Dreams about MJ! (Merged)

Michael was in my dreams last night. I was like in a upstairs in a room, he was standing in the doorway and he was telling me something ( i cant remember what excatly it was) He was looking like the way he did in the bad era and the next thing i know , im in the lounge room/kitchen room with my mum and bro. Im standing by the bench and something on the bench moved towards me and i turned to my bro and said "michael 's here...hes saying goodbye" :(
:woohoo: I had a MUCH BETTER dream about him last night. He must've heard me bitching and moaning in the last post. :p

I met him in a church, and he sat next to me, pulled out a piece of paper out of his pocket, and started to sing to me!! The song was written all about me, too!!! :wub: He looked like he looked around the Thriller era, but a little lighter-skinned. Probably when the vitiligo was first showing. Of course, I wanted to make love to him after that, hehehe... but he just all of a sudden disappeared, and I couldn't find him anywhere. Oh well... I'm sure he's extremely busy messaging other loved ones and fans in their dreams, and had to go. Love you, Michael! :D
:woohoo: I had a MUCH BETTER dream about him last night. He must've heard me bitching and moaning in the last post. :p

I met him in a church, and he sat next to me, pulled out a piece of paper out of his pocket, and started to sing to me!! The song was written all about me, too!!! :wub: He looked like he looked around the Thriller era, but a little lighter-skinned. Probably when the vitiligo was first showing. Of course, I wanted to make love to him after that, hehehe... but he just all of a sudden disappeared, and I couldn't find him anywhere. Oh well... I'm sure he's extremely busy messaging other loved ones and fans in their dreams, and had to go. Love you, Michael! :D

Michael did say that all children have their own song! Not that you are a child, but I bet that we retain our songs even as we grow older.

Do you remember how the song went?!
Its not fair!! I want an MJ dream to!! Everynight before i go to sleep i think to myself please let me have an MJ dream to toight.... but nothing
Michael did say that all children have their own song! Not that you are a child, but I bet that we retain our songs even as we grow older.

Do you remember how the song went?!

Really? Whoah!

GGGrrrrr... I don't exactly remember what the song was about, but I just know that it made me feel so loved. There was a hint of him making me feel sexy, too, hehehe.... but like I said... he disappeared right after singing the song, so he was definitely not trying to be sexual towards me or anything. Just letting me know that I was special to him. AMAZING.
This morning I dreamt that there was some weird thing going on with tickets, like in order to actually get your tickets (either from Ticketmaster or Viagogo) you had to go to some box office location with some kind of PIN/password and even then it wouldn't be guaranteed you'd get your original seats. Like just because you had bought and paid for BK 112 doesn't mean you're actually going to get BK 112. You might get stuck in the balcony instead. Agh! :no: So it was like trying to be in line, hoping for tickets all over again!

This sounds like what happened with the memorial tickets.
I've had a few recently, technically last night's makes 4 even though last night's didn't have Michael actually in it though.
It started off that I was trying out for cheerleading for some reason even though I haven't been in high school for almost 5 years and the coach was an ex-employer. Anyways, we were doing something and Joe Jackson appeared to talk about something, he was giving a speech about something. Then my ex-co worker asked if anyone had anything else to add to which I raised my hand and stood up to walk up to this microphone to say what I had to. I told them that "I dance because I love to do it no matter who says what and Michael was my biggest idol and inspiration since I was 5 even though a lot of you think he did bad things or wasn't a good person. He was the best thing in my life and I miss him like crazy." Then I broke down into tears in which Joe Jackson walked over to me to give me a hug and told me that "it's ok". It was weird since I haven't cried that hard for him in a while but I don't know it was like some kind of release as well when I woke up or something.
Really? Whoah!

GGGrrrrr... I don't exactly remember what the song was about, but I just know that it made me feel so loved. There was a hint of him making me feel sexy, too, hehehe.... but like I said... he disappeared right after singing the song, so he was definitely not trying to be sexual towards me or anything. Just letting me know that I was special to him. AMAZING.

Lucky! I wish Michael would sing to me. :) And yes he said that but I can't remember where!
Had such a great dream this morning :) We went to an MJ concert in Denver (why Denver? who knows, but that is the place I saw him in '88). The concert was outdoors in a small venue and for some reason all the chairs had been put in backwards, facing away from the stage so we missed the beginning!

We were about 10 rows from the stage, my husband sitting on the center aisle seat. Michael was simply gorgeous, looking like Bad era, wearing the Bad outfit. The crowd was surprisingly calm. I mean they were dancing and singing and enjoying themselves, but not freaking out and screaming "Michael!", lol. At one point he walked out into the audience and no one even moved toward him, lol! He was singing, walking out from the stage and touched my hubby's shoulder! I was so jealous!!

Later, after a couple more songs he again came out into the audience and said something about how he wanted to pick one girl. Oooo!!! Me! Meeee!!!!!!!! I got his attention (told you the crowd was calm :cheeky:) and he had me come out into the aisle with him. :wild: OMG, I almost fainted. He asked my name and then took my hand! Ah! Held my hand! :swoon: He was so sweet, ahhhh! And did I say gorgeous??! And then he said he'd sing a song for me, any of his songs, which song did I want him to sing?

:swoon: : faints : (ok, not really, but close!)

My mind went blank. There are so many songs! He looked like he was about to just pick one for me, since I wasn't responding, lol. Then I blurted out "Speechless". OMG, and he sang right to me, while still holding my hand, "Your love is magical..." I think I almost died...:wub:

Then the concert was over and I insisted that we try to see him at the hotel and even resort to following him around the next day while he was still in Denver, like if went shopping or anywhere..... because I knew he was already dead for real or would be soon and this was our last chance... :mello:
I met him in a church, and he sat next to me, pulled out a piece of paper out of his pocket, and started to sing to me!! The song was written all about me, too!!! :wub:
LOL! Crazy that we both had dreams about him singing to us! :yes: (In mine I chose the song he would sing to me. I picked Speechless.)
Lucky! I wish Michael would sing to me. :) And yes he said that but I can't remember where!

LOL! Crazy that we both had dreams about him singing to us! :yes: (In mine I chose the song he would sing to me. I picked Speechless.)

Now I want to know where and when he said this... because I had no idea. God, I wish I remember how the song went (you know how dreams are :() ... I just know that in the dream the song he was singing was especially written for me. The other details are blurry, but I remember that I was really sad that he left so soon. But I woke up so happy and I was singing, too! I'd say waking up today was the happiest moment I've had since he died. This is freaky. :scratch:
I've had at least 3 dreams since MJ died starting since a couple of weeks ago. I had never had a dream about him before until now. I can only remember two so far, but I think I've had more. I just can't remember them.

Before the first dream though I want to note I really wanted to have a MJ dream and have him sing "Human Nature" because it's my favorite song of his. This has never worked before for me (wanting to dream something and then it actually happens, but this time it did). This was how the first dream went (it's kind of weird)

First Michael Jackson was teaching a science class I was in, but I can't remember details. But then I was standing with a blond woman watching a TV with this reality show on. We were supposed to be participating in the show, but I guess we forgot. I saw that Michael was there on the show though, so I went to go to the studios to try to find it. I found it and sat in the audience watching, but at that time the show was over, but everyone was still on stage. Michael was wearing shades and looked as he did in recent years. A black woman in the front row wanted to ask Michael something so she went up on stage. She asked him how would she be able to meet him. He said “Ten lessons” and then whispered something in her ear that I couldn't hear. Then he started singing “Human Nature.” After that he said to the audience, “I'm going to Knott's Berry Farm so I'm packing an early lunch.” I decided I wanted to go to Knott's Berry Farm then to try to find him, but that was the end.

Yeah, so that was a weird one, but a couple of nights later I had another MJ dream, and this one was cooler. Before I went to sleep I was actually trying to do the hat tilt thing he does in his "Smooth Criminal" video, but of course I completely fail at it lol. So this was the dream I had that night

I got lost in this building and I saw Michael in an empty room that looked like a warehouse. He was wearing his "Smooth Criminal" outfit. He was also with some other guys. I think they were dancers. He showed me some things he does with his fedora, and then he helped me try it out. Then afterward he said "I'm going to Harlan."

It was the coolest thing ever and made me so happy remembering it. It was as though he just came in my dream to help me do the hat tilt right. I mean I don't know what I believe personally, but I'm certainly a spiritual person. I like to think he's still around in spirit watching over everyone. I feel that he is still here. I don't know how to describe it. I like to talk to him sometimes when I'm alone, hoping he's listening.
I had another dream.

Last night before I fell asleep I daydreamed about spending time with Michael. We were watching a movie and eating popcorn together but we got pretty bored so I started a popcorn fight. I stole the bowl and ran with it. He tackled me and pined me down on the couch. Then we consummated our love with a suspenseful kiss LOL.

So I guess going to sleep with Michael on my mind created this dream:

Michael decided he was going to take me to Paul McCartney's concert because he knew I wanted to go so badly. But first we had to go to football game... I have no idea why. I loathe football but I didn't care because obviously I was psyched that I got to meet and spend time with Michael! We watched the game together and we really enjoyed ourselves. I actually enjoyed the game too.

Then the next day was Paul's concert. I tried to hide my crush for Paul in front of Michael because I figured it would lessen my chance to be with Michael haha. Nevertheless, I got to meet Paul after the show and nearly fainted when we shook hands because he's so farking sexy! even at his ripe old age.

Oh, and for some reason there was no paparazzi hounding Michael which made the whole thing possible lol.
The day before he died I had this strange dream that my dead sister who died before mymother gave birth, came to me and said that i had to allways smile even though what happend to me! and right after, I ran into Michael and he had his curls, and was huggin me
Alright, this past Thursday afternoon, I drifted into a nap and I had a disturbing dream. It's the 3rd MJ-related dream I've had since he passed. I can't remember all of it because it felt kind of fragmented. Long story short, he was murdered in my dream. He looked like he did in '88 or '89. All I remember was that I was suppose to meet him and before I got the chance to, he was killed. Then, that's when the supernatural elements started to kick in. All I remember was his ghost contacted me, like he had unfinished business, and he needed my help. It felt similar to the movie Ghost where Patrick Swayze's character Sam contacted Whoopi Goldberg's character Ola May for help. Michael wanted me to find his murder(s) and that's what I was trying to do for the rest of the dream. I heard his song "One More Chance" playing in my dream, and then I woke up. It was emotionally disturbing; my eyes got watery. I was like, "What the hell?!".
I had a dream this morning about seeing some leaked rehearsal footage.

I was at some woman's house (don't know who) and she told me nonchalantly that she had just downloaded some unseen rehearsal stuff, but it was in the wrong format or aspect ratio or something. I told her I didn't care, I might be able to fix it, so she told me where to find it on her computer. "There are four files," she said. "The first one is Break of Dawn."

I found the files (loaded in a program with multiple frames in one window ... perhaps like a torrent software?) and clicked on the first one. It was a black and white image and not good quality, but it was Michael! He was wearing the same suit he had on in the already-released footage of TDCAU. Two male dancers were to his sides and a ways behind him. He was singing Break of Dawn... LIVE :) I felt happy and excited to be seeing and hearing this.

THEN... it felt like something was on my lip, a buzzing on my lip... I half woke up... then the feeling of a big bug on my hand next to my face.... Agh! I woke up completely. It was a bee! (I mean for real). A freakin' bee got in through the window and was on me and woke me up. And right at the point when I had just started to watch the footage. Aghghghghgh!!!!
I had a dream this morning about seeing some leaked rehearsal footage.

I was at some woman's house (don't know who) and she told me nonchalantly that she had just downloaded some unseen rehearsal stuff, but it was in the wrong format or aspect ratio or something. I told her I didn't care, I might be able to fix it, so she told me where to find it on her computer. "There are four files," she said. "The first one is Break of Dawn."

I found the files (loaded in a program with multiple frames in one window ... perhaps like a torrent software?) and clicked on the first one. It was a black and white image and not good quality, but it was Michael! He was wearing the same suit he had on in the already-released footage of TDCAU. Two male dancers were to his sides and a ways behind him. He was singing Break of Dawn... LIVE :) I felt happy and excited to be seeing and hearing this.

THEN... it felt like something was on my lip, a buzzing on my lip... I half woke up... then the feeling of a big bug on my hand next to my face.... Agh! I woke up completely. It was a bee! (I mean for real). A freakin' bee got in through the window and was on me and woke me up. And right at the point when I had just started to watch the footage. Aghghghghgh!!!!

Wow, Break of Dawn live? I'm trying to imagine who he's become the "physical embodiment" of THAT song!

Stupid bee!
I had a MJ dream last night, I should have posted this earlier when I remembered more.

It was at his house (it was a generic house) and he where in a pool. At one point Michael had a red shirt on but later on it was off later on. I kinda pissed Michael off at one point, he seem to be in what looked like a office and I poked my head in the window and yelled "Hey Michael!". um... that is as much as I remember. Oh it was Dangerous era Michael I think.
Somewhere in my dream last night i was doing the Thriller dance lol

the night before i dreamt that I was in this house and a few people were in this room and then MJ walked in and it was old school MJ with curls and a mask and he was like "no no i dont want pictures" so left the room...
then a while later came back in but was small enough i picked him up (lol!!) and then saw on his arms and legs that Vitilago (not sure of the spelling)
he was so tiny and cute!

I also dreamt just after the memorial that i looked inside that coffin.... didnt like that one
Sooo brace yourself cause this is pretty long. LMAO and it's tiny for a reason to make it less bulky-ish. Anywhos, I woke up this morning very early like 8:50 (yeah lately I wake up looking at the clock which is so weird), but I had this amazing dream! o.o I grabbed my notebook that was in my drawer by my bed and started writing things so I can remember it. xD I was struggling throughout the dream to remember stuff, particularly this one quote that was so simple, but had meaning. Now I don't remember it. But I remember the rest. One of the 1st things I remember I was at the rehearsals (this is my second time having a dream about them) :mellow: :lol: And I was like in the back part of the stage this time (like where the musicians are, it was dark where we were, but only because the spotlight were on Michael & the dancers) where I can see them dancing in front of me, but kind of up a little bit so I can see everything, so I guess I was standing on sumthin' like speakers lol. o_O It looked like the Staples place, but it was bigger. It had blue seats, there was some decoration on the front of the stage where I can't really see, but it was red. It was Michael from this era, who was in the middle of his dancers which were in a circle. Michael was wearing a black top hat, and black pants, and what seem to be like the white SC jacket, but it was a black armband. Song started, it was Money, I felt all giddy :happy: and they all started dancing, moving there shoulders, halfway through the song Michael gets ready to do something. Run runs down this ramp thingy that was in the front of the stage at fulll speed and then goes down the round bowl thing that was built into the floor. Like those things you see in skate parks, but it smaller, and it was white. He started doing cartwheels on the side of the bowl o_O over some dancers that was inside standing at attention on the 'sides'. Once he was done the music stopped, he got up on the stage again walking crew clapping, him smiling. :blush: I just felt myself with my mouth wide open. o_o LIKEOMG HE'S SOME GYMNIST OR SOMETHING. :toofunny: Then the dream went into another part where it had nothing to do with MJ... (don't you just hate it when dreams go off suddenly? :hysterical:)

Well this part is kinna uhm... you'll see. :mellow: This time I was on the side of the stage, probably in some upper seat, but close enough to see him and the dancers. He was wearing the same outfit as you see in the TII photo of the words TII behind him. Well, he was sitting on some red velvet beanbag thingy :blink: in the center of the stage. Behind him was this very decorative throne, no one was sitting in it, I guess whoever was supposed to was not there for the session, a woman. Anyway his dancers were on the other side of the throne just watching Michael... so it was there que to dance. The music started, and it wasnt a Michael song this time. :hysterical: I was confused so I listened closely while I was watching what was going on, and it was like the song "It's getting hot in here" mixed with "Outrageous" the most randomest things ever. O_O and I'm wondering what's gonna happen. I figured this was an interlude or something?! Michael starts chest poppin' to the beat, dancers do their own thing... Michael then turns around so his back is facing the audience seats, stands up, put on leg on the bean bag, and starts doing his usual thrusting thing he does with one foot in front of the throne thing. And I'm like OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG saying that over and over. I couldn't stop giggling, and Michael looked so serious.
This lil bathtub prop thing came out on stage and he did the same thing to it, dancing around it. o_O The crew was laughing and clapping and whistling at him, high-fiving each other once it was over. Talk about CONFUSION LOL. THEN... it goes off into another dream... it had something to do with Michael but he wasn't there. It seemed like I was at this field in Neverland by a small wooden bench, chair & table that's covered over by a tree. The sun was shining low, looked like it was morning sunrise. It had a calm feeling to it. This is wear the quote came into my mind but I forgot it. >: | I tried hard to remember it... but as the dreams went on it slipped away. But I think it was something about how Michael is ok now. On the bench was kids drawings of stick figures, my mom was there with me all of a sudden O_O pointing to one part of the bench saying that is my drawing, which I have no knowledge of. :lol: I looked around the place, skies were light bue, the morning sun rays golden... it was peaceful. Then my dream went into another dream again where it had nothing to do with Michael this time. :hysterical:

BUT I think I should stop now cause this is long, so I will post the continatuation later when someone else posts. :hysterical: But I had to get this out, I don't have good dreams much these days, and this really made me wake up pretty cheerful. :)
Gaah I'm amazed I remember all this, except one measly quote. AUGH! lol

EDIT: I'll just post it it's short... Now heading to another part of the dream where THIS TIME has something to do with him, I was at my house. I was coming to my room, and went infront of my computer. I bent down to the tower to open up the cd drive, and there I was, my hand putting in a red CD that had the words "THIS IS IT AUDITIONS" in that fancy font of TII. (I'm assuming it was the This Is It Audition DVD. O_O) Then I got up to look at the screen to watch it, I remember a couple things from watching it but it was so quick and it was a blur too, then that's where my dream ended, lol. :( But omg... seeing Michael rehearse, everyone in such good moods, in his Neverland feeling all happy and tranquil... it was an interesting and long dream that I woke up wide awake and smiling looking at the clock. :lol:
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Wednesday morning I woke up early having dreamt that I had 3 really long audio files of Michael talking. I'd been listening to him talking and talking all night while I slept. Unfortunately, I have no idea what he said, lol.

Thursday morning I dreamt I had 3 VOB (DVD video) files. Michael was upset about the 2nd one and really wanting me not even to watch the 3rd one, like he was angry about what it said, or rather sad by it and lies in it. He said like, "Ohhh, don't watch that, please." I told him that I know I won't be able to resist watching things, if for nothing more than just to see him, hoping there may be something I haven't seen before. I also said I'm not so stupid to just believe everything, don't worry! I question things. Just because it says it in this file does not mean I'll believe it. In any case, nothing that could be said would ever change my love for him or take away all the memories. I was trying to reassure him of this a lot.

This morning (Saturday), I didn't want to get up and so I fell back asleep thinking of Michael and had the following dream. I was in a hotel in Germany. Michael was there (with Debbie too, I think) and little Prince and Paris, like from years ago. The press was there and were saying just terrible things about him. I was really pissed off about these jerks. Then at some point Michael was doing something along the front windows (we were putting something up on the windows or something? weird). I talked to him, telling him that he was going to die and I had to do what I could to prevent it. He didn't seem to believe me. (In the dream he was to die THAT night.) I begged him, telling him how important he was, how much I love him, how much we love him, that he can't... I tried to explain about Diprivan and other things. He looked shocked, like, "How do you know about that???" But still it's like he didn't really believe me. I think I did get a hug or something at one point. I remember looking into his eyes. There were a lot of people around him, though, and the scene was a bit frenzied, so it felt like it was just hard to get full sentences out so that he'd understand. It was heartbreaking. It was like desperately trying to hang on to him, to make him listen, but not being allowed to. Oh, now I remember there was something like a dark green hanging train system running nearby. Weird.

So the next day in the hotel there were many people there, like a big class. We were sitting at tables or desks. But then it turned into a fan gathering. Michael was dead. We were all sad. Then someone started playing "Can You Feel It" over the speakers and we started to sing along. There was this belief that somehow, oh somehow, if we all sang it loud enough, with enough emotion, we might be able to bring Michael back, if only for a few seconds. We caught a few brief glimpses of wisps of something in the air like someone materializing, but then I felt horribly sad... we can't bring him back :cry:

Then I woke up... but at least I woke up to find that my "Forever" MJ t-shirt had arrived via DHL while I was sleeping. It looks great. At least something...
Had another dream about him the other night, but it was a horrible nightmare. Don't really feel like posting it unless people are really interested. The rest of the dreams have been good.
Had another dream about him the other night, but it was a horrible nightmare. Don't really feel like posting it unless people are really interested. The rest of the dreams have been good.
I'm always interested in dreams. But if it was really bad and you don't want to post it, that's ok too.
I'm always interested in dreams. But if it was really bad and you don't want to post it, that's ok too.

Hmm ok, I'll post it, just warning it's pretty horrible

I had a nightmare about Michael Jackson. I was with my mom at some park and we were watching kids go down a waterslide. I was talking about how I would never go on that thing. Then we were walking away and I was telling her how Michael Jackson had a dry slide like that at his Neverland Ranch. I started telling her how she should watch his private home movies because they're good. She knew Michael was a good man, but I wanted her to know even more about him. Then I was suddenly with Michael Jackson. The 1991 Michael with his red shirt. We were taking kids to a playground. We came across some goats and I said “Baa” at them. We got to the playground, but it didn't look like one at all. The slides, monkey bars, and other equipment had sharp edges or spikes. There was a barn we went in with weapons hanging. The whole place was like a butcher's shop. We knew it was a mistake taking the kids there. Then we saw that one of the kids was dead on the ground. Michael started running away crying and I followed him. We got into a building and Michael was pacing back and forth upset. I said, “What are we going to do Michael? What are we going to do?” He said, “I don't know. I don't know.” Then police had caught up with him saying how he wouldn't get away with it this time. This time he was being charged with murder. I was at the police station in what looked like a interrogation room. Michael was on his knees on the floor with his head bowed. I was trying to reason with the cops to Michael's defense saying like what motive could he have? Could a man like him really kill a child? Then the cop conjured up this crap story about how Michael's daughter was murdered and he would use this torture device on a kid to get him to talk about what happened to his daughter. I really couldn't bear to see anymore because it was so horrific and I didn't think it would come to a good end, so I woke up.
Hmm ok, I'll post it, just warning it's pretty horrible
:( Well that sucked. I've a few bad ones as well. I had a really bad one about two weeks ago about seeing, well, basically the autopsy. It was so horribly disturbing. Ugh. Well, here's wishing us all lots of good Michael dreams! :flowers:
Mine wasn't a dream.
I feel crazy for saying this, oh well.
Thursday night I got in bed. I said my prayers and whispered good night to Michael like I always do.
I swear someone or something kissed me on the lips. It was for just a split second.
My husband and I were facing away from each other so I know it wasn't him.
I saw a dream about Michael last night. He was still a little boy, about 8 years I think. And there was the whole Jackson family too. I'm not sure if I was a little kid on this dream too or not.

It was a sunny day and we were standing outside this huge, light blue mansion. Then this old lady comes to us and says we should play hide-and-seek inside the mansion.
Next thing I notice, I am standing upstears with Michael infront this huge window. We see the garden and the swimming pool from the window and Michael says "Come on, jump!" while laughing. Then we hear someone is coming from the stairs and Michael laughs again and says "Come on, we must hide!" and then takes my hand and we jump from the window to the pool.
Again, next thing I notice, all the rest of the kids are in the pool too. Everyone's laughing and having fun. I felt so happy. And then I woke up.

It was such a weird dream. I feel like I can't remember almost anything that happened, but still I get these small flashbacks.. I just wanted the dream to go on forever because I felt so happy in it :(
God, this morning I was dreaming that a bunch of us who had O2 MJ tickets were arrested and put in prison. For nothing. No one could explain why. (I guess that's a symbol for feeling like your life has been taken away, stuck in some place that sucks for who knows how long, etc). Then later I dreamt my husband needed a minor surgery and our dining room table had seemingly been used lately as an operating table. (Ummm, ok, lol.) So he was on the table asleep and I was nearby and had a small syringe. I just haphazardly measured up a random dose of milky white liquid (eh, that looks about right, sure) and injected it into the IV tube. Then I realized that the anesthesiologist wasn't there yet! Crap! I panicked and went to my husband, listening to breathing and heartbeat, thinking I may have just about killed him with Diprivan! Aghgh! He kept breathing. I watched every breath. Aggh!!! Then I realized the IV wasn't hooked up yet, so the stuff hadn't hit his bloodstream. Wheh! What the hell kind of dream is that? :bugeyed
Mine wasn't a dream.
I feel crazy for saying this, oh well.
Thursday night I got in bed. I said my prayers and whispered good night to Michael like I always do.
I swear someone or something kissed me on the lips. It was for just a split second.
My husband and I were facing away from each other so I know it wasn't him.
Nice :) Here'a a thread you might like if you haven't seen it yet... He Was There (Also a lot of similar things being shared in the 'Psychic Channels Michael' thread. I like that people are sharing these things. Doesn't sound crazy to me. But then consider the source, hmmmm... lol)