fav movies of MJ's


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Does anyone know the kinda movied M likes to watch?
What are his favorites? Does he like Beverly Hills cop and rush hour? -well has he ever said he did?
He liked An American Wearwolf In London i have it on DVD its a good film
'To Kill A Mockingbird' staring Gregory Peck....'Captains Courageous' staring Spencer Tracy (both black/white films) any Charlie Chaplain films, those few are definite favorites of Michaels oh! and 'The Wizard of Oz' and Walt Disney films. He likes the older films like 'On Golden Pond' staring Katherine Hepbern and it was said in private home movies that he loved 'White Cliffs of Dover' staring Elizabeth Taylor. I guess you could add 'Men in Black'....'Rush hour' films lol. I would imagine Michael loves loads of films but I know that the first few I mentioned are definite favourites of his.
what i want to know is his opinion on Disney movies today...the fact that they all seem to be Pixar now unless they are sequals. there's hardly anymore proof that the old technicolor skill ever existed. Personally i don't like where the entire Disney company is headed..and knowing that he's a big Disney fan i wonder what he thinks of it.....

eitherway.... i know he loves the classic disney movies...i can imagine him really loving Fantasia...combining the "silent film" feel of it, with Disney and it's all set to classical music. seems very MICHAELISH hehe.