BAD25 | Charts & Sales History

Yeah, that worries me too. This forum too is not as busy as it used to be, I have to say. So some fans certainly do feel that now that Michael is not here they need to move on with their lives. Still one would expect that even if not participating in forums on a daily basis or anything, they'd be still interested in releases like this.
On the other hand, how is it with other artists who are not here any more? It's not like, for example, a Queen forum is a crowded place: or that their albums post the immediate surge after Freddie's death sell and chart mighty big:
Even if you look at the Beatles:
Sure they have a renaissance since the mid 90s, but it needed time to build between their breakup/John Lennon's death and when the public re-discovered them in the 90s. (There's a reason why Michael could buy their catalog relatively cheap in the 80s and it's value then multiplied.)
So maybe it's just normal. Idk.
Yeah, I guess it is normal. And for example Queen is still legendary, even if their fans aren't that active or their albums aren't amazingly successful.

I guess my expectations could be just too high. Michael has been such a phenomenal album seller, and he has always had a dedicated fan base, even during the worst times in his life, so maybe I've just kind of gotten used to that. Of course I understand that his albums now won't sell anywhere near the same numbers as they used to, for many reasons. It's not that I expect him to break records and be number 1 all the time, or Bad25 to sell millions or anything, it's just... I guess I expected Bad25 to have very good sales for a re-release, you know? If the sales end up being less than expected, I don't think it means that his posthumous career is doomed, but maybe for many fans it will take a while to get used to the way things are now.

Your Beatles comparison sounds promising, though. Maybe a similar renaissance will happen to Michael too in the future. Actually, I'm sure that at some point in the future he will get more recognition for his talent and his other amazing work besides just Thriller, I just hope it would be sooner rather than later. :)
^^ And let's not forget that with Michael there's a huge stumbling block for many people and even if they'd otherwise like his music, they would not like to associate with him, because of what he was accused of. IMO that means a lot of potential buyers lost. I really hope that in the future that will be put right too. I mean, I think as long as this generation of journalists, the same who treated him so unfairly, are active they will keep repressing the truth about the allegations. But I hope that after a change of generation in the media, people will take effort to take a serious look into the allegations, beyond the sensationalism and everything, and Michael will be rehabilitated. If that'd happen then that would make him even more than a legendary and iconic pop star. He would be a symbol of what media superficiality, lies, false allegations etc. can do. He would be considered as kind of a martyr of a 21st style witch hunt.
... I also see as a problem those pre-orders..., I have never preoder anything yet, but how those preorders can be counted...?
Up to the date of release as the summary of all preoders... or ...?
^^ And let's not forget that with Michael there's a huge stumbling block for many people and even if they'd otherwise like his music, they would not like to associate with him, because of what he was accused of. IMO that means a lot of potential buyers lost. I really hope that in the future that will be put right too. I mean, I think as long as this generation of journalists, the same who treated him so unfairly, are active they will keep repressing the truth about the allegations. But I hope that after a change of generation in the media, people will take effort to take a serious look into the allegations, beyond the sensationalism and everything, and Michael will be rehabilitated. If that'd happen then that would make him even more than a legendary and iconic pop star. He would be a symbol of what media superficiality, lies, false allegations etc. can do. He would be considered as kind of a martyr of a 21st style witch hunt.
Well said, I agree. A huge problem for Michael now is the stain of those accusations. People who believe he's a criminal won't be buying his records. But I don't think it's even just the accusations, it's this general view of him as a tabloid caricature or a joke. The media has been so relentless in their quest to ridicule and demean him, and unfortunately their campaign has worked to a large extent. Many people think liking Michael is kind of embarrassing. They might even like his music, but they wouldn't admit it, because it's not cool to like Michael Jackson. And especially younger people might never even have properly listened to Michael's music, because of the stigma the media has attached to Michael.

Like you, I hope that after a change of generation in the media things will be different. There won't be any significant change in his media treatment in the near future, because for that to happen journalists would have to not only accept that they were wrong, but they would also have to accept that they played a part in making Michael's life what it was. Most people are just not capable of doing that. It's far easier to just continue to tell the same story, call Michael a weirdo and a criminal, and never take responsibility for their own actions.

But things could be totally different when a new generation of journalists take over. They're people who have never been a part of the campaign to destroy Michael, so they could look at things in a more objective way. And journalists always want to tell a story. Right now the story they love to tell is the rise and fall of a superstar, but maybe in the future they might tell the story of a 21st century martyr.

I think some small positive changes are already happening. I just wish there was more we fans could do to help clear his reputation.

... I also see as a problem those pre-orders..., I have never preoder anything yet, but how those preorders can be counted...?
Up to the date of release as the summary of all preoders... or ...?
Pre-orders are counted as first week sales. So if you pre-ordered the album before the release, it will be counted as if you had bought it the week it's released.
... I also see as a problem those pre-orders..., I have never preoder anything yet, but how those preorders can be counted...?
Up to the date of release as the summary of all preoders... or ...?

Not sure about all retailers, but Amazon only charges your card when the item is in hand and ready to be shipped.
We have a very, very positive press of Bad 25, the Immortal-show is the most succesful show in North-America and tickets in Europe sells very well, more shows are added. Many stars mention Michael as a inspiration.

In the UK it seems Bad 25 will have a Top 10-debut, maybe on 6. In France and Italy maybe even better.

The US-prediction seems strange. Isn`t it als strange that Bob Dylan isn`t even mention in the list in the second week of his album-start.
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I think the promo is great - especially for a re-release. Its everywhere on every social network every music site
all the media sites - TV, major news featuress. etc etc. Pepsi and bill board promoted it. Go to any music site and
you will see an add for BAd25 with a link to purchase. spike lees has promoted it heavily on twitter all his followers
are interested becuase of the estate asking him to do the documentary. plus word of mouth from fans also pushed
Mj in the charts.. So we all have to do are part too.

I dont see anything else being promoted any stronger?

This is a re-release that has been released and rereleased.
Its not a new album.

and why is anyone complaining when they havent even seen the results yet?
Good to see people picking up the idea of a collectors label :punk:

As for Bad 25, it's a great release. If you're to judge it sales wise, it's only fair to judge it against the sales of similar releases. Not brand new albums. The rehabilitation of Michael Jackson the artist in the publics perception is a process. It will happen with smart moves by the estate, finally getting on the right path with Bad 25 and the Spike Lee documentary. And with people like Joe Vogel helping out. And of course us!
Chart positions so far:

Belgium FL
Bad #31

Belgium WA
Bad #15

Bad #27

Bad #19
Wembley DVD #2

Bad #6
Wembley DVD #1

Bad #14
Wembley DVD #1
The US-prediction seems strange. Isn`t it als strange that Bob Dylan isn`t even mention in the list in the second week of his album-start.

That's a good point. Dylan is nowhere to be found either, though based on Amazon charts his album is doing well.
Bought my copy Saturday HMV Tamworth UK £25, I haven't had time to watch DVD yet but played two of the 3 cd's. I have to say now though that I probably will call it a day on anniversary release's. I would really love to see more of his later material, there is an awful lot from this past decade that I would love to hear. Time waits for no-one and I'me getting older by the day.
There is definitely stocking problems, i had a look in HMV Leeds city center (UK) today for general interest, Wembley DVD was totally sold out, and the album had about 1 copy left, of only the standard edition, oh dear oh dear. It's good that it's clearly selling, but bad with the stock problems.
I think some small positive changes are already happening. I just wish there was more we fans could do to help clear his reputation.

Keeping him successful is one of the best ways really.

Which is why all of this is making me nervous. :/

The one thing I see is that the critics reviews and the reception among fans has been really positive. Which is something, no matter the sales.
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Allegations have nothing to with anything. were some of u around in 93? were u around during history etc and its success. jeez talk about drama queens based on unknown figures for the usa. theres is the rest of the world u know and the us was hardly mjs biggest cheerleader the past 15 years

go watch the dvd listen to the music and enjoy cause thats all theres is left now.
Allegations have nothing to with anything. were some of u around in 93? were u around during history etc and its success. jeez talk about drama queens based on unknown figures for the usa. theres is the rest of the world u know and the us was hardly mjs biggest cheerleader the past 15 years

go watch the dvd listen to the music and enjoy cause thats all theres is left now.

Do you really believe the allegations did not have any effect on MJ's marketability in the past 20 years and don't do still?
HIStory was successful, but surely would have been even more successful (but certainly very different) without the allegations. Same with Invincible. There's no way such horrible allegations have no effect on an artist's marketability in a business where image is so important.

And I would go watch the DVD if it had arrived already (it did not), thank you. There's no need for a condescending tone.
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Keeping him successful is one of the best ways really.

Which is why all of this is making me nervous. :/

The one thing I see is that the critics reviews and the reception among fans has been really positive. Which is something, no matter the sales.
I agree, and that's why I'm so nervous too. But so far the sales look pretty good, imo. Making into the top 10 is great, and #6 in the UK is really great! I think being successful in the bigger markets like the UK and US is important, because making it into the top 10 in those countries gives the album some exposure. People in other countries pay attention to the UK and US charts, so doing well on those charts might help the sales in other countries too. In the long run worldwide sales are of course the most important thing, but I think right now being #6 on the UK chart is great news!
Here is the new UK-Album-chart and it counts directly to Bad, now 121 weeks on chart.

Bad on Number 6

Number Ones on 87


Live at Wembley 2

This is it 10

Moonwalker 21

Dead at Moonwalker charting.

I think #6 is great ...IMHO.
Lots of competition this week, but for a $35 album it's better than good.

Ultimate (I consider to be MJ's last wide released box set) didn't chart that well.

And I know people are stressed over the MISSING US projection, but Based on Amazon's charts, It will do well in France, Spain, Canada & hoping the US won't let MJ down.

ETA Fully agree with Sunwalker7...the album charting well in the big markets US, UK & Japan will bring additional press this week. Which the album needs to remain in the top 10..Otherwise it will drop fast.
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rita.gibson;3713899 said:
Bought my copy Saturday HMV Tamworth UK £25, I haven't had time to watch DVD yet but played two of the 3 cd's. I have to say now though that I probably will call it a day on anniversary release's. I would really love to see more of his later material, there is an awful lot from this past decade that I would love to hear. Time waits for no-one and I'me getting older by the day.

25£? For the box set ?why is it more expensive than on amazon?there it's only 19.97£
claudiadoina;3714052 said:
25£? For the box set ?why is it more expensive than on amazon?there it's only 19.97£

I'm not sure claudiadoina, I think amazon is always cheaper than record shops but I'm old school and still enjoy the excitement of holding then paying over the counter...then you get to carry it all the way home in a little hmv bag.
I have a feeling TII and Moonwalker might have something to do with HMVs Blu-ray offer at the moment.
Hi everyone,
I'm new here. Big MJ fan, of course.
Some people I know think that BAD25 only comes in one package - they say it's too expensive at $200!
This is awesome news!

Btw, I'm new here in the forum. A big MJ fan and at my 40's.:girl_pride:
Great to see that BAD 25 is pulling other Michael's releases up in charts :clapping:

I went to my local Golden Disc to see if they have gotten Deluxe in their stock. No they didn't, and while they had BAD 25 double CD in their stock about a week and half ago, it was sold out:D I have to give them a credit for stocking and displaying other MJ' releases near where they keep chart CD's. I saw they had Number 1's, Thriller and original BAD, which they didn't have about 2 months ago, so thumbs up for them for ordering other MJ's music in with BAD 25.

@claudiodoina sells Deluxe set for £29.14 not 19.97.
It was 19.97 in first week of the release, then Amazon put the price up:no:
rita.gibson;3714162 said:
I'm not sure claudiadoina, I think amazon is always cheaper than record shops but I'm old school and still enjoy the excitement of holding then paying over the counter...then you get to carry it all the way home in a little hmv bag.

I wish I could do that too but I knew there won't be any store I could find the box set thats why I ordered it from amazon.I saved the pleasure to buy directly from the shelf for the cd and dvd, those I should find eventually somewhere.

Bubs;3714292 said:
@claudiodoina sells Deluxe set for £29.14 not 19.97.
It was 19.97 in first week of the release, then Amazon put the price up:no:

Really??!!that sucks!