of following his twitter again.
claudiadoina;3423040 said:
I did things with him that nobody else did…

WTF Why did he stopped here, why didn't he accuse him of molesting him too????!!!!!!:mat:

As soon as someone offers him the right amount of money that could happen too. :ph34r::mat:

I hope his "career" (the little that has still remained of it) goes down the toilet.
Re: Aaron Carter The Lying Methhead Claims MJ Gave Him Cocaine

What can the fans do collectively about this? should we be contacting people who were around Michael and ask them to respond to the story? tweet Carter ourselves? contact media who have reported the story? We need to organise together in a way that will show how wrong the article is but will also not give it more attention than necessary
Re: Aaron Carter The Lying Methhead Claims MJ Gave Him Cocaine

^^ Weren't Chris Tucker and Rodney Jerkins there that day? Maybe they could say something. Do they have a twitter?
Re: Aaron Carter The Lying Methhead Claims MJ Gave Him Cocaine

Getting sick of people using Michael as a method of promotion it only makes them look pathetic
Re: Aaron Carter The Lying Methhead Claims MJ Gave Him Cocaine

i wasnt expecting that from you aaron .
i hope things are alright and you wernt pressured into saying this .
Re: Aaron Carter The Lying Methhead Claims MJ Gave Him Cocaine

Becuase that is what the music industry is i think
evil . lies. deceit and pressure. :(
Re: Aaron Carter The Lying Methhead Claims MJ Gave Him Cocaine

First tweet on this by Jermaine

jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
by mjjgirl4ever@
@PerezHilton re Aaron Carter: only cowards speak ill of those who can't defend themselves. what a shame you give them a platform
2 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

Wow...thank you Jermaine for trying. I guess he can't flat out deny that BS since he wasn't there ...

At this point, it is such a sensitive issue, if someone cannot straight up DENY IT, bet to leave it alone. Otherwise, it will bring more press (the press will note that Jermaine did not flat out deny the story, he thinks it's tacky for Aaron to go after a dead man who can't defend himself) which still won't even help MJ's image.

So either these people come out strong ...without any ambiguity..or they do what they've been doing. Plugging their own sh!t and ignore Michael & his legacy.

I just noticed many people have been tweeting Chris Tucker @RealCTucker ....so far nothing. Even though, he was on last night plugging some crap.

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Re: Aaron Carter The Lying Methhead Claims MJ Gave Him Cocaine

^Pray tell, how could he be "pressured" into saying this? If he were a 15 year old boy, I could see how his parents could pressure him into saying stupid things for profit. However, the guy is 23--old and level-headed enough to know when people are attempting to manipulate him, or at least he would be if he wasn't on drugs. There is no getting out of it, as far as I can see. He's completely done, a clean betrayal, the likes of which can only be compared to something right out of a Shakespeare play.

With that said, there's already hordes of MJ fans tweeting relentlessly at him, and thus far they've met with no success. Carter will not open up and admit to anything, certainly not to any wrong-doing, as of now. Our only choice is to bring this rag to the attention of people who were there, such as Chris Tucker [as some here have mentioned]. They may not even know this lie is making rounds across grocery shop gag racks as we speak. If they choose to ignore us after we tell them of it, then we'll all have to come up with something else, but for now, approaching Carter seems akin to conversing with a meth-addicted wall.
Re: Aaron Carter The Lying Methhead Claims MJ Gave Him Cocaine

So we should continue to tweet Chris Tucker? who else was there that day?
Re: Aaron Carter The Lying Methhead Claims MJ Gave Him Cocaine

It's currently the top story on Google news search (for Michael Jackson), so it's definetely spreading. Not a good thing. I wish someone, anyone would speak up for Mike. :(
Re: Aaron Carter The Lying Methhead Claims MJ Gave Him Cocaine

Did he really say that? What the heck is going on with him...? I mean, he defended Michael when he was alive, but now that he's gone... what??
For all the ****ery around MJ….. Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.!!! SMH

And this crap is spreading all over, Just CANT...and the people who actually Believe anything about this BS JUST SO DUMB IGNORANT!!!!


Re: Aaron Carter The Lying Methhead Claims MJ Gave Him Cocaine

We should take action about this. Send this to MJJEstate as soon as possible!!!!
This is the time to defend Michael against all this crap by the idiot!
Re: Aaron Carter The Lying Methhead Claims MJ Gave Him Cocaine

I am so unbelievably sick and tired of this.
Re: Aaron Carter The Lying Methhead Claims MJ Gave Him Cocaine

I agree, something should be done. It is very damaging for Michael's reputation and legacy. and it's spreading very fast.
Re: Aaron Carter The Lying Methhead Claims MJ Gave Him Cocaine

Yeah, it's definitely spreading now. Don't know what else we can do, but keep tweeting at people who were actually present that day.
Re: Aaron Carter The Lying Methhead Claims MJ Gave Him Cocaine

Does anyone know where MJ's Estate can be contacted?

Also as suggested by some, it would be really useful if a list is produced, with the names and contact details of people who were around Mike at the time Aaron Carter was in Neverland. So fans can get in touch with them, and seek their help. Let's see who really was a friend to Michael.
Rhilo;3423071 said:
Does anyone know where MJ's Estate can be contacted?

Also as suggested by some, it would be really useful if a list is produced, with the names and contact details of people who were around Mike at the time Aaron Carter was in Neverland. So fans can get in touch with them, and seek their help. Let's see who really was a friend to Michael.

MJ OnlineTeam
The Official Online Team of the Michael Jackson Estate™
Re: Aaron Carter The Lying Methhead Claims MJ Gave Him Cocaine

So we should continue to tweet Chris Tucker? who else was there that day?

Chris tucker @RealCTucker
Rodney JErkins @only1darkchild
And most likely the Cascios @fdcascio

We should take action about this. Send this to MJJEstate as soon as possible!!!!
This is the time to defend Michael against all this crap by the idiot!

An email was sent to them last night....as I mentioned to a friend of mine, this is not the kind of story you just let die and sweep under the rug.

This is the time for the estate to get Mesereau (who probably interviewed Carter for the trial) and release a strong statement. I can't stay I expect much format he family since they weren't there. I am not even sure we can hold it against them if they don't try to shoot the story down.

If those who were there keep quiet...then it is what it is...we can all come to our own conclusions
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