Bill Cosby


Proud Member
Aug 27, 2011
Here's some old tracks

A Simple Love Affair
Yes Yes Yes
Martin's Funeral

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I love the one where he talks about the playground.

oh and the dentist visit is always a winner
Bill's crazy! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Rat own, rat own! :lol:
Maybe Mike got "Shamone" from Bill, lol. Bill did do a TV special with The Jackson 5. The Monkees made a song called "No Time" whose 1st verse is based on Bill Cosby talk.

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I absolutely LOVE Bill me he is hysterical..I still have the cassette tape of the dentist...also the kid in the shower...jeez he is just great...thank you for the thread..:)
Here's some old tracks

Yes Yes Yes

Haven't heard that one in a long long time, it's just a hysterical send up of Bill paying his respects to brother Barry White, and what a tribute. Unfortunately this album is yet another fine slice of soul that will never see the light of a CD version.

Marty In LA
Haven't heard that one in a long long time, it's just a hysterical send up of Bill paying his respects to brother Barry White, and what a tribute. Unfortunately this album is yet another fine slice of soul that will never see the light of a CD version.

Marty In LA
I wouldn't be surprised if it is on CD in Japan. They have all kinds of obscure stuff that has never been on CD anywhere else.
I LOVE Bill Cosby. I think he's hilarious! haha. I remember a show of his stand up airing a few times on TV called "Bill Cosby Himself". My parents watch it every time it's shown and I watch it with them. It's hysterical.

I grew up watching the Cosby Show. lol.
Badfoot Brown & The Bunions Bradford Funeral Marching Band ~ Ursulena (1973)

Edit: Bill Cosby isn't worth my typing.
Never saw this thread until today, but I agree.
He's trash.

I wasn't around for the original airing of the Cosby show, but it was still part of my childhood because my parents watched the re runs and I watched with them.
I loved that show.
I felt so disgusted and betrayed when I found out about the disgusting perverse mess he did.
Some nice and wholesome family dad he turned out to be.
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