Brooke Sheild.s-book/ Excerpts in People-Magazine


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Re: Brooke *******-book/ Excerpts in People-Magazine

I love that cute picture of them on the cover. I hope her book is good. I've always liked her, and don't want my opinion to change.
Re: Brooke *******-book/ Excerpts in People-Magazine

Didn't Brooke said herself they never dated? That they were friends and Michael's chaperone in the public events. I guess she really wants to sell her book.
Re: Brooke *******-book/ Excerpts in People-Magazine

Didn't Brooke said herself they never dated? That they were friends and Michael's chaperone in the public events. I guess she really wants to sell her book.

Apparently she says the same in the book.

She was extremely close to Michael Jackson, whom she met when she was 13. Brooke ******* tell-all exclusive.

We loved each other," she says, but only platonically. " peoplemag have details from Brooke ******* tell-all exclusive.

(LOL at MJJC blocking out her last name.)
Re: Brooke *******-book/ Excerpts in People-Magazine

Then what People printed in their cover is misleading, "dating Michael Jackson..." (Off topic) What did ****** do?
Re: Brooke *******-book/ Excerpts in People-Magazine

I always find it odd that both of Michael's most publicized girlfriends, Brooke and Tatum, both ended up with extremely famous tennis stars. Just a strange coincidence, I guess.
Re: Brooke *******-book/ Excerpts in People-Magazine

Where were you when you were needed
Re: Brooke *******-book/ Excerpts in People-Magazine

Not sure how interesting it's going to be. It looked like they spend a lot of time together but her stories are kind of void. I don't know if it's out of respect to Michael's privacy or something else. It's confusing because she also told awkward stories that totally not respecting Michael's privacy, like how he proposed to her and she declined and said they can be friends forever without getting married. I always thought this story doesn't put Michael in a good light. Also her story that he wanted to adopt children with her... I mean, I just feel if her intentions were good she could have found other stories to share - IF they're true. but maybe I'm wrong about her.
Re: Brooke *******-book/ Excerpts in People-Magazine

Liberty of speech - yet Dam. S. is not allowed... - Some of his articles are actually quite good - his reschearch about songs etc. - It may not always be correct but to ban him and his articles is ridiculous...

I see no reason to block anyone - if you see him as tabloid then ignore him - but let people read his stuff so they themselves can make an opinion. Censur is never a good thing.

To see a headline (positive actually - I think she speaks good of MJ) to be named Brooke ******* ... WTF ???

Back on topic

Sounds great - I've always liked her. She is still beautiful btw.
Re: Brooke *******-book/ Excerpts in People-Magazine

At the memorial Brooke had wonderful things to say about Michael. Maybe she means she was not romantically involved with him, but they did date. Maybe she has another definition of dating. Michael was so excited about going out with her though according to his comments to Schummley and the Thriller co star. Maybe he was interested in her but she did not care for him. I remember at the time, people were saying that she was just using him to keep her career alive, because Michael was becoming world famous due to the Thriller craze. Her saying this now makes it seem that those people were right all along.
From Schmu tapes:

Now Brooke *******, she was one of the loves of my life, we dated a lot. Her pictures were all over my walls and mirrors. I was at the Academy Awards with Diana Ross and she just came up to me and said, Hi, I’m Brooke *******. Are you going to the after party?” I said “Yeah, and I just melted.” I was about twenty-three. . . during Off the Wall. I thought, Does she know [that photographs of her are] all over my room?” So we get to the party and she says, “Would you dance with me?” And we went on the dance floor. And man, we exchanged numbers and I was up all night, spinning around in my room, just so happy. She was classy. We had one encounter when she got real intimate and I chickened out. And I shouldn’t have.
Re: Brooke *******-book/ Excerpts in People-Magazine

that title really confused me LOL whys her surname blocked out
Re: Brooke *******-book/ Excerpts in People-Magazine

that title really confused me LOL whys her surname blocked out

Sheild.s is on our censor list for obvious reasons (damie.n) please just place a dot somewhere in her name.

I've edited the title with a dot ;)
I've never really known what to think of Brooke. Maybe because I could never really figure out what their relationship was about (romantic, just friends etc). Everything has always been so unclear about her in regards to Michael and what her role was.

She said some nice things at the memorial, but at the same time I was also thinking "where were you when he needed you?"
ah get you now. thanks for that
Sheild.s is on our censor list for obvious reasons (damie.n) please just place a dot somewhere in her name.

I've edited the title with a dot ;)
Brooke's Bombshell of the Day: Michael Jackson Was 'Terrified' of Dating

They were close from the moment they met. When Brooke first met Michael Jackson at the age of 13, she says, "We were like two little kids."

"From the day we met, we saw something of ourselves in each other," says the star, 49, who opens up about her history of celeb romances in her new memoir about her mom, There Was a Little Girl. "We felt really safe. Together, we felt impervious to the craziness that swirled around us. We joked about how silly people were and watched movies and ate candy."

"Of course we loved each other, but nothing happened romantically," Brroke explains. "I would be like 'Oh please, knock it off.' He was like this kid who would ask you [about dating and romance]. Nobody was telling him and nurturing this stuff and I think he was terrified. He was terrified and sort of juvenile. I think there was an arrested development."

Still, she notes, "He wanted us to never not be with each other. It wasn't something that people were going to understand. It was so much easier to marginalize it and diminish it." He even gave her a ring to mark their friendship. "It sparkles and you sparkle," she says he told her.

In the end, she says, "We understood that the other person had no agenda. I wasn't trying to get anything from him. We'd go to obscure restaurants and could just sort of commiserate and say 'Aren't people crazy?' "

Jackson took her as his date to Elizabeth Taylor's wedding, and they also shared private jokes on the red carpet.

"I would have this running commentary under my breath that only he heard: 'Five, four, three, two, one and yes, I'd love to sign our autograph!' " she recalls. "I think it made both of us feel like we weren't going through the isolation of being that famous alone."

After his death, Brooke spoke about their bond at his 2009 memorial.

"His mom asked me to speak," she says. "The magnitude of that is unbelievable to me. She just said 'You knew him.' My one concern was her. She was sort of my main focus, and Janet and the kids."

For more of Brooke's bombshells, come back to every day at 3 p.m. ET! And for much more of PEOPLE's exclusive excerpt from Brooke's memoir and her revealing interview, pick up a copy of the newest issue, on newsstands Friday

Source People mag
I think this is an ok story. I guess they're just going to excerpt her romantic life.
It goes along with what they both said thru the years.
But I thought they met at the Academy Awards 1981 and there's only a 7 yr age difference. She had to be 15 right? Or did they meet before.
As a child star forced by her mom, Brooke could relate to MJ in ways others could never understand. I like her comment about folks marginalizing what they can't understand. It's very true.

I spent a couple hours with Brooke once. A production company rented our conference room (worked in an LA highrise) and she was in the production. Rather surreal moment walking into one of our areas and literally bumping into her. But she was stunningly beautiful in person and very sweet and down to earth and spent time between takes talking with us. I was dying to ask about MJ but didn't.
I don't know I find some people make Michael sound so foolish sexually/romantically. He appears to be afraid of sex the way some write. Brooke says he was terrified.... So she was younger than Michael and more sexually aware than him--somewhat like Tatem? The only person who never gave that impression was Diana who after spending a night in the same hotel room as Michael said something like Michael is not gay, and Stephenie Mills never gave that impression either.

From this small excerpt above it seems to me that Michael met 2 women that he lived but they were not interested in him romantically. I hope he was not too crushed by it all..
The engagement ring and the proposal she talked about two years ago are now just a friendship ring. Good.
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I think this is an ok story. I guess they're just going to excerpt her romantic life.
It goes along with what they both said thru the years.

That's how I'm taking it - how she's writing this, it's almost like she's still unsure of how real to be about it with the public.

I mean we all have heard her speak through the years plus everything others have stated even recently Michael and Brooke ( were at Elizabeth's wedding together... and there was another wedding the drummer from Poison said MJ was with his date, possibly Brooke or LMP ... and the wedding dates etc. is not important it's just there's more to it all..and it's cool Michael kept his private life private, that's how it should be, imho - yet it irks my nerves when books, interviews come out, cus it sometimes leaves the general public with a point of view of an asexual or homosexual Michael Jackson and That's not true at all.

I also want to add that if one is asexual bisexual homosexual hertosexual transsexual/transgender etc. that is fine sex doesn't make who you are, yet I don't think anyone wants to be defined by sexual preference, and worst it be a lie. That's not fair, and nor is the world, yet it's not right either.
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Yes, I don't believe the asexual, childlike Michael stuff AT ALL.

I don't know what to make of their friendship/relationship even after all these years. I remember being very grateful for her book on postpartum depression, Down Came the Rain, a few years ago.

I guess I'll always think of her as a girl Michael liked, you know, in the good way. :kiss_hand:
What I don't get is, why does she make such emphasis Michael was terrified of romance if she wasn't interested in him as a boyfriend? I wouldn't surprise me if Brooke in fact used him in the 80's, 90's and even nowadays to keep herself relevant.

She attended Elizabeth's wedding indeed.

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Didn't MJ tell the rabbi there was one occasion when they almost got intimate and he chickened out? Maybe that's what Brooke means by "terrified"?
Who knows who's telling the truth then. When Michael said they were a couple to Oprah she denied it and Brooke has always said there was just friendship. In case Michael didn't lie, you have to remember he was a devoted JW until he was 30, they're raised to think sex is a sin before they get marry.
Who knows who's telling the truth then. When Michael said they were a couple to Oprah she denied it and Brooke has always said there was just friendship. In case Michael didn't lie, you have to remember he was a devoted JW until he was 30, they're raised to think sex is a sin before they get marry.

Michael said they were dating, not that they were a couple. Brooke says the same thing. I don't think you realize what dating actually means. It's not the same as being in a romantic relationship.
respect77;4058958 said:
Didn't MJ tell the rabbi there was one occasion when they almost got intimate and he chickened out? Maybe that's what Brooke means by "terrified"?

From the tapes

krikzil;4058139 said:
From Schmu tapes:

Now Brooke *******, she was one of the loves of my life, we dated a lot. Her pictures were all over my walls and mirrors. I was at the Academy Awards with Diana Ross and she just came up to me and said, Hi, I’m Brooke *******. Are you going to the after party?” I said “Yeah, and I just melted.” I was about twenty-three. . . during Off the Wall. I thought, Does she know [that photographs of her are] all over my room?” So we get to the party and she says, “Would you dance with me?” And we went on the dance floor. And man, we exchanged numbers and I was up all night, spinning around in my room, just so happy. She was classy. We had one encounter when she got real intimate and I chickened out. And I shouldn’t have.
Yes, I don't believe the asexual, childlike Michael stuff AT ALL.

I think Michael was interested in romance and sexuality but he was just extremely shy about it, especially in the 80s. He was afraid of having that level of intimacy with someone but that does not mean he was asexual.

I'm not sure how fans can disagree with this unless you think Michael was lying or didn't know his own feelings. Because Michael spoke about his shyness when it came to romance and intimacy many times. He told Rabbi Schmuley that he could not even ask a woman out to date or have his mother attend his wedding.