Dreams about MJ! (Merged)

Ahhhh, I envy all of you! Why do some of you can dream of him everynight! Nice read!

But the day when he passed, I dream that I was with him as a lawyer that creates a new identity for him so he can live a normal life. Only his close friends and family knows the secret that he fake his death! hahah! It was so nice to have him sitting just beside me, looking at the new identity I created for him and then I went to some autorities to approve the new identity and he bought a new house to live with his children!
God, this morning I was dreaming that a bunch of us who had O2 MJ tickets were arrested and put in prison. For nothing. No one could explain why. (I guess that's a symbol for feeling like your life has been taken away, stuck in some place that sucks for who knows how long, etc). Then later I dreamt my husband needed a minor surgery and our dining room table had seemingly been used lately as an operating table. (Ummm, ok, lol.) So he was on the table asleep and I was nearby and had a small syringe. I just haphazardly measured up a random dose of milky white liquid (eh, that looks about right, sure) and injected it into the IV tube. Then I realized that the anesthesiologist wasn't there yet! Crap! I panicked and went to my husband, listening to breathing and heartbeat, thinking I may have just about killed him with Diprivan! Aghgh! He kept breathing. I watched every breath. Aggh!!! Then I realized the IV wasn't hooked up yet, so the stuff hadn't hit his bloodstream. Wheh! What the hell kind of dream is that? :bugeyed

Woaha....That is a scary dream!!! I felt sorry for you, although I'd laughed while reading! Good thing it's just a dream!
This morning I dreamt that I went with my sister to a private cemetery near a small town north of L.A. We were basically sneaking in, since it was on a private road. Michael and 2 other famous people (??) were buried there. I had three pieces of paper, like cut out poems or quotes from newspapers/magazines that I wanted to leave on the graves. Michael's was the smallest... just one little scrap of paper that said something funny (can't remember what). It meant SO much for me to leave it there. But then there were two big grizzly bears in the area, so we had to get back in the car and decided we'd return the next afternoon when it was safer.

Well, Neverland was very close to this cemetery, sort of in the country but also sort of in the middle of the small town. We drove through the gates and down a winding dirt road (?) to the front of the main house (which looked nothing like Neverland for real, lol). Lights were on. We decided to get out of the car, thinking who knows, maybe we'd be lucky and get to go inside.

Sure enough. The door was open and a real estate agent was sitting inside at a desk that was set up in the main entrance area. He said he was just about to close up for the day, but we were welcome to look around. Neverland was being sold and the realty company had had an "open house" for potential buyers that day. He took us for such potential buyers ;) All the furniture and paintings and everything were back in the house, like everything had been restored to the way it used to be when Michael lived there. It was very touching for me. Then the real estate guy said, "Excuse me, Michael is actually on his way right now. He'll be here any minute." I almost passed out!

And then, moments later... the door opened and I saw a couple of adults with all three of MJ's kids and... in a red shirt and curls was Michael!!!! :wub: I can't explain how overwhelming and surreal and amazing this was in the dream and how I was struck by how gorgeous and real he was there in front of my eyes. So vivid! You how dreams can FEEL so intense. It was so weird that he was really here... just a person walking my direction. He was talking to people as he walked through the house, just casual and natural. For him it was just a normal day and for me it was... OMG... the day I was going to finally meet MJ!!!! He walked around a bit, pointing at furniture or whatever, talking about things in the house, slowly making his way back toward the area we were. Oh God, it was so real. And finally it happened... he said hello to me. :swoon:

I had to play it like I wasn't about to faint or fall to his feet or hug him and desperately profess my love, lol. I was a potential buyer of the property after all, lol. He started telling me about things in the house, like where he'd bought stuff and how it used to be and what had been changed, etc. I was trying to sound professional and calm. I kept thinking that I sounded like a moron because I was lost in this surreal moment, trying not to stare with a dumb smile on my face at his beautiful eyes, soaking in every hundredth of second I heard his voice. I barely even heard what was coming out of my own mouth I was so lost in this heavenly non-reality. It could have been anyone with me because it was so real, just some guy, but this guy was Michael.

And of course I had to freakin' WAKE UP at that point. Aghgh! Why??! I can't explain how amazing this was to me in the dream. Very much like I could imagine it would have really been. Something I'll never get to experience in this life :(
...I dreamt the other night Michael was my boss ... Lol!!!!!!

fully dressed up in sparkly jacket, curls and an armband! for a random office job!
then Billie Jean started playing and this girl infront of me started crying 'but the kid is not my son' and saying his gone his gone and Michael called her over and hugged her...

I really should stop reading up on MJ before i go bed! lol deary me, almost every night he pops up in some form! haha
Oh MJ was in my dream last night! It's been a long time since he last time was there, lol. And he was only in supporting role in this one, too.

So we were having a school play in our school and the parents were in the audience, MICHAEL among them. I was the host and the theme of our play was to find out who was the murderer.. so I was walking there in the audience and asking all kinds of stuff from the parents (it was part of the play to find out who was the murderer) and then I walked to Michael and asked something and he answered something BUT I can't remember what did I ask or what did he answer! I only remember that when he answered he did a masive wave with his hands while explaining that something he answered..
Oh MJ was in my dream last night! It's been a long time since he last time was there, lol. And he was only in supporting role in this one, too.

So we were having a school play in our school and the parents were in the audience, MICHAEL among them. I was the host and the theme of our play was to find out who was the murderer.. so I was walking there in the audience and asking all kinds of stuff from the parents (it was part of the play to find out who was the murderer) and then I walked to Michael and asked something and he answered something BUT I can't remember what did I ask or what did he answer! I only remember that when he answered he did a masive wave with his hands while explaining that something he answered..

Ahh that would be such an awesome dream! Wish you could remember what he said! :D

Heres mine (had it like last week):

Well, I had a bit of trouble sleeping. I went to bed at 2 and Im guessing I didnt fall asleep till about 3:30AM. I woke up at 9 because my alarm went off but I fell back asleep. Thats when I had my MJ dream.

I actually remember it extremely clearly. I was going to see 'Thriller Live' (the London Musical about Michaels life), after participating in something to do with it at school (I must have won a contest or something), but the weird thing was that I was going with MJ! We got the bus into London. Everybody on the bus didnt seem affected that MJ was on the bus because he apparently got that bus often. So we were just chilling out talking. We got to London and strolled to the theater together. We sat down as the show started. It wasnt the musical, but more of a Jackson/Jackson 5 compilation of performances spliced together into a film. This was really funny looking back to it in my head. Some of the clips include Jackson and his brothers performing Smooth Criminal (think 12-14 year old MJ). Another included Michael spinning down a ladder from the very top (I know it sounds so mental, but thats what happened). The show ended and I loved it. After chatting with MJ and getting the bus back home with him, I sadly left back home. I really wanted to keep talking to Michael. So the next day at school I was really depressed about it when the teacher organising the event I attended told me that it lasted for 3 weeks. I was supposed to be doing the same thing for 3 weeks in a row! With Michael! But because I didnt continue the next day, they got another kid to do the rest for me! I was SO upset!

I LOVED that dream so much. I know it sounds totally crazy but it was so random, I havent had such a clear MJ dream before (I wonder if its a sign?) :D

Ahh I want that dream again. Any Q's?

Tom :D
Had a dream this morning in which everywhere I went there was MJ somehow. I mean his music, MJ t-shirts, etc. We went by a shop that had just MJ stuff covering their windows. A news report said, "What's the hottest back to school craze this fall? Well... it's Michael Jackson." And they showed that all the kids were just crazy in love with Michael. White gloves, Beat It jackets, you name it. I saw Bad-era posters, kids holding up Off the Wall CDs, I heard TDCAU playing. It was great :yes: (Well, great except for the fact that Michael himself wasn't around... ~sigh~ ... ~cry~...)
I didn't dream about Michael at all after he passed...but the last couple of days I have had some really strange dreams....I can't remember all the details which REALLY irritates me :(

The dreams are packed full of stuff and everything is happening really really fast...

Sorry if this sounds jumbled but what I remember is: Michael and the kids at my house ( nobody would ever think he was in my area lol so no paps) we had a small car crash outside, we were going to the newsagent to get some magazines, a really really steep hill....Michael didn't smile at all :( ....he kissed me goodbye...man that was the most vivid part...I could honestly feel his mouth on mine ( it was only a peck, don't worry lol)..it was so real

Then last night: Bad tour, in my frontroom...Michael was in a hurry...lot's of lights, me just sitting there thinking wtf....lost my ticket to the history tour... 'invincible' Michael with straight hair...I couldn't hear him...loads of other noise everywhere blocking my head...I wanted to hear him but I couldn't. I went to the supermarket and when I came back he was gone....Everything was going at 100 miles an hour

Cookies if you read that...blimey I sound nuts...I wish I could just have a clear dream though

I wonder why all my dreams were so 'fast' :thinking: normally they are not hurried and that way I can remember everything
This is the latest dream I had. Michael wasn't the central focus, but it was still amazing and powerful.

I dreamed that God allowed me to see Heaven while I was alive. I was also with another person, but I don't remember who it was. Heaven was really quite beautiful, but also ordinary. It still pretty much looked like earth, the difference being you can literally have anything you want by thinking about it, and everything goes your way. MJ was there. It looked like he was doing his “Jam” video. I talked to him, but I don't remember what we talked about. I also asked God a lot of questions about Heaven and He told me everything I would ever want to know. He looked just like an ordinary middle aged man, but sometimes He wasn't always there. He didn't have to be present in “physical” human form to talk to me. I asked him about my Grandma (who had died in real life two years ago.) He said she was on some Latin America vacation right now. He also showed me Hell and told me that people go there when they hadn't forgiven themselves for things they had done while they were alive. Hell looked pretty stereotypical with fire and torture and everything. God said that once they had forgiven themselves though they are able to leave.

Just reminds me that my grandma and Michael are ok. :)
I asked him about my Grandma (who had died in real life two years ago.) He said she was on some Latin America vacation right now.
LOLOL. Sorry, that struck me as funny. Hope she's having some margaritas for us all ;) The rest of the dream was really nice, wow.

I didn't dream about Michael at all after he passed...but the last couple of days I have had some really strange dreams....I can't remember all the details which REALLY irritates me :(

The dreams are packed full of stuff and everything is happening really really fast...

Sorry if this sounds jumbled but what I remember is: Michael and the kids at my house ( nobody would ever think he was in my area lol so no paps) we had a small car crash outside, we were going to the newsagent to get some magazines, a really really steep hill....Michael didn't smile at all :( ....he kissed me goodbye...man that was the most vivid part...I could honestly feel his mouth on mine ( it was only a peck, don't worry lol)..it was so real

Then last night: Bad tour, in my frontroom...Michael was in a hurry...lot's of lights, me just sitting there thinking wtf....lost my ticket to the history tour... 'invincible' Michael with straight hair...I couldn't hear him...loads of other noise everywhere blocking my head...I wanted to hear him but I couldn't. I went to the supermarket and when I came back he was gone....Everything was going at 100 miles an hour

Cookies if you read that...blimey I sound nuts...I wish I could just have a clear dream though

I wonder why all my dreams were so 'fast' :thinking: normally they are not hurried and that way I can remember everything
I have time periods like that as well. I've always had very vivid dreams and usually remember them fairly well, but I go through these weird times when it's like dreams on speed or something. Like being plugged into an internet connection and only getting crazy pieces of info flying by. I hate that. Love the kiss part. I can't help but wonder if dream moments like that are just deep wish fulfillment or some glorious moment of contact with the other side :angel:
I had this nice dream about him last night

I was at a school once again. The class was over and it seemed like it was taking forever to get my stuff together in my backpack. It took so long that another class began to start. A teacher was sitting at a desk by the front wall near the door. I was on my way out, when he talks about Michael Jackson coming in. Then I see Michael coming in through the door. I started backing up back towards my desk. I knew that Michael was coming to our school, but I didn't know it would be this soon. My heart was fluttering with excitement. I decided to stay in the class and just stand there by my desk. Michael went to the front of the class and started talking. Strangely, no one seemed to be as excited as I was. Once again he looked as he did in recent years. He had a black suit, sunglasses, and straightened hair. He was talking about some crafts he did with his kids. Then the teacher spoke up and asked the students “How many of you are new to this class?” I saw several people raised their hands. I didn't raise mine because it wasn't my class. Then the teacher said we would play a getting to know each other game. So people started pairing off and I saw Michael went right up to me. He faced me, spread his arms out, smiled and said “Hi.” Then I gave him a hug. Then I unfortunately woke up so I tried to get back to sleep and continue the dream and it sort of did. He told me about things he liked to eat and then he showed me one of his mansions, but I can't remember much else.
I still dream about Michael in some way or another every night. This is getting weird. But then, he's on my mind all day long, so maybe not so weird. Sometimes I just hear his music or think about him in the dream, but he's always there somehow. Most of the dreams lately haven't been coherent enough to share, though. Wish I could remember them better. A couple of snippets:

Friday morning I was in some camp with a lot of others (like taking classes? there was a really cool meditation place in a forest shack as well... that was nice). Nearby was a busy market square. I had decided I wanted to go home from this camp, but then remembered I had an MJ karaoke tape with me and wanted to see everyone enjoying his music, like for something secretly fun to amuse myself, lol. The square was especially busy this afternoon so I put the music on and everyone (camp attendees, shoppers, etc) were dancing around and singing Billie Jean, all excited and enjoying themselves. I secretly smiled ;)

This morning I saw some type of weird concert or rehearsal in an arena or theater. A mother and kid(s?) were sitting at a breakfast table placed in the middle of the stage. Behind them was a huge LED screen/wall. On the screen appeared a "television" behind them (I mean the whole screen was blank except for a TV-sized spot that made it appear like a TV was there behind the dining table). A new version of the Scream video played on this "TV" (that looked a lot like the Black or White video) and I could see Michael there on the screen :) Then at the part (in Black or White) when he's pushing his way through the flames and stuff he walked through the flames and OUT OF THE SCREEN and then was there in person on the stage! I was amazed at the effect of him walking out of the screen. It was so well done, looked so real. I thought, wow, they did a great job on that! Then I got sad, thinking this was something he'd wanted us to see at the O2 and now we'd never see it for real :(
i couldnt believe it i FINALLY had a dream about MJ long after his death.

I was going to his concert but it was strange. he was performing on the rooftop of some building. Well when i got close enough to the building i felt a water balloon hit me Well i knew who it was and after that i was invited up to meet him. I wasn't the person he was aiming at and he wanted to apologize. Well when he learned i was there for the concert he let me stay and watch with his family. It was fun. Different.
LOL. "Michael!" *splat with a water balloon* :lmao: Cute.
lol i was hit before i knew it was Michael lol.
Oh ok, lol. Either way it was funny, lol :splat:!:punk: I'll have to remember that in dreams in the future. If I ever get hit with a water balloon, Michael may be closeby!
Here's my dream from last night. Michael wasn't prominent in this dream...well just in the first part, but this is the first time his music was prominent in my dream

In the first part I'm in my bed and I see Michael Jackson dancing in front of me. He dances to “Billie Jean” and “Remember the Time” and one other song I don't remember. He does it twice.

In the second part I'm in a movie theater with a bunch of people. The movie comes on and I recognize the music in the beginning. It's the song “Give in to Me.” This seems to stir some people when they recognized the Michael Jackson music. I overheard one lady saying that he directed the movie, which explained why the music was there. I also overheard another person saying that Michael died just before a “Bad” musical got released. Then people started getting up. We all seemed to be in a department store. I guess that's where the movie was showing. There was a large crowd of people and at the front a guy was saying “We need to get more people. We need to get a lot of people.” Apparently he wanted to start a tribute dance for Michael. A small group of people went off and started doing the “Thriller” dance. I didn't really join in because I didn't know how to do it. But then I had to go to the bathroom and I wanted to get back before the movie was over. So I went to another store to find a bathroom and I came back. Two groups of people had linked arms and were just skipping around and I joined in with them. That was it.
oh !!!!i guess this might not be the first time i dreamed of him,but it is the first one i can remember so clearly and i "meet" him face to face instead of those his news dream,i mean,i can approach him in my dream
but actually its kinda weird......(maybe has something to do with the thread i saw about a magazine"make up"??link:http://makeupmag.com/article/id/624/ )
i was just beside him,he was dead,his body still looked alive.....and the make-up stylists said"he looks so fine,he is pink "

OMG ......crazy dream.....
You all are going to hate me for posting this dream.


It was set in August 2009, two months after Michael's death. Police officers were still investigating the cause of Michael's death. They were all at a restaurant, and they were talking about how some of them ad been told to stop investigating Michael's death and to move on to new cases. They were trying to persuade the police officers working on Michael's death case to give up on it. One of the police officers said, "I'm trying to find a way to give up on the case." The men then brought up the 1993 case, and they said that, "If we find new allegations of molestations against Michael, maybe we will abandon his death investigation."

My dream then changed and suddenly the police officers were at a woman's house. They had a search warrant and they were searching because, apparently, she had claimed that Michael had molested her child. I was there, invisible, and I had moved closer to the police officers and the mom because they were talking. It turned out that they were discussing how much money that the police would give the mom and her child because she had come out with the allegations! Apparently, she would also get money from Michael's assets! By now, the whole public knew about the child molestation case and because of the molestation case, the death case was closed!

The dream implied an inner conspiracy to make Michael look bad.
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I had just woken up from this sad MJ dream.

I was in the same room with Michael where he was giving his last tv interview. He had looked so good in that interview. He even dance and sing a little during that interview. He was just so very happy when he was started to talk about how much he had loved being a father. And that brought tears to my eyes as well as to Michael's eyes because we both knew this was going to be his last tv interview ever. He had made a very sad tearful goodbye message to his fans. Then he went over to me and he just held me tightly in his arms as I was crying uncontrollaby (Sp?). I was married to Michael in this dream. That was why I was with him.
Michael's message through the dream

Sorry if posted in wrong thread.

My friend saw a vivid dream tonight, she allowed me to share it with you.

Michael head was surrounded by golden light. His hair were curly and long, falling on his shoulders. His body was veiled by white light.

Just though that in the middle of gloom and doom you might want to know it.
Re: Michael's message through the dream

Thank you for sharing the dream that is comforting.

I've dreamt of michael for 17 years. The last time I dreamt of him was about a month ago. I dreamt I was able to get close to him in a hotel lobby, there were photographers and fans but I Maas easily able to get a one to one photo with michael, I even asked if I can put my hand around him and he obliged. There were photographers takingour photo and a video cameraman at a distance filming us.

Michael looked really happy and seemed to have slimy stuff in his hair he seemed to have come from far and was dressed up in the outfit I last saw him in walker this year in London at his hotel when he was waving at us.

I strongly believe that michael came in my dream for the very last time because I always wanted to have a photo with michael.

I've had many michael adventures in the past 17 years including when I gave him my card in the lobby of the Carlton hotel in London 2007 and was asking for a photo with him. Check out my Carlton hotel michael footage that I filmed in 2007 www.youtube.com/number1eaglestar

RIP Michael
Re: Michael's message through the dream

Thanks for this. So many of us are dreaming about Michael now more than ever. I guess his spirit wants to give us comfort...
This morning I dreamt my husband and I were together in the downstairs hallway of a large building (maybe like a hotel). There was a little "room" off of this hallway where the elevator was. We looked in there and saw Michael, dressed in dark clothing with a black surgical mask across his face and curls, no hat or sunglasses. Standing next to him was Frank Dileo. There was a short line of about 8 adoring and nearly-hysterical (lol) young women in front of him. They each got to hug him in turn and then were gone (I guess back upstairs in the elevator). Michael had never even looked our way, so was unaware of us a few feet away.

Then Frank and Michael walked toward the elevators to leave and I caught Frank's eye. I felt bad, not wanting to impose myself on Michael at all, but I kind of motioned to him like "can I meet Michael, say hi, something?" He somehow told me personally, "No. These girls were chosen from a long line of people upstairs. Only the ones we picked were allowed to come down here and hug Michael." Hmph. I didn't even know there was a line upstairs! (Whine!) I felt disappointed, but figured at least we'd seen Michael, been close to him here. That was really something :) And I really didn't want to be bothering or pressuring him.

Then suddenly, as they waited for the elevator, Michael turned around and motioned "come here" to me. OMG, really?! I went to him and he immediately pulled me into his arms into this wonderful hug that just felt soooo calm and nice and lasted longer than I'd expected. I said quietly to him, with my head alongside his, "I love you so much." Then the hug was over, but he held my hand for a few seconds as we pulled away from each other. I looked into his eyes and said, "Thank you, thank you." He nodded to me sweetly. [Don't know if my hubby also got a hug, lol. Hope so. He always misses out on all the MJ dreams, poor guy.]
I had a weird dream about MJ and tattoos.
FIRST MJ dream since he passed and I find it TOO weird I used to dream about him every week when he was alive!! what happened?? anyway,

he was performing! and it was on a boat..I was kinda "backstage" or where he would have dressed up for the concert.. it was kinda a kitchen /dressing room..
I was standing there looking at MJ performing through this round window like they have on boats..everything was WHITE! everywhere! and MJ was in a white suit like the 30th anniversary special. but he had curls.
he then just stopped, looked at me and pointed. he stopped the whole show and he came backstage to me! I was in SHOCK because in my dream MJ was still my hero..idol.inspiration.my love!
but it felt so real and I was so calm. so he came backstage to where I was and he said to me,(i remember every word)
I am looking for the BEST tattooist there is. I am a perfectionist,ok? I want nothing but the best and I heard you have tattoos! one on your back and one on ur hip which is a tattoo of me. can I see it?
I was all, OMG! yes of course, and I showed him my tattoos (the ones I actually have!) one on my back in a memory of my best friend, and my MJ tattoo on my hip. when MJ saw the one on my back he said: yes, he is the one. call him! I want that tattooist. I love it. I felt so proud:) and then he asked me if he could touch the one on my hip hahaha!! and I said OF COURSE!!!! and he did..

on the end of the dream I was sitting close to MJ with our arms around eachother looking at rare MJ photos from back in the days which he wanted to show me! he showed me ALOT of rare memoribilia! and the photos was attached to crystals! it was BEAUTIFUL!!!

then I woke up..

I know it's weird.
This morning I had a dream that we were on our way to pick up tickets to see something about Michael, like a concert or something. It was seemingly Halloween because people were in costumes. (Not that they dress up around here, so I must've been back home in the US.) When I woke up I immediately thought about the TII film that's supposed to be out at the end of October. Before that, earlier in the morning I was dreaming that there was some special video message from Michael either to the world in general or just to his fans. It was something recently discovered and everyone was surprised. Wish I could remember what he said.