Ask a Weird question thread

^^^Are you shore? I know some people who stood by watching....... -_- :lol:

They do a " so how are you feeling, and how healthy are you and whazzup with you" check up......
Have you noticed the way a dog always check whoever marked the places along the way? I use to say that my dog is "reading the contact ads in the Dogville newspaper...." when we go for a walk.

( I`m just glad we are not having the same habit...imagine!)

Why do cats and dogs have the exact opposite body language?
because cats n dogs dont mix?

my old uncle from Alabama told me a story why dogs sniff
each others behinds when greeting each other :LOL
He said: there was a party and all the dogs had to hang their
tails on hooks when coming in? then all of a sudden a fire
broke out and it was a mad rush to regain their tails?
well in this mad rush there was a mix up and everyone else
got the others tail? and to this day thats why they sniff they
are still trying to find their tail they lost and recover it? :lol:

why do they call it a school of fish?
its nothing to do with school they are smart by
traveling in groups it is much more safe for them
Schools are made up of many fish of the same species moving in more or
less harmonious patterns throughout the oceans A very prevalent behavior
schooling is exhibited by almost 80 percent of the more
than 20,000 known fish species during some phase of their life cycle
Fish secrete a slime too that helps produce the friction of water on
their bodies. They know how to swim in precise patterns to and fro
their tails cause something called vortices its akin to a whirlpool and
in theory they can use the tiny whirlpool of its neighbor fish to help them in
reducing the waters friction on their own bodies.

As for the mascara? its some sort of fat? ewww!
but the fat repels water

why do ducks quack and gooses honk?
So they don`t confuse eatchother?

How is it possible that two trousers that have the same size can be different? One fits perfectly and the other doesn`t? That bugs me!
I don`t know- I loved it when I was a kid- but maybe it has something to do with their tastebuds being different- or maybe they just don`t want to eat it because they are told to do so?

Why was it an apple Eve tempted Adam with? Didn`t she have something better?!
blame it on genetics!

This is something I never have managed to understand completely, and because this is an english speaking forum;
Can someone please explain the difference between a"geek" and a "nerd""? :huh:
theres not much of a diff? :lol:

did you ever think why some people compete with others
so much? could it be they feel inferior because of something
not right in their life so when they put themselves up higher
than others they can get noticed?
Thanks- that realy explained it all.... :lol:

I remembered a poem by a swedish writer ( Hjalmar Søderberg)

Rogh translation:

One wants to be loved
if not -admired
if not -feared
if not- despised
and hated

One needs to recieve some

The soul withers in emptiness
and desire recognition
at all cost

Its a bad translation ( sorry!) but have you ever seen the film "Cast away" with Tom Hanks- about a guy that gets stranded alone on an island- and he makes himself a "companion" from a volleyball that he names Wilson. At one point he throws the ball out in the sea, but ends up risking his life to get it back. What I think is, that we as humans depends on other people a lot more than what we like to recognice. Its through interaction with others we get a sense of who we are- and this is what reveals our personality and weakness and strenght. For some its through being "on top" that makes them feel recogniced and valuable.
In the end it all goes back to the basic desire that we all share: to be loved, and to belong? Maybe?

Why is it that most people are more comfortable using the word "love" when they speak/ write in english compared to when they speak/ write in their native language?
I wondered that myself? could be some just use it without
feeling or some feel it and do? I dont take that word lightly :)

why is it that some people are so cruel and then hurt you to
the core of your being then when you see them again they
act like they didnt even recall being rude and or mean?
that amazes me! I couldnt live with myself without sayin
at least a sorry and or something concerning it? :no:
^ Hug

Some people find saying sorry hard? why? who knows.. it amazes me.

Why do men have the need for nipples? :huh:
as a back up pacifier for the baby when
they are finished with mommy? rofl!!

why do some people feel the need to act like
they are close to you when they arent? like put
on airs in front of others such as family members
and others? like they are the center of it all?
omg that bothers me especially when you call
then out on it and they still pretend they dont notice?
I think that some people just lack the ability to have empathy- they cant feel what the other person may be feeling? Or they have no shame? They think they have every right to do what they did, and then the other persons feelings doesn`t matter?
I have met some people like that, and had to endure having them close- and that really took its toll on me.
I do not want to repeat that experience :ermm:

Q: why do cats always land on their feet?
because they are very agile?
I like it how they dont have collar
bones and thats why they can slip
easily underneath tight spaces? :D

why do birds fly south for the wintertime
but other animals stay?
because they have wings and can travel faster. Can you imagine a turtle trying to make that trip? :lol:

Why do people always comment on how skinny someone is to their face but it's considered rude to comment on how fat someone is to their face?
Because they are catatonically pondering things?

Why are some people unable to move on from things?
Oh nooo. Not the staring again? :lol:

to catch their prey?

Who decided which was North, South, East and West and how do we know they were right?
Two naked men playing tennis in a nudist park in Munchen ( I was 16 and on Interrail, and me and my friend wasn`t exactly prepared for the sight................... :lol: .)

Why do dogs howl at the moon?
yes lol

do you ever ate draniki? ( can be with potatoe only, or with fish or meat )
yes, it's called also ''potato pancakes'', you should try them, you'll like it ( i Hope ) :flowers:
the site below in english lol

no, never ate shark meat. and don't want to.

do you ever hiccuped in a public?

do you ever ate vareniki?


can be with potato or pot cheese, or with cherries ( No meat! )