Dr. Arnie Klein License will be revoked


Proud Member
Aug 5, 2011
Michael Jackson Doctor
Medical Board Moves
to REVOKE Licenseexclusive

Michael Jackson
's former dermatologist Arnie Klein should NOT be allowed to practice medicine ... so says a CA Medical Board honcho who just filed a request to have Klein's medical license revoked.

The person behind the claim is Linda Whitney -- the Board's Executive Director of Consumer Affairs -- who claims Arnie has refused to undergo mandatory mental and physical examinations, in direct violation of the Board's orders.

Arnie -- one of MJ's closest friends and the doc who prescribed massive quantities of meds for the singer -- was ordered to undergo the examinations following an investigation into an anonymous complaint against the doctor back in 2010, alleging substandard care of two patients.

The patients have not been identified, so it's unclear if one of them was Michael Jackson.

Klein was ordered to submit to mental and physical examinations by June 8 -- but as we previously reported, the doctor refused, demanding to know who's behind the anonymous complaint.

Now, Whitney is asking the Board to pull the plug on his practice.

TMZ spoke with Klein's rep, Joel Douglas, who tells us ... "We're willing to cooperate, we just want to know the reasons behind the investigation. We're optimistic the court will be fair in the matter."
Michael Jackson's dermatologist resists medical board-ordered exams
July 31, 2012 | 11:19 am

A longtime Beverly Hills dermatologist for the late pop star Michael Jackson could lose his medical license after failing to undergo mental and physical evaluations ordered by the state medical board earlier this year.

A July 19 accusation — filed by Linda Whitney, executive director of the medical board — says Dr. Arnold Klein has yet to undergo mental and physical examinations ordered in May 2012. As a result, he is eligible for discipline because he failed to comply and showed unprofessional conduct in doing so, according to the documents.

The Medical Board of California began investigating Klein in February 2010, when an anonymous complaint was filed alleging that the dermatologist had "provided substandard and the inappropriate care and treatment to two patients," according to the document. The patients were not identified.

In May of this year, the board determined there was "reasonable cause" to believe Klein "was unable to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety," and ordered him to undergo the examinations by June 8, the document says. In a May 2 letter to Klein, the board warned the doctor that if he failed to comply within 30 days, he'd risk disciplinary action suspending or revoking his license.

The board set up appointments for Klein with designated physicians, the document said, and informed Klein's attorney of the plans.

Klein has since sued the medical board demanding to see the petition that prompted the investigation. The lawsuit, filed in Sacramento Superior Court on July 10, alleges that Klein and his attorney repeatedly requested the medical board explain why the examinations were ordered and did not receive satisfactory answers.

Klein has "reiterated his willingness to comply with the order," the lawsuit stated, provided he first has "an opportunity to assure that it was in fact lawfully issued and for good reason."

Klein's attorney, Joel Douglas, stressed again Tuesday that his client is willing to cooperate with the state but wants to know the "factual, evidentiary basis" for the mandate. Douglas declined to comment on Klein's health, saying it was "private."
"If there's some basis to say he's not fit, we're happy to look at that. We've got our experts and I'd imagine they have their experts," Douglas said. "But this is about an abuse of authority."

The 67-year-old Klein, whose Beverly Hills practice once earned him the nickname "dermatologist to the stars" for patients including the late King of Pop and Elizabeth Taylor, has experienced a series of setbacks in recent years.

At the 2011 trial of Dr. Conrad Murray, defense attorneys portrayed Klein as an enabler who fueled the singer's addiction with enormous doses of Demerol that had no medical purpose. After Murray's conviction, Klein acknowledged he was under investigation by the state medical board.

Klein is also facing possible imprisonment in ongoing bankruptcy proceedings. A trustee appointed by a U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Los Angeles has asked a judge to find Klein in contempt of court for failing to cooperate with his attempts to track down and sell the doctor’s assets to pay back creditors.

“Incarceration is the appropriate remedy if Dr. Klein remains in willful contempt” of court orders, lawyers for the trustee wrote in a July 2 filing.

Judge Richard Neiter has already given U.S. marshals permission to forcibly enter Klein’s Laguna Beach estate so that it can be prepared for sale. The doctor had refused to provide the trustee with access to the oceanfront property, valued at $12 million, according to court records.

The judge ordered Klein to appear in court next week with keys to the home and two others he owned as well as a list of the locations of a 2001 Ferrari Modena and other luxury vehicles.

Meanwhile, the owners of a Beverly Hills mansion where Klein is living while his Windsor Square residence is repaired are seeking to evict him for failure to pay the $60,000-a-month rent.

Now why the first article adds Michael name even though the patients names were not given. I agree with Klien about the anonymous report and asking to know more about the complaint. Who are these 2 patients that got substandard care? Shouldn't the patients make the report themselves. Why would it be anonymous? This sounds like a claim made my his former lover who is suing him. Anyway Klien's life seem to be out of control based on his rants. He also has an issue with the courts, so I do not know how he is going to turn his life around. From the moment he went on TV talking about Michael and paternity, his life has gone downhill.
Klein posted this today, maybe from his book?:

[h=1]Excerpt from:Michael Jackson, The Truth Will set you Free.[/h] Posted on August 22, 2012 by AWKMD
It should be indicated that Richard Charnley,Brad Boyer,
Muhammad Khilji, Jason Pfeiffer, participated in the illegal release of Michael Jackson’s medical records from my office in a manner such that the dose and frequency of Demerol administration was grossly amplified.
In addiction during the trial of Conrad Murray my attorney Garo Ghazarian never indicated to the Judge or court that I as in Europe almost all of May 2009 and could not have possibly have given Demerol to Mr. Jackson .during this period Furthermore It was never indicated to the court that I would determine the dose of Demerol given Mr Jackson only after consulting with Mark Honzel an addiction specialist and Michael’s internist Allen Metzger.
jrsfan;3694959 said:
Klein posted this today, maybe from his book?:

[h=1]Excerpt from:Michael Jackson, The Truth Will set you Free.[/h] Posted on August 22, 2012 by AWKMD
It should be indicated that Richard Charnley,Brad Boyer,
Muhammad Khilji, Jason Pfeiffer, participated in the illegal release of Michael Jackson’s medical records from my office in a manner such that the dose and frequency of Demerol administration was grossly amplified.
In addiction during the trial of Conrad Murray my attorney Garo Ghazarian never indicated to the Judge or court that I as in Europe almost all of May 2009 and could not have possibly have given Demerol to Mr. Jackson .during this period Furthermore It was never indicated to the court that I would determine the dose of Demerol given Mr Jackson only after consulting with Mark Honzel an addiction specialist and Michael’s internist Allen Metzger.

wtf! typo

I'll volunteer to proof read this darned book.....
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Ok so this is a collage and medical school grad am I right?
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I think Klein is fighting back:[h=1]Howard Weitzman and his best friend Harvey Levin or how you buy tourist buses in LA[/h] Posted on August 25, 2012 by AWKMD
Howard Weitzman and Harvey Levin Part Part 1
While covering the O.J. Simpson case for KCBS-TV in Los Angeles, Levin reported that prosecutor Marcia Clark had entered Simpson’s residence before a search warrant had been executed. When Levin was proven wrong, he attempted to blame his mistake on a technician who “mis-timed” the video’s clock during the editing process, however the original lawyer was Howard Weitzman! His action almost got the case dismissed.

Howard Weitzman and Harvey Levin Part 2
TMZ posted my totally incorrect illegally released medical records of Michael Jackson on TV as the lawyers were settling MJJ’s estate with a Will that is absolutely erroneous. It was signed on 7/7/02 in LA while Mjj, Al Sharpton and I were were in New York and Michael was speaking in Harlem.
Yeah nothing like swinging in the wind. You know your point is even more pointless when you use this guy to try to prove a point
Klein is getting exactly what he deserves for years of enabling MJ and not helping him and for selling him out after his death.. Klein doesn't deserve a medical license
Arnold W. Klein

Arnold W. Klein, M.D. Please read!

The Truth: I was never bankrupt and the embezzlers reported me to the Medical Investigator!

Posted on August 26, 2012 by AWKMD
The Truth is I was never bankrupt but I was embezzled primarily by Muhammad Khilji and Jason Pfeiffer.I reported my huge embezzlement to the Beverly Hills Police, Laguna Beach Police as well as eventually the LAPD. I was then told by 3 bankruptcy attorneys the quickest way to have my case heard was by declaring bankruptcy. Once in bankruptcy court Judge Richard Neiter and my Attorney David Neal( who guaranteed my cases would be swiftly heard) I learned held Stock in Private Bank of California. This is the very same bank through which most of my funds were embezzled. Long before he admitted he held stock In Private Bank of California Judge Neiter bifurcated my case such that after a year and a half not a single adversarial case has been heard. While Neiter should have recused himself he just moved the bankrutcy forward. While I begged my attorneys to do so not a single one has shown the integrity, moral principles and honesty to ask for his recusal. Then based on a totally fraudulent loan (I never signed it, it has the wrong address of my Laguna house, is made by a lawyer I never hired and is based on an illegal attempted sale of my home, ) Judge Neiter appointed a Trustee, Bradly Sharp. My Attorney at the time Peter Lively I later learned was in collusion with the Trustee when together they with held my SSI. When Nieter appointed a Trustee he accused me of living “High on the Hog.” Of all the horrific events that have occurred during this totally insane bankruptcy the verbal racist ridicule directed at me by Judge Richard Neiter is the most vile and painful of them all. According to Jewish law, pork is one of a number of foods forbidden from consumption by Jews. These foods are known as “non-kosher” foods. In order for a meat to be kosher, it must first come from a kosher animal. A kosher animal must be a ruminant and have split hooves therefore cows, sheep, goats and deer are all kosher, whereas camels and pigs (having each only one sign of kashrut) are not kosher.The pig is the only common livestock animal that has split hooves but which is not a ruminant – its external aspect makes it appear kosher, while it is not. During the persecutions of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, the Greeks forced the Jews to slaughter pigs in the Jerusalem temple, which did not improve the image of pork. Moreover, the Roman legion X Fretensis, that undertook the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in 68, had a boar for an emblem, sealing its fate as a symbol of everything contrary to Judaism. Maimonides, the Jewish philosopher and legal codifier, who was also court physician to the Muslim sultan Saladin in the twelfth century, understands the dietary laws chiefly as a means of keeping the body healthy. He argued that the meat of the forbidden animals, birds, and fish is unwholesome and indigestible. According to Maimonides, at first glance, this does not apply to pork, which does not appear to be harmful. Yet, Maimonides observes, the pig is a filthy animal and if swine were used for food, marketplaces and even houses would be dirtier than latrines. Stewart Lee Allen, In” the Devil’s Garden: A Sinful History of Forbidden Food.” relates to the torment of European Jews (by the use of and reference to pigs andpork) by the Catholic Church, particularly during the Spanish Inquisition, right down to Hitler and his Nazis. . During the Bankruptcy hearing when Judge Neiter accused me of “Living high on the Hog” as the son of an Orthodox Rabbi this was singularly the worst verbal insult I have ever experienced. To follow this with his totally unsupported appointment of a Trustee who has gone on to illegally withhold both my critical medication and my living expenses has made me wonder at times if I am not in Auschwitz like Ellie Weisel with the number A-7713 tatooed on my arm. I am Arnold W. Klein, M.D., the doctor who pioneered the entire field of cosmetic dermatology and has raised over $300 million for HIV research. I have raised millions for breast cancer research and I was a member of the group that the discovered the first human gene. I have maintained a successful practice for more than 37 years and will not let this dishonest judge take everything I own and throw me on the streets. Just remember the man who they allowed to embezzle my funds is a Pakistani National who was working in tandem with a Muslim who is head of a group affiliated with Hamas. They were allowed to commit bank fraud. This is exactly why we have banking laws against fraud and how 9/11 and Mumbai were financed! Now if you look at the Website of Private Bank of California you will see among their directors members of a law firm Ziffren, Brittenham, Branca. Yes this is John Branca who signed Michael during the last few days of his life. And this is very same Attorney Mr Jackson fired in 20o2 because of total dishonesty. Regarding reports about me to the Medical Board were do to the actions of Jason Pfeiffer,Muhammad Khilji and David Rish. I have reported them all for violating HIPAA and getting Kimberly Wilson to investigate me based on totally spurious claims regarding my health. If the above was not enough Bradly Sharp the Trustee appointed by Neiter has illegally claimed a painting owned by my corporation with the assistance of the Asst. District Attorney of LA. Also Bradly Sharp and my bankruptcy attorney Peter Lively have illegally withheld my SSI causing an emergency hospitalization While Chartis my insurance company had been paying my alternative living expenses (ALE)which have no limit according to my policy. However, when Bradly Sharp became the Trustee he swiftly fired Jeremy Oscher and caused my ALE to stop. I was forced to move into another residence 70 miles from my office, while my Aunt Helene must live in the apartment over the garage at the So. Windsor home that has yet to be restored from the fire. .However because of electrical problems with no air conditioning the temperature in that apartment has risen to over 100 degrees. The work men, or others, who were up there have also left it total filthy. I now have a 76 year old aunt who cannot remain in this location because of the heat and she is unable to navigate the stairs. Furthermore the Trustee Bradley Sharp has totally halted the rebuilding of my residence at 553 S Windsor Blvd. If this sounds like a terrible tale my work is better than ever and with a few incredible friends like Frank Gehry,John Baldessari, Cher, David Rae, David Geffen and Richard and Laurie Stark. I know their is a light that will lead out of this situation. What they want to stop is the book I have already written. I was close to many people in my life and plan to continue my work until they drag me away. The Book about Michael is done and all the lies they said about me were to prevent me from writing it. He was a gifted genius in the fields of dance, music and performance art but they took advantage of him. They are again trying to take advantage of me again just like Irena Medavoy. Well I have strength and will survive. As per Brian Lourde please don’t blame Carrie just ask her for the truth if you even remember what that is these days? Maybe your dear friends Phillip Frederick Anschutz and his wife Nancy know the answer.
..has made me wonder at times if I am not in Auschwitz like Ellie Weisel with the number A-7713 tatooed on my arm...

Can't even comment on that much insult to those who actually were tortured and died in concentration camps.

That much arrogance in one letter... yikes. If this does not prove mental confusion and serious issues that could indeed jepoardize a patient - I don't know what could.
I fail to understand the why you think we should care about what this loon says?
^ Because he's a conspiracy theorist and "knew" Michael and therefore we should give weight to his stupidity. That is actually what these people believe too, that Arnold is suddenly credible because he believes in all this BS. Except, he only believes this BS to try and deflect attention from him.

I expect his book will be about as intelligible as everything else he says.
Well you know if certain people want to use this fool to prove their point then they deserve all of the ridicule they get. I will take joy and laughing at folks like this
Klein seems to think Branca may be behind his troubles:

[h=1]If you are an Attorney with extensive experience in Elder Abuse contact me in box below[/h] Posted on August 29, 2012 by AWKMD
I have been in bankruptcy court for over 2 years. Now the weird part is that not a single one of my cases has been heard, What happened to “due process of law.” I guess that does not exist in bankruptcy court. Integrity also died long ago in this portion of the legal system and mostly what you run into in the form of lawyers would best be labeled as gypsies, tramps and thieves. Now bankruptcy court is not really a court its more of a club the heads of which could be Robber Barons or Judges. They wear long black robes and I guarantee you they do not dare go out in daylight.Now lets get to the really weird part of my case:
Private Bank of California is the Bank
1)Through which my funds were embezzled
2)The Bank in which my Bankruptcy Judge Richard Neiter has stock.
3) John Branca’s law firm has a large interest
in this bank Who is Branca? The lawyer who oversees the Jackson estate.
Recently a complaint raised by a lender named Davis was a motion to have a trustee appointed because they alleged that a million dollars of my insurance proceeds were unaccounted for. This was totally insane in that this money was paid by Chartis as reimbursement for Alternative Living Expenses for me .Now Judge Neiter or my lawyer should have known that. I did but I am not allowed to speak in Bankruptcy Court. So guess who Judge Neiter listened to Davis who made the complaint. But Davis had a totally illegal loan should not Neiter have known. Well Neiter made a racial slurr and appointed a Trustee.
4) Bradley Sharp
Well a little about Sharp. He is very close to, you guess it, Private Bank of California. And he illegally withheld my medical payments and made by 78 yo aunt homeless. Sounds like a nice man. He also promptly stole a painting of mine being held by the Police valued at $500,000.00
Well here is the final question.Who is Davis? Here is what my criminal complaint says about Davis…..
Dr. Klein has owned a residence at 31025 Pacific Coast Highway in Laguna Beach, California since 1991 the “Laguna Property”). In or around February 2010, Jason Pfeiffer contacted Inge Bunn, a real estate broker who had worked with Dr. Klein for many years. Pfeiffer told Bunn that he was Dr. Klein’s assistant and stated that he would serve as a liaison between Bunn and Dr. Klein. Pfeiffer asked Bunn to preliminary-market the Laguna property as a pocket listing. After a series of telephone calls in the following months, Pfeiffer told Bunn that Dr. Klein’s CPA (note not my CEO or CFO)Muhammad Khilji, a Pakistani National, would be handling the process. Subsequently, Bunn met with Khilji and presented a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) to Khilji. Khilji initially suggested that the Laguna Property be listed for $13 million. On March 25, 2010, Bunn provided Khilji with a Listing Agreement for his review. Although the Listing Agreement was not signed, Khilji instructed Bunn to move forward with having the Laguna Property professionally photographed. The photographs were taken in early April 2010. Pfeiffer and Khilji took extensive steps to conceal their unauthorized attempt to list the Laguna Property from Dr. Klein. Pfeiffer told Bunn to remove any marketing brochures from the Laguna Property because Dr. Klein would be entertaining guests at the home over the weekend. Pfeiffer and Khilji also prohibited Bunn from placing any signage regarding the listing at the property when Klein was there.In June 2010, Khilji emailed Bunn and informed her that Dr. Klein was going through a financial transaction regarding the Laguna Property. Khilji told Bunn that an individual named Loren Thall would be involved in the sale and would receive a 0.5% commission. Khilji also said the property had to be listed in the Multiple Listing Service (MLS). Khilji requested information from Bunn regarding the property’s value and comparative listings. Thall also contacted Bunn about placing the property on the MLS.
On June 4, 2010, Bunn received an email from Khilji stating “we have a consensus on listing price of $11,900,000.” Khilji’s email was also sent to Thall and stated the “[t]hree of us need to work together and make it happen. I know it will take sometime but we should be shooting for March 2011.”
There is a listing agreement dated June 5, 2010 purporting to reflect Dr. Klein’s signature on behalf of the “1995 Klein Arnold W. Trust,” which is not the correct name of the trust that holds Dr. Klein’s Laguna Property. Dr. Klein never signed the listing agreement and had no knowledge that Khilji and Pfeiffer were conspiring to sell his Laguna Property behind his back. Furthmore during this attempted sale more that $100,000.00 worth of art and memorabilia were removed from Klein’s home as well as severe damage to the landscaping by carlessly cutting back the Australian tree ferns and the Jacuzzi was all but destroyed. Furthermore there was an individual who walked on the roof of the Disney room causing severe sudden leaks in the roof causing resulting structural damage. The Current Estimate for repair of the property is close to $400,000.00 exluding the audio video system.. Additionally close to $200,000.00 worth of items are missing from the property.In Association with the attempted sale of Laguna Khilji, Pfeiffer and Thal made a loan on Laguna Beach for 1.5 million Dollars. Please note the Attorney associated with this transaction is Todd Gallinger who Klein never knew existed or hired. Todd Gallinger is the West Coast head of CAIR an organization affiliated with Hamas. Klein would not work with a lawyer from Hamas.The amounts for this loan are 1,500,000,Title Fees and Escrow Charges $499,825,Total Funds Received From Secured Promissory Note from Allen V.C. Davis, Trustee for Dominion.on June 8, 2010 $1,000,175 unused Funds from Secured Promissory Note $44,385, Total Payments Made in June 2010 Not Including Transfers $955,79. Please note the only Place note Inge Bunne questioned why Klein was paying points on this note and the only accurate place this note is signed is on the pages brought to Klein as being a purchase agreement for the new he was purchasing in Rancho Mirage. Dr Klein only discovered this scheme to sell his house at this price when he terminated Khilji and Pfeiffer.
I wonder if Branca can handle all the estate work as he seems to be moonlighting and driving people to bankruptcy, among other things he is said to do:)

I lost my garden spade, I wonder if Branca has something to do with unusual disappearance of the spade?
...mostly what you run into in the form of lawyers would best be labeled as gypsies, tramps and thieves.
...Well Neiter made a racial slurr and appointed a Trustee....

Man, does Klein not know the meaning of 'hypocrisy' - as in racial 'slurring'. :blink:
Romani - thieves, got it, Dr. It probably escapes the Doctor that the Nazis murdered off Sinti and Romani right next to the Jews - apparently it's cool to complain about racial slurs attacking your Jewish identity, but then slur off in this manner, yikes.

...They wear long black robes and I guarantee you they do not dare go out in daylight....
I don't like laughing at people - he needs help. ASAP. His rants are so confused, this jumping from thought to thought literally screams for help.
Another by Klein:scratch::

[h=2]The California Medical Board and Hipaa[/h] Posted on September 11, 2012 by AWKMD
In response to you recent query about David Rish, he together with following two individuals were responsible for the illegal release of confidential medical records . David Rish was my associate and treating dermatologist. He together with my office manager Jason Pfeiffer(report enclosed) and my accountant Muhammad Khilji purposely released exgerrated information on my health in an attempt to prevent me from recovering from a huge financial embezzlement, identity theft and attempted homicide these individuals had perpetrated
. In an attempt to hide the above and destroy my reputation in medicine David Rish (my one time associate), Muhammad Khilji and Jason Pfeiffer violated HIPAA by illegally releasing my personal medical records in a manner such that I was portrayed as an individual physically unable to practice medicine and with severe mental issues. In a further attempt to prevent me from recovering from this financial demise they solicited Kimberly Wilson an investigator for the California Medical board, Harriet Ryan of the “LA Times” as well as Mark Seal a writer for Vanity Fair
Rish, Pfeiffer and Khilji have shared this information with reporters, patients, nurses, office employees as well as the investigator they solicited from the California Board of Medicine. The information they presented is absolutely unsupported by my true medical history but is their vicious attempt to destroy my reputation as well as my ability to practice and fight the embezzlement and identity theft they perpetrated. Furthermore they have even solicited anonymous individuals on the Internet to report to the California Board of Medicine that I have severe mental issues and physical issues that prevent me from practicing;. Rish, Pfeiffer and Khilji have communicated this spurious information to the LA Times, TMZ and various news outlets. Jason Pfeiffer went so far as to establish a public website where he readily solicits individuals to speak to Kimberly Wilson the investigator for the medical board. (See contained documents.) Furthermore David Rish has stolen well over 2000 charts from my office and contacted some of these patients telling them I have retired or was gravely ill.
It should be indicated that Muhammad Khilji, Jason Pfeiffer, participated in the illegal release of Michael Jackson’s medical records from my office in a manner such that the dose and frequency of Demerol administration was grossly amplified.
In addiction during the trial of Conrad Murray my attorney Garo Ghazarian never indicated to the Judge or court that I as in Europe almost all of May 2009 and could not have possibly have given Demerol to Mr. Jackson .during this period Furthermore It was never indicated to the court that I would determine the dose of Demerol given Mr Jackson only after consulting with Mark Honzel an addiction specialist and Michael’s internist Allen Metzger.
Since the total embezzlement I was poorly advised by my then attorney David Neale and entered Bankruptcy Court. I soon learned that both my attorney David Neale and the presiding Judge Richard Neiter hold stock in Private Bank of California,, the major institution through which my funds were embezzled by Muhammad Khilji and Jason Pfeiffer

Although the medical board declined comment on the investigation, sources who have been questioned by the board’s investigator say the probe is wide ranging. Questions (1) range from the possibility that Klein self-prescribed narcotics (2), used false names on narcotics prescriptions (3), illegally handed out samples of dangerous drugs to his famous patients (4), and may have committed gross negligence by practicing while afflicted with multiple sclerosis (5). Klein firmly denies the allegations of ill health, despite an increasing number of reports to the medical board that he does, indeed, have the debilitating disease (6). (Quote)”Diane Diamond
Let me try to address these one by one, but first I must say the manner in which the Kimberly Wilson has talked to the press is a total violation of my civil rights.

1.) The “questions” being “asked” are by Kimberly Wilson and not the California Board of Medicine
a.) Kimberly Wilson, of the California Medical Board, who sent an individual into my office to obtain medical care under false pretenses and paid me with a fraudulent credit card. Her statement to my nurse seven months ago that “I am going to get him,” combined with her recent behavior, strongly indicates her discrimination against me. I refuse to allow Kimberly Wilson to evaluate me as she is guilty of violating my civil rights by releasing private information concerning my health to the media and her associates. Furthermore much of the information she has released is damaging and absolutely false
b.) The individuals who Ms. Wilson chose to talk to have embezzled close to 20 million dollars from me, set up over 20 fraudulent bank accounts, and depleted my retirement fund. In addition, these same individuals attempted to fatally overdose me with coumadin, and while incapacitated, they illegally changed my Will, making themselves executors and removing my entire family as beneficiaries. The individual who wrote the Will is an Attorney, who I never hired, who is a member of Cair…. the US affiliate of Hamas. I am more than willing to share documentation of this with you . Furthermore this is the blog of Jason Pfeiffer wherein he solicits people to complain directly to Kimberly Wilson about me.
c.) http://jasonpfeiffer.blogspot.com/

2.) I have never self-prescribed nor have taken narcotics
except post-operative.

3.) Mickey Fine Pharmacy has been guilty of renewing my prescriptions without calling my treating doctors (and saying I self-prescribed.- the DEA

4.) Mickey Fine was also guilty of giving out-dated narcotics to one of my employees for destruction. Only two people can perform destruction of narcotics in my office, and unfortunately, one employee turned out to be a recovering addict. (Subsequently, this employee died of an unrelated alcohol overdose.)-reported to the DEA
5.) Unfortunately most people do not understand what I do for a living. In essence, I rebuild faces with a needle and fillers, instead of knifes and drills. Is a very arduous procedure that may take multiple visits of 3-5 hours, especially in individuals who have had multiple deforming surgeries or in Mr Jackson’s case over 50 facial surgeries
a.) In 2008, I was chosen as one of the top 10 architects in the world by “L’uomo Vogue.” To date, I still have a vibrant and competitive practice with a choosy clientele who obviously don’t believe I engage in ‘gross negligence’.
b.) With regard to Mr. Jackson’s care, Mr. Jackson’s autopsy clearly indicated he had marks consistent with a skin popping administration of drugs during the last 2-3 weeks of his life. I have never administered Propofol to Mr. Jackson (it was Dr. Hoefflin Murray, and others.)
c.)With regard to the Demoral issue, I was not the physician administering Demerol to Mr. Jackson in May 2009. (It was Dr. David Rish and Dr. Illya Reyter, who, if anyone, should be called if this investigation involves Mr. Jackson. (I never cleared their treatment of Mr. Jackson.)
6.) I do not have a debilitating disease. For Ms. Wilson to state that I, or every person who has MS, cannot practice medicine indicates her total misunderstanding of MS. Furthermore this is clearly information she has received from Muhammad Khilji, Jason Pfeiffer and David Rish. Who have spread this rumour. Having developed the use of botulinum toxin for the treatment of MS, one must understand that there are several types, such as relapsing-remitting, primary progressive secondary progressive and progressive relapsing. I have abided by my brilliant personal physician’s recommendations and treatments, and remain fully functional and the best there is at what I do. With all due respect to millions of functional people with this disease Dr Arnold Klein does not have MS.. Ms. Wilson should never second-guess medicine. Remember, even Lou Gehrig did not have Lou Gehrig’s Disease.

7.) In regard to the Demerol I used it with Mr Jackson because of the available narcotic analgesics it is the least addiciting working more centrally then on the peripheral receptors for narcotics. To tolerate my work on his face it did require a certain degree of analgesia . Every single treatment I used was discussed and cleared with Mark Honzel an addiction specialist as well as his internest Allen Metzger.
8) Be aware that I currently am suing Dr Steven Hoefflin who had a cease a desist order against him issued by Michael Jackson For Mrs Jackson to allow Hoefflin to speak about me is criminal in that it violates the cease and desist order placed on him by Michael Jackson himself.
As has been published “Following Jackson’s death, Hoefflin again began exhibiting erratic behavior in conjunction with his work on behalf of the Jackson family. Specifically, last week, after Jackson’s attorney, Londell McMillan, apparently didn’t take his advice to ban Jackson’s ex-wife Debbie Rowe from ever seeing the children during the recent custody hearing, Hoefflin blasted out a three-page confrontational letter to McMillan. He expressed his displeasure that his phone calls were not being returned, he accused the attorney of grandstanding and conflicts of interest. He ominously warns McMillan, “If you don’t take me seriously in my desire to protect the best interests of Katherine and the children, then please immediately step into the ring with me.” He again mentions his “well-known genius IQ” and says, “I would just love to litigate with you, both in court and in the public media.”
Hoefflin has previously been on the receiving end of serious allegations. In a lawsuit filed in 1996, four of Hoefflin’s administrative and medical staff from his Santa Monica, California-based surgical center sued for sexual harassment. The women claimed the doctor fondled and made disparaging remarks about the genitals of several of his celebrity patients while they were under anesthesia, that he anesthetized patients and then billed them for procedures he didn’t perform such as Mr Jackson. Hoefflin would put Mr Jackson to sleep with Propofol, turn the clocks forward then wake him up. Also the amount of Propofol Hoefflin used on Jackson frightened the individuals at his surgicenter. Hoeffflin sent some of his favorites patients home with goodie bags of syringes filled with Demerol. The suit also said that the DEA also investigated Hoefflin—if true, no charges were ever filed—and alleged that Hoefflin “began to exhibit huge character and mood swings because of drug abuse and the effects of his lifestyle choices.”
While Hoefflin claims the case ended with him receiving “a substantial amount of money,” court papers filed in a related case maintain the women each received $42,500 in compensation.
And did Hoefflin, Jackson’s first plastic surgeon, ever give Michael Jackson Demerol, or narcotics? “Well, yes, but only in the hospital,” he said, and only after surgeries. He firmly maintained he never overprescribed drugs to Michael Jackson.
The book Hoefflin should probably be worried about is the LAPD’s. According to an LAPD source familiar with the incidents involving Hoefflin, investigators have taken notice of the plastic surgeon’s recent missives, including the comments about McMillan. “Next time he goes off the deep end,” a police source told me, “he won’t be on a 72-hour [psychiatric] hold. We’ll make sure he’s held for a significant period of time.” Hoefflin use to tour with Jackson

For the above reasons and more, I’m sure you can understand and appreciate that I deeply resent the destructive and purposely hurtful manner the Medical Board investigator Kimberly Wilson has participated in this unsubstantiated witch-hunt. Furthermore, as an out spoken critic of the FDA I wonder who wants me not to be heard. Obviously I know a great deal about the issues surrounding Michael Jackson’s death. These people are certainly frightened about what I know !
Arnold W. Klein, MD Professor of Medicine and Dermatology David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Klein Chair in Dermatology David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Retired Professor of Dermatology Stanford Medical School
Visiting Professor of Dermatology Harvard Medical School
Consultant to the General and Plastic Surgery Devices Panel of the FDA( Currently
working with the Criminal Investigators of the FDA
“Doctor Klein is a brilliant physician and a amazing artist”
-Larry Ellison
This quack is coco for coco puffs. Don't just revoke his license, lock him up in the psych ward.
Just looking at this article, without even reading, gives me a headache. The man needs mental treatment urgently.
Klein is nuts and so is Hoefflin. How and why did MJ go to these fools?

[h=1]illegally withholding medication : How to get rid of a doctor who knows too much about the death of Michael Jackson.[/h] Posted on September 18, 2012 by AWKMD
As you might not know I am 67 year old very highly respected physician who is recognized for founding the field of cosmetic dermatology, raising over $300 million for AIDS Research, millions for breast cancer. Also I was involved in the discovery of the first human gene. Additionally I developed many of the therapeutic use of botulinum toxin in neurologic diseases and funded the work that found protease inhibitors which changed the face of AIDS. All this and not a single law enforcement agency or lawyer I contacted or hired responded to my reports of Elder Abuse, Fraud, Identity theft and embezzlement as is required by law. Furthermore as I said I presently feel like a nursing home captive of a ruthless trustee who has discontinued my vital medication waiting for me to expire so he can take possession of everything for which I worked my entire life! From the enclose documents you can see that the lack of action by law enforcement and faulty advice from lawyers caused me to seek protection in bankruptcy court. Reports were made to:
1)The Beverly Hills Police
2)The Laguna Beach Police and most recently
3) Police Officer Don Hrycyk (Art Cop)
4) Palm Springs PD
What concerns me most is the recent total mishandling of my situation by Officer Hrycyk of the LAPD. As Officer Hrycyk was well aware I had spent over 100 hours and close to $10,00.00 attempting to retrieve a painting “American Jesus”by David LaChapelle after it was stolen. David had given me this painting for services rendered. Not only did I show the officer a receipt that clearly indicated my medical corporation owned this painting, I also showed him a notice that this painting was sent by my insurer Chartis to Mr LaChapelle for repair after a severe house fire which almost took my life as well as the lives of my entire family .David Lachapelle had refused to return the painting even though the painting was valued at $500,000.00 and the repair was merely $4000.00. I made Officer Hrycyk well aware that Chartis insurance had refused to deal with Mr LaChapelle’s theft of my painting as as well as almost all the damage to the art, furnishings and residence at 553 S. Windsor ( for which I am totally insured and they are the responsible to pay.) I showed Officer Hrycyk reports in regard to
the theft, embezzlement, predatory lending, attempted homicide, identity theft and fraud that had occurred due to the behavior of my accountant, Muhammad Khilji, and my office manager, Jason Roger Pfeiffer. I showed Officer Hrycyk reports of how my my investment accounts were raided, bank accounts were opened in my name without my knowledge and then pilfered and how my assets were jeopardized. As I discussed with Officer Hrycyk multiple documents were forged, altered or signed under false pretenses. Furthermore, as outlined in the complaint this was compounded by the revelation that several financial and banking institutions failed to exercise due care in connection with my accounts. I had filed this with the Beverly Hills Police and Laguna Police and explained to him this is a very serious example of elder abuse covered by the Elder Abuse Theft/embezzlement law (AB 129 Blumenthal.) Subsequently Mr. Hrycyk retrieved my painting then told me he had to hold this painting to discuss this situation with the District Attorney of LA. I assumed he was going to discuss the criminal acts that had resulted in me seeking protection in bankruptcy court as well as the Elder Abuse. Instead Officer Hrycyk illegally released my corporate property (the painting) to the trustee (Bradley Sharp) who has absolutely no right to claim ownership of any corporate items:
1) This painting is owned by my corporatatiom and is not personal property. . Mr. Hrycyk has assisted in the theft of my property and has committed a serious felony by giving this to the Trustee of my personal estate
2) The trustee and my bankruptcy attorney
have illegally withheld my SSI(Social Security) causing an emergency
hospitalization . My Blood pressure went to high I could have had a stroke which is what they wanted I am sure. furthermore the Trustee is holding proceeds from a Bonhams sale of at least 150,000.00 of which the majority were corporate Items( A Bentley owned by Cher and a Painting of Elizabeth Taylor by Vik Muniz. I need to these funds to buy medication for mysel and office supplies. Furthermore Bonham’s an auction house you should never trust sold two my items at over 100,00 under reserve.
3) Chartis my insurance company has committed serious insurance fraud of
by refusing to cover my alternative living
expenses (ALE) which have no limit according
to my policy,Furthermore Bradley Sharp has
been active in this eviction process. He must cease
this at once and Chartis must continue my ale
4)lead contamination(of which I warned Chartis in
November of 2010) has totally halted the
rebuilding of my residence at 553 S Windsor Blvd.
However this is in truth ridiculous…..Lead contamination can easily be
cleaned in one area in two days.My residence
is a very significant historic building in
Los Angeles once occupied by the Wrigley family.
Though my art ,furnishings and home are
covered totally by insurance to an amount
close to $20 million dollars Chartis has continually refused to pay for structural
repair, payment of the totally destroyed art ,
furnishings ( $4 million dollars if not more)
payment for an architect and payment
for an engineer. Windsor Square is a Los Angeles
historic overlay zone and buildings must be kept in
line with the area. My great concern is Bradley Sharp
wants to turn my home into a Levittown-like \
house.. Furthermore many of the items in the
house were gifts services rendered which I will
refer to again. In regard to art and decor I
frequently trade for services rendered,
The $300,000.00 stereo system in my Windsor
house was a gift from Michael Jackson.
4) Bradley Sharp the trustee has also illegally attempted to pilfer primarily corporate possessions from the recent auction held at Bonham’s auction This sale contained many extremely expensive and uniques items which are totally unaccounted for
These include:
1)A mask of Brook Shields by Robert Graham $60,000.00
2)A walking-stick owned by Hallie Selassie given to me by Michael Jackson $200,000.00
3)A Maquette of Michael and Bubbles by Jeff Koons $400,000.00
4)Feathered Masks from Paris, Prince and Blanket
I would feel a total accounting of the items from this auction is necessay and those items owned by the corporation returned to me
5)As I now know I was ill advised
after the state did not respond to my initial reports
of elder abuse to seek protection in bankruptcy court.
Since entering Bankruptcy Court I once again experienced Elder Abuse in that both Judge Richard Neiter and my personal Attorney David Neale hold stock in Private Bank of California, which is the venue through which most of my funds have been embezzled. From the power of Attorney documents it is obvious the accounts at this bank were opened illegally without my signature or a notary. Furthermore an evaluation of Private Bank of California’s Behavior clearly shows bank fraud and the purchase of Private Bank by another financial institution is currently under investigation. In bankruptcy court Judge Neiter is required by Federal Judicial Guidlines to recuse himself.. What he did was far worse. Instead he failed at first to admit he had stock in Private Bank and swiftly appointed a trustee without one of my adversarial cases ever being heard. According to Federal Law in 1994, the U.S. Supreme Court held that “Disqualification is required if an objective observer would entertain reasonable questions about the judge’s impartiality.”
Finally, Muhammad Khilji and Jason Pfeiffer who
1) pilfered my retirement funds of over 6 million dollars
2) made clearly fraudulent predatory loans on my homes in Los Angeles and Laguna Beach
3) forged settlements with drug companies for which I did
4)Stole art and memorabilia from my homes
5) Opened accounts at Excel Bank, Private Bank of California and removed massive amounts of money from these accounts.
6) illegally withdrew money from City National Bank as well as made loans there.
7) Attempted to kill me by overdosing me on Coumadin
Illegally changed my will with Attorney Todd Gallinger.Gallinger who is the West Coast head of CAIR (Council oo American Islamic Relationships) which is a Muslim Brotherhood affiliate related to Hamas.
Contrary to what you read in Vanity Evil this is a massive example of Elder Abuse which has was never been properly addressed by the authorities. It in reality requires immediate attention by the State of California.
while the trustee wants to use an art appraiser who list her main occupation as housewide this can and will not happen. Many of the art and furnishings are owned by corporation ev were traded for services rendered. These are not available for sale. These include items by:
1)John Baldessari
2)Herb R. Ritts
3)Robert Mapplethorpe
4)Michael Taylor
5)Roy Lichtenstein
6Guy and Laddie Dill
7)Steve Meisel
8)Bruce Webber
9)Elsworth Kelly
10)Angelo Dongia
11) Frank Gehry
12) Ann Miller(Indian and Pre-Columbian pieces)
13)Jean-Michel Basquiat
14) Michael Jackson
15)Eizabeth Taylor(Matisse.Manet)
16) Gianni Versace
9) even though i have sold one car owned by my corporation I fail to see why i must sell another. Also I have firm evidence that Jason and Muhanmad stole two of my cars.
10)In regard to the Laguna Beach property I have had over $400,000.00 worth of Claims with Chartis.This includes damage to the structure. The Trustee is now trying to sell this house. Furthermore the realtor they chose has listed my Laguna home at 8.5 million dollars which is at least 1.5 -2 million dollars below market value.
If you review the current Elder Abuse law as it stands in California and recent laws Governor Brown sponsored on Predatory lending the are all directed at stopping what i am experiencing.
Finally wth the vast number of lawyers,judges and trustees with an interest in Private Bank of California and the ridiculous manner in which my case was bifurcated the thought of Rico is real.. In that President Obama was very well aware of the illegal behavior of Private Bank of California one wonders why he did not act. As a final note John Branca’s law firm(The lawyer who controls the Jackson Estate) occupies two seats on the board of directors of Private Bank
Enough Said. Arnold Klein MD

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When will he stop?

Well he will probably keep on posting stuff forever but then there's the reality. He's not being helpful in the bankruptcy proceedings as well as he's not communicating with his lawyers on the other lawsuits he had filed. A lot of lawyers are leaving him after a few months. As he hasn't turned over the keys to some of his houses , cars and art to be sold to cover his debt, he is facing the threat of contempt of court and being sent to jail. It seems like when the judge's patience runs he will order the trustee to take over and manage the bankruptcy with no input from Klein and they will most likely to dismiss and/or settle lawsuits as they can't Klein to provide anything to them.

As of now Klein is nothing but a man who makes these claims online and at legal documents but he never provides any proof of follows through. He's just rambling.
Good luck with AEG lawyers for trying to get any rational thought out of Klien.